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转变观念树立学生主体思想为让课堂“活”起来,让学生“动”起来,良乡二小采取了两项措施。一项措施是“五转变、四带进”。“五转变”是指教师强制性管理为主转变为和谐、民主、平等的管理为主;教师讲为主转变为学生探究式学习为主;师问生答为主转变为师生、生生的多向交流为主;“一刀切”作业、书面作业为主转变为分层作业、实践作业为主;教师演示为主转变为学生操作为主。“四带进”是指教师把尊重带进课堂,让学生成为学习的主人;把激励带进课堂,让每个学生都有成功的体验;把方法带进课堂,让学生学会学习;把创新带进课堂,让学生学会创造…  相似文献   

新课程改革要求教学朝着自主学习、合作学习、探究学习的方向发展。本文通过优化课堂引入,激发探究欲望;优化问题设计,掌握探究方法;优化活动设计,提高探究效率;优化课堂评价,促进主动探究。四项措施课堂数学优化,以达到培养学生探究能力目的。  相似文献   

构建小学英语生本课堂是提高学生合作探究能力的有效途径。本文根据小学英语教学实践,就如何构建生本课堂,提高学生英语综合能力提出了一些可行性措施:把课堂提问权交给学生;培养学生良好的合作学习习惯;引竞争机制进课堂;提升课堂自主与合作效果。这些措施可以有效提高学生的英语能力,促进学生良好学习习惯的养成。  相似文献   

自主学习主要途径有四种:一是指导预习,自读自悟,培养学生自主学习能力;二是创设情境式课堂,培养学生自主学习能力;三是引导学生学会质疑问难,培养学生自主学习能力;四是加强语文学习小组建设,促进学生自主学习力的发展。在"自主学习"式教学模式中,教师要激发学生自主学习的欲望,指点学生自主学习的方法,以构建自主高效的语文阅读课堂,从而真正实现"使每个学生提升自我成长的需求"的目标。  相似文献   

语文教师要点燃学生学习语文的兴趣之火,让语文课堂成为学生学习的乐园,可从以下四个方面着手:运用幽默的语言,让学生体验课堂学习的快乐;开展有效提问,让课堂成为生成智慧的驿站;创设教学情境,让课堂成为学生求知的园地;适当拓展延伸,让课堂学习更加生动活泼、丰富多彩。  相似文献   

王立群 《中小学电教》2011,(11):103-103
<正>课堂管理是教师在课堂上用以维持学生合宜行为的措施,它包括教师为鼓励学生对课堂任务进行合作和参与而采取的一系列行为和活动的组织技术。它不仅约束、控制着有碍学生学习的不良行为,而且引导全体学生从事积极的学习  相似文献   

在语文教学中,课堂问题的有效解决是助力学生开展高质量学习的关键。基于日本佐藤学教授提出的“学习三位一体论”,提出解决课堂问题的方法 :一是要倾听学生心声,对课堂问题进行甄别、分析、回应;二是要尊重学生发言,对学生的问题进行有效转换;三是要指导学生回归文本,通过阅读自主解决问题;四是要创设学习环境,借助小组合作交流解决问题。  相似文献   

提升课堂教学的有效性,要解决三个环节和一个认识:一是创设学习环境,激发学生学习动力;二是从学生实际出发,培养学习能力;三是促进师生有效互动可提升学生学习转化力;四是有效课堂减轻学生课业负担,提高学生的学习效率。  相似文献   

钱丽春 《考试周刊》2015,(4):128-129
强化教学研究是提高初中政治教学成效的重要抓手,教师应当结合教学实际加强教学方式方法的改进,使政治教学在引领学生成长、促进学生全面发展等方面发挥更积极的作用。重点可以从四个方面着手:一是以资料搜集法,强化学生课堂学习效果;二是以情感碰撞法提高学生的感知深刻程度;三是以自主探究法激发学生课堂学习研究兴趣;四是以实践调研法深化学生课内学习理解效果。  相似文献   

