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—SiteI—ndexl—Tradem—arks/GraphicsI—Sea—rch0Jim 2.2003:Ha】10wee小,Ⅲreleased}搿01~13.2002:S~rbaseOpenWatcomPublicLicenses.OCLC RescarchPublic Licerise&wxWindows I~brmwLicerise released 00enSO晰are License&A.....c...a..d...e...m....i。c。...F..。r...e.。e.、.L.,..i.c,,.e,.n—s—eOpen Source Ini~ative rosz)is a n。n—profit col~porahon dedicatedtoman㈣andpromofixgtheOpen SourceDefixitionforthe goodofthe commun~y,specifically through the OSI Certified Open SourceSoNv~e cert~…  相似文献   

一.短/词语辨析1.board/aboard/abroad/broadboard:v:上(船、火车、飞机)wait to board候机(车)e.g.:Passengers are waiting to board.搭配:board sb out安排某人在外膳食;board sth up用木板封住(窗,门等);boardingpass登机牌。n:木板/委员会/膳食Ⅰ木板:a bulletin board布告牌,go on  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Video packets are transmitted over the Internet using a best-effort service. Therefore, a large number of simultaneous video streams or cross traffic arriving at a network node (e.g. a multimedia gateway) may sometimes exceed the node’s forwarding capacity, i.e., the incoming data rate may exceed the outgoing data rate at the node. In this paper, we consider a scenario where M streaming videos and N conversa- tional videos pass through a network node with lim- ited forwardi…  相似文献   

时尚交际(Let’stalk)sun n.(太阳)e.g.The sun is much bigger than the moon.postcard n.(明信片)e.g.I can get a lot ofpostcards everyyear.shine v.(照耀;发光)e.g.The sun shines brightly.imagine v.(想象;设想)e.g.She imagines that her parents don’t like her.There is big a desk in the classroom.We have towear a uniformtoschool.What does your teacher look like?I like towear sunglasses outside.What doyou think ofEnglish class?One ofyour friends has a computer.Which units were difficult?1.There be结…  相似文献   

l一3一一.若数列{a,}满足:a,且对任意正整数,n,n都有a、。=a. lim(a, a: … a,)=·a,,则() (e)普.(D)2·2一3 B l一2 A 2.已知}a卜2}bl笋O,且关于x的方程尹 }alx a·b一。有实根,则a与b的夹角的取值范围是( (A)[。,晋〕) (“,[晋,·」. (e)「晋,誓」·3.过双曲线  相似文献   

U一,‘O一翻、‘一S 工.听力部分(共15分) 一、听对话,并圈出在对话中出现的词 汇。(3分) 1 .a)lostb)reste)best 2.a)sheb)hee)they 3.a)houseb)hoste)horse 二、听问句及三个不同的答语,然后根据问句选择正确的答语,并圈出与其相应的题号。(5分) 1 .a)b)e)2.a)b)e) 3.a)b)e)4.a)b)e) 5.a)b)e) 三、听短文,并判断下列各句是否符合短文内容,符合的在句后横线上写T,不符合的写F。(7分) 1 .Bessie goes to school every day·_ 2·Mary 15 a sehool glrl·_ 1 .There are many bookshel珊5 in ourClaSSr001n。 2.These eities are very b…  相似文献   

由于复数具有代数、几何、三角、指数等多种形式,故可用复数为工具解决一些代数、几何、三角问慈木文仅就用复数解三角问题作一探讨。 一、推导某些三角公式 例1.推导下列求和公式二1.一1S:一艺幼n(a 掩刀),52一艺eos(a k刀)毛,。心一护月一i鹉~1协一1解:.5: :S,一名[eos(a k刀) ‘s‘n(a k刀)1一名e以’ ‘,,一。·’·名e,.几声=e‘. 1一已‘.,夕 1奋云谓、...心一0几.0、,‘.、!一cosn刀 ‘气cos‘十公slna)·一不一万。 i一仁05P一isin”刀_isin口=(eosa 云51幻a) 、(一i一曾=又U(多5“十‘sllla)‘一一,—Slnse SlnSin子)扩 _.。刀/…  相似文献   

