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目前,韩国社会经受着前所未有的“青年失业问题”。人们的目光都集中在就业率较高的专科大学上,因为2001年韩国四年制大学毕业生的就业率仅为56.7%,而专科大学平均就业率则高达81%,且呈现出逐年上涨的趋势(1999年为68.1%、2000年为79.4%)。  相似文献   

本研究使用中国综合社会调查CGSS2008年数据探讨了农村籍大学毕业生与城市籍大学毕业生就业获得差异。研究发现:(1)更高比例城市籍毕业生进入党政机关以及主管单位为中央/省级的单位工作。2000年之后,城市籍毕业生选择自雇的比例显著高于农村籍毕业生;(2)绝大多数城市籍和农村籍毕业生选择在城市特别是大城市就业,选择去乡镇、农村就业的比例越来越少,但是选择回农村或乡镇就业的农村籍毕业生比例高于城市籍毕业生;(3)2000级以前,农村籍毕业生全年职业收入高于城市籍毕业生。但是2000级以后,城市籍毕业生全年职业收入超过了农村籍大毕业生;(4)农村籍毕业生与城市籍毕业生在劳动合同签订、养老保险和医疗保险等工作保障上没有显著差异。本研究还进一步分析了造成农村籍毕业生和城市籍毕业生就业获得差异的原因,发现社会资本(特别是先赋社会资本)以及人力资本差异(毕业于不同层次大学)是造成两者就业获得差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

作为一个即将走入社会的大学毕业生,正面临着人生中最大或最重要的选择之一——职业选择。就业不仅仅是对职业的选择,也是个人对将来人生道路和生存方式的选择。本主要对大学毕业生在应聘求职过程中应具备的心理素质进行了分析,其目的在于对大学毕业生顺利就业择业有所帮助指导。  相似文献   

世界知名咨询顾问公司——麦肯锡公司在对50多个国家的学校教育系统进行研究分析后发现,新加坡、芬兰、韩国等拥有优秀教育系统的国家,其师资全部来源于成绩最好的大学毕业生。麦肯锡公司据此发表了一篇有关美国教育改革政策建议报告——《缩小人才差距:吸引并留住成绩名列前1/3的大学毕业生担任教师》。  相似文献   

“到2015年,韩国的大学毕业生失业人数预计将达到约55万人”。这是韩国国家经济发展咨询委员会3月5日公布的情况。该咨询委员会主席在报告中提到:“在 2005年到2015年间,韩国预计会有579万名大专以上学历的毕业生涌入就业市场,而能为这些毕业生提供的新的工作机会却只有 524万。”  相似文献   

2008年度韩国国家科研预算超过10万亿韩元;八成外国留学生对在法留学生活满意;韩国大学生年均就业培训费用超过2000美元;美国著名大学亚裔学生比例远远超过人口比例;英国1/3的大学毕业生用非所学;  相似文献   

在我国大学毕业生分配制度改革不断深入的情况下,加强对毕业生择业心态的分析研究,搞好毕业生择业观教育,使广大毕业生在国家经济建设改革的大潮中,更好地选择自己的成功之路。  相似文献   

近年来,高校毕业生“慢就业”现象日渐凸显。家长作为孩子人生的重要关系人,其所持的子女就业观是影响孩子大学本科毕业去向选择的重要因素之一。本课题组以当前大学毕业生“慢就业”的社会现象为研究背景,选取大学毕业生家长作为调研对象,透过家长对大学生子女的毕业去向的期待和去向选择影响的调研,分析当下大学毕业生家长所持的就业观念与大学生“慢就业”选择现象蔓延之间的关系。  相似文献   

大学毕业生求职渠道选择及其影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
求职渠道是获得工作的具体方式和途径。随着改革开放不断深入和社会经济迅速发展,正式渠道和非正式渠道已成为个体求职的两条主要渠道。在已有研究的基础上,本文把大学毕业生求职过程划分为信息收集与求职进行两个阶段,基于问卷调查所得数据,采用描述性统计和Logistic回归方法,对大学毕业生不同求职阶段的求职渠道选择及其影响因素进行了实证研究。实证结果表明,不同求职阶段大学毕业生求职渠道选择变化不大,不同求职阶段大学毕业生求职渠道选择的影响因素基本相同,但相同因素的回归系数和显著性程度在不同求职阶段存在较大的差异。  相似文献   

