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Nutraceuticals are nutritional medicines which are present in edible food items. Most of them are antioxidants with various other biological properties viz, anti inflammatory, anti atherogenic, anticancer, anti viral, anti aging properties etc. They are as simple as minerals like Se2+ to complex organic molecules such as glycyrrhizin (Ca2+, K+ salts of glycyrrhizic acid). They can prevent as well as cure various diseases. Most of the medical people are not aware of the importance of the nutraceuticals as such matters are not part of their text books. Many still think that vitamins are the major nutritional medicines. Actually other dietary principles like terpenes, carotenes, phytosterols, polyphenols, flavanoids, di and poly sulphides, their sulfoxides and their precursor amino acids are necessary to scavenge free radicals in the body which are reactive oxygen species to protect and maintain the vitamin levels in the body. They down regulate the activities of those enzymes which are increased in diseases and they increase those that remove oxidants and detoxify carcinogens. They are immune boosters too. Recently glucosinolates, non toxic alkaloids, certain proteins and even fiber are included in the list of nutraceuticals.  相似文献   

资源基础理论认为资源是企业发展的基础,而能力理论认为能力是企业发展的关键。资源与能力的关系已经成为学术界关注的焦点。在文献回顾的基础上提出了研究假设,通过实证研究验证了假设,并对研究结果进行了讨论,概括了理论和实践上的贡献、局限性及将来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

The equations of motion for perfectly mechanical systems which are restricted to satisfy given constraints are derived through the Lagrangian formulation for continuous media. Hamilton's equations for this situation are derived, and the equations for the balance of energy and angular momentum are generated from fundamental principles. These equations are all specialized to the example of a conductor which is vibrating under Aeolian excitation. Various models for the Hamiltonian density and the constraint energy density due to the wind energy input are also discussed.  相似文献   

The construction of nomographs for transitional classical filters is described. Gain functions of classical filters are related to filter requirements resulting in a formulation for the general gain nomograph. The transitional filters that are products of approximating polynomials are incorporated into the general gain nomograph resulting in transitional filter nomographs that are sums of the individual nomographs. Nomographs for transitional filters using alternative forms where poles are interpolated are also considered. The resulting nomographs allow for quick optimization of transitional filter frequency response in many cases. Design examples are submitted and discussed. The proposed transitional filter nomographs provide the engineer with increased insight into the selection of classical transitional filters with optimum frequency response.  相似文献   

介绍了船舶辅机PPT课件中常用的图像格式及其选用方法,并介绍了图像色彩的搭配原则.针对辅机课中常用的大型系统图介绍四种将局部图像放大的方法.为了增加课件的生动性对图像进行了动画设计,为了丰富图像资源介绍了用数码相机拍摄图像素材的方法.  相似文献   

The paper introduces a new method for the visualization of information retrieval. Angle attributes of a document are used to construct the angle–angle-based visual space. The retrieved documents are perceived, several traditional information retrieval evaluation models are visualized and interpreted, and new non-traditional retrieval control means based on the model are explored in the two-dimensional angle display space. The impacts of different metrics on the visualization of information retrieval are discussed. Ambiguity, future research directions and other relevant issues are also addressed.  相似文献   

In this paper, fixed-time consensus tracking problems under directed interaction topologies for second-order non-linear multi-agent systems with disturbance and second-order multi-agent systems with input delay are investigated. Two continuous integral terminal sliding modes are designed, which can effectively eliminate the singularity and chattering. Correspondingly, two fixed-time distributed control protocols are proposed based on the designed continuous ITSM to ensure that the consensus tracking are achieved in fixed-time. It is shown that the upper bounds of settling time are regardless of initial conditions. The rigorous proofs are given by employing Lyapunov stability theory and fixed-time stability theory. Simulations are provided to verify the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

