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湖南永郡联立濂溪中学是如今道县一中的前身,1913年创办,由东安旅省垣任公职者雷铸寰所倡导,联合任官、经商等旅居长沙的永郡老八县绅士,为纪念理学鼻祖周敦颐,培育家乡居学子,共同捐资创建.私立濂溪中学历史悠久,抗战前有校刊《濂溪学生》.此刊由该校学生自治会编辑,秉承着"公诚朴实"的校训,收录本校学生的创作,虽然编法与内容...  相似文献   

【文题原创】 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。 打牌是人们在旅途中喜爱的一种消遣方式,无论是在列车上还是在候车室里,几个人凑在一块,摊开一副扑克牌,  相似文献   

本期主题:热点素材,须做个性化处理导语很多同学考前会关注热点素材,譬如日本核泄漏、国内闹盐荒、瘦肉精事件、染色馒头事件、利比亚战争、中东之乱、天宫一号等。考试时以这些素材入文,确实能增添作文的时代气息,增添内容的新鲜感,让阅卷老师觉得你是一个既读圣贤书,也闻窗外事的少年。但这些素材一般不宜直接拿来,首  相似文献   

李莉 《教师》2013,(1):41-41
第一次见到张丈质先生是在湖南省湘潭市第一中学的礼堂里听他的报告。对于这位非常有名的学者,见到他之前,我猜想他一定是白发苍苍.见后其实不然,他很是年轻.但给人的第一感觉义是那么的随和。他的生命化教育从人性的需求层面阐释教育.迅速吸引了我。让进入职业倦怠期的我越听越激动.我第一次感到原来我所从事的事业可以那么美好,对他人是那么重要。  相似文献   

冯伟,男,1970年出生,本科学历,中共党员,中学高级教师,湖南省教育学会理事,岳阳市高考核心小组成员,现任教于湖南省湘阴县第一中学。从教18年来,他一直默默耕耘在高中教学第一线,甘于清贫,乐于奉献,敬业爱岗,严谨治学。他用爱心、微笑、激情去教学,让学生在快乐中学习,张扬个性,发展能力;  相似文献   

本期主题:"真文化"还是"伪文化"导语文化作文时髦有好些年了,以前,我们只要一看到能这么写的,肯定打高分,你看,题材多有文化气息啊,表达多典雅脱俗啊。现在,我们的看法变化了,因为我们发现好多(估计有80%)文化作文的作者其实是投  相似文献   

"新华网"长沙2009年12月8日电(记者苏晓洲):7日晚,湖南省湘潭市辖内的湘乡市私立育才中学发生一起伤亡惨重的校园踩踏事件,已造成8人遇难、26人受伤.  相似文献   

对孩子们来说,校园是快乐、安全的家园,可是,校园不安全的事故却时有发生。1月17日,北京一家私人开办的“阳光乐园”托儿所起火,两间房屋坍塌,一名女童不幸身亡。此前,湖南省湘潭市辖内的湘乡市私立育才中学发生一起伤亡惨重的校园踩踏事件,8人罹难,26人受伤。  相似文献   

On good writing     
1. ON PHILOSOPHICAL STYLE. By Brand Blanshard. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1954; pp. 69. $1.00.

2. THE MAGIC OF WORDS. By The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Birkett. London: Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford University Press, 1953. pp. 15. 2s net.

3. GUIDE FOR AIR FORCE WRITING, Air Force Manual 11–3. By the Department of the Air Force. Washington, D. C: 1954; pp. 133. (For use by USAF officers and Air Force ROTC cadets; not sold publicly.)

4. HOW TO MAKE SENSE. By Rudolf Flesch. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954; PP‐ 202‐ $2.75.

5. PLAIN WORDS: THEIR ABC. By Sir Ernest Gowers. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1954; pp. vii+298+viii. $2.50.

6. The essays on Language, Rhetoric, Sign and Symbol in GREAT BOOKS OF THE WESTERN WORLD. In vols. 2 and 3 of 54 vols. Edited by Robert M. Hutchins. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1952‐

7. GROWTH AND STRUCTURE OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. By Otto Jespersen. Ninth Edition. Garden City, New York: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1955; pp. vi+274. $0.95.

8. KNOW YOUR READER: THE SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO READABILITY. By George R. Klare and Byron Buck. New York: Hermitage House, 1954; pp. 191. $2–95‐

9. RECURRENT MALADIES IN SCHOLARLY WRITING. By Eugene S. McCartney. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1953; PP‐ xi+141. $2.50.

10. THE CONCISE USAGE AND ABUSAGE. By Eric Partridge. New York: Philosophical Library, 1954; pp. ix+219. $3.50.

11. ASPECTS OF READABILITY IN THE SOCIAL STUDIES. By Eleanor M. Peterson, Ph.D. New York: Bureau of Publications, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1954; PP‐ ix+118. $3.50.  相似文献   

说明:翻检归箧,发现陈新同志的许多来信,重读一遍,觉得信笺虽旧,但新意犹存;加之是个人间的通信,不加讳饰,直言而谈,真切可信.因此,抄出若干,点缀学术.陈新同志是人民文学出版社编审,长于古籍整理,为<全宋诗>主编之一.1972年12月,应人民文学出版社古典文学编辑室之邀,我和谈凤梁、吴锦,代表南京师院中文系<儒林外史>整理小组去北京定稿,该书责任编辑便是陈新,于是订交来往,莫逆于心.  相似文献   

In the following three excerpts from his 1985 Achieving Educational Excellence: A Critical Assessment of Priorities and Practices in Higher Education, reprinted by permission of Jossey‐Bass Publishers, Alexander W. Astin describes and critiques four traditional conceptions of educational excellence, explains and defends the talent development approach that he espouses, and presents his conception of educational equity. Charles S. Adams comments on Astin's book in this issue's Reviews.  相似文献   

本文着重对《论写作》一书提出的以下观点进行了评论:高校开设写作课的必要性、写作是科学技术转化为生产力的重要媒介、写作教材要突出不同学校的特点、写作教学重在培养能力,面向实用。  相似文献   

Wikipedia is an open educational resource that connects writers and editors to diverse discourse communities around the world. Unwarranted stigma is attached to the use of Wikipedia in higher education due to fears that students will not pursue rigorous research practices because of the easy access to information that Wikipedia facilitates. In studies referred to in this paper, undergraduate writing students are taught about the need to interrogate any information they find on Wikipedia just as they would other online source material. They are inducted into fact checking, editing and creating Wikipedia articles as a means to analyse source material critically and to advance their research, writing and digital literacy. Meanwhile, in a postgraduate course in magazine studies, instead of writing essays, students are promoting Australian magazines and print culture by writing Wikipedia entries about Antipodean magazines and their editors. These courses experiment with new approaches to formative and summative assessment; promote group research, collaborative and participatory writing, writing across networks and negotiating discourse communities; and challenge students’ perceptions about peer review and the legitimacy of Wikipedia.  相似文献   

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