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1.摆臂技术摆臂时,因肩部过于紧张使摆臂技术所要求的动作逐渐变形而导致整体技术动作变形。这是因为要求快速的用力摆动所致。而我们知道不正确的摆臂技术将影响到躯体的腿部的正确姿势和技术动作,解决的办法就是引导和培养学生在保持适度紧张的情况下,用放松的心态和动作去完成持续快速动作的能力。练习时要用的口令有“肩放松”、“轻快点”、“要快,但是要放松”等。2.途中跑跑到途中跑前阶段,躯干前倾角变换突然(上体突然抬起)。引起这种突然变换的原因有力量差;对突然变换角度给短跑整体节奏带来的破坏认识不足等。实际上…  相似文献   

通过研究世界级短跑运动员的加速度和速度值的调查结果,说明运动员在开始阶段的加速和从加速阶段向途中跑阶段转换的重要性,这在训练方法学方面具有非常显著的意义。  相似文献   

短跑技术是一个不可分割的完整体,为了便于分析,可把它分为起跑和起跑后的加速跑、途中跑及终点跑三部分,一般的短跑大赛都会经过预赛、复赛、决赛三个阶段。由这些我们可以看出,要想在比赛中获胜,就必须把握好每次比赛,调整好赛前心理和参赛心理,合理地运用战术是比赛的关键。当然也必须加强动作技术所需部位的力量训练。  相似文献   

短跑全程跑技战术调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对世界级短跑运动员在世界田径锦标赛上一些成绩的比较分析,提出了短跑项目在比赛中合理分配速度、合理应用战术的方法。在重视技术训练的同时战术训练也是不可忽视的。  相似文献   

短跑是田径运动的基础,途中跑是短跑的重要阶段,途中跑下肢摆动技术是途中跑技术的关键环节,它直接影响跑的技术效果。现代短跑技术的特点突出表现为快跑中髋部伸展的意以、速度、幅度和摆腿下扒着地的积极性、速度、方法、距离及效果等,在支撑阶段摆动腿的摆动和腾空阶段的摆动效果,是影响短跑技术的关键之一。  相似文献   

短跑途中跑支撑摆动技术生物力学机制研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王志强 《体育科学》2005,25(7):88-95
研究目的:深入认识短跑途中跑支撑摆动动作系统中各环节协同的关系,完善短跑技术和专项力量训练理论。研究方法:采用生物力学测试、系统分析和数理统计等方法。结论:优秀运动员支撑摆动技术的主要运动学趋势,是支撑腿和摆动腿的髋角、膝角和踝角在支撑过程中均较小,两大腿的剪绞速度更快、幅度更大;短跑技术的本质特征是两大腿以髋为轴的剪绞—制动;积极着地是合理的短跑技术的基础;途中跑中前支撑段的技术效果是提高和保持最高跑速的主要影响因素;跑的主要动力是体后支撑阶段与人体运动方向相同的支撑反作用力的水平分力;两大腿的剪绞—制动力量和支撑腿膝、踝关节的低位趋等长力量,是短跑专项力量的核心。  相似文献   

为使人体向前运动的速度更加快,田径界把多科学的理论,广泛地运用到现代短跑技术中来。教练员用高科技理论结合人体生理学、运动解剖学、生物力学和心理学。技术理论的研究和体育器材场地的改进及训练方法的科学化,使短跑成绩有了很大的提高和发展。  相似文献   

徐霞琴 《中华武术》2013,(10):12-13
短跑全程技术可分为起跑、起跑后加速、途中跑、冲刺跑四个部分。其中途中跑的距离相对较长,那么如何来提高和改善途中跑技术应引起教练员们的高度重视。中小学阶段是身体素质发育期,而在文化课的应试教育制度下,少年儿童投入业余  相似文献   

短跑的全程技术,可分成起跑、起跑后的加速跑、途中跑和终点跑四个部分。短跑的成绩由起跑的反映速度、起跑后的加速跑的能力、保持最高跑速的时间和距离以及各部分跑的技术完成的质量决定的。要提高短跑的成绩,就要提高和发展这四个部分的技术和能力。  相似文献   

短跑起跑技术的探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田径运动中的短跑项目,由于“特定的距离”所限,起跑技术的优劣往往起着非常重要的作用。本文探讨了短跑起跑技术中的如下问题:合理选择起跑技术;起跑时产生的翻转力矩和起动平衡;起跑的反应时和运动员起跑时的注意力;起跑后加速跑的技术。  相似文献   

现代短跑技术要求动作放松,大步幅、高重心、快频率和向前性好。对与之配套的专门练习,必须克服传统技术专门练习的弊病,改革传统练习方法,引入现代练习手段,同时要注重专门练习与完整动作相结合。  相似文献   

董广新 《体育学刊》2003,10(3):115-117
在查阅歇资料和调查访问的基础上,经过理论研究和实践论证后认为,人体水平加速的原动力是摇动腿的折叠前摆与支撑腿的快速伸髋在时空上的巧妙配合;支撑和摆动相互作用,相互影响,二在短跑的不同阶段所起的作用大小不同;提高摆动的速度和幅度是提高跑速的决定因素。  相似文献   