对铁线莲属铁线莲亚属 Clematis subgen. Clematis 中的欧洲铁线莲 C. vitalba L.演化干的原始群威灵仙组sect. Clematis 进行了全面修订,确定此组共含有73种和45变种。写出了威灵仙组的分类学简史及地理分布;对威灵仙组中各亚组的亲缘和主要区别特征以及铁线莲亚属欧洲铁线莲演化干中各群的亲缘关系进行了讨论。将威灵仙组分为5个亚组,写出了分亚组检索表和各亚组的分种检索表,以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有多幅插图。在5亚组中,欧洲铁线莲亚组(钝萼铁线莲亚组) subsect. Clematis 为此组的原始群,其主要特征:藤本;小叶通常草质或纸质,通常边缘具齿,有时全缘;萼片4,外面的毛长1 mm以下;花药长圆形、椭圆形或狭长圆形,稀条形,药隔顶端不突起,稀稍突起。此亚组的瘦果两侧扁压,但多数不扁平,不具边缘,只在短毛铁线莲 C. puberula Hook. f. & Thoms.强烈扁压,扁平,周围具宽边缘。在铁线莲属中,除短毛铁线莲外,特产朝鲜的 C. brachyura Maxim. (sect. Pterocarpa Tamura)也具有近似这种进化类型的瘦果。铁线莲组的其他4个亚组各含有较进化的特征,可能均自欧洲铁线莲亚组演化而出:单种的厚叶铁线莲亚组subsect. Crassifoliae (Tamura) Tamura为藤本;小叶革质,全缘,很像威灵仙亚组的小叶;雄蕊花丝皱缩,花药宽长圆形或长圆形。单种的长毛铁线莲亚组subsect. Baominianae (W. T. Wang) W. T. Wang为藤本;小叶纸质,具齿;花大,具6枚萼片;萼片外面的毛长1.6-3 mm; 花药长圆形。棉团铁线莲亚组subsect. Angustifoliae 的主要特征:茎直立;花常具5-6枚萼片。威灵仙亚组subsect. Rectae Prantl的主要特征:藤本,稀茎直立;小叶常革质,全缘,稀具齿;萼片通常4枚,稀较多,外面的毛长在1 mm以下;花药条形,有时狭长圆形,药隔顶端常突起。此亚组的威灵仙系ser. Rectae Prantl具有进化类型的瘦果,其瘦果强烈扁压,扁平,有膨胀的框状边缘。主要分类学处理为:(1)披针叶铁线莲 C. lancifolia Bur. & Franch.、准噶尔铁线莲 C. songarica Bunge、 C. ispahanica Boiss.、银叶铁线莲 C. delavayi Franch.和 C. phlebantha Williams 5种过去被Tamura和其他学者与灌木铁线莲 C. fruticosa Turcz.等同置于灌木铁线莲组sect. Fruticella Tamura中,但这5种的花构造(萼片水平方向开展,白色,边缘不展宽;花丝条形或狭条形)与灌木铁线莲(萼片斜上方开展,黄色,在花开放后边缘展宽成狭翅;花丝较宽,条状披针形)不同,而与棉团铁线莲 C. hexapetala Pall.的花构造相似。据此,本修订将此5种从灌木铁线莲组移到威灵仙组的棉团铁线莲亚组subsect. Angustifoliae Tamura中。(2)在欧洲铁线莲群 C. vitalba group与威灵仙群C. flammula group之间有不少过渡类型,因此,这两个群不易区分。根据这种情况,本修订将这两个群作为亚组处理,同置于威灵仙组sect. Clematis 中,而未采用Tamura和Grey_Wilson将这两个群分别置于两个亚属中,以及Johnson将这两个群分别置于两个组中的分类学处理。描述了2新系、6新种和1新变种;建立了5个新等级。  相似文献   

史银华 《科教文汇》2014,(11):194-194,213
民间游戏是由劳动人民自发创编、在民间广泛流传的儿童喜闻乐见的活动,它具有浓烈地方特色和生活气息,是民族传统文化的重要组成部分。“原生态”就是自然状态下的、未受人为影响和干扰的原始生态或生态原状。原生态民间游戏,简言之,就是具有自然生态性,是民族民间的游戏,是与民族的乡土环境、人文历史、风俗习惯融为一体的,原汁原味的游戏。  相似文献   

查询结果合并是分布式信息检索的重要步骤。本文依据选中信息集中文档重叠的程度以及信息集的同构、异构性,将查询结果的合并策略分3种情况进行分析:选中的信息集所含文档没有或有少量的重叠,选中的信息集同构,选中的信息集异构且所含文档有部分重叠。指出查询结果合并策略的深入研究,对于促进分布式检索技术的发展具有积极意义。  相似文献   

技术选择战略与高新技术来源分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了我国高新技术的发展战略是以技术引进为主,技术创新为辅的技术赶超战略。在技术引进中,硬件设备引进的比例在下降,软件技术引进的比例在上升。在引进设备中,成套设备的数量在下降,关键设备的数量在上升。高新技术创新的项目数和资金数量在不断增加,对外技术的依赖性在降低。技术引进中的主要问题是技术的依赖性,引进的高成本和重复引进,指出了技术创新中存在的主要问题是创新人才少,资金投入低,缺少必要的技术孵化。  相似文献   

