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This study identified governing state entities charged with the development of a funding formula for community colleges. Analysis of the data revealed that 40 states utilized a funding formula. Twenty-one states had a “Higher Education” entity with governing control of the formula, 5 states had a “Community College” entity with distinct funding formulas for community colleges, funding formulas in 2 states fell under a “Comprehensive (K-20) Education” entity, and in 12 states control of a state funding formula was the responsibility of a state statute. Findings and implications of funding formula governance patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,我国脱贫攻坚成就显著,形成了中国特色的脱贫智慧,其中高校资助是教育扶贫的重要手段,脱贫攻坚的成功经验对开展资助工作有重要的指导与借鉴意义。从脱贫攻坚队伍建设、精准理念、扶志立志入手,结合目前资助工作短板展开分析,提出实施高校资助工作队伍“三提升”、聚焦精准资助“三精准”、构建立志教育长效体系等,以期推动高校资助工作进一步提质增效,充分发挥资助育人长效作用,助力巩固脱贫攻坚成果。  相似文献   


In the spring of 2002 we conducted a structure-focused case study at 4 North Carolina community colleges to understand how selected senior campus leaders assessed a new legislatively-mandated institutional-accountability program. Using confidential interviews and document analysis we collected, analyzed, and interpreted data that revealed clear differences in how leaders regarded the accountability program. These distinct, campus-specific perspectives are characterized as “bureaucratic meddling,” “benign intrusion,” “an opportunity to demonstrate accountability,” and “the divided leaders.” Despite these distinct perspectives, however, we also found 2 overarching themes that illuminated common reactions to the accountability program. First, leaders at 3 of the 4 institutions reported that performance ratings under the accountability program were instrumental in prompting changes in instructional programs or staffing. Second, faculty leaders at 3 institutions exhibited an apathy or unawareness of state indicators, even though some state funding was linked to measures regarding student performance.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship is relatively new as a subject of formal study in universities. Its teaching can be traced back to 1947. Since then, the subject has caught on, and in the 1980s and 1990s, there was a veritable explosion in such offerings at universities in the United States. The subject came to Europe rather late, but here, too, courses and programmes are becoming increasingly numerous, particularly in the United Kingdom but also, now, in Belgium and in Germany. University programmes in Entrepreneurship can be “focused” or “university wide”. University‐wide programmes can be “magnet programmes” or “radiant programmes”. The author presents and describes these different kinds of programmes and cites examples of their implementation in different universities in Germany and abroad. Such education, she feels, will gain great importance in the Twenty‐First Century; however, courses will require innovative funding methods and, particularly, a great deal of private funding.  相似文献   

高校在经济资助过程中融入育人元素,可以实现资助育人目的。南京师范大学资助工作以"厚生"校训为指导思想,努力构建经济资助、励志强能与精神培育三位一体的资助育人工作体系,为学生提高综合能力、完善个人素质提供各种成长发展资源。  相似文献   

在精准扶贫背景下,高校学生资助工作要积极改变传统的粗放型资助模式,积极推行精准资助模式,实现资助对象精准、资助学生需求精准、资助形式精准、资助效能精准“四精准”,努力提高高校学生资助管理水平。通过分析精准扶贫背景下高校精准资助存在的问题,提出了完善高校精准资助队伍建设、构建精准的分层分类认定体系、实行精细化管理、精准育人、拓宽资助途径,提升精准资助能力等对策。  相似文献   

Performance funding has become an increasingly prevalent state policy to incentivize student retention and degree completion at public colleges. Using a Cox proportional hazards model on state-level data from years 2000 to 2013, this study analyzes the latest wave of policies that embed base appropriations into the state budget to fund student outcomes. Results indicate that having a greater proportion of bordering performance funding states diminishes the likelihood of policy adoption, capturing a “reverse policy diffusion” effect. States with Republican-controlled legislatures, more professionalized legislatures, and rapid growth in unemployment rates are more likely to adopt the policy, while those with higher educational attainment levels and more bachelor’s degrees awarded per student are less likely. Implications include the surprising finding of reverse policy diffusion, which suggests that states are delaying adoption until after they can observe the political consequences and impacts of the policy in neighboring states. Findings point to a policy learning effect—by observing other state’s experiences, policymakers can make more informed decisions about whether to pursue performance funding as an accountability tool.  相似文献   

