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不同的性别有着自身不同的性别文化,男性和女性按照各自的性别文化规则来规范自己的交际行为。在网络这个虚拟空间,男性和女性的交际与面对面交际一样反映出根深蒂固的性别文化差异。笔者尝试从男性与女性在网络交际与面对面交际中的文化差异、男性与女性网络交际的风格及网络交际道德规范等方面探讨网络交际的性别文化差异,并针对网络交际中出现的性骚扰等现象提出一些看法。  相似文献   

伴随着网络资讯时代的信息膨胀,教师的专业发展向网络空间提出更强烈的诉求。教师面对新课改、评职称、国家教学改革等多方面的压力,急需在虚拟的网络空间中寻求自我放松和发展的空间。从教师的以上需求出发,以协同学和社会认知学理论为基础,研究教师专业发展社群的构建模式、维持机制和发展前景。  相似文献   

网络空间的形成给传统侵权司法管辖规则带来了巨大的挑战。在飞速发展的计算机网络技术面前,现有法律呈现出不适应性和滞后性。因此确定网络侵权管辖规则,成为重要而迫切的课题。文章在分析网络空间特性、外国立法及司法实践的基础上,对我国网络侵权管辖规则的构建提出了一些设想。  相似文献   

"学校在风雨飘摇之中",风雨飘摇之中的学校呼唤重建.因此,创建学习共同体或合作型学习组织已成为国际教育学界的共同愿景,同时也为当前我国基础教育课程改革中的学校组织重建提供了重要启示.基础教育课程改革提倡合作学习,这种学习方式的转变为创建合作型学习组织提供了基础.基于国内外有关合作型学校的研究成果,提出如下建议:建立对话型学校文化;要做"领导者",不做"管理者";创建共同愿景.  相似文献   


In this article, 10 award-winning post-secondary instructors use narrative inquiry to explore failure individually by reflecting on their own definition and framework of failure, by giving examples of their experience with failure, and by elaborating how they deal with and learn from failure. The outcome of this collective exploration is an article that reflects the reality of life in academia where members of the academic community face failures, their own and those of others, on a daily basis.  相似文献   

This article considers the extent and nature of student participation in a trade bargaining simulation from a community of practice perspective. This third‐year economics module included a blend of online communication (through email, online chats and online discussions) and face‐to‐face meetings, both in smaller bargaining groups and in whole class plenary meetings. Our method of analysis includes the use of Exchange Structure Analysis of text chats and face‐to‐face learning conversations, triangulated by observation, survey and interview data. The focus on community of practice enables us to offer a nuanced interpretation of differences in crude participation data derived from the online chats. Superficially, the data may suggest marginalisation of participants, but Wenger's (1988 ) notion of peripheral participation with a trajectory towards full participation reframes the disparities in terms of an active community of practice. Some members are fully engaged with the practices of trade bargaining from the early stages of the simulation, while others move towards full participation over the duration of the simulation. Our results suggest that the laboratory‐based online text chats did provide opportunities for student participation in the simulation, and that male and female students exhibited different patterns of participation in the chats.  相似文献   

农民工子女进入学校后面临来自学校、教师、同学以及自身学习、心理等方面的问题;其成因在于国家的制度藩篱、学校和教师教育缺位、社区教育空缺等方面;要解决这些问题,拆除制度藩篱是制度前提,建立"教育共同体"是根本措施,加强学校和教师管理是关键,填补社区教育空缺是重要保障。  相似文献   


What may be called ‘the comprehensive ideal’ is still powerful both in theory and practice. To put this ideal into a respectable shape requires attention to some basic logical/conceptual points, and awareness of the underlying feelings which inspire it. It is then possible to face questions about how to retain equality whilst catering for individual differences, how to establish a potent and fraternal community in schools and elsewhere, and how to give individuals a sense of worth whilst fully acknowledging criteria of expertise ‐ in virtue of which many people will never shine as performers or achievers.  相似文献   

The paper extends Aaker's previous empirical work on brand personality by exploring whether Swedish Universities communicate distinctive brand personalities in cyberspace. Employing a multistage methodology, data are drawn from the English Web sites of 17 Swedish universities and analyzed by using a combination of computerized content and correspondence analyses. Results indicate that some universities appear to have clear brand personalities, others take on a new face with regard to the obvious personality one would have initially associated them with, while others fail to communicate their brand personalities in any distinct manner. While illustrating a powerful but simple and relatively inexpensive way for institutions for higher education and brand researchers to study communicated brand personalities, this study also highlights the growing importance of brand positioning issues in internationalization and globalization of higher educational institutions.  相似文献   

高职院校助困工作存在的问题与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高职贫困生是高职院校的特殊群体,如何强化贫困生的界定与管理工作,是做好助困工作的前提。建立以“助学贷款为主,奖、补、助、减、缓为辅”的多元化助学解困体系。加强诚信教育,完善国家助学贷款政策,改进奖学金、助学金制度,健全勤工助学及贫困生基金助困运行机制,是物质解困的关键;而加强贫困生正视逆境、自强自立的教育,克服自卑心理,树立自立意识,则是精神解困的根本。  相似文献   

基于CiteSpace的我国网络空间安全研究态势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
网络空间安全已经成为影响国家利益、经济发展、社会稳定的关键因素,如何有效解决网络空间安全问题已经成为国家的重要战略部署。利用CiteSpace软件,定量分析中国知网(CNKI)数据库收录的我国网络空间安全相关研究,分析其热点与发展趋势,发现相关研究呈总体增长趋势,热点主要体现在网络空间安全技术、网络空间安全战略、网络空间安全治理及网络空间安全人才培养等方面。提出要加强网络空间安全技术人才培养,提高网络空间安全技术水平;提高网络空间安全认知度,完善网络空间安全治理体系;积极推进国际间的网络空间安全合作,加强  相似文献   