发挥学生的主体作用、打造互动课堂教学模式,是提高英语教学效率的重要途径。本文就如何构建互动课堂、突出学生课堂主体地位、提高英语教学效率提出了一些可行性措施:创设情境,使学生进入英语学习氛围;引入游戏,满足学生的表现欲望;课堂竞争,激发学生的兴趣;自主设疑,提高学生的自主学习能力。  相似文献   

有效性课堂就是要从学生的学习需要出发进行教学设计,在教学过程中能充分调动学生的学习兴趣和参与课堂探究学习的积极性;能让学生在有限的时间内认知并感悟知识;能培养学生养成良好学习习惯的高效课堂就是有效性课堂。  相似文献   

Generations of students are graduating from secondary school disinterested in post-secondary study of science or pursuing careers in science-related fields beyond formal education. We propose that destabilising such disinterest among future students requires science educators to begin listening to secondary school students regarding their views of how science learning is made interesting within the science classroom. Studies on students’ interest in response to instructional strategies applied in the classroom communicate the opinions (i.e. the ‘voice’) of students about the strategies they believe make their classroom learning interesting. To this end, this scoping study (1) collects empirical studies that present from various science and non-science academic domains students’ views about how to make classroom learning interesting; (2) identifies common instructional strategies across these domains that make learning interesting; and (3) forwards an instructional framework called TEDI ([T]ransdisciplinary Connections; Mediated [E]ngagement; Meaningful [D]iscovery; and Self-determined [I]nquiry), which may provide secondary school science teachers with a practical instructional approach for making learning science genuinely interesting among their students within the secondary school science classroom context.  相似文献   


The authors assessed how classroom structure influenced student achievement goal orientation for mathematics. Three elementary school classes were assigned randomly to 1 classroom structure condition: token economy, contingency contract, or control. Students in each condition were required to set individual achievement goals on a weekly basis. The authors assessed differences in goal orientation by comparing the number of learning vs. performance goals that students set within and across classroom structure conditions. Results indicated that students in the contingency-contract condition set significantly more learning goals than did students in other classroom structure conditions. No significant differences were found for performance goals across classroom structure conditions. Within classroom structure conditions, students in the contingency-contract group set significantly more learning goals than performance goals, whereas students in the token-economy condition set significantly more performance goals than learning goals.  相似文献   

课堂话语作为思维与交往的媒介影响着学生的学习,不同特征的话语会对学生学习成就产生不同的作用和效果.本研究以OECD官网公布的GTI视频研究的中国上海数据为基础,探析上海课堂话语基本特征及其对学生的数学学习成绩、学习兴趣及一般自我效能的影响.研究发现,课堂话语的质量而非数量影响学生学习成就,高质量的教师提问能够促进学生认...  相似文献   

This research is distinctive in that parents’ perceptions were utilised in conjunction with students’ perceptions in investigating science classroom learning environments among Grade 4 and 5 students in South Florida. The What Is Happening In this Class? (WIHIC) questionnaire was modified for young students and their parents and administered to 520 students and 120 parents. Data analyses supported the WIHIC’s factorial validity, internal consistency reliability and ability to differentiate between the perceptions of students in different classrooms. Both students and parents preferred a more positive classroom environment than the one perceived to be actually present, but effect sizes for actual-preferred differences were larger for parents than for students. Associations were found between some learning environment dimensions (especially task orientation) and student outcomes (especially attitudes). Qualitative methods suggested that students and parents were generally satisfied with the classroom environment, but that students would prefer more investigation while parents would prefer more teacher support. The study provides a pioneering look at how parents and students perceive the science learning environment and opens the way for further learning environment studies involving both parents and students.  相似文献   

This article reports findings from a classroom environment study which was designed to investigate the nature of Chinese Language classroom environments in Singapore secondary schools. We used a perceptual instrument, the Chinese Language Classroom Environment Inventory, to investigate teachers’ and students’ perceptions towards their Chinese Language classroom learning environments using six dimensions, namely, Student Cohesiveness, Teacher Support, Involvement, Cooperation, Task Orientation and Equity. The investigation was carried out using a sample of 1,460 secondary three (Grade 9) students from 50 Chinese Language classes in 25 Singapore government secondary schools. The nature of the Chinese Language classroom learning environments was interpreted from analyses of the perception scores obtained, as well as from various comparisons of the perception scores between different groups. Although both the Chinese Language teachers and students perceived their present classroom learning environments positively, they would like improvements in all the six dimensions of the classroom learning environments under investigation. Also teachers perceived a more positive classroom learning environment than their students in the same class. In addition, female students perceived their actual and preferred classroom environments more positively than their male counterparts.  相似文献   


