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Women's empowerment is a concept that has acquired substantial recognition in the past decade. However, it is better known among international development organisations, NGOs, and grassroots groups than in academic circles. This article examines the concept of women's empowerment as a foundational element in a theory of social change in which the oppressed must be key actors in the change process. On the basis of empirical evidence, it highlights four dimensions of empowerment: economic, political, knowledge, and psychological. The knowledge dimension is fostered by one of the most respected and universal of institutions: formal education. Yet schools do not always provide friendly or even safe spaces for girls; moreover, the school curriculum emphasises academic subjects and avoids ‘life skills’ discussions. Most successful cases of empowerment through education have occurred in non-formal education programmes that specifically promote critical reflection on gendered social norms and encourage corrective responses. The article argues that the empowerment process must consider the close connection between the private and the public arenas, as the private space seriously constrains women's availability and possibilities for transformative action; therefore, both macro- and micro-level interventions are needed to create a modified gender division of labour. The promotion of agency — at both the individual and collective levels — plays a major role in the development of women's empowerment. Such a process requires the engagement of non-state actors, particularly women-led NGOs. The article ends with challenges for policy.  相似文献   

中国共产党在苏区局部执政时期所从事的卓有成效的妇女工作实践,不仅对苏维埃革命和妇女解放运动产生了积极的作用,而且还深刻影响了20世纪30年代以后中国的社会进步进程。党在坚持马克思主义妇女观与中国实际相结合,制定正确的妇女工作方针;坚持对妇女工作的领导,建立健全妇女组织,保障妇女人权;坚持围绕中心任务开展妇女工作,充分发挥妇女的作用;坚持提高妇女的综合素质,培养一大批优秀的妇女干部等方面积累了宝贵的经验。这对当代加强党的先进性建设,提高党的执政能力具有重要的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

介绍了她与中国妇女解放运动的关系,说明了她是20世纪20年代中国妇女解放运动的理论倡导者、组织领导者和伟大实践者,以纪念这位中国妇女解放运动的先驱和领袖。  相似文献   

1902年5月8日,陈撷芬在上海创办了《女报》,从1903年第1期起《女报》改名为《女学报》。《女报》(《女学报》)积极宣传妇女解放思想,认为妇女要争取女权就必须首先争取民权;提倡女子教育,尤其提倡发展女子体育。  相似文献   

英国女子高等教育在世界女子教育史上占有重要地位,然而由于种种原因,国内对英国女子高等教育问题的研究明显薄弱。本文对英国女子高等教育的发展历程进行全面的梳理,并认为工业发展是女子高等教育发展的重要动因,广大女子的积极争取是女子高等教育发展的现实基础,高等教育规模的扩张是女子高等教育发展的重要诱因,政府对女子高等教育的重视是女子高等教育发展的有力保障。  相似文献   

晏阳初及其领导的平民教育会认识到乡村女子受教育关系到国家富强、民族兴旺,通过试点形式在农村开展文艺教育、生计教育、卫生教育、公民教育,采取学校式教育、社会式教育、家庭式教育的方式来推行女子教育,取得了突出成就,对推进中国妇女教育近代化有着积极意义。  相似文献   

高等教育性别平等是高等教育公平与社会进步的重要标志,也是平等社会性别文化构建的体现.我国女性高等教育在近年得到了迅速的发展,女性大学生在高校比例也逐年增加,但我国女性高等教育仍然存在着诸多问题.文章从社会性别视角分析了我国女性高等教育发展现状、性别差异及其成因,并在此基础上提出了促进女性高等教育的若干对策.  相似文献   

美国女子高校发展与特色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪70年代以来,作为美国多样化教育体系中不可忽视的教育资源之一的女子高校受到诸多学者的关注.学者们通过实证研究,证明了女子高校对于培养女性人才发挥着重要作用.本文从女子高校的历史起源、发展阶段、教育特色等方面探讨了女子高校所起的作用.  相似文献   

The paper examines the potential role of adult education in the empowerment of civil society in Botswana. It shows that adult education can be instrumental in the empowerment of trade unions as organs of civil society in a liberal democracy. It argues that the country's democratic tradition can be sustained by a strong civil society. The paper traces the history of trade unions in Botswana showing that the state has mostly weakened them through legislation. It is contended that individuals participate in trade unions as their mouthpiece when they are in trouble with capital. Most trade union members reported not being aware of adult education activities in Botswana. The paper explores some of the weaknesses of the unions and suggests how adult education provision from adult basic education to adult and continuing education at the university could help to redress the workers' problems. It concludes by mapping out some practical ways in which adult education could empower the unions in Botswana as it has done elsewhere.  相似文献   

