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Research Findings: We examined relations of effortful control with parent emotion socialization practices and child social behavior using a person-centered approach in children ages 18 months to 5 years. A total of 76 parents (66 mothers, 10 fathers) completed questionnaires at screening and 6-month follow-up. There were no age differences in change in effortful control. K-means cluster analysis identified 2 clusters for parent emotion socialization: low-involvement parents (lower levels on emotion coaching/dismissing and positive/negative expressivity) and high-involvement parents (higher levels on all such practices). Parent socialization profile was indirectly associated with children's positive social behaviors through children's change in effortful control. These associations did not extend to aggressive behavior. Children with parents who actively engage in a variety of emotion socialization practices may increase more in regulatory capacities and engage in more positive social behavior. Practice or Policy: The present study suggests the importance of using a variety of socialization strategies with young children to foster adaptive regulatory and social behaviors.  相似文献   

家庭是儿童社会化的主要场所,也是儿童接触的第一社会环境。家庭的各种因素都会影响儿童的社会化发展,因此家庭是儿童社会化的一个关键点,它对个体社会化的影响将持续一生,其主要表现在形成个体的生活习惯、态度和行为方式等方面。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relations of mothers' and fathers' reported emotion-related practices to parents' and teachers' reports of third-to sixth-grade children's social skills, popularity, and coping, as well as the quantity and quality of children's comforting of an infant. Mothers' problem-focused reactions tended to be positively associated with children's social functioning and coping, whereas maternal minimizing reactions tended to be linked to lower levels of social competence and high levels of avoidant coping. There were few findings for fathers' reactions, although fathers reported fewer problem-focused reactions with socially competent, in contrast to less competent, daughters. Emotion-focused and problem-focused maternal reactions, as well as encouragement of the expression of emotion, were associated with boys' children's comforting behavior, although a moderate level of maternal encouragement of the expression of emotion was associated with quality of girls' comforting.  相似文献   

Objective. We examined correspondence in parents' and children's perceptions of parenting and associations between these perceptions and children's social adjustment in the classroom. Design. The sample included 214 children (M age = 9) from third to fifth grades and their parents. Children and parents reported on parenting behavior. Results. Parents' self-reports and children's reports about parents showed systematic differences, with parents perceiving themselves as more supportive than children perceived them to be. Direction of discrepancy between child and parent reports appeared to be more important than size of discrepancy in predicting child outcomes. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that parents' self-perceptions of parenting and children's perceptions of parenting were predictive of different measures of child psychosocial adjustment. Conclusions. The results of this study support the assumption that parents' self-perceptions and children's perceptions of parenting provide unique views of the family and unique relations to children's psychosocial adjustment.  相似文献   

本研究选取淮北市某公立幼儿园29名幼儿作为研究对象,进行了为期三年的追踪研究.结果发现,交往困难幼儿的行为表现可分为三大类:攻击性或强制性行为,退缩行为,只与固定对象交往的行为.导致幼儿交往困难的原因包括幼儿个体因素及家庭与幼儿园环境因素.幼儿园和家庭的合作干预取得了一定的成效.  相似文献   

Generics (“Dogs bark”) convey important information about categories and facilitate children's learning. Two studies with parents and their 2‐ or 4‐year‐old children (= 104 dyads) examined whether individual differences in generic language use are as follows: (a) stable over time, contexts, and domains, and (b) linked to conceptual factors. For both children and parents, individual differences in rate of generic production were stable across time, contexts, and domains, and parents' generic usage significantly correlated with that of their own children. Furthermore, parents' essentialist beliefs correlated with their own and their children's rates of generic frequency. These results indicate that generic language use exhibits substantial stability and may reflect individual differences in speakers' conceptual attitudes toward categories.  相似文献   