Advocates of educational reform often describe classroom instruction as inauthentic. That is, most classroom learning activities are structured around artificial contexts for learning, and students only engage in tasks and remember information at superficial levels. Some teachers are attempting to break traditional classroom practices by creating authentic contexts for learning. To date, most of the research on authentic classrooms has described the processes teachers have used to develop the classroom environment (learning activities, resources, etc.); however, few have examined authentic classrooms from the students' perspective: “What do students think about authentic classrooms?” The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine a unique learning environment at a large, Midwest high school to understand how students perceived that environment. Most of the students reported a positive experience and described the classroom as fun and exciting with real-world relevance. However, there were several students who did not share these views, and many students were not successful.



This study compared the student course evaluations of standard education and distance learning courses in the school of social work of one southern university. The sample included 14 distance learning (DL) and 122 standard education courses. A 20-item quantitative student course evaluation and a 7-item qualitative questionnaire were used to compare differences between social work courses taught in a standard classroom setting with those taught using distance learning technology. Comparisons of identical courses taught in both formats found that students rated distance learning higher than the standard classroom for a course having predominantly lecture content. Conversely, ratings for clinical practice courses were just the opposite with lower ratings for distance learning than the standard classroom. Results of a qualitative survey (n = 39) of students conducted at the end of a course taught by distance learning found that 73% of the students felt that distance learning technology interfered with class participation. However, 73% of the students felt the instructor handled technological problems in a professional and patient manner. Although 54% of the students reported that they would take another course by distance learning, more research is needed to determine what social work courses can be most effectively taught by distance and classroom formats.  相似文献   

Anatomy is shifting toward a greater focus on adopting digital delivery. To advance digital and authentic learning in anatomy, a flipped classroom model integrating multimodal digital resources and a multimedia group assignment was designed and implemented for first-year neuroanatomy and third-year regional anatomy curricula. A five-point Likert scale learning and teaching survey was conducted for a total of 145 undergraduate health science students to evaluate students' perception of the flipped classroom model and digital resources. This study revealed that over two-thirds of participants strongly agreed or agreed that the flipped classroom model helped their independent learning and understanding of difficult anatomy concepts. The response showed students consistently enjoyed their experience of using multimodal digital anatomy resources. Both first-year (75%) and third-year (88%) students strongly agreed or agreed that digital tools are very valuable and interactive for studying anatomy. Most students strongly agreed or agreed that digital anatomy tools increased their learning experience (~80%) and confidence (> 70%). The third-year students rated the value of digital anatomy tools significantly higher than the first-year students (p = 0.0038). A taxonomy-based assessment strategy revealed that the third-year students, but not the first-year, demonstrated improved performance in assessments relating to clinical application (p = 0.045). In summary, a flipped anatomy classroom integrating multimodal digital approaches exerted positive impact upon learning experience of both junior and senior students, the latter of whom demonstrated improved learning performance. This study extends the pedagogy innovation of flipped classroom teaching, which will advance future anatomy curriculum development, pertinent to post-pandemic education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how resource teachers (n = 13) and classroom teachers (n = 12) experience a coaching partnership, in which both teachers work in the regular classroom to support students with special educational needs. The focus of the partnerships was to build classroom teacher capacity around inclusionary practices. Classroom teachers and resource teachers completed questionnaires about the partnerships and their impact. Results indicated that both groups of teachers found the partnerships to be valuable. The partnerships were supported by coaching principles, as well as relationship, attitudes, understanding of students, and time spent together. Benefits of the model included increased support for students; increased learning for students; learning of different approaches, for classroom teachers and resource teachers; shared responsibility for students, between classroom and resource teachers; feeling more valued, for resource teachers; and seeing a model of collaboration, for students, teachers and the community.  相似文献   

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