“Publish or perish” is a phrase familiar to untenured and tenured faculty alike. In recent years, prominence has been placed on academicians to secure external funding for their research and training projects. The counselor education field has not been immune to this call for externally funded projects. This article includes strategies for seeking and receiving external funding for counseling‐related research in an effort to help counselor educators flourish in a paradigm that increasingly calls for greater external funding. Emphasis is placed on gaining knowledge and experience with federal funding agencies.  相似文献   

A NEW THRUST for the integration of students with a mild disability has been initiated by special education scholars and Federal government officials in the U.S. The “regular education initiative” is based upon the assumption that mildly disabled students’ educational and social needs can be better served in regular education settings. Proponents of the regular education initiative are seeking “waivers for performance” that would allow school districts to experiment with alternative service delivery models and the allocation of resources without being Financially penalized under the current funding systems. Critics argue that the strength of the research base used to support REI is insufficient to warrant wholesale changes in current service delivery systems. They are sceptical of the argument that REI type programs can eliminate the effects of labeling by better integrating students who need supplemental educational resources. An analysis of the REI proposals and their conceptual relevance to the Australian context is presented.  相似文献   

大学生助学金资助精准识别与认定是实际操作中的难题,无法实现资助定量分析,而定性分析目前又较模糊,缺乏科学性.鉴于此,对大学资助对象进行建模,实现定量和定性分析相结合,以达到精准识别目的.创造性地利用校园网已建的"互联网+"、"大数据"平台收集学生日常消费习惯、日常行动轨迹等数据,通过建立精确预测模型对学生在校生活水平进...  相似文献   

Some years ago ISPI identified a need for a focused learning experience that would introduce human performance technology to the decisionmakers in organizations who were responsible for sponsoring, funding, and implementing performance improvement efforts. Out of this need came the HPT Institute “Making the Transition from Training to Human Performance Improvement.” To date, seven Institutes have been offered across the country, and the first international Institute took place in Buenos Aires in November 1998. In this article Mariano Bernárdez summarizes the thoughts of some of the 45 South American CEOs and managers who took part in the Institutes to learn how HPT can be implemented in their countries.  相似文献   

学生资助政策是促进受教育机会均等和社会公正的重要措施。新常态下,高校学生资助体系主要存在困难生等级评定模糊、国家财政负担过重、学校教育主导性功能受损和资助资金分配不合理等问题。建立定性与定量相结合的弹性认困机制和"一体多翼"的学生资助体系;坚持杠杆与另辟新径并存,探索"求同存异"的资金分配模式;提升高校的教育主导性功能,为完善学生资助建设体系提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

精准扶贫视域下,在高校开展资助育人精准化研究,探索资助育人新路径,有着重要的现实意义。基于某高校辅导员工作中多个具有代表性的资助育人典型案例,客观分析目前资助育人工作存在的问题,针对问题打造“红黄绿青蓝”等多彩资助育人模式,探索传承红色基因、丈量黄土大地、拓宽绿色平台、壮志凌云揽青天、青出于蓝而胜于蓝“五位一体”的“扶贫、扶志、扶智”资助育人新路径,以期更加全面地帮助贫困学生实现从灰暗到多彩的人生转变。  相似文献   

An introductory aperçu is given of the “Topic”, of this issue, “The Financing of Higher Education”. The general question asked is how higher education systems as well as individual higher education institutions are to diversify their sources of funding given that the public authorities can no longer be counted upon to foot the whole bill. Much is said as to how students, that is, users, are to be made to cover an increasing share of the costs of their own education. Little, however, is said of how the balance of power within institutions and between institutions and governments will be changed as out of necessity they develop fund‐raising units and other specialized commercial offices to handle the “sale” of their services to private sector organizations.  相似文献   