高校网络空间法课程是一门待开发的新课程,如何与高校的思政课程进行结合,体现思政要素是文章探讨的重点。文章首先介绍了各国网络空间法教育的概况,然后对网络空间法课程体系做了初步构建,最后从四个方面,对网络空间法课程进行了思政化的设计。  相似文献   

The authors review research on (a) gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) families and the nature of discrimination against them; (b) school factors that hinder and facilitate equity for GLBT families; (c) instituting change through organizational consultation or large group-level strategies; and (d) instituting change through traditional consultation or small group and individual level strategies. Taking an ecological perspective, the school is viewed as a system trying to maintain the status quo in the face of increasing pressures to change. The need for systemic change when establishing antiharassment and GLBT-friendly environments in schools is highlighted. The consultant identifies the obstacles hindering change and empowers the system to reorganize itself and connect with resources that will help establish collaboration between straight and gay members of the school community. This role requires a unique combination of expertise in social processes, group dynamics, organizational change, and GLBT issues. Specific consultant strategies for small groups and individuals are identified. Resources for consultants and future research directions also are provided.  相似文献   


This paper examines the responses of two groups of high school students to Isaac Julien's film The Darker Side of Black and theorizes what these responses might suggest for how students imagine and argue for community. It explores the tension that is produced as students argue for community as continuous and stable in the face of discontinuity and difference in the diaspora. The paper raises the possibilities for how pedagogy may occupy the space of tension that emerges from competing notions of community. It calls attention to the pedagogic constraints that come from the practice of privileging difference between communities, which might well compromise engagement with difference within. The trope of culture as the attribute of social groups that has come to structure debates on multicultural and antiracist education is critiqued.  相似文献   

垃圾电子邮件与我国网络隐私权保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
垃圾电子邮件问题表明网络隐私权已受到严重侵害,强化对网络隐私权的保护已成为当务之急。借鉴国外立法经验并结合我国立法现状,针对网络隐私权的内容,提出相关的法律保护措施,将更有利于彰显网络隐私权的本质。  相似文献   

There are increased opportunities for online delivery innovation within the education sector because of rapid advances in Internet technology. This paper describes a unique and efficient approach to simulation called ‘scenariation’. The scenariation project aimed to establish efficient processes for the development of scenariation content and evaluate the use of a specific scenariation nurse education module. Students were presented with video simulating the workplace and then prompted to make clinical decisions such as selecting treatment options. The scenariation approach was implemented with a group of 380 1st‐year nursing students and evaluated using multifaceted online evaluation. The results of this qualitative evaluation highlight not just the potential of scenariation but also some of the difficulties associated with online delivery to large and diverse student groups. Students valued the relevance to practice and interactive nature of scenariation, but some reported technical difficulties. The paper concludes by extending the discussion of scenariation to the areas of inter‐professional learning and the integration of scenariation with face‐to‐face high fidelity simulation.  相似文献   

Educational institutions are becoming increasingly concerned about school violence. This review of the literature on violent behavior focuses on two general issues that can be used to guide community college administrators and faculty in their attempt to counteract the damaging effects violent behavior has on the well-being of their students. First, it is important to be aware that the majority of students have at least some experience with violence. There is considerable evidence that students' exposure to violence is associated with bothantisocial behavior and psychological trauma (e.g., depression, anxiety, anger, post-traumatic stress disorder). Community colleges can help students who may be experiencing the negative effects of violence by, for example, establishing student support groups and taking accusations of harassment seriously. The second issue addressed provides some of the steps that community colleges can take to ensure the safety of their students. Violent threats should be addressed and employees need to become knowledgeable about the warning signs of violent behavior. In addition, it is recommended that community colleges develop a security plan based on the unique needs of their campuses as well as establish a Crisis Intervention Plan. The article concludes by stressing the importance of evaluating the violence prevention programs that are implemented.  相似文献   


This paper explores the apparently forgotten area of community education. It examines the dominant modes of community education practice, dubbed the status reform model, and concludes that one of the key explanations of its failure to change practice was its reluctance to tackle professional domination of existing power structures in education. The article also examines New Right definitions of appropriate parental roles, of citizenship, and of community. The article concludes by identifying some possible strategies to expand and enhance the roles offered by the education system to lay actors.  相似文献   

This article examines the issue of internal legitimization and its importance in securing high-quality community engagement in K-12 schools. Drawing on the literature from the fields of community engagement, school reform, school–university partnerships, and school–community partnerships, this article describes some of the prevailing challenges and barriers external partners face when conducting reform oriented partnership work in K-12 schools. The discussion focuses on four factors that contribute to enhancing external partners’ internal legitimization within K-12 settings. The article offers a set of strategies for working through each of the four components.  相似文献   

中国网络文化安全不良信息评价指标体系实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
形形色色的不良信息在互联网上不断增多,如何有效地过滤不良网络文化产品是我们当前必须解决的课题。本文通过实证分析,构建出了我国网络文化安全不良信息评价指标体系,希望能为中国网络文化安全的政策法规建设、安全防范系统体系结构和系统平台的开发、网络文化监控系统的研制和网络文化安全预警平台的研发提供借鉴和指导。  相似文献   

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