In this article we argue that research into children's drawings should consider the context in which drawing occurs and that it is crucial to investigate the attitudes and practices of teachers, parents and children themselves that shape children's drawing experience and the drawings which they produce. We review the findings of seven empirical studies reporting data collected through direct observations, interviews and questionnaires from the three main players (teachers, parents and children) on the attitudes and practices shaping children's drawing. Issues covered include teachers' perceptions of the purposes and importance of drawing, support offered by teachers, parents and children for children's drawing endeavours, and possible factors that may lead to an age‐related decline in the amount of drawing children choose to do. We end the review by reporting some preliminary findings from our own large‐scale interview and survey study of 270 5–14 year old children, their parents and teachers, that provides a comprehensive assessment of attitudes and practices influencing children's drawing experience at home and at school. The findings provide further insight into the aforementioned issues, particularly children's, teachers' and parent's explanations of why children's drawing behaviour might decline with age. It is hoped that by reporting these preliminary findings some additional understanding of the context in which children produce their drawings can be gained and new areas for debate opened up.  相似文献   

基于一项农村家庭入户调查数据,构建二元Logistic模型分析子女特征对父母养老方式选择的影响。其实证结果显示:从整体上看,养儿防老的思想观念依旧存在,依靠子女养老仍是主流;子女数量、子女性别、子女是否外出务工都会影响父母养老方式的选择,子女性别所产生的影响尤为明显;子女特征中不同儿子的多样化生存状态会增进农村父母依靠子女养老方式的选择。  相似文献   

幼儿教育是教育的基础阶段,教育开发形式影响着幼儿教育质量。本文在分析幼儿家长教育资源开发重要性基础上,剖析了幼儿家长教育资源开发中存在的问题,认为主要存在教育主体缺乏沟通影响家园互动效率,传统养育观念导致家长配合度低,教师专业能力影响家长资源开发,幼儿园缺乏长期开发规划等问题。最后,本文针对开发中存在问题提出了增强沟通、制定合理的开发目标和计划、提高教师专业水平与工作能力、增强幼儿园整体管理能力等对策建议。  相似文献   

This study had 2 goals. The first was to examine a multidimensional conceptualization of parent involvement in children's schooling, defined as the allocation of resources to the child's school endeavors. A second goal was to evaluate a model in which children's motivational resources (i.e., perceived competence, control understanding, and self-regulation) are mediators between parent involvement and children's school performance. 300 11–14-year-old children and their teachers participated. Factor analyses of a set of parent involvement measures supported the hypothesized 3 dimensions of parent involvement: behavior, intellectual/cognitive, and personal. Path analyses revealed indirect effects of mother behavior and intellectual/cognitive involvement on school performance through perceived competence and control understanding, and indirect effects of father behavior on school performance through perceived competence. The results argue against a unidimensional understanding of parent involvement and support the view of the child as an active constructor of his or her school experience.  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷分析的方法对家长选择儿童读物的现状进行了调查研究,总结出家长选择儿童读物时主要存在的问题并针对这些问题,在家长选择儿童读物方面提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Relations between parents' discipline, children's empathic responses, and children's prosocial behavior were examined in order to evaluate Martin Hoffman's claim that children's empathy and empathy-based guilt mediate the socialization of children's prosocial behavior. 78 sixth and seventh graders (138–172 months in age), their mothers, and teachers completed multiple measures of Hoffman's constructs. Results were largely consistent with theory. Parents' use of inductive as opposed to power-assertive discipline was related to children's prosocial behavior. Children of inductive parents were more empathic; and more empathic children were more prosocial. Moreover, children's empathy was found to mediate the relation between parents' discipline and children's prosocial behavior. Few relations were obtained for children's guilt indices, but post hoc analyses yielded theoretically consistent results. Contrary to expectations, parents' use of statements of disappointment was the component of the inductive discipline score which was most strongly related to children's prosocial behavior.  相似文献   

