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随着互联网的快速发展,师生对于会议、讲座及电视节目等实时视频直播和跨平台访问校内直播系统的需求越来越多,原有的直播平台已满足不了师生利用多终端流畅观看直播的需求。文章设计了基于HLS和HTML5技术的校园视频直播方案,可以根据不同直播场景选择相应的软硬件编码器采集直播视频,充分利用HLS基于HTTP进行数据传输的特点,使得方案具有良好的扩展性和兼容性,师生可以使用PC或移动终端上支持HTML5的浏览器观看视频直播。  相似文献   

正1面向三网融合的视频云转码服务平台及其应用◆项目概况视频应用是三网融合下的重要应用,但是接入网络和接入终端具有多样性和复杂性由于终端和网络异构性,在三网融合环境下提供统一的多媒体视频业务存在很大困难。大规模视频转码与适配平台能够屏蔽终端和网络的异构性,是实现固移视频业务融合的有效解决方案。本项目的研究目标是建立一种面向三网融合的视频转码综合服务平台,该平台支持多终端自适应适配,多种视频格式,多种输入输出协议通过转码服务平台,同样的业务就可  相似文献   

文章介绍了网络中经常使用的图像和视频格式,从静止图像和活动视频两方面介绍了TGA格式文件和AVI格式素材的生成,分析了如何能使网络中的图像和视频很好的转换为电视节目.  相似文献   

随着计算机技术、网络技术的不断发展,不但在电视上,网络上、移动设备上、教师教学过程中处处可见视频的应用,而且,新的视频格式也层出不穷,视频的使用则产生了一定的难度。因此,有必要对视频格式做一些归类探讨,提高对视频文件格式的认识,供视频使用者在应用中参考。  相似文献   

本文设计了一种基于RTP实时传输协议的视频聊天应用软件。在Android平台上,运用G.729A音频格式、H.264视频格式对音视频进行编解码,数据通过RTP实时传输协议实现网络实时传输。该软件在确保画质和音质的前提下,有着较小的传输数据量、较高的实时性等优点。  相似文献   

会声会影对于各种图片的默认状态是静态的图片,对装饰效果中的物件和边框同样是默认为静态的图片。要让丰富多彩的GIF动画图片全部帧显示在会声会影窗口中,可以把GIF格式转换为会声会影支持的视频格式或者SWF动画格式后导入使用,并提出了可能出现的问题和解决策略。  相似文献   

对于视频索引的建立来说,视频分割是一项基本的工作。一般认为视频的基本单元是镜头,这篇文章提出了一种新的检测镜头转换的算法,它基于MPEG压缩视频数据的处理。这种算法利用了隐含在压缩数据中的信息,即各帧所含信息的参考比例确定帧与帧的相似性,如果一帧和它相邻的帧相似程度低,镜头转换就被检测到了,考虑到两帧之间视频内容的动态变化,设计了一个变化的函数来提高镜头变化检测的准确性,实验结果证明这种算法是完美的。  相似文献   

设计并编码实现基于Socket的Android移动终端实时视频传输系统。利用Android智能设备对目标现场进行视频采集、编码并实时传输到服务器,服务器接收并保存且可以解码播放。系统不仅可以实现实时视频的传输,而且可以灵活便利的使用于各种场合,具备较为广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

随着网络的飞速发展,流媒体技术被广泛应用,目前,流媒体技术被广泛应用于网络。流媒体技术的使用,克服了长时间下载这一困难,应用流媒体,就可以一边下载一边进行观看,使网络传输音频、视频困难的局面得到了很好的改善。流媒体也可以应用于客服中心的录音系统之中,本文就流媒体技术在客服中心录音系统中的应用进行浅谈。  相似文献   