辛亥革命以来,太平天国妇女问题都是太平天国史和中国近现代妇女解放运动史研究中的热点和焦点问题。学界围绕太平天国妇女运动的性质即是不是一场男女平等的妇女解放运动进行了讨论。总体来说,强调太平天国解放了妇女、实现了男女平等的观点一直是学术界的主流观点,呈显出一种非理性的不科学的态度。改革开放以后,否定太平天国妇女政策和妇女地位的学术观点越来越突出,大有替代前者之势。主张太平天国妇女政策具有双重性的观点则游移其中,似乎没有引起学界更大的争论和反响。太平天国妇女问题的研究要取得新的进展和突破,应该采用新的观点、新的思维、新的方法和新的手段。  相似文献   

In this essay Harry Boyte and Margaret Finders argue that addressing the “shrinkage” of education and democracy requires acting politically to reclaim and augment Deweyan agency‐focused concepts of democracy and education. Looking at agency from the vantage of civic studies, which advances a politics of agency — a citizen politics that is different from ideological politics — and citizens as cocreators of political communities, Boyte and Finders explore the technocratic trends that have eclipsed agency. These disempower educators, students, and communities. Using the case study of the youth empowerment initiative Public Achievement and its translation into the Special Education Program and partnerships of Augsburg College, the authors conclude with an examination of how agentic practices have survived in “shadow spaces” in schools, how such spaces might be turned into “free spaces” for democratic change, and how teacher education needs to prepare “citizen teachers” as well as promoting pedagogies of empowerment. These suggest grounds for a movement of hope and democratic change.  相似文献   

邓演达女权思想探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓演达的"女权革命"思想,包括对封建政权统治下的中国妇女地位的认识;对争取女权所采取的方式和手段的设想;主张女性要自立自强;对妇女受教育和婚姻家庭关系的主张等。这些思想皆以一种开放的姿态展现于世人面前的。他的女权主张,与20世纪初中国出现的女权思潮紧密相关;与20世纪初女权思想内容密切相联;与20世纪初年中国民主革命思想深入人心联为一体;与他的人生经历密不可分。  相似文献   

中国近代女子职业教育的发展变迁体现了经济和社会发展需求。从现实与需求的角度探讨近代女子职业教育的发展,并以近代江苏省女子职业学校为例,分析其课程设置、学生就业等方面,以期对近代女子职业教育发展有深入的认识。  相似文献   

Internet use among pregnant women is common and frequent, while attendance at childbirth education classes appears to be on the decline. This article explores why women turn to the Internet in pregnancy and how Internet use may affect their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. It suggests strategies for engaging women's interest in the Internet and describes how doing so may help increase the effectiveness of "traditional" childbirth education while mitigating the potentially overwhelming and confusing aspects of Internet use.  相似文献   

校园微博以其便捷性、原创性、互动性、时代性、扩散性等特性,在推动校园文化建设中起到了文化凝聚、渗透、引导和辐射的作用。高校思想政治教育工作者可以从文化育人的角度来思考校园微博体系的建设问题,充分发挥微博在高校共青团工作的积极作用。  相似文献   

Focusing on the Philippines, the article describes the role played by people's movements and non-governmental organizations in empowering citizens and combating injustice. Educational programmes are an important element in this struggle. The authors cite examples of what Paolo Freire called the "pedagogy of dialogue", which seeks to develop creative, critical enquiry and self-reliant understanding. Such programmes have made an impact in areas such as women's empowerment, poverty-alleviation and the combating of environmental destruction. The authors argue that this type of education can also play an important role in challenging the materialist vision of progress and awakening people to deeper values.  相似文献   

抗战时期,中国女性在参与抗战活动的过程中,团结全国劳动妇女,反对妇女回家逆流,将自身解放与民族解放相结合,对妇女运动本身进行反思,其深层意识觉醒,开创出女性解放的新路子新思想。  相似文献   

梁启超的戒缠足思想与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁启超是中国近现代历史上著名的教育家,他较早地关注女子教育,提倡和创办女学。为了更好地兴办女学,他积极鼓吹戒缠足,把缠足提高到关系国家、民族兴亡的高度。在实践上设立不缠足会,在报刊上发表言论以此来推动中国近代戒缠足运动的发展。同时把不缠足的实践纳入自己的生活中,不仅要求女儿不缠足,还主张妻子放足。这些理论和实践活动,极大地促进了中国近代的不缠足运动的发展。  相似文献   

In the area of this study, teaching continues to provide the vast majority of formal sector jobs available to women. Within teaching, women's restricted access to training is addressed by AKES, whose programmes appear to meet women's immediate needs for localised training. Nevertheless, women remain largely unrepresented beyond the lowliest levels of the Service. This paper considers why this is so, and explores strategies for facilitating their professional and career development. It stresses the need for a contextualised, gender-aware approach to teacher education, and an avoidance of a simple correlation between girls' and women's education and their broader empowerment.  相似文献   

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