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Cystic fibrosis is a common autosomal recessive disorder usually found in population of white Caucasian descent. Now it is well documented the presence of CF disease in India with the advancement of laboratory testing. As once it was thought non existence of this disease in our population. Most of the phenotype of CF disease was in accordance of western population. Genetic analysis of CFTR gene in Indian CF patients revealed that most common mutation was delta F508 mutation. However, it was less than Caucasian population. CFTR mutations are also a causative factor in the pathogenesis of male infertility due to obstructive azoospermia. There are two most common mutation viz. IVS8-T5 and delta F508 which are responsible for congenital absence of vas deferens in male infertility patients. Elevated levels of sweat chloride at two occasions along with the presence of two mutations in CFTR gene was gold standard method for diagnosis of CF disease. It is noteworthy here that due to magnitude of Indian population, the total CF disease load would be more than many European countries. Clinical data demonstrate the prevalence of both classical and genetic form of CF in India.  相似文献   

《全国主体功能区规划》颁布实施后,为不同类型的主体功能区选择适宜的绩效评价方法成了亟待解决的问题。以位于乌蒙山区的贵州省毕节市三个连片县域为实证区,三个县域分别被规划为重点开发区、农产品主产区和生态功能区,本文旨在探讨不同类型主体功能区绩效评价创新方法。依据主体功能区规划划分理论框架,从分别代表现有发展程度、未来开发潜力和资源环境承载力的区域经济发展、社会发展和资源环境效益三个方面选取15个指标构成绩效评价指标体系,运用BP人工神经网络构建评价模型,依据主体功能区规划区别开发的原则对不同类型主体功能区采用不同的评价标准和训练样本。结果显示,三个实证县域绩效水平相差较悬殊,七星关区(重点开发区)绩效水平远高于其他两个县,得分在0.6~0.7之间;赫章县(生态功能区)是三个实证县中得分最低的地区,五年间得分均低于0.3;大方县(农产品主产区)绩效介于两地区之间,得分在0.2~0.6之间。最后,本文在评价结果基础上分析三个县域发展现状成因后,结合各区域的自然条件、产业基础及开发潜力,以乡镇为单位提出了各自的区域发展优化模式,绘图展示出实证区产业开发空间布局。  相似文献   

人工智能领域的专利申请是否符合专利保护客体的规定,进而能否获得专利权,是人们十分关心的问题.为了进一步明确相关的审查标准,国家知识产权局于2019年12月31日发布了关于修改《专利审查指南》的公告,对于包含算法或商业规则和方法等智力活动的规则和方法特征的专利申请,如何判断其是否符合专利保护客体、如何进行创造性的判断,进...  相似文献   

浅谈绩效管理在高等学校中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
绩效管理是按照设定的标准,通过对考评对象在一定时期内的工作进行考察、评定、奖励以及相关的培训活动,以此建立起激励与约束机制,促进其经营管理的改善,实现其总体战略目标的一系列管理活动。本文通过分析高等学校教师绩效管理的现状,在评析其绩效管理的基础上给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

禤静 《大众科技》2011,(12):27-28,15
软件性能测试能够有效的检测出系统性能瓶颈,从而提升软件质量。文章以“网上考试系统”测试项目为例,对Web系统的性能测试进行研究,整个Web系统的负载测试设计与测试实施过程。  相似文献   

Approaches to visual skilling from anthropology and STS have tended to highlight the forces of discipline and control in understanding how shared visual accounts of the world are created in the face of potential differences brought about by multi-sensorial perception. Drawing upon a range of observational and interview material from an immersion in naturalist training and biological recording activities between 2003 and 2009, I focus upon jizz, a distinct form of gestalt perception much coveted by naturalist communities in the UK. Jizz is described as a tacit and embodied way of seeing that instantaneously reveals the identity of a species, relying upon but simultaneously suspending the arduous and meticulous study of an organism's diagnostic characteristics. I explore the potential and limitations of jizz to allow for both visual precision and an enchanted and varied form of encounter with nature. In so doing, I explore how the specific characteristics of wild, intangible and irreverent virtuoso performance work closely together with disciplining taxonomic standards. As such, discipline and irreverence work together, are mutually enabling, and allow for an accommodation rather than a segregation of potential difference brought about by perceptual variety.  相似文献   

