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The Spanish Heritage Education Observatory (SHEO) comprises two successive R&D&I projects whose goal is to trace, sort through, inventory, analyse and evaluate heritage education programmes produced both in Spain and in the international sphere from 2000 up to the present moment. In terms of research and knowledge transfer, SHEO’s main result has been its integration into the National Education and Heritage Plan — a specific programme devoted to heritage education research and heritage teaching innovation.  相似文献   

以中国知网博士学位论文数据库2011-2020年收录的73篇外国教育史博士学位论文为研究样本,通过系统梳理描述了所选样本在研究方法方面的应用现状,总结出样本在研究方法应用方面表现出的特征与不足:研究方法在应用方面存在不规范、传统的思辨研究占据研究方法的主流以及方法与研究问题难于达到适切。对此,应加强博士研究生研究方法方面的训练;教育史研究过程中要兼具思辨与实证研究方法;以科学精神涵养研究者选用适切研究方法的能力。  相似文献   

This paper analyses how three European countries produce and use data within a specific educational policy field, that of school leaving and graduation. It compares how stakeholders in England, Finland and the Netherlands know what happens to the leavers from schools and universities. Through gathering evidence about the methodological underpinnings of the school leavers’ and graduates’ information systems (SLGIS) and whose data needs they aim to satisfy, this research provides insight into the discrepancies of data production. Moreover, as stakeholders from the policy and the institutional level are represented to a different extent when SLGIS are set up, the utility of the resulting data in their work is of differing degrees. The paper models the problems of how SLGIS are set up and utilised, thus suggesting some of the possible solutions. Using this particular example, the paper highlights the discrepancies of data production and utilisation in terms of the focus, the timing, the methodology and sampling as well as the processes of dissemination. To provide a wider relevance, the paper outlines key issues around the utility of research evidence.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics in learning designs from the perspective of learning sciences. The literature on the topic indicates that there is not enough research on including diverse learning outcomes in the designs for learning. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to understand how AI and robots impact physical, social-emotional and intellectual learning outcomes through the implementation of learning designs that are guided by selected design principles. In this study, the design-based research (DBR) methodology was employed for investigating learning in naturalistic contexts. The intervention was implemented in a primary school in which learners used educational robots. The main findings reveal that the development of an integrated analytical framework, which considers a broader spectrum of human potential, allows for analyzing students’ learning outcomes in a more integral, inclusive and balanced way. This, in turn, promotes students’ learning by using AI and robots. Another finding reveals that the impact of using AI and robotics on learning designs is reflected in learners’ personal trajectories having different pathways and paces. Finally, the lessons learned and the challenges to be overcome are summarized, and recommendations are made for future research for the enhancement of learning experiences that use AI and robotics.  相似文献   

叶澜在其《教育研究方法论初探》中指出教育研究方法体系由于研究对象的复杂性、综合性及在实践中的动态生成性决定了其多层次性与复杂性,表现在哲学、科学、艺术等方法的综合运用上。其首次提出了教育研究需要艺术方法的见解,可以说为我们的教育研究领域开拓了新的思维空间。教育研究中需要艺术方法可以从教育的活动本性及实践的内在本质等方面来观察。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on how wise humanising creativity (WHC) is manifested within early years interdisciplinary arts education. It draws on Arts Council-funded participatory research by Devon Carousel Project and University of Exeter’s Graduate School of Education. It is grounded in previous AHRC-funded research, which conceptualised WHC in the face of educational creativity/performativity tensions. WHC articulates the dialogic embodied inter-relationship of creativity and identity – creators are ‘making and being made’; they are ‘becoming’. The research used a qualitative methodology to create open-ended spaces of dialogue or ‘Living Dialogic Spaces’ framed by an ecological model to situate the team’s different positionings. Data collection included traditional qualitative techniques and arts-based techniques. Data analysis involved inductive/deductive conversations between existing theory and emergent themes. Analysis indicated that ‘making and being made’, and other key WHC features were manifested. We conclude by suggesting that WHC can help develop understanding of how creative arts practice supports the breadth of young children’s development, and the role of the creativity-identity dialogue within that, as well as indicating what the practice and research has to offer beyond the Early Years.  相似文献   

