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不分对象,工作万能 思想政治工作的作用和威力是人所共知的,各种典型经验都充分证明这一点。思想政治工作对路就能解决许多疑难棘手的问题。因此,有人就认为思想政治工作是万能的,任何问题都可以通过思想政治工作得以解决。基于这种思想,个别领导同志在某项工作受阻时,就认为这主要因为思想政治工作没跟上,思想工作没做透。致使工作受损失、受影响。在他们看来,不论什么事情,不管什么情况,只要思想政治工作上去,一切问题都可迎刃而解。其实,实事求是,具体情况具体分析,对症下药才是思想政治工作的根本。任何事情都受时间、地点、条件、对象等种种因素的制约,脱离实际的思想政治工作只能是空谈。同样的方法,在此奏效,在彼不一  相似文献   

The present study replicated investigation of the link between Holland’s six career interest types and Costa and McCrae’s big five personality traits in a Chinese context. A sample of 79 university students from Hong Kong evaluated their own abilities and responded to the Short‐Version Self‐Directed Search (SVSDS) and the NEO Five‐Factor Inventory. Results demonstrated external validity for the SVSDS, and suggested that even when students’ self‐rated abilities were taken into account, career interests and personality traits still significantly overlapped, although each construct made a unique contribution to the variance in the data. The specific ways in which the dimensions of career interests and personality traits were related to one another were generally consistent with those documented in the literature. The implications for educational research and educational practice in the Chinese context are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a strand of activities for teachers of mathematics that we used with two cohorts of participants in a professional development program called Revitalizing Algebra (REAL). We first discuss our goals and describe the participants, and then we describe the construction and selection of the tasks followed by teacher responses. Finally, we reflect on different iterations of the tasks, their impact on the teachers’ thinking and practice, and the role of school and department culture in the process of change.  相似文献   

Conclusion The Strategic Impact Model is distinctive in its portrayal of the integration of instructional and non-instructional interventions and its suggestion that all performance interventions undergo an analysis-design-development-production cycle, just as instruction does. It also differs from other similar models in its use of evaluative activities at each stage to assure alignment with strategic needs as well as quality control, and its suggestions for improving the chances of successful implementation by carrying out change management activities at each phase of the development process. He has special interests in distance education, historical and philosophical foundations of instructional technology and instructional development processes. He has special interests in planning and evaluating performance improvement initiatives, including training. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

沃尔玛在美国总部阿肯色州宣布,将大力拓展中国市场,5年内将在中国新募15万名员工.按这个数据预算,如果实现上述员工招募计划,意味着沃尔玛在华将新增200多家的门店.  相似文献   

Managers and supervisors routinely identify performance shortfalls and their causes as they attempt to create work environments where their people can succeed. This article traces the development of a job aid for managers that provides the necessary structure to systematically and systemically determine performance gaps, identify weight, and display the underlying causes of a performance shortfall. While managers are the target audience, performance consultants may also find the job aid a useful tool.  相似文献   

Schools that serve hearing-impaired students must exercise special care in selecting textbooks to support classroom instruction. This article outlines the procedures developed and used at Kendall Demonstration Elementary School at Gallaudet University to evaluate and select a social studies textbook series. These procedures should apply to other subjects as well, and are offered as a resource model for other schools. Specific suggestions are made for every step in the process, including conducting a needs assessment, locating potential materials, defining roles of committee members, developing evaluation criteria and more. Emphasis is placed on conducting a comprehensive, manageable, and ultimately effective textbook search that supports the school's curriculum and satisfies the needs of students and teachers.  相似文献   

Researchers have shown that the five major dimensions of personality (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience) and two additional factors (irritability and positive activity) are evident from adolescence. This study attempted to replicate and extend these results in a longitudinal study of 102 Swedish children, followed from 2.3 to 15.2 years of age. Item analyses revealed consistently reliable irritability, conscientiousness, and positive activity factors, whereas the internal reliability of the extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, and openness to experience factors increased over time. Irritability and positive activity were not independent of the other factors. Scores on most of the personality factors were fairly stable over time. Over time, children became less extraverted, more agreeable, and more conscientious. Neuroticism and openness to experience increased in Phase III, although openness then decreased in Phase V. Validity of the original factors was demonstrated by correlations with independent assessments of the children's cognitive performance and adjustment to school.  相似文献   