美国联邦政府开展的基础研究绩效评估及其启示   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:43  
近十年来,对政府资助的科学研究进行的绩效评估得到了迅速推广,但在“为何评估”、“评估什么”和“如何评估”等问题上,各国有着不同的认识和做法。本文介绍了美国联邦政府开展的基础研究绩效评估的背景、《政府绩效与结果法案》(GPRA)实施前后美国国家科学基金会(NSF)和国立卫生研究院(NIH)的绩效评估实践,进而对我国的相关问题提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering (CF) algorithms are techniques used by recommender systems to predict the utility of items for users based on the similarity among their preferences and the preferences of other users. The enormous growth of learning objects on the internet and the availability of preferences of usage by the community of users in the existing learning object repositories (LORs) have opened the possibility of testing the efficiency of CF algorithms on recommending learning materials to the users of these communities. In this paper we evaluated recommendations of learning resources generated by different well known memory-based CF algorithms using two databases (with implicit and explicit ratings) gathered from the popular MERLOT repository. We have also contrasted the results of the generated recommendations with several existing endorsement mechanisms of the repository to explore possible relations among them. Finally, the recommendations generated by the different algorithms were compared in order to evaluate whether or not they were overlapping. The results found here can be used as a starting point for future studies that account for the specific context of learning object repositories and the different aspects of preference in learning resource selection.  相似文献   

中国大部分工业企业以制造业为主,它们与跨国公司在企业知识产权的策略安排方面有着较为显著的差异。从实证的角度,以中国制造业最发达同时也是近年来取得专利授权增长最快的城市之一宁波为例,通过分析宁波获得授权专利的类型和行业、区域分布。以及三个不同规模和行业地位的宁波企业在应用专利策略上的不同选择,提出在制定国家知识产权战略时,应适应中国国情,较多地考虑专利保护和技术扩散之间的平衡。  相似文献   

Antinuclear antibodies (ANA) represent a family of autoantibodies targeting ubiquitous cellular constituents and are a hallmark of systemic inflammatory autoimmune rheumatic diseases named connective tissue diseases (CTD). The gold standard method for ANA determination is indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) on the human laryngeal epidermoid carcinoma cell line type 2 substrate (HEp-2), but with increasing demand for ANA testing, novel methods eased for automation emerged, which allows testing by staff less experienced in this specific field of laboratory diagnostic. In 2016 The working group (WG) for laboratory diagnostics of autoimmune diseases as part of the Committee for the Scientific Professional Development of the Croatian Society of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CSMBLM) published the data of a survey regarding general practice in laboratory diagnostics of autoimmune diseases in Croatia. Results indicated high diversity in the performance of autoantibody testing as well as reporting of the results and indicated the need of creating recommendations for the assessment of ANA that would help harmonize diagnostics of systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases in Croatia. This document encompasses twenty-seven recommendations for ANA testing created concerning indications for ANA testing, preanalytical, analytical, and postanalytical issues, including rational algorithm and quality control assurance. These recommendations are based on the relevant international recommendations and guidelines for the assessment of ANA testing and relevant literature search and should help to harmonize the approach in ANA testing and clarify differences in interpretation of the results obtained using different methods of determination.  相似文献   

Editor's note: At the 09's National Conference for S&T Awards held on January I1, 2010 in Beijing, CAS scientists were honored with 13 prizes of the National Natural Science Awards, 14 prizes of the National Awards for S&T Progress and two prizes of the National Awards for Technological Invention (see the table below). Of these, several prize winning projects are selected as examples.  相似文献   

Science and Technology Studies (STS) is one of a number of new research fields to emerge over the last four or five decades. This paper attempts to identify its core academic contributions from the perspective of the authors of chapters in authoritative ‘handbooks’ and the references they cite. Besides identifying the most prominent publications, institutions and authors, we examine whether the core contributions can be broken down into identifiable clusters. The study also analyses the impact of these contributions by exploring the research fields, journals, and geographical location of the researchers that have cited the STS core contributions in their own work. Together, these analyses reveal a number of phases in the development of STS with periods of convergence and divergence of the field, including the gradual separation of quantitative studies of science and technology from the main body of STS. The paper ends with some conclusions about the evolution of STS, such as the role of ‘institution builders’ in developing new research fields and the structures required to hold them together.  相似文献   

Web技术应用具有分布、动态、多平台、交互式和超文本等特点,其设计、开发和运行等过程都有别于传统软件,Web测试也有别于传统手工测试方法。本文以传统测试为基础重点分析Web性能测试的具体过程。在对Web性能测试的探讨过程中,运用LoadRunner,以某省农村信用社联合综合业务网络系统为测试平台,采用虚拟用户模拟系统真实用户的业务操作行为,创建真实的负载,以监测信用社业务网络系统架构中各个组件的性能,并且运用实时监测器从客户机和服务器两方面评估系统组件的运行性能,分析结果以精确定位问题所在。本文使用LoadRunner能够对整个网络系统架构进行测试,从而推广了Web性能测试方法。  相似文献   

