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采用硅烷偶联剂KH570对纳米氧化锌进行表面改性,通过红外光谱分析(FT-IR)和热重分析(TGA)对改性纳米氧化锌进行了结构表征。结果表明,KH-570分子已成功包覆于纳米氧化锌粒子表面。  相似文献   

本文以自制的二氧化硅微球为对象,以带氨基官能团的APTES硅烷为硅烷化试剂,对比研究了气相蒸发法和液相浸渍法两种不同方法对二氧化硅微球进行硅烷化修饰的差异,为二氧化硅微球表面硅烷化的反应控制提供了实验基础和理论依据。  相似文献   

铝合金是以铝为基的合金总称,在航空航天、机械制造、工业生产方面都是应用最广泛的有色金属结构材料。随着科学技术以及工业经济的迅猛发展,人们越来越关注铝合金的生产方式以及表面处理的方法。众所周知,铝合金在潮湿的空气中易腐蚀,这种腐蚀不仅使铝合金的表面变得粗糙而且也对铝合金的性能造成了一定的影响。详细地介绍了一些对铝合金压铸件表面的物理处理方法以及化学处理方法,有效防止了铝合金的腐蚀,为提高工业生产的效率带来了好处。  相似文献   

介绍一种等离子体基离子注入金属表面改性技术,探讨速滑刀体进行表面改性处理,对提高冰刀刃面硬度、强度及降低摩擦系数,以达到提高速滑和短道速滑运动成绩目的的可能性。  相似文献   

主要介绍了目前二氧化硅的常见测定方法,例如重量法、氟硅酸钾容量法、X射线荧光光谱法等,并对各个方法进行了论述,这将对实际的分析工作有一些指导作用。  相似文献   

鉴于PET结晶速度太慢,在加工过程中会浪费大量能源,本项目通过无机纳米粒子(SiO2)的表面改性,合成PEG和PET两嵌段齐聚物有机包覆的纳米二氧化硅蒙皮粒子(LMPET-PEG-SiO2),通过FT-IR,1H-NMR等的表征,证实PET-PEG-SiO2已经成功合成,并通过DSC测试,对纳米二氧化硅蒙皮粒子对PET树脂的成核效应进行了研究,发现纳米二氧化硅蒙皮粒子使PET的结晶速度较大提高。此研究对获得良好的复合材料加工成型性能有着积极意义。  相似文献   

纳米纤维素主要来自于植物,作为一种新型的生物材料,由于其特殊的尺寸结构、力学性能和光学性能,在诸多领域得到广泛应用,受到科研工作者的青睐,成为未来纤维素研究的热点。本文简要综述了纳米纤维素的制备方法,讨论了各种制备方法的优点和缺点,指出了纳米纤维素的主要研究基础和制备方法,以及未来发展方向。  相似文献   

表面活性剂在造纸工业中的应用已经渗透到各个工序,本文介绍了表面活性剂在造纸制浆、造纸湿部、表面施胶、涂布加工以及废水处理等过程的作用与应用.  相似文献   

本论文采用化学镀层法制备了掺杂银纳米粒子类金刚石碳膜的SERS活性基底,并通过对探针分子4-ATP的检测证实了所制备的基底具有较强的增强活性,该材料将在SERS光谱和电化学分析方法联用方面拥有巨大的潜在应用价值.  相似文献   

体育试验的单峰函数优选法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在体育工作实践中,影响教学、训练、群体、竞赛、管理和科研等诸多因素中,只要抓住其主要因素,在其它因素不变的前提之下,运用“黄金分割法”对其主要因素进行试验研究,就能取得较满意解,与抛物线单峰函数优选法结合运用,能求出其最优化值解。  相似文献   

Research has focused on parameters that are associated with injury risk, e.g. vertical acceleration. These parameters can be influenced by running on different surfaces or at different running speeds, but the relationship between them is not completely clear. Understanding the relationship may result in training guidelines to reduce the injury risk. In this study, thirty-five participants with three different levels of running experience were recruited. Participants ran on three different surfaces (concrete, synthetic running track, and woodchip trail) at two different running speeds: a self-selected comfortable speed and a fixed speed of 3.06 m/s. Vertical acceleration of the lower leg was measured with an accelerometer. The vertical acceleration was significantly lower during running on the woodchip trail in comparison with the synthetic running track and the concrete, and significantly lower during running at lower speed in comparison with during running at higher speed on all surfaces. No significant differences in vertical acceleration were found between the three groups of runners at fixed speed. Higher self-selected speed due to higher performance level also did not result in higher vertical acceleration. These results may show that running on a woodchip trail and slowing down could reduce the injury risk at the tibia.  相似文献   

社区体育俱乐部的最适行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡效芳 《体育学刊》2002,9(4):38-39
探讨了社区体育俱乐部的参加人员规模、所提供体育物品和服务量的优化决定方法,并分析了社区体育俱乐部行为优化所需要的政策环境,从而为探讨社区体育俱乐部运营行为和社区群众体育运动的规模发展提供了必要的理论基础。  相似文献   