Schools around the world are using instruments for performance feedback, but there is no scientific evidence that they have positive effects on education. This paper compares a School Performance Feedback System (SPFS) used in the USA as an accountability instrument to an SPFS used in The Netherlands. The study employs a unique database: one in which 2 separate countries with 2 distinct performance systems are compared using the same instruments. The use and effects of both SPFSs are compared to acquire more knowledge about the utilization and effects of SPFSs in an international context. Also, the variables which influence SPFSs are presented and then utilized to predict the use of the 2 SPFSs in their 2 separate contexts.  相似文献   

为了贯彻落实全国人才工作会议精神,积极响应全国总工会等十部委开展“创建学习型组织,争当知识型职工”活动的号召,天津石化以优化人力资源、提升全员素质为目标,从2002年初启动了旨在满足企业提高市场竞争能力需要、满足第三次大发展人才储备需要、满足职工提高岗位竞争能力需要的职工素质工程。 天津石化致力于职工素质工程与“创争”活动的有机结合,构筑和完善组织领导体系、目标规划体系、制度保障体系、基础档案体系、绩效考核体系和奖励激励体系等六大体系,不断增强建设学习型企业的自觉性和责任感,用职工和企业素质的不断提升,全力绘制环渤海特大型炼化一体化基地的宏伟蓝图。  相似文献   

液压系统中卸荷回路的功能是在液压泵驱动电动机不频繁启闭的情况下,使液压泵在功率损耗接近于零的情况下运转,以减少功率损耗,降低系统发热,延长泵和电机的寿命。主要介绍了不同类型的液压卸荷回路的性能特点。  相似文献   

组织绩效管理体系 布雷德拉普(Bredrup,1995)认为组织绩效管理是由三个过程组成的:计划、改进和考察,并提出了组织绩效管理模型,如图1所示。在该模型中,绩效计划所分析的主要是制定组织的愿景和战略以及对绩效进行定义等活动。对绩效改进则从过程的角度分析,也就是说绩效改进包括商业过程再造、持续性过程改进、基准化和全面质量管理等活动。绩效  相似文献   

This article reports a case study describing how the principles of a cognitive apprenticeship (CA) model developed by Collins, Brown, and Holum (1991) were applied to a graduate course on performance systems analysis (PSA), and the differences this application made in student performance and evaluation of the course compared to the previous semester. I analyzed the requirements for the CA learning environment and identified the contributions of instructor, students, and the course based on those requirments. I then applied the findings to create an authentic learning environment based on CA principles. In this case the students became performance consultants, immersed in practical application of the PSA content and methodology to authentic organizational performance issues provided by real clients. Finally, I compare student evaluation of the course to student evaluations in the previous semester, and report their responses to a set of open-ended questions concerning the application of CA principles.  相似文献   

本文通过对文献资料和现代汉语语料的分析,全面考察"季"族词的词汇意义和色彩意义,并从语言的经济原则和语言接触的视角出发,对"季"族词的词义演变模式进行较为深入的探讨。  相似文献   

大学阶段是人生成长发展过程中的关键时期,这个阶段是学知识、长才干、全面提升综合素质的大好时期,但同时也是心理问题和矛盾冲突较多的特殊时期。在社会竞争日益激烈,学习、就业等压力不断加大的新形势下,大学生的心理负荷越来越大。许多大学生因心理问题而休学、退学,甚至少数大学生因心理危机而导致自残、自杀或杀人。对大学生进行心理素质教育,因而成为各大高校迫切需要研究和解决的新课题。  相似文献   

Since its introduction five years ago (1974), 113 articles or papers have appeared regarding the WISC-R, including empirical investigations of its nature, as well as its comparability with a variety of other measures of intelligence and achievement, including the WISC. While not all this research has been carefully done, two general conclusions can be derived from the review. First, although the WISC-R involves modification in administration, design, and presentation of items, as well as a complete restandardization, the literature substantially suggests that it remains very similar in nature to its predecessor, the WISC. Investigations of factor analytic structures, standard errors, reliability coefficients, and subtest intercorrelations support the conclusion that individuals perform on the WISC-R largely the same as they do on the WISC. The second conclusion points out (with few exceptions): consistently lower scores were obtained on the WISC-R than on several other measures, including the WISC, the WAIS, the Slosson Intelligence Test, the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, and the Stanford Binet, which was revised shortly before the WISC. These lower scores on the WISC-R may be due to a variety of influences, including examiner variance, an artifact of design leading to inflated scores on the WISC, and finally and most obviously, the restandardization of the scale. The amount of literature that has appeared over the five-year period suggests that practitioners and researchers are as interested in learning about the WISC-R as they were about the WISC. Despite this fact and the conclusion that the WISC and WISC-R are substantially similar, the present authors encourage caution in the overgeneralization of findings until additional literature develops.  相似文献   

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