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Spinners of Steel1 High above the streets in many cities men are at work. Up and up they go as they spin their web of steel beams and girders. Few dare to do this work on high steel.The Mohawk steelworkers are among the most famous of these men.2 The forefathers of the Mohawk settled in Canada when it was still ruled by France.lt seems that these Indians have always been surefooted.More than a hundred years ago an English  相似文献   

Fast Runners1 Many sports began as ways to overcome obstacles.People jumped to cross a gap;they swam to cross a river.Sleighing began as a way to traverse snow-covered land.2 Natives of northern countries were the first experts in sleighing and sledding.Lapps,Finns,and Eskimos staged races. Eskimos raced across frozen ground at breakneck speed.Each man stood on the back of his dog-drawn sled.He guided his huskies with a long whip Lapp drivers hurtled down a steep slope.The reindeer-drawn sleds shot up the opposite slope at top speed.Then they raced down again and up another hill.3 Other people cared less for speed in sleighing.Many liked sleigh rides for winter fun.In Russia during the eighteenth  相似文献   


Honest Scales 1 The synagogue looked like any other synagogue in Poland.But near the door was a set of scales.Strangers often wondered about them.But the people of the town knew why they were there.2 Years back a drought,had come to the town.For months there had been no rain.Wells were dry.Gardens and farms were scorched.The people suffered thirst,and hunger.Some died.3 The jews of the town looked for help to their rabbi.And the rabbi prayed.But nothing happened. 4 One night the rabbi was alone,praying.He fell asleep.In his sleep he heard a voice say:"Your prayers will bring no help,There is only one man in town who can help.It is Kalman the grocer. You must call all the Jews to the synagogue and Kalman must lead the people in prayer."  相似文献   

Guardians of the Barrens 1 The herd of rnusk oxen moved slowly through a patch of Barren Lands grass.The man watched through his field glasses. 2 He was more than satisfied with the old bull's huge head. It would make a perfect trophy.Probably it would be the last ever taken.Musk oxen were rare.They were protected in all Canada and especially in this northern game sanctuary.He had paid a great deal of money to be brought secretly into the sanctuary.He knew he might be caught and punished.But he was willing to take the risk.  相似文献   


A生命在于运动,那么运动“sport”真正的含义是什么?在不同时期中,它有着什么不同的意义?在不同环境中,它又给人们带来了什么?下面这篇文章就向我们阐述了有关“sport”的发展及意义。The word“sport”first m eant som ethingthat people did in their spare tim e.Later itoften m eant hunting wild anim als and birds.A bout hundreds of years ago the word wasused for the organized gam es.This is theusual m eaning of the word today.W e oftentalk about“sports and gam es”,but theysom etim es have different m eanings.“G am e”usually m eans“a kind of play with rules”,while“sport”usually m eans“som ething that...  相似文献   

Re a d ing the Pa rk The small boy watched the children on the other side of the railing. They were skimming down the slide,landing on the bouncy lawn. The screamed as they almost touched the sky with each upward curve of the swing. They shrieked at each …  相似文献   


为符合大学英语四、六级考试对英语阅读的要求,我刊自本期起推出快速阅读的相关训练,希望能够对参加四、六级考试的读者朋友有所帮助。  相似文献   

First Passage [1] For centuries mariners(水手) tried to find a deepwater route called the Northwest Passage. A northern lane between the Atlantic and Pacific would be shorter than the dangerous voyage rounding Cape Horn at the tip of South America. But ships vanished and men died. With its cold, blizzards(暴风雪) and ice, the Arctic defeated the searchers. [2] On the morning of August 11, 1775, the whaleship Herald lay becalmed(使平静) west of Greenland, at latitude(纬度) 76° north, near a vast sea of ice. By early  相似文献   

The Dog Nobody Owned 1 The setter first came to Jack Barlow's door soon after he moved into the little village.Barlow wondered if the dog would be any good on grouse. "Who owns the big setter?"he asked Gibney, the hotel manager. 2 "Nobody,"Gibney said, "and nobody ever will.But if I were you,I'd leave it alone."His answer puzzled Barlow.  相似文献   

The Return of "The Flying Garbage Can" 1 Every spring scores of people flock to the Buzzard Festival at Hinckley,Ohio.They come to watch for buzzards.Most would be glad just to catch a glimpse of a buzzard.If they do see one of these "flying garbage cans",it will probably be circling high in the sky.From there it can watch the ground for signs of the waste and the dead animals on which it feeds. 2 The buzzard is the ugliest bird in the United States. In fact, it may well be the ugliest bird in the world.lt has a small,bare,  相似文献   

Mario Capecchi: The man who changed our world The genetics research that won Mario Capecchi a share of this year's Nobel Prize for medicine may well help to define the science of the 21st century. But the man himself was marked, in extraordinary ways, by the turbulent(动荡的) history of the century before. Mr Capecchi's grandfather, a German archaeologist, was accidentally gunned down by his own men during the First World War. His father, an Italian aviator, was killed in the Second World War. He himself spent that war poor in northern Italy after his American mother was arrested and sent to the Dachau concentration camp-a survival tale all the more remarkable for the fact that he was just four years old when his mother was taken away. One might imagine, after a start like that, that he would develop into an artist-one thinks of Roman Polanski, who survived the Warsaw Ghetto-or a politician. Indeed, Mr Capecchi first intended to study political science when, at length, he got around to a university education. But with his quiet manner and clever mind, he rose to the top of his chosen field in the medical sciences.  相似文献   

阅读是各类考试中的重头戏,也是得分的关键。从本期起,我刊提供独特的阅读理解题目,供读者自我测试和提高。除了对正文的理解选择之外,还有相应的词汇练习,运用多种单词学习方式--根据词义或上下文寻找单词、通过关联词接触新词、词缀词源记忆法,等等,在今后的练习中会逐一出现,以供学习。  相似文献   

The Rescue 1 Nasr-ed-Din Hodja yawned. He stretched his arms in their gaily striped sleeves. He stretched his long legs in their yellow pantaloons.2“Time for bed! ”He rubbed his sleepy eyes.“But first a good cold drink of water.”3Nasr-ed-Din Hodja rea…  相似文献   

Talking Birch Bark 1 James Evans had a dream. He wanted to find a way to write down the languages spoken by the Indian peoples. 2 For years Evans lived in what is now Ontario,Canada. He worked with the Ojibwa Indians there. He taught them many things. But he could not teach them to read Ojibwa. For no one had found a good way of writing down the words they spoke. 3 In 1840 Evans moved west. He went to teach the Indians at  相似文献   

And They Shall Walk Sister Elizabeth Kenny gazed helplessly at her patient.The little girl was very sick.One of her knees was drawn up toward her face.Her foot was pointed down.The heel was twisted and turned out.Straightening a leg or arm caused the child great pain.The young nurse had never seen such a case.How could she help the child?  相似文献   

(A)生命在于运动,那么运动“sport”真正的含义是什么,在不同的时期,它有着什么不同的意义?在不同的环境中,它又给人们带来了什么?下面这篇  相似文献   

To Help and Protect 1 In 1863 the Negro slaves of the United States were set free. But freedom did not end their problems.Most of them were very poor.To help one another,they banded together.Some of them formed life insurance companies. 2 In life insurance people make payments to a company.Then,if one of them dies,the company pays his or her family.The family thus has money to live on even though the father or mother is no  相似文献   

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