现代短跑摆腿技术的分析及训练手段设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊丽华  曾强毅 《体育学刊》2003,10(4):116-117
通过对现代短跑技术的再认识,从运动的统一体特征、运动力学和运动生理学角度分析现代短跑的摆腿技术,论述了摆腿技术是提高跑速的主要因素之一,并设计了摆腿技术的训练手段与方法。  相似文献   

肌肉的协调放松能力对于提高短跑运动员的成绩具有重要作用。章从改善肌肉的新陈代谢、改善神经的功能、减少肌肉的疲劳、有效延长肌肉的耐久力、增加肌肉的收缩力量、提高跑的实效性等方面,探讨了肌肉协调放松对提高短跑运动成绩的积极影响。  相似文献   

This study aimed to analyse fatigue-induced changes in mechanical sprinting properties during a specific repeated-sprint test in elite rugby sevens athletes. Twenty elite rugby sevens players performed ten 40?m sprints on a 30?s cycle with participant’s running back and forth in a marked lane. Radar was used to assess maximal overground sprint performance over each 40?m. Macroscopic mechanical properties (maximal horizontal force (F0), maximal horizontal power (Pmax), maximal ratio of horizontal force (RFpeak), decrease in the ratio of horizontal-to-total force (DRF), total force and maximal sprinting velocity (v0)) were drawn from horizontal force velocity relationships, using a validated method applied to the speed–time data. Fatigue-induced changes were analysed comparing the first sprint to an average of 2nd-4th, 5th-7th and 8th-10th. Repeated-sprint ability (RSA) testing induced substantial changes in the maximal velocity component, with a decrease (–15%) in v0 (effect size (ES)?=?–2.46 to –4.98), and to a lower extent (–5.9%) in the maximal force component F0 (ES?=?–0.59). DRF moderately decreased (14%; ES=–0.76–1.11), and RFpeak largely decreased in the later sprints (ES?=?–0.32 to –1.27). Fatigue observed in this RSA test appeared to have a greater effect on the technical ability to produce horizontal force at high velocities, likely due to an alteration in the ability to maintain horizontally oriented force application when velocity increases rather than during the initial acceleration phase, but also the overall force production capacity. The ability to maintain forward-oriented force at high velocities is of central importance for identifying fatigue and monitoring load.  相似文献   

关于短跑速度障碍问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据速度障碍定义.分析了产生速度障碍的生理、技术、专项素质、力量、训练科学性、放松能力、柔韧性和关节的灵活性等七个方面的原因,阐述了防止和克服速度障碍的措施以及变破速度障碍的训练方法。  相似文献   

对江苏省女子短跑成绩实现突破的原因进行研究。结果表明:合理的选材、科学化训练、科学的管理。决策、管理,训练三位一体的组织保障,围绕短跑项目特征及训练规律开展科学研究是提高短跑成绩的主要原因。  相似文献   

This investigation assessed whether prior heavy resistance exercise would improve the repeated sprint performance of 16 trained youth soccer players (Age 17.05 ± 0.65 years; height 182.6 ± 8.9 cm; body mass 77.8 ± 8.2 kg). In session 1, individual 1 repetition max was measured utilising a squat movement. In sessions 2 and 3, participants performed a running-based repeated anaerobic sprint test with and without prior heavy resistance exercise of 91% of their 1 repetition max. Times were recorded for each of the 6 sprints performed in the repeated sprint test and summed to provide total time. T-tests compared the two exercise conditions via differences in corresponding sprint times and total time. Analysis revealed significantly reduced total time with use of heavy resistance exercise (33.48 (±1.27) vs. 33.59 (±1.27); P = 0.01). Sprints 1 (P = 0.05) and 2 (P = 0.02) were also faster in the heavy resistance exercise condition (5.09 (±0.16) vs. 5.11 (±0.16) and 5.36 (±0.24) vs. 5.45 (±0.26) seconds respectively) although no other differences were shown. Findings demonstrate improved sprint times of trained adolescent soccer players after heavy resistance exercise although benefits appear not as sustained as in adult participants.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to relate the contribution of lower limb joint moments and individual muscle forces to the body centre of mass (COM) vertical and horizontal acceleration during the initial two steps of sprint running. Start performance of seven well-trained sprinters was recorded using an optoelectronic motion analysis system and two force plates. Participant-specific torque-driven and muscle-driven simulations were conducted in OpenSim to quantify, respectively, the contributions of the individual joints and muscles to body propulsion and lift. The ankle is the major contributor to both actions during the first two stances, with an even larger contribution in the second compared to the first stance. Biarticular gastrocnemius is the main muscle contributor to propulsion in the second stance. The contribution of the hip and knee depends highly on the position of the athlete: During the first stance, where the athlete runs in a forward bending position, the knee contributes primarily to body lift and the hip contributes to propulsion and body lift. In conclusion, a small increase in ankle power generation seems to affect the body COM acceleration, whereas increases in hip and knee power generation tend to affect acceleration less.  相似文献   

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