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本文针对当前网络教学活动设计中进行动机设计的必要性,通过对几种动机设计理论的分析,提出了各种动机要素之间的彼此影响的关系,对如何在网络教学活动设计中进行动机设计的整合提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

ADDIE教学设计模型在外语教学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将教学设计理论模型引入到外语教学,旨在系统有序地安排教学过程,控制变量,优化教学效果。通过专业学位研究生英语课程的ADDIE模式个案分析,探讨ADDIE模式从分析到评估阶段的内核和关键要素,指出引入教学理论模型改变了教学活动单一、孤立的状态,有助于形成教学活动内的微观小循环及不同教学活动间的宏观大循环。  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(4):283-309
This article describes a conceptual framework to integrate assessment and instruction. Based on constructivist perspectives on teaching and learning and the recent movement away from externally mandated testing as a guide for classroom activity, the framework highlights the importance of the teacher in the development of instructional assessment. Instructional assessment is viewed as part of a larger assessment system, with each component having different audiences and purposes. To be most effective, it is argued that the connections between assessment and instruction be bound more tightly. Teachers and students are asked to have more active roles, from the development of strategies to interpretation of results. Because this represents a very different model for assessment, new criteria for judging the validity of assessment strategies are outlined. Collaboration between the research and practitioner communities are suggested to develop practically grounded but theoretically strong methods of assessment.  相似文献   

This article proposes a model that integrates the traditionally conflicting objectivist and constructivist approaches to instructional design. I argue that these two approaches are complementary rather than oppositional. I present and analyze two learning programs in order to show how learning events can contain both objectivist and constructivist elements. By plotting the two approaches at right angles to one another, I produce four quadrants which I then discuss and explain. What fallows after that is a discussion of comments that were received from members of a prominent instructional technology mailing list about the feasibility of the model. Finally I present two case studies. The first describes a two-day workshop that was designed to be high on both axes, while the second shows how the model could be used as a decision-making tool. Initial findings suggest that it is both feasible and useful to plot objectivism and constructivism at right angles to one another rather than at opposite ends of a continuum.  相似文献   

教学设计、教学系统设计和教学设计学三个概念在教育技术学界没有做严格的区分,这给学术研究以及中小学教师“教学设计”实践等方面造成混乱。这三个概念的内涵和外延等方面是不同的;教学设计学,并不是教学论的低层次重复;教学设计能力,不等于对教学设计学理论和模式的简单照搬;教学设计学的理论和模式必须经过实践检验和“本土化”改造,才能转化为教师的“教学设计”能力。  相似文献   

This paper highlights the instructional design process followed by the Maricopa Community College faculty in the creation of instructional modules in Digital Visual Literacy. The paper categorizes 10 tasks that an instructional designer, a teacher, or a trainer performs during the design phase of the instructional design process. The importance of alignment between each of these 10 instructional elements is stressed in the paper. Also described are two different design models (top-down model and the matrix model) that were used by the faculty in the design of instructional materials. The matrix model has been found to be more effective in aligning the 10 instructional elements. Also included are survey results on the importance of the instructional design elements and if instructors include these elements in their lesson design in a community college setting.  相似文献   

分析了教学设计的发展、信息化环境对教学设计的影响,提出了信息化教学设计,并阐述了信息化教学设计的理论基础、设计原则、设计方法以及在信息化教学设计中需要注意的问题.  相似文献   

Comparisons are drawn between the ideas of mastery learning and those of instructional design. Considerable agreement is noted concerning the main factors contributing to the quality of instruction. Similarities are pointed out in Bloom's alterable variables and a number of the events of instruciton described by Gagné. Differences exist in the taxonomic categories of learned performances of the two systems, and in the proposal of instructional design that each category requires a different set of instructional tactics. A noteworthy area of agreement is emphasis on the instructional importance of skill automaticity.  相似文献   

