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探讨了设计网络协作学习时虚拟学习环境的重要性,具体阐述了创设网络协作学习虚拟学习环境的方法,并从3个方面提出了虚拟学习环境创设的原则。  相似文献   

探讨了设计网络协作学习时虚拟学习环境的重要性,具体阐述了创设网络协作学习虚拟学习环境的方法,并从3个方面提出了虚拟学习环境创设的原则。  相似文献   

本文在建构主义理论的指导下,结合网络环境的特点,分析了网络环境下开展基于问题的协作学习的优势,并从确定问题、分组、设计信息资源库三个方面对网络环境下开展基于问题的协作学习的策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

当今社会,网络技术的迅猛发展对传统教育产生了极大冲击,同时也促进了教育教学的进一步改革。其中网络环境下的协作学习已成为现代教育领域一种非常重要的教学模式。对提高学习者的学习效率,培养学习者的能力发展有重要意义。  相似文献   

近年来,我国网络课程建设已取得大量成果,但现有网络课程提供的学习方法,大多以个别化自主学习为主,缺乏学习者之间的深层次协作。究其原因,是缺乏实现网络课程与协作学习整合的方法。通过对学习环境、协作学习环境和网络课程中的协作学习环境进行定义、对要素进行分析,设计了网络课程中的协作学习环境的概念框架,为网络课程设计提供理论支持,以实现网络课程与协作学习的整合。  相似文献   

虚拟教室作为一种网络协作学习环境,促进了学习者之间的协作,为学习者提供了更加广阔自由的协作学习空间。本文阐述了虚拟教室的特点和发展,并在分析虚拟教室环境下开展协作学习优势的基础上,结合协作学习理念,提出基于虚拟教室的协作学习活动的设计,以期有效指导基于虚拟教室协作学习活动的开展。  相似文献   

虚拟教室作为一种网络协作学习环境,促进了学习者之间的协作,为学习者提供了更加广阔自由的协作学习空间。本文阐述了虚拟教室的特点和发展,并在分析虚拟教室环境下开展协作学习优势的基础上,结合协作学习理念,提出基于虚拟教室的协作学习活动的设计,以期有效指导基于虚拟教室协作学习活动的开展。  相似文献   

在建构主义理论指导下,讨论了网络环境下当代信息社会进行协作学习需要具备的条件和 要求,探索了网络环境下具体实施协作学习的可行性,说明了学科网络多媒体网站建设的时代需要性.  相似文献   

网络协作学习的教学设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络协作学习是指利用计算机网络以及多媒体等相关技术,将分散的计算机有机地连接在一起以实现教学信息在网络上高效传播,从而建立良好的协作学习环境,使教师与学生、学生与学生,针对同一学习内容彼此讨论与合作,以达到对教学内容比较深刻的理解与掌握的过程。通过计算机网  相似文献   

网络校际协作学习环境是该学习活动展开过程中赖以持续学习的资源总称,包括连接校际成员的计算机和网络技术工具资源、作为协作同伴的人际网络资源、维系同伴关系和整合技术工具的学习活动及任务情境的内容资源。网络校际协作学习环境设计是对这些资源的系统化设计,设计原则是多样性原则,包括共同性、差异性、共建性或创造性原则;设计内容包括组织层面的设计、活动层面的设计及工具层面的设计;活动层面的设计包括设计学习过程的六步骤和设计"基于差异学习策略"。根据一些学者的预测,未来的网络校际协作学习注重组织层面的设计,即作为学习资源的人际网络的设计,目标是在连接我们的网络世界里的共同学习。  相似文献   

The need for supporting student writing has received much attention in writing research. One specific type of support is feedback—including peer feedback—on the writing process. Despite the wealth of literature on both feedback and academic writing, there is little empirical evidence on what type of feedback best promotes writing in online environments. This article reports on research that tries to determine what type of feedback best improves the quality of collaborative writing and what the effects of feedback are on student learning in an environment based on asynchronous written communication. The results reveal that concerning the type of feedback, epistemic feedback or epistemic and suggestive feedback best improve the quality of collaborative writing performance. The nature of the feedback-giver (whether teacher feedback or teacher and peer) makes a difference to the final text only when the feedback is epistemic, or epistemic and suggestive.  相似文献   

Interaction is critical for successful teaching and learning in a virtual learning environment (VLE). This paper presents a web-based interaction-aware VLE – WebIntera-classroom – which aims to augment learning interactions by increasing the learner-to-content and learner-to-instructor interactions. We design a ubiquitous interactive interface that integrates a pen-and-paper interface with a web-based whiteboard to promote effective learner-to-content interactions. We develop a learning analytics tool that instantly shows learners’ learning interactions, with which instructors can supervise learner-to-instructor interactions. We implement a high-granularity Learning Analytics Engine (hgLAE) to broadcast, record and play a lecture recording. The hgLAE identifies hotspots in a lecture recording and raises students’ awareness of the hotspots when they watch the recording. WebIntera-classroom has been deployed in 11 universities in China. The system obtained high satisfaction in the questionnaires (N?=?464) and face-to-face interviews (N?=?60) conducted with the users from China Jiliang University. We compared the students’ performance, respectively, achieved in traditional classroom and in WebIntera-classroom at China Jiliang University during 2012–2013. The result demonstrates that the students could gain performance improvement by using WebIntera-classroom.  相似文献   

