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Performance Technologists view discrepancies in human performance as products of the system (the set of interrelated components that work together to achieve a common purpose). Before designing, developing, implementing, or evaluating an intervention, Performance Technologists first identify and analyze all relevant aspects of the system. Consequently, to make significant and lasting improvements to public education, Performance Technologists must have knowledge of essential educational system elements and their interrelationships. This paper is divided into two parts. Part One specifies ten essential components of an educational system within the context of; the family and community, the public schools, business and industry, government agencies, and institutes of higher education. It describes the function of each component and examines related trends and issues, illustrating both the complexity and necessity of approaching educational improvement from a systemic perspective. Part Two discusses the implications of the systemic perspective for the professional development and training of Performance Technologists. Together, both parts provide a model for organizing and applying information related to key contextual factors in public schools for those interested in preparing PTs for work in K-12 education.  相似文献   

在世界近现代史上,许多国家特别是大国的经济发展都经历过由沿海到内地的发展过程。美国的西部开发模式取得令人瞩目的成就;俄国西伯利亚开发也成为世界边疆开发史上的典型。借鉴美、俄边疆开发的经验,对内蒙古经济的发展有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how academicians and practitioners can work together on an important topic that matters to organizational performance: the pivotal role played by salespeople during new product launches. In particular, the authors present three potential interventions that training and sales managers may use to sell a new product to salespeople. The results legitimatize the critical contribution of sales training to new product sales performance and highlight the value of the partnership between training professionals and sales managers.  相似文献   

美国现任总统布什在国内反对之声高涨、选前支持率与民主党候选人非常接近的情况下,以选民票和选举人票的双赢成功连任总统,其原因在于布什树立了坚定的个人形象,适时利用了保守主义回潮,转移了民众关注焦点以及确立了正确的个人策略等。不论是共和党候选人还是民主党候选人当选总统,美国选举民主的虚伪性都是不会改变的。  相似文献   

品牌是构成产品整体的一个重要组成部分,其作用在于它是产品质量的象征,对于企业来说,优质的品牌还能树立良好的企业形象,企业要做强必须提升品牌竞争力。品牌竞争要以市场为中心,质量为保证,不断完善体制机制,发挥竞争优势,充分满足消费者的要求。  相似文献   

政府绩效管理是现代政府管理的一种行之有效的制度安排.美国联邦政府部门绩效管理是一种结果导向的管理,它是在即定的法律框架下,由战略规划、绩效计划、绩效信息应用和绩效预算等构成的一套制度体系和运作机制.在当前和未来的一段时期内,中国各级政府在推进绩效管理过程中,应重点加强三个方面的工作即加快绩效管理立法、推进绩效预算改革和部门内部管理改革.  相似文献   

在美国学开汽车@白辰  相似文献   

通过分析美国高科技企业并购成功和失败的典型案例,对国内高科技企业走并购发展之路提供有益的借鉴:技术和智力资源的有效整合是成功并购的必由之路,文化冲突和收购价值分歧会让并购走向失败。  相似文献   

以职业体育的特性“共生性”为基础,从均衡竞争的角度对比中美职业体育的竞争机制,指出我国职业体育在收入分享制度、选秀制度、储备制度以及转会制度上的缺陷和不足, 并提出了相应的意见和建议.  相似文献   

Learning takes place in various spaces through human and nonhuman interactions. Considering the urgent need for rethinking how humans relate to nature, in this article we present a MA level course in the context of art, craft and design to discuss how learning with the natural environment approach can impact learning experiences. We introduce walking with nature as a creative method that fosters students’ ability to let the environment actively shape their creative events. The encounter with nature-based materials in their different forms and following the material's flow provides students with a foundation for their creative processes. This study proposes that walking can facilitate the entanglement between the student's knowledge and encountered materials, generating an emotional and dialogical relationship with the natural environment that contributes to a holistic learning experience. We propose that such an experience can help in comprehending the importance of the caring actions we need to take and maintain towards the nonhuman world.  相似文献   

美国是如何培养创新人才的   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪80年代以来,美国为了在日益激烈的国际竞争中占据主动地位,愈加重视创新人才的培养.为此,政府大力推进教育改革,鼓励学术界开展旨在加快培养创新人才的理论研究.研究美国在培养创新人才方面的措施和经验,对我国具有一定参考价值.  相似文献   

美国一直企图改变苏联社会主义的性质,但承认只要斯大林在世,这种图谋就无法实现.赫鲁晓夫上台执政,被美国视为是从意识形态上对其施加影响的好机会,并为此采取了一系列措施.  相似文献   

武峥  刘宾 《许昌学院学报》2013,32(3):128-130
在以结果为导向的预算体制下,美国政府形成了项目评估、部门评估和跨部门评估的绩效评估体系。其中以项目等级评估工具(PART)为主的项目绩效评估取得了较好的成效。近年我国政府在财政项目支出绩效评价方面进行着积极的探索,应借鉴美国项目绩效评估理论与实践,加快推动我国绩效预算制度改革。  相似文献   

中美教师绩效评价比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国注重教师绩效评价实践并努力从中归纳出教师绩效评价的维度,这种取向在"全美教师团队"评选中尤为明显.我国教师绩效评价研究还处于起步阶段,典型范例是由林崇德、蔡永红等人所做的研究,他们采用质性研究与实证研究相结合的方法,研究了教师绩效结构.中美教师绩效评价的核心维度是一致的,但理解有所不同;中美教师绩效评价的"学生学业"维度基本一致,但表述有所不同.中美教师绩效评价的维度的差别,体现了不同的文化传统与教育观念.这不仅在一定意义上为教师绩效研究提供了新的视角,而且为教师专业发展提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

This article discusses the characteristics of rural versus nonrural principals in the High Plains states. It is based on data from the Schools and Staffing Survey, examining the differences in preparation and experience and the extent to which characteristics of the rural principalship (perceptions of autonomy, workload, etc.) predicted retention. In this study, significant differences were found between rural and nonrural principals on demographic variables. Rural principals reported greater influence over their curriculum, but less influence over the use of the school budget. Overall, rural principals had slightly lower perceptions of autonomy than did nonrural principals, and greater autonomy predicted greater rural principal retention.  相似文献   

文章以江阴上市公司为例阐述了如何从企业的偿债能力、盈利能力、营运能力、成长能力这四个方面入手,全面提升江阴上市公司的经营业绩。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— This review examines the effects of military training regimes, which might include some degree of sleep deprivation, on sleep–wake schedules. We report a 4-year longitudinal study of sleep patterns of cadets at the United States Military Academy and the consequences of an extension of sleep from 6 to 8 hr per night at the United States Navy's Recruit Training Command. These studies provide an opportunity to observe sleep in a college-age population and also to record sleep patterns over an entire 4-year college experience, adding to our understanding of the changes in sleep patterns over the life span.  相似文献   

对20世纪美国社会的稳定和发展而言,美国现代公益基金会扮演着重要角色。本文从美国现代基金会发挥的社会功能出发,通过对基全会的行业组织和主管部门的考察.探讨现代基金会与美国政府的关系,从而呈现出美国政府如何对基金会进行有效的管理。通过这三方面的考察。揭示了美国政府的政策和治理方式对美国现代基金会的发展的巨大影响,对于一些发展中国家日益发展的慈善事业的规范和管理具有理论价值争现实意义。  相似文献   

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