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知性化大学教育的伦理反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知性化大学教育本质上是一种强化大学生工具理性的知识本位教育,其存在会危及大学生的优雅生存与和谐发展.知性化大学教育的成因在于大学对科技主义、理性主义和功利主义的痴迷、青睐与追随,对此必须进行必要的伦理批判.自觉遵守教育理念张扬中的以人为本原则、教育方略实施中的和谐统一原则,以及教育管理组织中的制度支持原则是大学教育超越知性化发展状态的伦理保障.  相似文献   

What is it to regard the occupation of teaching as a profession – as distinct from a trade or vocation? The conventional modern conception of a profession is that of a normative enterprise in which standards of good practice are not just technically or contractually but also morally grounded: indeed, arguably the key difference between trades like plumbing or building and professions like medicine or law is that although the former are doubtless often subject to ethical regulation, ethical principles are actually constitutive of professions. It is also plausible to regard universal professional obligations as grounded in rights indexed to considerations of human need: insofar as humans cannot in general flourish without health, medical practitioners are bound to respond to any medical need without favour or prejudice. This paper argues, however, that powerful and persuasive contemporary critiques of notions of objective or value-neutral development and flourishing raise quite serious theoretical problems (expressed here as antinomies) for any analogous view of teaching as a profession.  相似文献   

国家智力是推动我国经济社会发展的重要因素。目前,我国东西部之间、城乡之间国家智力分布不平衡,全员智力状况的整体水平偏低,创新能力不足影响国家智力的提升,精神资源有待大力开发和弘扬,智力保护和智力引进需要提到更加重要的议事日程上来,“数以亿计”、“数以千万计”和“一大批”三方面关系的重心尚需调整。  相似文献   

Intellectual property rights related to computer usage in academia require precise definition. The Office of Technological Assessment has made great strides in this direction. States, universities, and professional organizations have dealt with the inherent complexities of the problem. Legal cases have tested current laws. Attorneys have made clear distinctions between copyrights and patents related to intellectual property rights. Both EDU‐COM and ADAPSO have addressed societal and ethical issues in written documents. Business, industry, and professional organizations have been concerned, but society and especially educators must also address intellectual property rights. Copyright laws related to electronic media must be honored. Computer ethics and computer law should be included in current computer science courses. Academia has the responsibility to educate all those on campus as to appropriate ethical and legal behavior with respect to these issues. Academia cannot hide or ignore these problems.  相似文献   

课程改革目标的实现需要通过课堂教学的实施来完成。课堂教学的价值是引领孩子们去探求知识,培养学习兴趣,不断提高他们的学习能力和创造能力。然而,现实的情况却是分数排在第一位,而能力和兴趣排在后面,这种本末倒置的做法是与课程改革的精神相违背的。作为数学教师,我们在思考:中学数学教学与考试中,存在哪些误区?有什么相应的对策?  相似文献   

高等教育评估中几个值得探讨的问题   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
我国高等教育评估已经开展20年,经验值得总结,有必要在下列几个问题上从理论上进行反思:高等教育评估的目的和功能问题;高等教育评估与高等教育质量保障体系问题;高等教育评估与人文精神问题;高等教育评估的再评估问题等。  相似文献   

研究生知识产权的保护对于高等院校“教育、科研、创新”的功能有效发挥具有重要意义。我国研究生知识产权的保护机制和法律规范亟须健全和建立。加强研究生的知识产权保护工作,建立健全研究生知识产权保护的组织、规章、奖励机制和权利保护机制,明确研究生知识产权保护的范围,有利于高校走一条自主产权创新之路。  相似文献   

在高校素描艺术教学中存在的问题很多,首先是基础问题,包括素描基础问题,美术教育的基础是不是写实问题,比例、解剖结构和透视是不是基础等;其次是观念陈旧与教法单一问题;再次是艺术真实问题,客观真实、艺术真实,肉眼的真实是必须分清楚的。  相似文献   

中国传统文化无法形成系统的宗教哲学和完整的知识体系,但却可以形成一整套讲道理的心性言说,它扩展为伦理道德而被落实到“修身”过程,从而产生出巨大的人格力量。传统教育作为这种“修身”过程的社会形式,凸显了“德育唯一”。21世纪的中国教育必须从体制和理念两个重要层面上走出传统,在现代公民社会基础上建立和完善现代教育。  相似文献   