In this article Doret J. de Ruyter and Anders Schinkel argue that parents' ideals can enhance children's autonomy, but that they may also have a detrimental effect on the development of children's autonomy. After describing the concept of ideals and elucidating a systems theoretical conception of autonomy, de Ruyter and Schinkel explore the ways in which the ideals of parents may play a role in the development of their children's autonomy. They show that abstract and complex ideals of parents (be it ideals for their children, ideals with regard to their parenthood, or their personal ideals) are most likely to enhance their children's autonomy. They also explain that an authoritative parenting style is most conducive to autonomy, although whether or not it does benefit children's autonomy also depends on the types of ideals pursued by parents.  相似文献   

Although countries worldwide are emphasizing the importance of science education for technological development and global economic competition, comparative findings from standardized international student assessments reveal a huge gap in science scores between developed and developing countries. Certain developed economies too have made little progress in raising science achievement over the past decade. Despite school improvement being placed high on the policy agenda, the results of such actions have been poor. Therefore, there is a need to explore additional ways in which science achievement can be enhanced. This study focuses on the family and examines whether parents' attitudes towards science (how much they value science and the importance they place on it) can influence their children's science achievement. Individual- and school-level data are obtained from the Program for International Student Assessment 2006 survey for 15 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and non-OECD countries. Hierarchical linear modelling is employed to estimate the equations. The findings indicate that parents' attitudes towards science have a positive and statistically significant effect on science achievement, after controlling for other important student- and school-level variables. Moreover, students from poor backgrounds appear to benefit from more positive parental science attitudes as much as students from high socioeconomic status, such that equality of student achievement is not affected. This study recommends that schools and teachers encourage parents to play a more pro-active role in their children's science education, as well as educate parents about the importance of science and strategies that can be adopted to support their children's science learning.  相似文献   


The authors examined the degree to which parents' negative self-feelings affect the relationship between their educational attainment and the educational expectations they have for their adolescent children, as perceived by their children. In turn, they investigated the degree to which parents' negative self-feelings affect the relationship between their educational expectations for their adolescent children and the current academic achievement of those children. Results provide preliminary indications that parents' expectations for their children and the transmission of those expectations may be modified by how parents feel about themselves. Those modifying effects are explained in terms of both parents' and students' motivations and behaviors.  相似文献   

就听力问题对幼儿家长所做的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解幼儿家长对孩子听力情况的了解程度,本文作者自编了一份包括14个问题的问卷,在西南师范大学附属幼儿园对幼儿家长做了一次调查。结果警示:家长对孩子的听力健康关心不够,不少家长对诸多问题作出“不知道”的回答。结果同时表明,在普通幼儿园的正常孩子中也有一些孩子存在着听力方面的异常情况,应该引起广大家长、幼教工作者和特教工作者的关注。此外,本次调查还反映出一个情况,为幼儿听力检查提供服务的机构太少。最后,调查证实,噪声污染对孩子的听力影响很大。  相似文献   

在"互联网+教育"生态发展的背景下,各界对互联网学习如何影响学前儿童发展存在争议,但家长的态度始终是学前儿童开展互联网学习的主要干预因素。文章结合5位"80后"、"90后"家长的访谈和已有技术接受/技术抵制模型的影响因素建立研究假设,收集了来自新疆、浙江两地幼儿园295位家长的问卷,探寻家长对学前儿童互联网学习的态度及影响因素。结果显示,尽管大多数家长对儿童互联网学习持积极态度,但对其负面影响的担忧会变成家长为儿童选择互联网学习的抵制因素;尽管初次使用的原因各不相同,但"绩效期望"是最重要的影响因素;针对调查结果呈现的现实问题,文章分析原因并提出了建议。  相似文献   

幼儿的情绪对其心理活动起着重要的作用,是影响个体全面发展的重要因素。同时个体自其出生以来就开始了社会化的进程,无论是幼儿的情绪还是社会化发展,都表现出了鲜明的年龄特点。通过培养幼儿健康的情绪,可以促进幼儿的社会化及心理健康的发展。  相似文献   

在幼儿交往行为的发展进程中,家长是应顺其自然,还是给予适时适当的引导?哪些具体做法会对幼儿的交往起到良好的促进作用?笔者通过调查分析,差异比较,碍出结论,并提出了相应的改进策略.  相似文献   

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