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《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):338-350

The debate about declining education standards and quality has been going on for decades. At the centre of this debate has been teacher performance. But the blame for the decline in educational standards and quality of education in South Africa cannot be placed squarely on the shoulders of teachers alone. Society as a whole must accept its share of responsibility too. For the decline or the improvement of the standard and quality of education depends on the roles played by teachers, parents, learners, tertiary institutions, non-governmental organisations and the government. To blame teachers alone misses the core problem, which is at the root of the continuing decline in educational standards and quality in a country which has the biggest economy in Africa. To stem this tide will require a collaborative effort by all these role players. But, more importantly, it will require the restructuring of how teachers are trained, as well as the transformation of school governing bodies, so as to enable them to play the role the South African Schools Act intended them to play. The profession must also be made attractive in order to attract talented matriculants. This will entail improvements in the salary structure and conditions of service of teachers. It will also be necessary to revamp the current teacher in-service training and development system to enable it to play a more meaningful role in assisting teachers to continually refresh and retool their skills in order to cope with the ever-changing teaching and learning environment.  相似文献   

提高实验室开放绩效的研究与实践   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
讨论了开放实验室与开放绩效的含义,分析了影响开放实验室开放效率的主要原因,提出了提高开放效率的对策.  相似文献   

英语学习中听力是一大难点,它与语法、语音和文化背景密切相关。掌握一定的方法和技巧,有利于提高英语听力水平。  相似文献   

行政民主是实现民主行政的基础。改善和加强行政民主建设是一个涉及面大而广的系统工程,本文提出了当前改善和加强行政民主建设的10种主要方式。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课对于大学生世界观、人生观、价值观的建立具有重要作用,高校思想政治工作具有导向、动力的作用,但是由于影响的因素较多,高校思想政治理论课教学实效性面临严峻的挑战。我们要深入研究高校思想政治课的教学,认真解决高校思想政治课教学的困境,不断改进与完善,努力提升高校思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

为提高捷联惯导姿态圆锥算法的机动性能,提出一种新的圆锥补偿结构,该结构通过在传统结构中增加一个子样获得.在给出经典圆锥运动定义的基础上,推导了基于新的圆锥补偿结构的圆锥补偿残余误差通式,并采用频率泰勒方法设计了新的圆锥补偿结构系数,从而获得一类新的圆锥补偿算法.定义了2种圆锥算法误差模型,分别用于圆锥环境和机动环境下的圆锥算法性能评估.仿真结果表明:新的四子样圆锥算法的机动精度比传统四子样圆锥算法的机动精度提高约1倍;与传统的压缩圆锥算法相比,新的圆锥算法在保持圆锥性能的同时具有更好的机动性能.  相似文献   

1 前言在研究性学习活动的过程中,往往需要学生独立开展实验,研究一些简单的生物学现象。在这种情况下,实验设计能力就成为影响学生学习活动的决定性因素。学生的实验设计能力较差是一个普遍存在的问题。如何规范实验设计的方法、有效培养学生的实验  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between personality and two different academic performance (AP) assessment methods, namely exams and coursework. It aimed to examine whether the relationship between traits and AP was consistent across self-reported versus documented exam results, two different assessment techniques and across different faculties. There were 1,013 (622 female) university students from four British Universities in four faculties namely arts/humanities, social sciences, life/biological sciences and mathematical sciences. Participants completed a brief version of the Big Five inventory and a self-report measure of AP. Conscientiousness and Agreeableness were the strongest personality predictors of AP. Structural equation model showed that sex and personality effects on AP were invariant across different areas of study or degree types (humanities, social sciences, life sciences and hard sciences). Personality variables are stable, robust and predictable correlates and determinants of AP. Conscientiousness, Openness and Agreeableness were positive predictors as measured by good grades whilst Neuroticism and Extraversion were correlates of weaker performance. Implications of these results refer how teachers choose to examine their pupils and to what extent students choose courses because of their known examination procedures.  相似文献   

阐述了国内外高校实验室管理阶段绩效评价的现状,针对国内有些高校实验室由于缺乏科学高效的管理而造成效益低下,提出了通过加强教学团队建设,完善创新型实验室管理体系,以降低投入/产出水平,促进教学实验室绩效评价与管理的全面整合。  相似文献   

高校绩效评估方法的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
EVA、BSC、KPI、SWOT分析、360度考核等是国内外组织应用比较多的绩效评估方法.通过对这五种方法的内涵阐释与比较,指出高校应该综合运用各类绩效评估方法,扬长避短,使得评估结果更科学、客观、专业.  相似文献   

Summary The improvement of the educational process is an ongoing activity. The examples presented have shown the data upon which revisions of PLAN modules were made and have shown student performance results on the revised materials. Presented as part of a symposium, PLAN in Operation—A Summary of Four Years’ Experience in the Evolution of an Educational System, for Divisions 5 and 15, American Psychological Association, Miami Beach, Florida, September 5, 1970. The work discussed in this paper was conducted while Mr. Rahmlow was associated with the American Institutes for Research.  相似文献   

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