Postmodern pedagogy is constantly confronted with Lyotard’s condemnation of grand narratives found in the philosophy of modernity, on the basis of which basic patterns of moral education were developed. In searching for new answers to the question of how education can prepare individuals for life in an age of late modernity, this paper presents the idea of approaching identity and moral development through the inductive educational approach and highlights the importance of education through the arts in the latter, especially in view of the theoretical notion of aesthetics as ethics of postmodernity. In an age in which artistic creativity is deemed less important than acquiring competences aimed at technological development, it is crucial to provide a clear answer as to why and how different art practices may exert an influence on the full development of a child’s personality. In order to demonstrate the meaning of artistic experience in general education, one must seek arguments supporting the intrinsic value of the artistic experience. This paper stresses the meaning of artistic experience as a means of communication providing both the artist and the art recipient with the opportunity for personal fulfilment. In this context, Aristotle’s concept of mimesis and its role in education through the arts is emphasised as part of the comprehensive inductive educational approach. The argument is illustrated with some qualitative data from the implementation of a project in Kindergarten Vodmat, Ljubljana, Slovenia, using the inductive educational approach and art as a tool for cultural enrichment of pre-school children.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的高速发展,加之后疫情时代线上教学的广泛使用,慕课现阶段已经进入全面崛起的发展阶段,对当前教育领域带来了较为深远的影响。很多教育领域的专家和研究学者指出,慕课的出现是在出现印刷术之后最为伟大的发明和创造,使得我国的教育领域展现出更为光明的发展前景和无限的曙光。慕课作为一类创新性的教育形式,与我国的高等继续教育具有较高的契合性,二者具有相似的教育理念——颠覆传统教学形式中的课堂教育。慕课具有较为灵活的教学形式,设计较为丰富多样,更加适合高等继续教育这一教育群体,能够有效满足高等继续教育的育人需求。因此,基于理论层次进行分析,实现高等继续教育自主学习和慕课之间的牵手,不管是创造的社会效益还是带来的教育意义,相较于普通的教学形式来说都具有更强的教学价值和推广价值,但是在使用新教学形式的过程中也不可避免地会带来一些新挑战,面对慕课为高等继续教育带来的挑战和机遇,需要积极探索正确的使用路径,促使我国的高等继续教育事业实现创新性突破和发展。  相似文献   

1928年,法国导演莱皮埃在改编左拉的小说《金钱》时,注重对原著核心主题的理解和把握,精简出场人物,利用新型摄影技术展现宏大画面,在舞台布景上充分利用印象派艺术风格,使电影《金钱》突破了早期电影借鉴情节的简单改编模式,具有特殊价值。莱皮埃的《金钱》对左拉原著的"忠实改编"和电影化处理凸现了这部作品对于电影美学的意义,也呈现出对于改编学的重要意义。  相似文献   

This article revisits methodological perspectives on international comparative research on teacher education (TE). Benefits and problems related to comparative educational research methodology in general are discussed. Further, methodological issues associated with designing and carrying out an international comparative study on TE are addressed using a multi-level study on teacher education in Finland and Norway an as example. Towards the end of the article, the promises and limitations of international comparative research on TE are presented. Important benefits of comparative education on TE include widening the understanding of one’s own and other TE systems as well as gaining an understanding of international trends. However, uncritical use of such research may lead to decontextualised, ahistorical and standardised transfer and development of education and educational policies. The article concludes by urging researchers in the field of international comparative research on teacher education to address the questions: What is being compared? How is context addressed?  相似文献   

The present paper is an analysis of the recently formulated concept of Lived Pedagogy. With roots in phenomenology and narrative research and research on ‘student voice’, the concept is coined as a way to research participants’ experience of practical pedagogy in school. The main theoretical and methodological challenges in Lived Pedagogy stem from the use of relational theory (i.e. phenomenology and narrative theory) while a priori maintaining a number of divisions that challenge this relational logic. Having outlined these problems, a suggestion is made to inform Lived Pedagogy by way of the German Pädagogik with its central focus on purpose(s) of education. Specifically, I employ Løvlie’s educational transformation of Habermas’s discourse ethics as a framework for structuring the deliberation of what is educationally desirable.  相似文献   

提升"师范大学教育力",是新时代中国经济社会高质量发展对师范大学教育发展提出的更高要求。基于学科视角与方法论视角的概念界定方式,"师范大学教育力"在广义上可以界定为:师范大学所具有的"教育力",即师范大学在文化、制度、资源、科研、教学与课程等方面所形成的对学生的影响力、感召力、吸引力、协同力与整合力。根据师范大学的本体属性,"师范大学教育力"在狭义上可以界定为:师范大学所具有的"教师教育"的"力",即师范大学在教师教育中所表现出的文化引领力、制度保障力、资源提供力、专业投入力与人才培养力。"师范大学教育力"概念的提出是对"教育力"研究的理论深化和对教师教育实践的深刻反思,可进一步厘清新时代师范大学在我国教育体系中的独特地位与价值,为我国教师教育改革与发展提供理论指导与实践引领。  相似文献   

在高等学校的文化素质教育中,艺术教育是一特效的切入点。目前艺术教育还存在不少需要改进的地方。搞好艺术教育,要树立以建设艺术类精品课程为中心的教育观念,设立艺术类精品课程的建设目标,树立以审美能力培养为核心的艺术教育思想,建设以审美能力培养为目标的艺术课程,实施以艺术感受为主体的艺术教学模式,组建可持续发展的艺术课程师资队伍。  相似文献   