对2000年以来国际乒联对乒乓球规则的改革进行梳理,分析乒乓球规则修改后的影响,并提出相应策略,旨在为中国乒乓球的更好发展提供参考。结果表明:20年以来,主要从器材、技术、赛制三个方面进行乒乓球规则改革,促进了乒乓球项目的竞争性和观赏性,世界乒坛格局呈多元化发展。面对新规则带来的变化,中国乒乓球队应正确把握制胜规律,对新规则加强针对性训练,对规则变化进行科学决策,积极创新技战术打法,依托科研保障团队,为科学训练提供支撑,从而保持中国队在世界乒坛的领先地位。  相似文献   


Adiponectin mRNA and plasma concentrations were reduced in obesity. Exercise training may reduce the adipose tissue (AT), although it is not well known, whether exercise – induced change in AT, increases adiponectin mRNA expression and plasma concentrations or not. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of short-term lifestyle activity modification (LAM) on adiponectin mRNA and plasma concentrations. Sixteen obese and overweight middle-aged men (age, 35–50 years) with type 2 diabetes participated in this study. The subjects were randomly assigned to LAM group (n=8) or control group (n=8). The subjects in LAM group walked two miles in 30 min on a treadmill on 4 days per week for 12 weeks according to the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and American College of Sports Medicine. The results showed that body mass, body mass index, central visceral adipose tissue and subcutaneous adipose tissue volume and hip and thigh subcutaneous adipose tissue (hip and thigh SAT) volume were decreased in the LAM group compared to the control group (P<0.05). Adiponectin mRNA in abdominal and gluteal subcutaneous AT were increased significantly in the LAM group compared to the control group (P<0.05), while plasma adiponectin concentrations, hs-CRP and insulin resistance did not change significantly. In conclusion, adiponectin mRNA levels increase after 12 weeks of LAM; however, plasma adiponectin levels were not affected by this protocol in obese and overweight middle-aged men with type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

推铅球速度力量训练手段的优选及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在文献资料法的基础上,采用问卷调查法、模糊数学法等对推铅球力量训练手段进行优化选择,试图在微观上对推铅球力量训练手段,特别是速度力量训练手段进行深入研究,并采用教学实验对研究结果进行验证。结果显示,采用优选手段进行训练,可以有效提高推铅球的速度力量,而且采用优选手段训练后,实验对象的成绩和技术水平也好于对照组。  相似文献   

王文初  刘锋  吴步阳 《体育学刊》2003,10(5):104-106
用分层随机抽样的方法对常德市中小学体育教师队伍的现状进行了问卷调查。结果显示:常德市乡镇中小学兼课体育教师过多(占20.21%);学生与专职体育教师的人数比(375:1)过大;体育教师性别比(男:女:6.36:1)不当;青年教师较多,乡镇中学20~29岁的教师占53.33%;教师学历和专业技术职务较低。尤其是乡镇中小学。提出:制定教师队伍建设规划;完善规章制度,开展多种形式的继续教育;改善体育教师的工作、生活条件,稳定教师队伍;改革学校人事制度,建立优胜劣汰机制;加强体育师范教育,深化教学改革,培养合格体育教育人才等对策。  相似文献   

从国际徒手搏击运动规则的共同特征入手,把武术散打新规则的主要变化与国际其它徒手搏击运动进行比较分析。结果表明:新的散打规则更加完善、简单易行、便于操作,与国际其它徒手对抗搏斗项目相一致;护具“全护式”,符合规则制定的“尊重人的生命,确保安全”的基本原则,将会使比赛更具有安全性、流畅性和观赏性,易于推广和普及;得分标准的修订符合规则制定的“保证技术向高水平发展”的基本原则,将会使比赛更具有技击性,运动员在训练中会更加注重提高全面的技术和强大的实力,在比赛中也会更倾向于主动进攻。  相似文献   

Two different measurement techniques are used to examine the effect of surface geometry on soccer ball trajectories. Five professional players are observed using high-speed video when taking curling free kicks with four different soccer balls. The input conditions are measured and the average launch velocity and spin are found to be approximately 24 m/s and 106 rad/s. It is found that the players can apply more spin (~50%) on average to one ball, which has a slightly rougher surface than the other balls. The trajectories for the same four balls fired at various velocities and spin rates across a sports hall using a bespoke firing device are captured using high-speed video cameras, and their drag and lift coefficients estimated. Balls with more panels are found to experience a higher lift coefficient. The drag coefficient results show a large amount of scatter, and it is difficult to distinguish between the balls. Using the results in a trajectory prediction programme it is found that increasing the number of panels from 14 to 32 can significantly alter the final position of a 20 m-curling free kick by up to 1 m.  相似文献   

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