赵沂蒙 《科研管理》2004,25(4):77-82
比较三种制造系统发展观,并从发展观对制造方式的引导入手,剖析制造方式的结构和运行功能。分析制造方式的结构特征组合,并在此基础上选出六种典型先进制造方式,然后对其功能运行过程进行比较。  相似文献   

A matrix-based framework for the modeling, analysis and dynamics of Bayesian games are presented using the semi-tensor product of matrices. Static Bayesian games are considered first. A new conversion of Bayesian games is proposed, which is called an action-type conversion. Matrix expressions are obtained for Harsanyi, Selten, and action-type conversions, respectively. Certain properties are obtained, including two kinds of Bayesian Nash equilibria. Then the verification of Bayesian potential games is considered, which is proved to test the solvability of corresponding linear equations equivalently. Finally, the dynamics of evolutionary Bayesian games are considered. Two learning rules for Bayesian potential games are proposed, which are type-based myopic best response adjustment and logit response rule, respectively. Markovian dynamic equations are obtained for the proposed strategy updating rules and convergence is proved.  相似文献   

冯新灵 《资源科学》1997,19(6):67-73
本文对中国气象风景这一特殊旅游资源进行了系统研究。提出了气象风景的概念,并在国内首次应用成因类型法对中国气象风景进行了分类。探讨了气象风景构景与吸引功能的4大特点,提出了进一步开发利用的几点见解。  相似文献   

In this paper, we first deal with the robust stability of uncertain linear stochastic differential delay systems. The parameter uncertainties are time-varying and unknown but are norm-bounded via two types of uncertainties, and the delays are time invariant. We then extend the proposed theory to discuss the robust stabilization of uncertain stochastic differential delay systems. These results are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Two examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness.  相似文献   

跨国公司内部知识转移对于其提升国际竞争优势具有十分重要的意义。从跨国公司内部网络结构和网络节点特性2个角度入手,分析跨国公司内部网络规模、网络密度、网络节点的转移动机和吸收能力这4个因素对知识转移的影响,构建跨国公司内部网络知识转移影响因素理论模型和基于多主体的仿真模型;借助Net Logo平台进行仿真实验,并用多元方差分析方法分析仿真实验结果,验证上述4个因素对跨国公司内部网络知识转移影响的主效应和交互效应,得出结论并提针对正在实施对外直接投资和跨国经营的中国跨国公司提出一些建议。  相似文献   

大樱桃沟金矿床赋存于大巴—瓦子峪—后三角山韧性剪切带的北东端,严格受北东向和近东西向脆性断裂控制。金矿体产于太古代的二云(或黑云)长英质超糜棱岩和白云母糜棱片岩内,并以含金石英脉型为主,具有矿体形态复杂,矿石类型和结构、构造多样,矿物成分和金的赋存状态简单,含金品位相对较高的特点。围岩蚀变表现为面型硅化、绢云母化、绿泥石化。根据控矿因素分析,矿床的形成经历了多阶段、多期次的成矿作用,构造活动导致花岗质岩体侵入并形成变质热流体,萃取矿源层(太古宙变质岩)中的金元素,沿剪切带上升至韧性向脆性转变的深度位置上沉淀下来,并在韧性剪切作用过程的晚期形成金矿体。因此,大樱桃沟金矿床属太古宙绿岩建造中的后韧性剪切带型金矿床。  相似文献   

Efficiently managing laboratory test utilization requires both ensuring adequate utilization of needed tests in some patients and discouraging superfluous tests in other patients. After the difficult clinical decision is made to define the patients that do and do not need a test, a wealth of interventions are available to the clinician and laboratorian to help guide appropriate utilization. These interventions are collectively referred to here as the utilization management toolbox. Experience has shown that some tools in the toolbox are weak and other are strong, and that tools are most effective when many are used simultaneously. While the outcomes of utilization management studies are not always as concrete as may be desired, what data is available in the literature indicate that strong utilization management interventions are safe and effective measures to improve patient health and reduce waste in an era of increasing financial pressure.  相似文献   

文章简要介绍当前住宅室内工程采用的4种给水管材的技术特性和在施工中应注意的问题,并对其特性作了比较,从管材的技术经济特性和安装的角度提出给水管材选用时的考虑因素,阐明管道施工质量控制的基本要点。  相似文献   

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