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香港是中西文化交融之地,不仅拥有高水平的教育体系,而且建立了科学系统的教育评估方法。本文重点介绍香港目前中小学主要的教育评核制度,包括全港性系统评估、学生评估和中小学校表现评估等,评论其对香港学校教育教学质量的影响。借鉴香港教育评核的经验,实施科学的教育评价对于深化内地基础教育改革,建立、优化符合内地实际的教育质量的评估与督导制度具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) provides low-level turbulence alerting service for the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) through the windshear and turbulence warning system (WTWS). In the WTWS, turbulence intensities along the flight paths of the airport are estimated based upon correlation equations established between the surface anemometer data and the turbulence data from research aircraft before the opening of the airport. The research aircraft data are not available on day-to-day basis. The remote sensing meteorological instruments, such as the Doppler light detection and ranging (LIDAR) and radar, may be used to provide direct measurements of turbulence intensities over the runway corridors. The performances of LIDAR- and radar-based turbulence intensity data are studied in this paper based on actual turbulence intensity measurements made on 423 commercial jets for a typical case of terrain-induced turbulence in association with a typhoon. It turns out that, with the tuning of the relative operating characteristic (ROC) curve between hit rate and false alarm rate, the LIDAR-based turbulence intensity measurement performs better than the anemometer-based estimation of WTWS for turbulence intensity at moderate level or above. On the other hand, the radar-based measurement does not perform as well when compared with WTWS. By combining LIDAR- and radar-based measurements, the performance is slightly better than WTWS, mainly as a result of contribution from LIDAR-based measurement. As a result, the LIDAR-based turbulence intensity measurement could be used to replace anemometer-based estimate for non-rainy weather conditions. Further enhancements of radar-based turbulence intensity measurement in rain would be necessary.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to perform computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations on the airflows at the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA). In particular, the effects of hangar buildings and terrain were studied to explore the effects of turbulence on flying aircraft, especially during landing. The CFD simulation showed that significant differences in wind speeds may occur between the north and the south runways on the western part of the HKIA under typhoon conditions with a strong north to northwesterly wind. Simulation also showed that the hanger buildings between the two runways on the western side and the nearby terrain could be causing the observed difference in the wind speeds. The results also indicated that these obstacles could cause significant wind speed variations at the western end of the south runway. This may affect the operation of landing aircraft. The CFD results for a typical typhoon case were analyzed and found to match the wind data recorded by an aircraft landing that day.  相似文献   

This paper explores the internationalization of higher education initiatives of Hong Kong, being one of the Special Administrative Regions (SAR) of China, within the context of the Chinese Mainland-Hong Kong (CM-HK) relations. Historical, social, economic, and political ties between Hong Kong and the Mainland of China, their economic and political interdependency, and a time series analysis of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee (UGC) statistical data (local and non-local participation, geographic composition, and cost analysis of UGC-funded programs) are used to support what the author calls the “intra-nationalization of higher education.” This forms a unique internationalization strategy, whereby a sub-national region such as Hong Kong and possibly Macau, orients its internationalization strategy towards a motherland, in this case China.  相似文献   

20世纪,国产影片《刘三姐》曾先后在世界50多个国家上映,被周恩来总理认为是一部为我国对外文化交流作出大贡献的电影.香港是电影《刘三姐》走出中国大陆、走向世界的第一站.以香港《大公报》有关报道为资料基础,探讨1962、1964、1978年《刘三姐》在香港三次公映的盛况可知:电影在香港取得的巨大成功,对广西三大名片(桂林山水、刘三姐、壮族文化)在香港乃至海外的推广产生了积极作用.  相似文献   

彭振宇 《职教通讯》2012,(22):47-52
由于特殊的历史原因,中国港台地区职业教育与大陆职业教育呈各自独立发展的态势。自20世纪30年代开始,港台地区职业教育逐步走上法制化发展轨道。其职教法规体系相对比较完备,具有立法时间早、体系相对完整、及时修订完善、执法比较严格等特点。这为大陆职教法规体系建设提供了有益的借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