For some years the challenge of bringing greater sophistication to the area of counselor education has touched upon many interesting conceptualizations, one of which deals with cognitive dissonance. This paper is an exploration of the concept of cognitive dissonance as it is reflected through the seemingly conflicting roles of counseling and testing. To anticipate the potential interplay between such roles creates some speculations not only about what dissonance exists but about what might be done to bring two apparently discrepant cognitions into harmony.  相似文献   

高等职业技术教育的特点是高等性、职业性。在全省教育结构中是大众教育的主要体现者,其教育对象属平民教育,从培养目标上是生产第一线的技能型人才,因而必须结合市场需求、行业特点、服务区域、学校条件来确定发展方向,从办学方式上由管理转向经营,人才观念上确立“需要即人才”,真正实现人文管理,并从地位确立、资金筹措等方面扩大高职教育的生存空间。  相似文献   

成功教育的若干理论问题探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
成功教育仍是一种意在引导并促进全体学生获得诸方面素质成功发展的教育,其实质体现了对人的主体性的尊重,人的创造潜能的发掘、人的个性和张扬和人的价值的提升,新的历史条件下,欲实施成功教育,需要申明发展目的,改造教育内容,改革教学方法,营造良好的教育环境。  相似文献   

This commentary addresses some of the ethical considerations that arise when the college consultant attempts to strike a balance between the parsimony of Shakespeare's Cordelia and the "can-do" posture of Pirandello's Guido. Particular emphasis is given to the ethical implications of mandatory psychotherapy. As well, the author's clinical examples are analyzed and alternative approaches to those that were used in the vignettes are recommended.  相似文献   

生产力发展和生产关系的变革对人类知识结构产生重大影响。新世纪伊始 ,以信息技术为主要标志的科技进步日新月异 ,知识经济初见端倪 ,高科技成果向现实生产力的转化呈加速度发展。为培养同现代化要求相适应的数以千万计的专门人才 ,发挥我国巨大人力资源的优势 ,我国高等教育正由精英高等教育向大众高等教育转变。高等教育大众化不仅仅是数量的增加、规模的扩大 ,而且要在高等教育系统扩张过程中更加强调系统的整体优势和协调发展 ,要从战略高度分析、设计 (规划 )高等教育大众化的发展对策。下面谈谈本人对我国高等教育及其相关几个问题的…  相似文献   

文章从目前网络教学模式研究中存在的问题谈起,提出几点建议,以完善网络教育教学模式。  相似文献   

思想政治教育学原理理论体系建构的若干问题探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
思想政治教育学原理理论体系是一个有着内在逻辑发展的、能动开放的体系。其逻辑起点是一定社会历史条件中人们对优良的思想政治品德及其行为的追求,沿此进一步推演出一套范畴体系、规律体系。这一内在演绎体系外化为思想政治教育实践图式时,依次展现为思想政治教育关系论、体系论、行为论、过程论、发展论等五个方面的基本内容框架。在这一理论体系的深入建构过程中,提出了若干值得关注的重要问题。  相似文献   

Counselors are required to have high levels of social‐cognitive development, significant knowledge regarding ethical and legal practice, and sound ethical decision‐making processes to provide effective and ethical services to their clients. This study investigated the effect of two counseling ethics courses on 64 master's‐level counselor education students' levels of social‐cognitive development, ethical and legal knowledge, and ethical decision making. Students' ethical and legal knowledge scores increased significantly, and precourse social‐cognitive maturity predicted postcourse ethical and legal knowledge scores. Implications for counselor education and development are discussed.  相似文献   

吕仲 《铜仁学院学报》2005,7(1):58-58,65
加强图书馆馆员的职业道德教育是提高读者服务质量的基础,是落实图书馆“读者第一,服务至上”办馆宗旨的思想保障。  相似文献   

对高职教学改革中几个问题的思辨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分析了高等职业教育的教育质量观、教学团队建设、课程体系解构建构、校企合作办学模式等方面改革中存在的认识问题,探讨了深化高职教学改革与建设的途径.  相似文献   

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