Crossword Puzzle     
卡寺e for water 邵vC rnea1 .It 15 ruee to have a eold one inof blit- .-4一、一 7 .Iam一to概you陇U a罗.n·9 .We mus*切山ee毗of the一, fl~;汀心g二巧5 in thegax- 曲1.1 1 .1 don’r like一wearher:we (二出u双,t 90 out·13.We all have pencils,加tno 一to四t them into. S趁】皿T”们吧r. 2.飞卜e no丫el 15一ehillli℃n. 3.钊orn们th as拓rt5.}倪咧即司山11联,k in as坛犯Iof6 .not cleaJI 8 .PI~一myqu限ions in En- glish.1O.n()t晒、12.一铂U yoll cometo洲附?(本编辑部提供)crossword puzzle(答案)Crossword Puzzl…  相似文献   

,二、工、m只仁IJ气a夕—一,丙一 COS口(b)研ag(1 5 ino)tgo(e)(1)(d)(2)(e)n._:1,r、。」__、,_01=tg‘—气I)。恶=19一卜(2)(h)v《矿林ag(i)(j)(1) (g)(2)(k)矿ag(i 5 ino:)tg(0:一02)(l)了ag(1 sino:)etg(0:一0:)(m)(1)(a)(n)、》‘/鲤 V林〔2〕(1)典(b)典t(e)m曰mU丫.2mD艺 eV(d)eV(2)D一x Dne(‘)号ne (e)(g)}neZVmDZ(h)件 (3)〔3〕(a)(i)ne(j 2(b)7(e)电子(f) neV4(e)He(d)6(g)一C了ZML(MP一ML一ma)ma(ML ma)(h)2(i)Xl=Zmavsino qB betgo(j)tA=Zmao qB bvsino(k)tp二4〕(A) 3Mlg P介nlaqB(a)=1 .3 x 10一7(秒)O(B)(b…  相似文献   

More than 1,000 people snaked through a midtownManhattan bookstore for a chance to meet Sen.Hillary Rodham Clinton and receive a signed copy ofher memoir,Living History,during its first day instores.  相似文献   

巧妙利用公式C卜C卜C: .··…十C:二2”(n。N’)(以下简称公式)可以解决一类通项含有组合数的求和问题。一、组合数系数变形应用公式求和例1求和eZ 之一e止 三一e三 … 典一e:(。。N·)。乙jn l解析:·:~共C三=共人 l左 l n! k!(n一k)! 1 n l (n l)! (k 1)!【(n l)一(k l)1!典  相似文献   

性质工。1,—叹口 C)一2韶6’“一“”一,,。、一1、J、口夕、百、。宁“, 1,一,一一一,丁二几了犷b‘ (己一口)一乙证如b等。,取七g,二上华 U则f(8) 1二石-(C十a)十一2、。,,,·吕in(28 甲)知性质为真.护万不不厂丽2.1一n‘.如6=o,f(e)=a oin20 eeos:0二」一(。 。)(e一a)eo日  相似文献   

设,任N,。任R,则如下各等式成立:i)are sin〔 拼牡(n+1)·(侧(:+1)2一那2一侧几“一仍2)〕=are“in竺一aresin一下哭 几拜甲1({号…、1)arCC08+训(n“一mZ)〔(忍+1)“一仍:〕‘,r3二l]明儿(刀+1)二are eos一卫L-一are 凡+leos塑 牡丝{簇1、路l/are七g饥(2几+1)了.、iii=aretg(叨戈0)(n+l)2哪一ar。tg兰,仍iv)a retg竺(3n2+3忍+1)____工_(n十1)2__,n“一己tU‘g—一a工习毛g;、二了 71乙打‘ (mv)等0)arCC七gf土丝二七哎一arCCog几阴功一arCctg几+1。(叨等0)饥设are oin竺=x,5 ifl 饥刀+1=夕C、Jar竺2(劣,夕任〔一色,2则。in劣=巡,5 in…  相似文献   