港府于2008和2009连续两年修订《家庭暴力条例,》2010年更名为《家庭及同居关系暴力条例》。该条例修订最大限度扩大了受保护主体范围,着重规定法院适用强制令制度,顺应了世界反家庭暴力立法趋势。香港对防治家庭暴力专门立法、扩大适用范围,强调法院严格适用强制令等做法已走在世界前列,其立法经验颇值内地借鉴。  相似文献   

本文对大陆和香港的弱智儿童语言教育目标、教育计划、教材、教育 手段、教育人员构成等直接影响弱智儿童语言教育的相关因素进行了初步的 比较。结果显示,两地在弱智儿童语言教育的大目标和主要教育内容、教育 手段等诸方面大致相同,但在某些具体项目,如语言教育理念、教材等方面有 所区别,各有所长。我们希望,通过此研究加强大陆与香港两地同行间的沟 通与互助,做到相互借鉴,以取他人之长补我辈之不足,最终达到共同进步。  相似文献   

中西交融文化下的香港老年社会福利述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对人口已经严重老龄化的现状,多年来,特别是在后殖民地时期,香港摸索出了一套与自身经济、政治、文化背景相符合的老年福利模式。香港老年福利体系主要由老年保障和安老服务两方面所构成,其中,老年保障主要包括综援与生果金、强积金和个人储蓄及家庭资助;安老服务主要包括长者社区支持服务和安老院舍照顾服务。现时香港老年福利制度与其中西合璧的政治、社会、历史文化背景和自由主义的经济体制密不可分,而且未来的老年福利改革也要顺应香港的实情和民意。因此,无论是香港老年福利的当前架构,还是未来改革方向,对于正在高速发展的中国内地,都具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

香港及中国内地两地在上世纪90年代末起均积极推动教育改革,以发展优质/素质教育为主要的发展方向,以期培养适切的人才,提高两地的国际竞争力。基于此,两地均强调课程改革,引入新的教学法,如专题研习/研究性学习,强调问责性的评核机制。面对教与学的种种改革,教师的工作出现了新的转变及挑战,本文比较两地在教改情境下,如何透过教师评鉴保证及提升教育质素,两地教师如何以不同策略作响应,呈现两地教师在工作评鉴下的处境。  相似文献   

我国香港地区师训与师资咨询委员会是香港教师教育领域最重要的咨询机构,对香港教师专业发展产生了重大影响,是香港教师专业发展的规划者和推动者,以及政府、学校、教师三主体之间的协调者。在分析师训会的相关重要文件报告基础上,详细论述师训会对香港教师专业发展的影响,以期对内地架构和发展教师专业发展咨询体系提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The duct static pressure reset (DSPR) control method is a popular modern control method widely applied to variable air volume (VAV) systems of commercial buildings. In this paper, a VAV system simulation program was used to predict the system performance and zone air temperature of two kinds of layouts that were applied to a typical floor of an existing building office in Hong Kong. The position where the static pressure sensor was placed should affect the zones temperature and energy consumption. The comparison of predictions of the two kinds of layouts indicates that with the same DSPR control method the layout of the air duct might influence the fan control result and energy savings.  相似文献   

浅论"一国两制"模式对香港及大陆政治体制发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港回归祖国后,“一国两制”思想在香港得到了充分的实践与运用。文章试图通过对香港在回归前后政治体制变化的回顾与评论,以及香港政制对内地政治体制改革的参考意义的评述,揭示这一互动的现实状况,同时证明“一国两制”方针在解决香港问题上所发挥的巨大作用是不可替代的。  相似文献   