Collaborative inquiry learning affords educators a context within which to support understanding of scientific practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts. One approach to supporting collaborative science inquiry is through problem-based learning (PBL). However, there are two key challenges in scaffolding collaborative inquiry learning in technology rich environments. First, it is unclear how we might understand the impact of scaffolds that address multiple functions (e.g., to support inquiry and argumentation). Second, scaffolds take different forms, further complicating how to coordinate the forms and functions of scaffolds to support effective collaborative inquiry. To address these issues, we identify two functions that needed to be scaffolded, the PBL inquiry cycle and accountable talk. We then designed predefined hard scaffolds and just-in-time soft scaffolds that target the regulation of collaborative inquiry processes and accountable talk. Drawing on a mixed method approach, we examine how middle school students from a rural school engaged with Crystal Island: EcoJourneys for two weeks (N=45). Findings indicate that hard scaffolds targeting the PBL inquiry process and soft scaffolds that targeted accountable talk fostered engagement in these processes. Although the one-to-one mapping between form and function generated positive results, additional soft scaffolds were also needed for effective engagement in collaborative inquiry and that these soft scaffolds were often contingent on hard scaffolds. Our findings have implications for how we might design the form of scaffolds across multiple functions in game-based learning environments.  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings from one of the first empirical research studies which has investigated the impact of Inter-Life; a novel three-dimensional immersive virtual learning environment, on learning and development of social and educational life transition skills in a group of looked after and accommodated children. Drawing on social constructivism in which meaningful learning is related to context and situated in practice, we report on a series of Inter-Life workshops that enabled young people to work together and through the processes of participation in authentic learning activities contributed to the development of life transition skills such as self-confidence, empathy, negotiation and mediation skills, teamwork and active problem-solving skills. The novel affordances of the Inter-Life virtual world which contributed to the development of the learning community included the ability to personalise learner engagement and activities from the outset along with ‘co-presence’ and ‘immersion’ and the flexibility provided by the innovative, technology-enhanced Inter-Life platform. This study presents some empirical evidence to demonstrate the efficacy of new models of learning that are mediated by innovative malleable technologies that can be shaped by the learner in a participatory manner.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe and examine the environments used by teacher candidates in multi-user virtual environments. Secondary data analysis of a case study methodology was employed. Multiple data sources including interviews, surveys, observations, snapshots, course artifacts, and the researcher’s journal were used in the initial case study, while using the resulting narratives of each student’s experience for the secondary data analysis. All data were coded and reviewed iteratively to inductively deduce the key considerations for virtual world environmental design. Five assertions were derived from the data to help guide the development of virtual learning environments. These five assertions focus on: novelty, the role of realism, fantastical and outdoor environments, maneuverability, and design for movement.  相似文献   

When inquiry-based learning is designed for a collaborative context, the interactions that arise in the learning environment can become fairly complex. While the learning effectiveness of such learning environments has been reported in the literature, there have been fewer studies on the students’ learning processes. To address this, the article presents a study of science learning in a computer-supported learning environment called Collaborative Science Inquiry (CSI), which integrates guided inquiry principles for activity design, employs modelling and visualisation tools for promoting conceptual understanding and incorporates key computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) elements for enabling students’ collaboration. With the aim of understanding the process of students’ conceptual changes supported by the CSI learning environment as used in a secondary school, data on students’ test achievements, responses to learning tasks and peer discussions in collaboration were collected, analysed and discussed. The results of the qualitative and quantitative data analysis indicated that guided inquiry coupled with CSCL elements facilitated by the CSI system can engage students in inquiry activities and promote their conceptual understanding in a progressive way.  相似文献   

分布式CAD环境中基于操作语义的实时协同设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种应用于分布式CAD环境中的基于操作语义的协同设计模型. 主要目的是为了减少数据转换的耗时量以及降低对网络带宽的需求, 从而改善协作能力, 提高实时同步的效果. 首先回顾了实时协同设计的发展现状, 讨论了3种实时协同设计模型. 其次, 给出了操作语义的定义, 并提出了一个操作语义模型框架. 操作语义包含原始设计数据和实际操作过程, 表达CAD系统中的设计者意图和操作活动. 最后, 根据操作语义模型, 定义了CAD操作原语, 该原语可以从CAD操作中提取也可以映射成CAD操作命令; 给出了一种基于该模型的分布CAD协同体系结构, 并通过一个实例加以验证.  相似文献   

This experimental study was intended to examine whether game-based learning (GBL) that encompasses four particular game characteristics (challenges, a storyline, immediate rewards and the integration of game-play with learning content) in an OpenSimulator-supported virtual reality learning environment can improve perceived motivational quality of the learning activity (P-MQLA) for elementary school students. In this pre- and post-test experimental comparison study, data were collected from 132 fourth-graders through a Short Instructional Materials Motivation Survey. The same tasks were provided for the experimental and control groups, except that the control group’s tasks did not include the four aforementioned gaming characteristics. The non-GBL for the control group involved mainly web-based word problems such as selecting the correct answer by clicking on the potential responses. P-MQLA was improved after the intervention in both groups. There is a trend that the experimental group improved the P-MQLA more than the control group, at borderline statistical significance. The analysis of covariance also indicated a significant interaction between the group variable and the pre-intervention P-MQLA, indicating that the effect of the virtual reality-supported GBL is moderated by learners’ pre-intervention report of P-MQLA.  相似文献   

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