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在高效率的可视化编程中,有时需要控件以特殊的风格显示,而这种要求又无法通过设置控件常规属性来实现.但用SendMessage函数向控件发送消息可达到这种要求.本文结合几个简单实例,介绍了在VB 6.0中如何运用SendMessage函数来改变常用控件列表框和文本框的显示风格.  相似文献   

介绍了一种使用地图控件和面向对象编程语言相结合开发地理信息系统的新方法,此方法充分发挥了地图控件显示处理地理信息的优势和面向对象语言编程的灵活性。文章还以一个用Mapx开发的西安市环境监测地理信息系统实例来简单的说明了使用控件开发地理信息系统的一般步骤。  相似文献   

主要讨论了如何将Delphi中丰富的控件转换成ActiveX控件供VB编程应用,控件是可视化编程所必需的,Delphi中含有丰富的控件,VB中的控件相对较少,文中以Delphi的MediaPlayer控件为例,介绍将其转换为ActiveX控件并在VB6中进行测试的过程,Delphi中的其它控件大部分都可以用类似的方法进行转换,从而给VB用户带来方便。  相似文献   

电大学籍管理工作中的身份证号信息研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了在学籍管理工作中学生基本信息的重要性,并对学生身份证号信息进行重点剖析,研究利用冗余数据、编码规则、业务规则进行数据校验的方法,设计完成的数据校验系统已经成功应用于广东电大学籍管理工作中,对推进广播电视大学学籍管理现代化做了有益研究。  相似文献   

从2005年国家教育部颁布新的《高校学生管理规定》以来,各高校的学籍管理工作都开始进行一些新的探索和改革,以适应我国高等教育事业的迅速发展。本文主要从发挥学生在学籍管理中的主观能动性与学籍管理效果关系入手,从学生对学籍的认知、学生参与信息维护、学生进行电子注册信息核对三个方面探讨了问题产生的原因并从实践角度分别分析得出了有效的解决方法,这也正是我校"以生为本"的指导思想的体现。  相似文献   

在高职VB程序设计课教学中,对如何解决该课程中要记的控件对象多、属性多、事件多、方法多,以及用控制语句结合控件属性实现各功能编程的问题,通过利用突出特点授课法、分步教学法、问题引出法等教学方法,对解决这些问题大有裨益。  相似文献   

学生学籍监控与警示系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用J2EE网络编程和AcCESS数据库.在学院网站后台建立一个该学院所有学生的实时信息数据库与学院学生信息管理数据库进行连接,当管理数据库信息被更新后,实时信息数据库进行自动更新,实现了学生学籍管理网络化、自动化.  相似文献   

【教育部颁布《中小学学生学籍信息化管理基本信息规范》】教育部印发《中小学学生学籍信息化管理基本信息规范》,对中小学学生学籍管理所需的数据内容及其技术属性作出了规定。《规范》结合我国中小学学生学籍管理的实际需要和有关规范在实际使用中存在的问题,定义了中小学学生学籍管理中涉及入学、转学、借读、休学、复学、升级、毕业、综合素质评价、学业考试、奖励、处分等管理工作所需的基本信息。《规范》对于巩固、提高“普九”和“两基”攻坚的成果,保证每一个儿童完整地接受义务教育,防止辍学,确保农村义务教育经费保障新机制的顺利实施,体现教育以人为本,改进学生管理模式,做好学籍管理工作,提高学籍管理效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着我国高校管理信息化水平的不断提高,利用先进的计算机管理技术来完善学生管理工作已经成为高校日常管理的重要组成部分。2005年施行的《普通高等学校学生管理规定》第八条规定"新生入学后,学校在三个月内按照国家招生规定对其进行复查。复查合格者予以注册,取得学籍。复查不合格者,由学校区别情况,予以处理,直至取消入学资格。凡属弄虚作假、徇私舞弊取得学籍者,一经查实,学校应当取消其学籍。情节恶劣的,应当请有关部门查究"。新生人学学籍复查需要核对入学学生的身份信息是否和招生录取信息一致,以往只能通过学籍管理人员逐一核对,工作量大,难以保证不出现疏漏。核对后的信息在进行学籍电子注册时经常发现学生身份证号、姓名、民族等主要信息与招生录取信息不一致。主要原因还是出现在入学复查环节。对于冒名顶替、弄虚作假的学生只从身份证和档案信息上是不易发现的。为解决以上所述问题,开发一套高校新生入学学籍复核系统十分必要。  相似文献   

学籍注册是学籍管理工作的重要环节。只有学籍注册数据与招生录取信息一致,才能保证学生日常管理和电子注册制度的顺利实施。对学籍注册现状进行分析,探究运用VFP技术,改进传统的手工注册方式,保证注册信息准确、数据规范,对提高学籍管理水平具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

As has been widely discussed, the National Research Council’s (NRC) current policy in United States education advocates supporting students toward acquiring skills to engage in scientific practices. NRC policy also suggests that supporting students in the practices of science may require different approaches than what is required for supporting student engagement with scientific content. Further, acquiring skills in scientific practices is not limited to gaining proficiency in utilizing tools that support scientific inquiry: students must also understand how to interpret information generated from such tools. These tools of scientific practices are embedded within scientific culture, which from Sewell’s perspective, is comprised of both practice and semiotic code (symbols and meanings). To become scientifically literate students must learn to utilize this code in practice. Author Germà Garcia-Belmonte identified one example of learning to utilize the semiotic code in scientific practice and considers challenges faced by undergraduate physics and engineering students within that context. Garcia-Belmonte observes students struggle to interpret symbols and meaning (the visual display generated) while engaging in practice (utilizing an oscilloscope) and posits that two, culturally bound, competing, linguistic metaphors of time may be the cause. Ultimately, however, the author does not explore beyond hypotheses. Although his theory may be correct, the paper serves as a reminder of the responsibility we have to students. As educators, it is useful and beneficial to make observations and develop theories surrounding why our students struggle. However, in addition to theorizing on why, for example, a particular scientific norm might present challenges for our students, we must remain mindful that challenges may not be uniform and may vary considerably according to students’ culture(s). Engaging with students and soliciting specific information regarding the challenges they face allows us, as educators, to both examine whether students’ reported challenges align or conflict with our own perceptions of those challenges, and subsequently devise and test methods toward supporting students in overcoming their challenges.  相似文献   