路由器是广域网络中连接不同类型的网络 ,提供路径选择 ,隔离网段的设备 ,路由器的故障将直接影响网络的畅通。北电公司的 BAY系列路由器具有高可用性、故障管理以及完全的冗余系统等特点 ,使用 BCC或 SITEMANAGER进行配置和管理 ,系统文件和配置文件都保存在 FLASH卡上 ,若路由器状态不正常 (可由前面板的指示灯判断 ) ,在排除了路由器硬件损坏的情况后 ,其他问题均出在FLASH卡上。1 FLASH卡文件丢失或损坏的修复措施在工作中我们曾遇到这种情况 :有一台 BLN2路由器 ,关机后重新启动 ,指示灯显示不正常。检查未发现路由器机体线路烧坏的迹象 ,怀疑可能是FLASH卡上的文件丢失或损坏。由于 FLASH卡保存有路由器的系统文件 ,路由器启动时 ,运行卡上的系统文件 ,并从配置文件中读取参数 ,任何一个文件出错 ,都将使路由器无法启动。为了查看 FLASH卡的内容是否正常 ,找来另一台 BAY路由器 (不是同一型号 ,FLASH卡的接口相同 ) ,启动后 ,拔下 FLASH卡 ,换上需要修复的卡 (可以热插拔 ) ,可以读出需要修复的 FLASH卡的内容 ,与该卡的备份文件相比 ,确实有出...  相似文献   

文章主要讨论智能视频识别技术的录像回溯缩减功能在南宁市的应用。首先简单介绍智能视频分析技术处理录像回溯,然后分析目前的现状问题,最后针对南宁市平安城市系统目前的现状提出解决方案并总结。  相似文献   

张华俊 《大众科技》2012,14(4):86-88
一直以来,视频拼接的实时性和较好的图像质量都是相互牵制的。由于在多摄像头的公共区域中有视差角度以及运动物体等此类问题的存在,为了利用尽量快速高效的算法,而得到高质量的图像拼接,先用Harris算子视频图像的特征点,再结合改进的RANSAC方法寻找最适合的图像间单应性矩阵,最后融合成无缝高清的视频图像。该方法通过大量的实验,证明该系统可以自适应的实时对视频图像进行拼接,获得无缝、高清的大视场视频图像,满足实时性的要求,具有良好的图像品质。  相似文献   

在视频后期编辑中,常常需要对视频素材校色,校色是一项细致而繁琐的工作,很多初学者往往不得其法。文章首先介绍视频素材色彩形成原理,分析偏色原因,认识视频素材的色彩RGB通过波形图及其规律特征,然后利用常用编辑软件Adobe Premiere进行校色,供视频编辑者参考。  相似文献   

The extremely high level of simulated violence in certain recent video games has made some people uneasy. There is a concern that something is wrong with these violent games, but, since the violence is virtual rather than real, it is difficult to specify the nature of the wrongness. Since there is no proven causal connection between video-game violence and real violence, philosophical analysis can be particularly helpful in locating potential sources of wrongness in ultra-violent video games. To this end, this paper analyzes video game violence through the lens of utilitarian, Kantian, and post-modern perspectives. Through these analyses, several explanations of the wrongness in violent video games emerge.  相似文献   

The effect of violent video games is among the most widely discussed topics in media studies, and for good reason. These games are immensely popular, but many seem morally objectionable. Critics attack them for a number of reasons ranging from their capacity to teach players weapons skills to their ability to directly cause violent actions. This essay shows that many of these criticisms are misguided. Theoretical and empirical arguments against violent video games often suffer from a number of significant shortcomings that make them ineffective. This essay argues that video games are defensible from the perspective of Kantian, Aristotelian, and utilitarian moral theories.  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨科技期刊论文实施增强出版的可行性,探索科技期刊论文的新型展现和传播模式。【方法】 调研国内外科技期刊论文增强视频实践现状,分析典型案例。【结果】 分析增强视频对于科技期刊论文的积极意义,结合实例总结科技期刊论文增强视频的4种内容展现形式;探讨策划制作增强视频的6个流程和规范;梳理增强视频的5个传播途径;给出增强视频的策划出版模式。【结论】 增强视频出版是科技期刊探索互联网时代论文新型传播模式的必要尝试。  相似文献   