Technology Integration and Instructional Design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Cognitive Architecture and Instructional Design   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
Cognitive load theory has been designed to provide guidelines intended to assist in the presentation of information in a manner that encourages learner activities that optimize intellectual performance. The theory assumes a limited capacity working memory that includes partially independent subcomponents to deal with auditory/verbal material and visual/2- or 3-dimensional information as well as an effectively unlimited long-term memory, holding schemas that vary in their degree of automation. These structures and functions of human cognitive architecture have been used to design a variety of novel instructional procedures based on the assumption that working memory load should be reduced and schema construction encouraged. This paper reviews the theory and the instructional designs generated by it.  相似文献   

Skillfully executed, instructional design can result in effective and efficient means to meet learning goals. However, more powerful learning experiences seem to go beyond effectiveness, efficiency, appeal, and even predetermined goals. This study sought to identify the key features of instructional design, to determine the nature of powerful learning experiences, and to explore how the two might relate. A survey of experts and a series of interviews with adult learners revealed overlap in some areas, for example, in the perceived importance of active engagement in authentic situations, and clear differences in others, most significantly the importance placed by learners on continual face‐to‐face personal interaction with a mentor/expert teacher. Speculations are offered on what similar results from additional studies might imply with regard to design actions and choices, and questions for further research are posed.  相似文献   

信息化社会,知识以爆炸式的速度增长,依赖传统体制教授知识已不能满足时代的要求,迫切要求学生学会学习。培养学生的元认知能力对于学生学会学习至关重要,教学设计的各个环节,内容分析、学习者分析、目标制定、策略选择和成果评价,都应考虑元认知因素。  相似文献   

教学设计的思想在学科教学中的应用重要性越显突出,但作为"教学设计"课程教学又该如何设计?本文结合"教学设计"课程自身特点,立足课程教学现状,总结归纳,初步探索出一套适合该课程的"讲、做、述、思、评、修、行"的七步教学法.该方法在教学实践中多次应用,收效良好,学生教学设计实践能力稳步提高.  相似文献   

教学设计的概念以及学习理论对教学设计的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教学设计的研究,发展到今天,已成为教学领域和教育技术领域的一个热点问题。教学设计的发展与学习理论的研究息息相关。学习理论经历了行为主义、认知主义和建构主义三个历史阶段的演变,教学设计也随着出现了三种形式:程序教学、智能教学和建构主义教学。  相似文献   

论目标为本的教学设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教学设计是一种目标导向的系列活动。许多教学设计模式都可以看成是目标为本这一基本模式的延伸。教学设计的基本方略可以归结为如何处理好学习的结果与过程同学习的内外部条件的关系,实现有效教学途径在于遵循"分类教学"理念,从宏观和微观两个方面保持学习结果与教学条件的适配。  相似文献   

整合技术的教学设计过程模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,信息技术与课程整合成为中国基础教育改革的突破口,旨在通过发挥技术手段的优势,来促进素质教育、优化教学效果、提高教学质量。然而,在学科教学中整合信息技术的实践并不如人所愿,种种因素制约了它的进一步发展,其中的关键问题在于教师缺乏良好的教学设计能力、丰富的信息环境和有效的应用模型或工具。支持整合的教学设计过程模型以ADDLE教学设计模式为基础,借鉴了Dick&Carrey模式的诸多要素,同时融入了技术整合的方法,为整合技术的教学设计提供一个清晰的操作流程。  相似文献   

网络课程设计中的教学系统设计   总被引:34,自引:1,他引:34  
网络课程其本身就是一个教学系统,对该教学系统进行系统教学设计的优劣将直接决定着网络课程的教学功能是否实现。本文首先分析了教学系统设计在网络课程设计中的地位与作用,接着便对网络教学系统的各个要素——学习者、教学目标、教学内容、学习环境、教学策略、评价等作了系统的设计。  相似文献   

教师信念与英语课堂教学设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教师信念比教师的知识更能影响教师的备课、做各种判断以及教学实践。利用社会建构主义的教学思想指导教师反思自己的教学信念,并将其与教学设计的理论知识相结合,旨在帮助教师尽快提高他们在教学设计方面的能力。  相似文献   

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