基于“全国高校毕业生就业状况抽样调查”数据,从具有哪些特征的毕业生会选择教师职业、什么动机促使毕业生选择教师职业两个方面进行分性别的实证分析。结果表明,男性大学毕业生选择教师职业的概率显著低于女性;选择教师职业的男性和女性存在一定的特征差异。薪酬和就业选择方面,选择教师职业的毕业生起薪低于选择其他职业的毕业生,选择教师职业的毕业生在中西部地区就业的概率更高。教师与其他职业的职业收入差距在男性毕业生群体中更加显著。选择教师职业的女性更注重职业符合兴趣爱好、职业稳定性以及为他人和社会服务,也更容易对所选工作的稳定性、社会地位以及工作的独立自主性感到满意。给定个人特征和家庭背景,选择教师职业的毕业生群体内部不存在显著的性别工资差距。  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of the recent increase in older students at Korean universities dominated by younger students. A case study design is used to gain an in-depth understanding of experiences of older students in a Korean university. Semi-structured interviews of twelve older students, three professors, two administrators, and four younger students at the university were conducted for the date collection. The results suggest that the experiences of Korean older students differed from those of counterparts in western countries since academic and extracurricular services of Korean universities were geared towards younger students and thus were unhelpful for older students with multiple responsibilities at work and home. Also, the results show that traditional hierarchical relationships between younger and older students created strains for older students who had to rely heavily on younger counterparts. This study's findings highlight the crucial roles of higher education systems and culture in the experiences of older Asian students.  相似文献   

韩国大学招生经历了大学单独考试、大学入学预备考试、大学入学学力考查、大学修学能力考试、考试分数等级与中学手册等综合评定录取等一系列自主招生改革.在统一高考的基础上,由政府调控和监督,各大学采取灵活多样的自主招生录取办法.韩国大学自主招生制度经过多次改革更加科学完善,体现出多样化、综合化等特征,高等院校充分享有大学招生的自主权,十分有利于学生个性发展和中学素质教育.大学自主招生改革正在为韩国高等教育的跨越式发展起着积极的作用,也为中国高校自主招生改革提供了很好的借鉴.  相似文献   

Stephanie K. Kim 《Compare》2016,46(1):116-135
Under the slogan of internationalisation, Korean universities have opened international colleges as a way to better attract and accommodate foreign students. However, due to a lack of foreign student recruiting capability, the majority of the students who enrol at one such international college are not foreign, but Korean. Contradictions arise when the English-language medium enforced by the foreign faculty members of the college conflicts with the linguistic practices of the mostly Korean student body. This article uses an international college in South Korea as a case study for the examination of the role of English on student life at Asian universities pursuing internationalisation strategies via the recruitment of foreign faculty members. Paradoxically, by establishing an international college that aggressively enforces the English language medium, the Korean university has created an environment where students avoid using English at all.  相似文献   

在高校思想政治理论课教学和思想政治工作中用马克思主义中国化最新理论成果教育大学生.引领大学生树立正确的世界观和信仰观;在高校的教育教学活动中用中国特色社会主义共同理想来凝聚大学生。引领大学生形成正确的理想信念;在课内外的教育教学活动中用民族精神和时代精神来激励大学生.引领大学生形成自强不息、勇于拼搏的精神状态;在高校德育中用社会主义荣辱观来提升大学生思想道德修养.引领大学生形成健全的人格和高尚情操。  相似文献   