In a recent and provocative essay, Christopher Bartel attempts to resolve the gamer’s dilemma. The dilemma, formulated by Morgan Luck, goes as follows: there is no principled distinction between virtual murder and virtual pedophilia. So, we’ll have to give up either our intuition that virtual murder is morally permissible—seemingly leaving us over-moralizing our gameplay—or our intuition that acts of virtual pedophilia are morally troubling—seemingly leaving us under-moralizing our game play. Bartel’s attempted resolution relies on establishing the following three theses: (1) virtual pedophilia is child pornography, (2) the consumption of child pornography is morally wrong, and (3) virtual murder is not murder. Relying on Michael Rea’s definition of pornography, I argue that we should reject thesis one, but since Bartel’s moral argument in thesis two does not actually rely thesis one that his resolution is not thereby undermined. Still, even if we grant that there are adequate resources internal to Bartel’s account to technically resolve the gamer’s dilemma his reasoning is still unsatisfying. This is so because Bartel follows Neil Levy in arguing that virtual pedophilia is wrong because it harms women. While I grant Levy’s account, I argue that this is the wrong kind of reason to resolve the gamer’s dilemma because it is indirect. What we want is to know what is wrong with virtual child pornography itself. Finally, I suggest alternate moral resources for resolving the gamer’s dilemma that are direct in a way that Bartel’s resources are not.  相似文献   

The VISION (video indexing for searching over networks) digital video library system has been developed in our laboratory as a testbed for evaluating automatic and comprehensive mechanisms for video archive creation and content-based search, filtering and retrieval of video over local and wide area networks. In order to provide access to video footage within seconds of broadcast, we have developed a new pipelined digital video processing architecture which is capable of digitizing, processing, indexing and compressing video in real time on an inexpensive general purpose computer. These videos were automatically partitioned into short scenes using video, audio and closed-caption information. The resulting scenes are indexed based on their captions and stored in a multimedia database. A client-server-based graphical user interface was developed to enable users to remotely search this archive and view selected video segments over networks of different bandwidths. Additionally, VISION classifies the incoming videos with respect to a taxonomy of categories and will selectively send users videos which match their individual profiles.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of digital equipment and the continuous upgrading of online media, a growing number of people are willing to post videos on the web to share their daily lives (Jelodar, Paulius, & Sun, 2019). Generally, not all video segments are popular with audiences, some of which may be boring. If we can predict which segment in a newly generated video stream would be popular, the audiences can only enjoy this segment rather than watch the whole video to find the funny point. And if we can predict the emotions that the audiences would induce when they watch a video, this must be helpful for video analysis and for guiding the video-makers to improve their videos. In recent years, crowd-sourced time-sync video comments have emerged worldwide, supporting further research on temporal video labeling. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to achieve the following goal: Predicting which segment in a newly generated video stream (hasn’t been commented with the time-sync comments) will be popular among the audiences. At last, experimental results on real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework and justify the idea of predicting the popularities of segments in a video exploiting crowd-sourced time-sync comments as a bridge to analyze videos.  相似文献   

Can a player be held morally responsible for the choices that she makes within a videogame? Do the moral choices that the player makes reflect in any way on the player’s actual moral sensibilities? Many videogames offer players the options to make numerous choices within the game, including moral choices. But the scope of these choices is quite limited. I attempt to analyze these issues by drawing on philosophical debates about the nature of free will. Many philosophers worry that, if our actions are predetermined, then we cannot be held morally responsible for them. However, Harry Frankfurt’s compatibilist account of free will suggests that an agent can be held morally responsible for actions that she wills, even if the agent is not free to act otherwise. Using Frankfurt’s analysis, I suggest that videogames represent deterministic worlds in which players lack the ability to freely choose what they do, and yet players can be held morally responsible for some of their actions, specifically those actions that the player wants to do. Finally, I offer some speculative comments on how these considerations might impact our understanding of the player’s moral psychology as it relates to the ethics of imagined fictional events.  相似文献   

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