论科学技术学的研究纲领   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学技术学是以科学技术系统整体为对象、以认识科学技术的性质扣规律为目的,并采用人文社会科学的视角和方法,从哲学、基础科学、应用科学和应用技术四个层面对科学技术进行全面的人文社会科学维度研究的一个新学科群.这些研究构成了内容丰富、结构完整的学科体系.走向科学技术学,要尽量继承和发展自然辩证法、科学技术与社会研究、科学学和技术学等现有学科的成果,并尽快实现组织化和建制化.  相似文献   

吕庆元 《现代情报》2010,30(10):126-132
本文旨在通过对澳大利亚公共图书馆绩效评估理论和实践的研究,获得对我国公共图书馆绩效评估的有益经验。并以澳大利亚国家图书馆、维多利亚州公共图书馆、巴瑟尔顿市公共图书馆为例,对国家、州立、市立三级图书馆的评估主体、评估目的、评估方法、评估指标进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

陈亮 《预测》2012,31(3):36-40,18
为了更好地保护利益相关者的切身利益,加强对ST上市公司盈余管理的监控,有利于提高会计信息质量和改善市场资源配置效率。本文收集2006~2010年我国A股ST上市公司的各种交易状态及其变化的数据,利用可操纵应计利润作为盈余管理的一个替代变量,实证研究了盈余管理与ST上市公司之间的经验关系。结果表明,上市公司为避免被指定为ST,在ST前后年采取不同的盈余管理行为;私营公司与国有公司在盈余管理行为方面没有显著差异;低管制行业的公司比高管制行业的公司进行了更多的盈余管理。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(1):104647
The literature on quality-management standards has generally focused on the drivers, motivations, and performance effects of adopting such standards. Yet the last decade has witnessed a substantial degree of decertification behavior, as organizations have increasingly decided to voluntarily withdraw from quality-management standards by not recertifying. While the drivers of the decision to initially adopt quality-management standards have been extensively studied, the drivers of the decision to decertify have received scant scholarly attention. We argue that innovative organizations are generally prone to retaining quality-management certification and thus exhibit a tendency to not abandon certification; however, radically-innovative organizations are more prone than incrementally-innovative organizations to discontinue quality-management standards and thereby exhibit a tendency to withdraw from quality certification. We compile World Bank data surveying facilities based in 50 countries and 103 industrial sectors across the 2003 to 2017 period. Taking advantage of the data's panel properties yields a dataset composed of up to 1755 facility-level observations of recertification decisions for empirical analysis. Our empirical testing employs a probit estimation technique that accounts for the appropriate fixed effects and generates results that support our theoretical priors regarding decertification behavior.  相似文献   

魏玲玲 《科技广场》2014,(6):193-195
十一届全国人大一次会议提出的"政府绩效管理制度"标志着绩效管理实践的规范化正式开始。随后,一些地方政府推出了各项实行绩效管理工作的实施方案。绩效管理有诸多的环节,绩效评估作为其核心环节一旦出现问题,就会给其带来严重的负面影响。而绩效评估又是一项技术工作,科研机构在评估环节中存在很多问题。本文主要从绩效评估实施情况、绩效评估机制存在的问题和完善绩效评估机制的对策等方面来对江西省农业科学院的绩效评估机制进行研究。  相似文献   

For complex discrete-event systems, state-tree structures (STSS) have demonstrated significant advantages in terms of the modeling and supervisor synthesis. The notorious state explosion problem can be effectively managed in STS. In this paper, the STS framework is enhanced with the concept of event forcing. Intuitively, event forcing is utilized to deny permission for the occurrence of undesirable competing events, that is, such events are directly or indirectly disabled. To reflect event forcing in STS, a systematic on-the-fly procedure during supervisor synthesis is proposed, which benefits the computational effort of computer memory and time cost. In addition, an incrementally iterative algorithm is developed and the computational complexity of it is polynomial with respect to the number of binary decision diagram nodes in use. Finally, several case studies are provided for evaluating the performance of the method. The experimental results show that the proposed method is computationally efficient for supervisor synthesis of a discrete-event system imposed event forcing.  相似文献   

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