Although action-research is a well-known research methodology in the field of education, in the case of Greece there are few actions-researches carried out by early childhood teachers. The absence of action-research in early childhood education settings is related to the way many early childhood teachers shape their professional role as well as the curriculum of their initial education and in-service training. This paper describes the case study of three Greek early childhood teachers who do action-research for the first time. According to the three teachers, fear of educational research, the children’s age, time pressure, parents’ demands, and colleagues’ reactions are among the main obstacles in doing action-research in early childhood education.  相似文献   

In this paper, I argue that memoir, as a form of auto-ethnographic research, is an appropriate method for exploring the complexities and singularities in the practice of western educational practitioners who are immersed in the social reality of offshore higher education institutions, such as those in Mainland China. I illustrate this proposition by showing how my own use of memoir is guided by a need to interrogate the unique experiences of my past life as ‘the foreigner’, ‘the special one’, ‘the imported expert’ and ‘the cultural outsider’, in order to lay bare the complexity of what it means to work and live in China as a foreign teacher and be recognised as different. I am interested in the notion of foreignness, and the ambiguities that arise when one operates as a teacher in a foreign culture, with a misguided and naïve understanding of one's own specialness as the foreign expert. My research methodology is based on critically reflective writing that acknowledges the multiplicity of historical, cultural and social differences, and the uniqueness of all individuals, whilst recognising that difference, at its heart, is a matter of relationship(s). This form of writing as educational research makes it possible to challenge some of the generalisations western scholars inadvertently make when writing about their teaching experiences in China.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the attempts of Israeli education, in a similar fashion to other national educational systems, to shape a territorial identity for the pupils of the new State. The Israeli school used a variety of educational means to shape a person who would be modelled on his new birthplace’s landscape, including the use of textbooks, illustrations, and maps, to aid in the process of creating a desired image of the homeland’s landscape. The hidden curriculum used textbooks employing mathematics questions to learn details about the geographical expanse. Alongside the use of a written curriculum, Israeli education made use of the extra curriculum by becoming physically familiar with a place and creating a local time based on the seasons of the year. Local nature was studied during moledet (homeland) lessons, similar to the Weimar Republic of Germany’s Heimatkunde studies, as well as during other subjects, such as nature studies and Bible. These studies integrated national goals and progressive humanistic educational schools of thought which viewed a child’s encounter with nature as a vital part of his or her education. The readers, which were built on a timeline of the seasons and the school celebrating nature festivals, created a natural time frame for the pupils in which they acted and studied. The discussion about the ways territorial identity was structured by the Israeli education system is another chapter in the wider debate about national education and illustrates the schools’ function as one of the State’s national social agents, particularly in its early years.  相似文献   

教育学作为一门学科在国内外有着不同的演变历程。赫尔巴特《普通教育学》的出版标志着教育学已经成为一门独立的学科在国外出现,而我国教育学作为一门独立学科发展要晚得多。教育学学科演变中值得关注的主要有教育学可否成为一门学科、教育学的科学性与艺术性、教育学的事实与价值等问题。中国教育学学科未来发展将朝着多学科渗透创生多元交叉学科、立足本土并轨国际教育学、立足实践发展教育理论、侧重从方法论角度寻找教育学研究的突破口等方向发展。  相似文献   

Two previous articles in this journal advocate the greater use of a behaviourist methodology called ‘Precision Teaching’ (PT). From a position located within virtue ethics, this article argues that the technical feat of raising narrowly defined performance in mathematics and other subjects is not sufficient justification for the extensive use of behaviourist techniques such as this. The article uses ideas drawn from ancient Egyptian mythology as well as some more familiar Greek philosophy, to raise broader questions about the wisdom of relying too heavily on technical rationality in present-day educational practice. The polemical intent is to dismiss unreflective behaviourism and to offer a brief glimpse of a very new educational paradigm: ‘navigationism’.  相似文献   

In this article, I describe the ways educational research often calls us out our names, meaning that educational researchers often name communities not as they are but as the academy needs them to be along damaging logics of erasure and deficiency. I use Morrison’s concept of the White gaze, Tuck’s concepts of damage-centered and desire-based research, and other contemporary scholarship on settler colonialism, White supremacy, and education to offer ways of naming in educational research beyond the White settler gaze. Finally, I look to hashtag naming in current social movements (e.g. #BlackLivesMatter, #DearNativeYouth #NotYourModelMinority) to imagine educational research that understands the naming of the communities of our work as informed by movement speech, the sort of naming that can save lives and show us and others who we are and desire to be.  相似文献   

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