This paper describes two studies that explore students' beliefs about critical and creative learning at two universities, and considers the implications of those beliefs in comparison to the universities' stated education goals. One is a mixed method study of students at a top university in Korea, and the second is a comparative study between the Korean university and a United States (US) university. The first study found that both high-achievers and the general population at a top Korean university perceived their critical and creative abilities as lower than their receptive learning abilities, and that higher achievers were neither more critical nor creative than lower achievers. The second study finds that the Korean university students, compared to US students, were more likely to rate their receptive learning ability as higher than their critical and creative learning abilities. Comparisons across year of higher education (HE) suggest that Korean students' perceptions did not significantly change with respect to year in school, while US students' perceptions of critical learning abilities significantly increased across school years. Results are discussed with respect to the impact of culture, epistemological beliefs, and HE instruction on critical and creative learning.  相似文献   

This research contributes to the booming literature on the mobility of international students in higher education. We analyse university-level factors that affect the sorting of Chinese international students across British universities. We produced a unique data-set merging university-level data from the 2014 UK Higher Education Statistics Agency and the Higher Expectations Survey, supplemented by qualitative evidence from six focus groups for illustrative purposes. Our results, using nationally representative evidence for the first time, confirmed that university prestige is the most important driver for the sorting of Chinese students across British universities, together with further effects of the broader social and cultural offerings that the universities provide. Interestingly, the cost of study and marketing strategies deployed by universities do not seem to drive the Chinese students’ university choices. Our findings underline the importance of diffuse institutional factors such as university rankings and their taken-for-granted status by students themselves.  相似文献   

中外合作大学课程国际化的状况对于培养学生的国际素养具有重要影响。宁波诺丁汉大学的调查结果显示:在国际品性方面,其课程能够立足中国,培养学生对世界的开放性;在国际知识方面,其课程既能够与国际接轨又能够结合中国观点;在国际能力方面,其课程对国际沟通和问题解决能力的培养还有待加强。因此,要进一步促进课程国际化,还需要增加中国文化类课程的广度和深度,加强国际性通识性课程的建设,增进国内外师生的课堂内外交流。  相似文献   

The quality of teaching in higher education is a topic which has generated heated debate in China, though there has been a remarkable paucity of empirical research into the characteristics of teaching and learning in Chinese universities. This study examined Chinese university students’ course experience and its influence on their approaches to learning. A sample of 2529 students from 15 full-time regular universities responded to the questionnaire. Results indicated that the Course Experience Questionnaire could be a promising instrument for assessing the teaching quality in Chinese universities. Chinese undergraduate teaching was characterised by the dominance of developing students’ generic skills, but a lack of emphasis on students’ independence. The study revealed some desirable influences of university teaching on students’ approaches to learning, but an increase in instructors’ effort and commitment to teaching was found to facilitate a surface rather than a deep approach to learning. These findings highlighted the need to reflect on the teacher-centred nature of undergraduate teaching in China.  相似文献   

为了提高我国普通高等学校大学生的国防素质,Cheng-Ge针对我国普通高等学校学生国防素质影响因素的多重性,研究了大学生国防素质以及一些与其有较大关联的影响因素.他们的研究以20位学生作为研究样本,讨论了影响因素对国防素质的影响度(Influencing degree).本文在此基础上,进一步研究了影响因素对国防素质的支持度(Support).这些结果将有助于进一步提高大学生的国防素质,并且对于深入研究普通高等学校国防教育效果的评价具有一定的理论意义.  相似文献   

This study examines university students’ pre-university exposure to extra-curricular English instruction in tutorial or other private supplementary institutions in Korea and abroad. A questionnaire and an in-depth interview were administered to forty-three freshman students enrolled in a foreign language program at a comprehensive university in Korea. This study reports on the key findings in the questionnaire and on the personal language-learning experiences of seven interviewees chosen from the larger sample. The findings reveal that these students had undertaken widely different language instruction outside of school. Some had access to supplemental programs, while others relied completely on language training available in primary and secondary schools in Korea. Those with opportunities for study in venues outside the standard language sequence in Korean schools had significantly higher English proficiency and may affect their performance in their subsequent university-level English program. The paper concludes with the proposals for addressing discrepant English-learning backgrounds in order to remediate the significant differences in English language proficiency that characterize post-secondary programs at Korean universities.  相似文献   

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