This study reports on the Hong Kong education quality assurance and school monitoring system. Three research questions were addressed: (1) Who controls the quality of school education in Hong Kong? (2) What strategies are used in the Hong Kong school education quality assurance process? (3) Agenda for Future Research on quality assurance and school monitoring in Hong Kong. The analysis found that whilst quality assurance systems in Hong Kong are sophisticated, major reviews are necessary to rebuild trust between the government and practitioners.  相似文献   

新世纪以来,香港高校的发展取得了亚洲和全世界都瞩目的成就。香港的大学管理尤其是高校人事管理为香港高校的发展提供了很好的制度保障。其特点是管理制度职责明晰、程序透明、制度完善、管理与服务并重。香港高校高效的人事管理可为内地高校提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

社会资本因素对个体高等教育需求的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对中国大陆三省一市10909名高中生和香港3157名高中生的调查研究发现,学生参与社团活动、家庭教育期望,无论是对中国大陆学生还是香港学生的高等教育需求都具有显著影响。家庭中兄弟姐妹的数量、家庭成员辅导学生功课、父母与子女沟通频率等因素,对中国大陆学生的高等教育需求具有显著影响;家庭社会网络广泛度、师生沟通频率,则对香港学生的高等教育需求具有显著影响。研究还发现,一些常被认为影响个体高等教育需求的因素,如家庭社会网络资源、父母与学校的联系等,对学生的高等教育需求并无显著影响。  相似文献   

陪审制度是司法民主的产物,我国内地与香港特别行政区都实行陪审制度,但二者却有着很大的差别。我国内地的人民陪审员制度根植于前苏联,而前苏联的陪审制度又是效仿大陆法系。我国香港特别行政区的陪审团制度是随着英国殖民统治在香港的建立而诞生的,并在发展过程中形成了根源于英国却又不尽相同的陪审团制度。从价值目标上看,我国内地人民陪审员制度与香港陪审团制度都追求司法公平、公正,但在性质、功能、人员的选择、运作程序、陪审意见效力等方面有很大的不同。通过比较二者,不仅可以更好地理解我国的两种陪审制度,而且对“一国两制”下两种制度的互相借鉴,以及完善我国内地的陪审制度有重要意义。  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, Mainland China has witnessed a massive outflow of students to higher education institutions in Hong Kong. In the context of an up-surge in Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong, this research aims to explore (1) why Mainland Chinese students choose to study in Hong Kong over other higher education systems, (2) perceptions about the advantages and disadvantages of studying in Hong Kong, and (3) challenges in the process of acculturation from their homeland to Hong Kong. Five key themes are identified: education, finance, learning culture, language, and discrimination/labelling. While Mainland Chinese students often struggle to blend into the new environment, most gradually become accustomed to the local way of life. What remains a challenge is (perceived) discrimination following political tensions over the “one China, two systems” framework. This paper identifies the expectations and dissatisfactions of the participants with regard to studying in Hong Kong, ultimately offering higher-education administrators an insight into how to better cater for the expanding share of Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong’s universities. This research is significant because it extends the literature by examining acculturation and cultural adaptation issues in an increasingly globalized context.  相似文献   

邓小平"一国两制"的伟大构想,给香港问题的和平解决指明了方向;中方在中英谈判中采取的正确立场和策略,促成了《中英联合声明》的签署,使香港问题得以成功解决;基本法起草委员会集思广益,制定了基本法,为在香港实施"一国两制"规划了蓝图;预委会和筹委会高度发扬民主,筹组了香港特别行政区,使香港的最终顺利回归水到渠成。  相似文献   

Roman Catholic schools represent an important sector in Hong Kong's education system, both in terms of number and historical significance. As in many colonies in other periods of history, the Roman Catholic Church, in addition to other Christian Churches, had a partnership relationship with the colonial government in the provision of education in Hong Kong. Was there any change in this relationship during the political transition to 1997? Did the prospective return of Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China (PRC) affect Catholic educational policies? This article examines these two questions in relation to the experience of other places in the world and in relation to the special nature of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong, namely its link with the Vatican and its relations with China where Church schools no longer exist.  相似文献   

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