The present study was intended to deepen current knowledge about the impact of graphic organizers (GOs) on students’ learning in a computer-based learning environment, by evaluating the effects of successive versus simultaneous presentation of a GO and an explanatory text. Based on the previous studies, we hypothesized that simultaneous display of a GO improves learning performances for the information it highlights (represented elements), but impairs those for nonrepresented elements, owing to a focused processing effect during text reading. We predicted that staggering the display of the document and the GO would avoid this effect and enhance the learning of both represented and nonrepresented elements. We compared three groups: students who studied a multimedia document without a GO (control group); students who viewed the same multimedia document accompanied by a GO that was displayed simultaneously (simultaneous GO group); and students who viewed the document and were then shown the GO (successive GO group). In line with previous research on GOs, results showed that adding a GO to the multimedia document increased students’ memorization of the represented elements and their comprehension. Interestingly, students in the successive GO group exhibited enhanced memorization of the nonrepresented elements and had the highest comprehension scores. These original results indicate that delaying the display of the GO can lead students to process the overall information more deeply and, in turn, improve their learning.  相似文献   

为了满足地理信息科学专业学生GIS算法课程实习教学的需要,基于GIS算法原理,采用Visual C#语言构建了GIS算法课程实习虚拟仿真教学系统.系统实现了登录界面、系统设置、系统判断方式设置、要素绘制和要素绘制选项设置等功能模块的建立,完成了算法原理查询、操作、代码查阅、评价及结果显示,将抽象的原理变得具体,有效提高...  相似文献   

为了让教育不再受到时间和空间限制,同时让教学模式更加多样化,互联网与教育开始进行跨界融合,通过信息技术改变教育行业的教学方式及管理模式。设计一个基于微信小程序的云班课管理系统,前端使用JavaScript进行开发,后台使用node.js编写云函数,从而保证信息的安全性。利用Python的Scrapy框架编写爬虫代码,并将其架设在阿里云服务器上实现网络爬虫技术,采用环信的WebSocket实现即时通讯的聊天室功能。利用该小程序进行单元测试,100道测试题只需3s即能显示分数及错题详情。利用微信小程序搭建的学习平台为高校师生创建了一个线上与线下相结合的学习和教学环境,从而让师生不再受到时间与空间限制,因此有着广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

Effective feedback can build self-assessment skills in students so that they become more competent and confident to identify and self-correct weaknesses in their work. In this study, we trialled a feedback code as part of an integrated programme of formative and summative assessment tasks, which provided feedback to first-year students on their initial attempt at a scientific biology report. We investigated the students’ perceptions of the feedback code and associated action plan exercise, and found that the code provided the majority of students with clear feedback, whilst the action plan provided a tool for decoding and interpreting the feedback and ensuring errors were not repeated in a subsequent report. We argue that a feedback code can be a valuable inclusion in a wider programme of feedback provision particularly when it is supported by activities that require students to engage with the codes and feed that learning forward to subsequent tasks.  相似文献   

在计算机信息管理中,有许多数据之间存在一定的层次关系,将数据像windows的资源管理器一样显示出来,可以清晰表示它们之间的关系。本文以大学机构构成为例叙述如何按层次将数据在数据库中进行编码和在PowerBuilder中利用数据窗口在TreeView控件中按层次显示数据。  相似文献   

本文介绍一种教学信息显示系统,它采用嵌入式网络模块,通过网络远程管理,使用多种方式清晰直观的显示各教室的使用情况,并以最快的时间把学校的教学信息发布给学生,大大提高了工作效率,也减少了学生为找教室而浪费的时间,可供兄弟院校参考。  相似文献   

为了培养具有创新能力的应用型人才,创新实验教学,开发了LED显示实验,引导学生由浅入深地进行实验,完成LED灯控制、数码管显示和LED点阵屏显示等实验内容。用近似于工程项目的形式进行实验教学,激发了学生的兴趣性、积极性,在实验教学中发挥了很好的示范性作用,达到事半功倍的教学效果。  相似文献   

There is a long tradition in education of examination of the hidden curriculum, those elements which are implicit or tacit to the formal goals of education. This article draws upon that tradition to open up for investigation the hidden curriculum and assumptions about students and knowledge that are embedded in the coding undertaken to facilitate learning through information technologies, and emerging ‘semantic technologies’ in particular. Drawing upon an empirical study of case-based pedagogy in higher education, we examine the ways in which code becomes an actor in both enabling and constraining knowledge, reasoning, representation and students. The article argues that how this occurs, and to what effect, is largely left unexamined and becomes part of the hidden curriculum of electronically mediated learning that can be more explicitly examined by positioning technologies in general, and code in particular, as actors rather than tools. This points to a significant research agenda in technology enhanced learning.  相似文献   

设计了一个图书馆智能寻座系统,利用单片机技术、RS485网络通信技术以及LED点阵显示和红外传感实现具有指引功能的图书馆寻座系统,能够提示某个自修室里是否有空余的座位。采用红外传感器实时检测房间的人数并刷新,同时将数据通过RS485网络发送到大厅的LED点阵上显示,让刚进来的学生能够知道自修室是否还有空余座位。  相似文献   

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