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What has been the role of educational testing in Hungarian education? How are the political changes in the country expected to affect testing in the future?  相似文献   

This article reviews four interrelated approaches to reducing an inequitable gap in cognitive and educational test scores between individuals of a dominant culture and individuals of other cultures or subcultures. These approaches include (a) use of broader measures, (b) performance- and project-based assessments, (c) direct measurement of knowledge and skills relevant to environmental adaptation, and (d) dynamic assessment. It is concluded that when appropriate assessment is done that recognizes students’ diverse cultural and social backgrounds, equity can increase, predictive validity of cognitive and educational tests can increase, and at the same time, racial/ethnic/culture differences can decrease.  相似文献   

在21世纪过去的20年间,教育测试在教育体制评估、国家人才选拔、优化教育资源及促进个人机会等方面发挥了巨大的作用,同时也经历了很大的变化。基于美国标准化测试的发展变化,提出教育测试的五大国际趋势:1)教育形式的变化促使教育测量从一次性转化为连续性;2)对教育成功认识的转变促使测试内容有新拓展;3)个性化学习对测试提出灵活性的需求;4)人工智能的发展给教育测试带来新的机遇和挑战;5)教育公平的考量对教育测试提出新要求。  相似文献   

我国教育考试正面临严峻考验。分析我国教育考试法治的缺陷,从公平公正平等的理念出发,需要从立法、执法、司法等方面来规范我国的教育考试,以促进我国的教育考试迈上法治化道路。  相似文献   

数据的相关性分析是考试数据统计的一个重要方面,本文以Cronbachα信度系数和Pearson相关系数为理论基础,对组成试卷的各测试子目标之间以及各测试子目标与试卷总体测试目标之间的相关性作了分析,指出了该方法具体运用的可行性以及实际应用时需要注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

What are the similarities and differences among the testing practices and tests that have been described in the preceding articles? How do the situations in these countries compare to what we are experiencing in the US.?  相似文献   

《国家教育考试法》:落实考试权的宪法保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家考试立法不完善,是考试权难以得到有效保护的重要原因。从宪法之制约国家权力、保障公民权利的视角看,应强调对国家考试权力与公民考试权利的平等保护。就教育考试方面说,落实完法所隐含的考试权的途径是制定《国家教育考试法》,对考试权的地位、法律责任、权利救济等给予明确规定。  相似文献   

Implications of Evidence-Centered Design for Educational Testing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evidence-centered assessment design (ECD) provides language, concepts, and knowledge representations for designing and delivering educational assessments, all organized around the evidentiary argument an assessment is meant to embody. This article describes ECD in terms of layers for analyzing domains, laying out arguments, creating schemas for operational elements such as tasks and measurement models, implementing the assessment, and carrying out the operational processes. We argue that this framework helps designers take advantage of developments from measurement, technology, cognitive psychology, and learning in the domains. Examples of ECD tools and applications are drawn from the Principled Assessment Design for Inquiry (PADI) project. Attention is given to implications for large-scale tests such as state accountability measures, with a special eye for computer-based simulation tasks.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,波兰同时进行了自下而上(1992-1997)、双向(1992-1997)和自上而下(1995-1997)三种教育改革传播模式试验,这在世界教育发展史是不多见的。它有利于在同一时期同一文化背景横向地比较三种教育改革传播模式的特点,同时也给世界教育改革以重要启示。  相似文献   

In this study we examined the degree of variation in the accuracy of classifying student performance to proficiency-level scores with changes in the number of proficiency levels and the measurement accuracy. Furthermore, we examined the degree to which the classification accuracy varies across different ability levels given different numbers of proficiency levels based on the same test and the same set of cut-scores. The results of the study based on simulations indicate that the classification accuracy decreased, on average, by 10% for an increase of 1 proficiency level, 20% for an increase of 2 proficiency levels, and 20% to 30% for an increase of 3 proficiency levels. In addition, classification accuracy varied 10% to 20% for tests with reliabilities that ranged between 0.70 and 0.93. The findings regarding the variability of classification accuracy for different score ranges point to serious limitations of interpretability of single indexes that are intended to represent classification accuracy. Suggestions are made for estimating classification accuracy for critical score ranges.  相似文献   

效度是开发、运作和评价考试时所需考虑的一项最为基础和重要的内容,效度验证则是收集证据为分数解释提供支持的过程,是评价考试质量的重要手段。然而,在考试研究的具体实践中,效度验证远未得到应有的重视。因此,有必要正确认识效度验证的意义、内容和方法。  相似文献   

中国教育考试在十四五期间应在研发不同用途的教育测评、将学习轨迹追踪和高风险考试相结合、拓展人工智能技术的应用3个方面着力。为推动中国测试品牌走向世界,应注重培养跨学科复合型测试人才,积极鼓励和扶持民间测试机构参与发展测试行业,制定适合中国国情的测试标准。  相似文献   

Changes in assessment policy have increased standardized testing at provincial, national, and international levels, introduced testing at more grade levels, increased the reporting of test results, and attached more significance to those results. Advocates claim that testing will result in greater accountability in education. The research demonstrates that standardized testing has a negative impact on students, perpetuating and intensifying educational inequity through test bias and the misuse of test scores. Test results are increasingly being used to analyse policy, program, school, and teacher success, and they are being inappropriately used as "educational gatekeepers" to make important decisions about students, teachers, schools, and school systems. This paper focuses on how standardized testing is becoming the mechanism that facilitates many questionable education practices that contribute to educational inequity.  相似文献   

本文介绍了几种基本的考试类型及其划分的依据,以其中标准参照下的总结性考试为主要对象,给出了评价试卷质量的难度、区分度、信度、效度等概念、计算公式及其相互关系,最后设计了试卷质量综合评价测算表。  相似文献   

教育考试招生工作历来被社会广泛关注,而其突发事件更是公众关注的焦点。做好突发事件舆情的有效应对,不仅有利于突发事件的妥善处理,也有利于考试机构公信力的维护。  相似文献   

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