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教科书制度的比较研究与改革对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教科书是教学活动的重要依据,在教育系统中处于核心地位。教科书制度对于规范教科书市场、提高教科书质量起着十分重要的作用。考察一个国家的教科书制度要把它放在政治、经济、文化的大背景下研究。我国正处在经济体制转型时期,在市场经济条件下教科书管理模式也要进行相应的改革。对一些典型国家的中小学教科书制度进行了比较研究,同时对在市场经济条件下如何建立与我国国情相适应的教科书管理制度提出了相关的对策和建议。  相似文献   

国外城乡基本公共服务供给制度安排及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界多数国家发展经验表明,在工业化进程中不失时机地选择适合本国国情的手段统筹城乡基本公共服务供给,以此缩小城乡差距,完成经济社会结构转变,是带有普遍性的发展规律.从国外来看,一些国家根据本国的具体实践采取有效措施缩小城乡基本公共服务供给差距,取得了很好的效果,其中的一些成功经验和做法对我国在推进城乡基本公共服务均衡配置中应有所借鉴.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of three integrated and contiguous instructional designs using incongruity humor on the recognition and recall of information measured by immediate learning and retention tests. First graders in three classes (N=58) were randomly assigned to one of three humor design treatment groups and a control group. On two successive days prior to receiving a humor treatment, each group received a taped reading of a familiar story, which succeeded in the intended manipulation of subjects to low levels of arousal and interest across all groups. The three humor designs included a humor experience which was immediately followed by a serious presentation of new information (contiguous-immediate design), the same humor experience with a one week postponed presentation of the new information (contiguous-postponed design), and a presentation of the new information with humor interspersed within (integrated design). Results indicated that the two contiguous humor treatment groups had higher immediate memory and retention scores than the control group, particularly with regard to recall of the new information. The integrated humor treatment failed to have its intended humor reaction. Limitations of previous research, which generally does not support the instructional value of humor, are discussed in terms of basic theory and research in humor, motivation, and learning.  相似文献   

球杆系统是一个具备典型非线性不稳定系统动态特性的实验平台.通过理论分析,建立了球杆系统的全量模型,并对该模型进行合理简化,推导出了系统的线性模型;针对球杆系统的线性模型设计了最优控制器,并采用遗传算法对控制器参数进行优化.通过仿真,验证了采用该方案设计的控制系统能够达到了理想的控制效果.  相似文献   

Time-on-task has long been thought to be an important predictor of student learning and achievement. Thus, it is important to understand the extent to which computer-based instruction (CBI), in general, and more specifically, computerized integrated learning systems (ILSs) affect students' time-on-task behavior. This study reports data from a year-long, 14-school national study in which rigorous time-on-task measures were used to compare students' engaged time in three primary situations: (1) an ILS used in a computer laboratory configuration; (2) an ILS used in a distributed configuration (work stations distributed throughout a school's classrooms); and (3) regular classroom instruction in which no ILS was used. The results indicate that students using the ILS spend more time actively engaged in the learning tasks than students in the non-ILS classroom. This appears to be a very robust finding, occurring regardless of whether or not there is an adult present. It appears that the ILS provides a highly motivating learning environment that engages and maintains student attention. The level of on-task behavior is significantly higher than that found in more typical classroom settings. Further, the ILS showed a significant advantage in increasing time-on-task with at-risk students. Implications of this study for further research are also discussed.  相似文献   

自室内设计专业在海峡两岸产生并迅速发展,现已呈现出各自的专业特色。从课程分类、课程关联度和课程内容出发,对两岸4所高校的室内设计专业课程设置进行比较分析,挖掘课程教学特点及原因。基于两岸室内设计专业的课程比对,进一步提出专业课程设置应当注重全面性、突出专业性和内容多元性。  相似文献   

Objective: To examine changes of blood oxidative-antiovidative level in schizophrenic patients and its relationship with clinical symptoms. Methods: Forty-six Chinese patients met DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-iV) criteria for schizophrenia and fifty age- and sex-matched healthy controls were enrolled in the present study. Baseline psychiatric symptom severity was assessed with brief psychiatric rating scale, positive and negative syndrome scale on the blood draw day. Fresh blood samples were collected to measure levels of nitric oxide and lipid peroxide in plasma as well as activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase in red blood cells by spectrophotometric assays simultaneously. Results Comparison of the biochemical parameters indicated that the level of nitric oxide and lipid peroxide increased in patient group, which represented a positive correlation with positive scale scores; while the activities of three critical enzymes decreased and showed a negative linear correlation. Conclusion: This study showed that there are dysregulation of free radical metabolism and poor activities of the antioxidant defense systems in schizophrenic patients. Excess free radicals formation may play a critical role in the etiology of schizophrenia. Using antioxidants might be an effective therapeutic approach to partially alleviate or prevent the symptoms of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

中美高中生相异构想(电路部分)之比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
问卷测试表明,中美两国中学生在物理电路部分存在典型的误概念。对比研究中美学生在相应课题误概念的异同,将对两国中学物理教学改革提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