我们知道数列通项 an 具有如下两个常见的基本变形式 :差式变形式 :an=(an- an-1 ) (an+ 1 - an-2 ) +…+(a2 - a1 ) +a1 . 1商式变形式 :an=anan-1· an-1 an-2·…· a3 a2· a2a1·a1 . 21式可以应用于求递推关系式为 :an+ 1 =an+g(n)型数列的通项公式 ;2式可以应用于求递推关系式为 :an+ 1 =f(n)× an型数列的通项公式 .而对求递推关系式为 :an+ 1 =kan+g(n) (k≠ 1 ) ( )型的通项公式就失效 .近期有杂志刊文介绍对 an+ 1 =kan+g(n) (k≠1 )型的通项公式求法 .不外乎两种方法 :其一是将an+ 1 =kan+g(n) (k≠ 1 )转化为 :an- h(n) =k{ an…  相似文献   

翻阮p笼口。r困论七到沁.及J 1.根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。1 .Myp—are both teaehe巧in our sehool·2·Mr Green has a lovelr(可爱的)d_. She’5 ten years old. 3 .Jim 15 my good圭二一一·4 .Luey and Uly are twins.They are twins一. 5.There are仁一一一members(成员)in my fanlily. They are my father,my mother,my brother and 1. 11.用所给单词的正确形式坟空。1 .That 15_伪e)sister. 2.How_you_(s Pell) this wold? 3._(D aunt has a son and a daughter. 4 .My_(dietion脚)are on the desk. 5._(that) are …  相似文献   

命题若a、,n、,2任R ,_巨a半l,则了n 109。月=2210日d冲井(关)证明:’:109。nlog。m=loga阴109“,: 109。,nlog·”一109“n场“一 阴109。”=221oga用. 指数的这一“换底公式”貌似平凡,但据此求解一类指、对数混合问题,却有着化繁为简,化难为易之功效.例1求值7152。· 一l一2解:原式~71 吵·(=7·7,92·()l“7·211︸9︸llzA通.7= 一一一一例2若a笋1,解关于二的方程a,gr·xl““一2(a,g,十士,g‘) 3=0.解:由公式(*),得(a 19,)“一4al“工 3=o:.a‘92一一或a,g!=3 刃1=l,xZ=1010‘3经检验:x,一1,x:一1010幼均为原方程的解.例3已知:a、l,.…  相似文献   

Apartfromitsgeonetrica1interestthewell-knownHadamard'sthooremfindsitsap-plicationsinanalysis(e.g.,inthetheoryofintegralequations).Manypndshavebenknown,butIshouldliketogiveapurelyalgebraiconewhichnotonlyhasamanifestsignifi-canceingeOmetrybutalsobearsmconnectionwithananalyticonebasedonthethewyofrnaxirnaandminimafOrfunctionsofseveralvariabIes.Thesaidthooremrunsasfollows:llrrheoremD=det(alj),aijeR,i,j=l,2,.....',noIDI<):\1a,1,whereai=(a11.ai2,...,aI,I),i=l,2,...,n.l1-Ill-1Itistriviallytruewhe…  相似文献   

Unit3Ⅰ.词汇(15分)A)根据括号内的汉语提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。(5分)1.John had an(事故)yesterday.H e was knocked dow n by a car.2.In this partofthe city,you can see som e(现代)buildings.3.The old road has now been(关闭)up since the highway wasopen to traffic.4.The girls(跳)up and dow n,when they w on the gam e.5.Y esterday afternoon he was telling m e about his(经历)as ayoung m an.B)根据句意和所给首字母,写出空白处所缺的单词。(5分)1.There are a fifty people in the reading room now.2.A funny …  相似文献   

A 13th century gothic architecture becomes a bookstore through continuation of dialogue between history and modernity.In Maastricht,Selexyz Dominicanen is a project with multiple souls,where tradition and innovative solutions come together over a good book and a good cup of coffee.  相似文献   

运用初等方法证明了:对于任何正整数n,方程n!/x0! n!/x1! n!/x2! … n!/xn!=[e·n!]仅有一组正整数解(x0,x1,x2,…,xn)=(1,1,2,…,n)适合x0≤x1≤x2≤…≤xn,其中[e·n!]是e·n!的整数部分.  相似文献   

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