物流中心选址的双层规划模型及遗传算法求解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文建立了物流中心选址双层规划模型,同时考虑到模型求解的需要,设计了模型的遗传算法求解算法,最后通过一算例验证了模型及其算法的可行性。  相似文献   

A comparative study of the Ontario and Nebraska tests for the deaf   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文对比较句的研究主要包括古代汉语和现代汉语的比较句研究,以及比较句的来源和历史演变的研究,当然也不乏许多方言及专书中的比较句研究,前人的研究提出了许多有价值的观点,给我们以启发。  相似文献   

A specialised electrochemical measurement cell was plugged into a pilot water distribution system to simulate the pipe inner-wall corrosion. The linear polarisation resistance(LPR) technique and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(EIS) were measured in real time to study the variation of the corrosion rate(CR) and scale of cast iron. Three corrosion stages were observed according to the LPR analysis: an initial stage with significantly fluctuating CR, a developmental stage with slowly decreasing CR, and a stable stage with a low CR of approximately 0.157 5 mm·a~(-1). The EIS revealed that the scales with a compact outer layer and a porous inner layer finally formed in the stable stage, and the polarisation resistance was approximately 2 175 ?·cm~2. A physicochemical analysis of the scales showed that ferric oxides, oxyhydroxides and calcite made the outer layer compact and effectively limited the diffusion of oxygen through the scales, which resulted in a low CR.  相似文献   

本文针对车间调度问题提出了一种分布式遗传算法,并结合实例说明了算法的实现过程。介绍如何在车间作业计划调度中利用改进遗传算法,达到减轻人员负担,提高企业生产效率的目的。  相似文献   

This study aims to compare and evaluate the learning ability and performance differences between two groups of students undergoing project-based learning (PjBL), with one group having prior PjBL experience, while the other group is being freshly exposed to PjBL. More specifically, it examines if there are significant differences in knowledge score, problem-solving ability, and eventual project-deliverable outcomes between the two sets of students. Performances were compared via qualitative and quantitative analyses. Key findings have indicated a significant increase in fundamental formative knowledge; enhanced problem-solving abilities; and production of better performing artefacts with regard to the set of design skills between experienced and first-time PjBL groups. This study also highlighted that experienced PjBL students have less conflicts within their groups, and are more receptive to PjBL compared to first-time PjBL students. Results from this study provide a starting point for educators to seek new learning/facilitating strategies that are relevant based on the experience and learning styles of students.  相似文献   

The present study assesses the performance of 54 participating countries in PISA 2006. It employs efficiency indicators that relate result variables with resource variables used in the production of educational services. Desirable outputs of educational achievement and undesirable outputs of educational inequality are considered jointly as result variables. A construct that captures the quality and quantity of educational resources consumed is used as resource variables. Similarly, environmental variables of each educational system are included in the efficiency evaluation model; while these resources are not controllable by the managers of the education systems, they do affect outcomes. We find that European countries are characterized by weak management, the Americans (mainly Latin Americans) by a weak endowment of resources, and the Asians by a high level of heterogeneity. In particular, Asia combines countries with optimal systems (South Korea and Macao-China); countries with managerial problems (Hong Kong, China-Taipei, Japan and Israel); others where the main challenge is the weak endowment of resources (Jordan and Kyrgyzstan), and, finally, others where the main problem is in the long run since it concerns structural conditions of a socioeconomic and cultural nature (Turkey, Thailand, and Indonesia).  相似文献   

本文通过对论汉英词汇在形态特征、构词特点、词类划分、词义容量等方面的对比,找出两个系统间词汇层面的差异及其对英语词汇学习所产生的影响,并试将这一对比应用到英语词汇教学中去。  相似文献   

王春 《化学教学》2003,(7):53-54
一、教学目标 1.知识目标: ①通过对问题的分析,设计出制备氢氧化铝的各种实验方案. ②对所设计的各种实验方案进行实验分析,探讨较优方案.  相似文献   

Syllepsis和Zeugma两种修辞格用词简练,生动形象,幽默风趣。两者在格式和修辞效果上具有相同的特色,但在本质上是有区别的,其本质上的区别表现在中心词与其它词的搭配关系上。  相似文献   

轭式搭配与拈连是英汉两种语言中称谓相异修辞效果却相同的两种修辞格。本文从语法的角度,就两者 的结构模式进行分析,指出异同。并提出两者互译的方法。  相似文献   

矿业棕地是人类在地球表面留下的伤疤,其自然环境破坏严重,急需生态修复。欧美国家早在20世纪至50年代就开始了棕地景观生态设计的研究和实践,已有一些很好的棕地生态修复案例可资借鉴。当前,我国矿业棕地再生利用的主流模式是建设矿山公园,基本是以矿山旅游项目为引导的景观再生设计。这种模式难以推动矿业棕地的景观生态修复及矿业城市人居环境的根本转变。通过对美国、德国棕地生态设计典型案例的比较研究,发现我国的矿业棕地景观设计理念和工程技术的不足。基于生态设计的理念,进行区域性、大尺度的人工自然设计生态,才是矿业棕地修复的方向。  相似文献   

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