Di Adams 《Higher Education》1998,36(4):421-435
Over the last three decades there have been numerous surveys in Australian universities which have attempted to describe the perceptions of academic staff to various aspects of their roles. Each of these surveys appears to have been inspired by changes resulting from contemporaneous government policies and/or community expectations. Calls for “Efficiency and Effectiveness”, “Accountability”, and “Quality and Diversity”have coincided with massive expansion in the higher education system, the change from a binary system to the Unified National System, and consequent changes to student profiles, funding arrangements, and academic workloads. Academic culture, with its tradition of freedom and autonomy, has been besieged by the alien culture of managerialism with its own vocabulary of “client”, “quality assurance”, and “product”: but has this assault made any difference to how academics perceive their work and their perceptions of quality in university teaching ? This paper reports on an analysis of data (relating to academics' perceptions of their work) from surveys conducted in universities from the late 70s and throughout the 80s and 90s. The paper analyses, compares and contextualises academic perceptions across these decades, and draws some conclusions about the perseverence of academic culture under siege.  相似文献   

广州市政府在购买中小学教师远程继续教育服务过程中,初步形成了具有广州特色的“一主多元、两步实施”模式和相应的组织、制度、操作、监管等方面的运行机制,但也存在一些影响服务质量和效益的问题,需要采取相应措施逐步形成:以教育中介组织为主的多元购买客体模式,以政府出资为主的多元资金筹集模式,以独立关系竞争性购买(契约化购买)为主的多元购买模式,以第三方实施为主的多元评价模式等。  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(3-4):297-313
Research evaluation is used to identify “success” and relate this to funding. Citation analysis is one of many performance indicators but has been largely set aside in the U.K. This paper describes the use of bibliometric data and examines the “parochialism” of Northern Irish research. Papers produced in Northern Ireland between the years 1981 to 1994 and listed with the ISI are used to exemplify the issues. The analysis indicates that some fields are underrepresented in the ISI database. Small research systems can also be significantly influenced by one or two individuals. Publication in a highly visible, Anglo-American, internationally refereed journal will enhance the citation rate. Northern Irish research has a relative lack of international impact, seemingly a function of topics and the journals used. While there is an increasing amount of joint authorship, particularly with the rest of the U.K., relatively little collaboration has taken place with colleagues in the rest of Europe. Citation analysis is an important initial indicator of research impact, useful to establish questions and narrow an overall field of inquiry.  相似文献   

A major reform of higher education in Sweden took place in 1993, making a radical change from central planning by parliament to deregulation, privatisation and performance-related funding. To analyse the new kind of interaction between government and universities, a model based on game theory can be used, where government and universities are seen as actors in an iterated Prisoners' Dilemma. The analysis is based on a model of “responsive regulation”, in which a number of recommendations are made on how cooperation can be achieved in a regulatory relationship. This model is then compared to the new formal regulatory framework in Sweden, which can be described in six points. Secondly I compare the model to the available evidence of what has happened in “real life” since the reform was enacted. This approach adds to the literature on implementation, in which studies usually focus on specific orders from the top, whereas this is about shifting initiative from the central to the local level. As such, it is a starting point in an analysis of how “freedom” is implemented; “will universities take advantage of their greater independence and, if so, how will they do it?”. “What are the necessary prerequisites for this to take place?”.  相似文献   

德国“卓越大学计划”是德国为了应对激烈的国际竞争、发展本国大学和顶尖研究而实施的改革举措。纵观计划全局,“卓越大学计划”具有项目设计的层次性,评估机制的合理性,资助对象的流动性、项目分布的差异性等特点,其对我国“双一流”建设工作的借鉴是:坚持人才培养的中心地位,做好“双一流”建设顶层设计,构建积极长效的评审工作机制,建立完善的参与和退出机制,重视地区和校际之间的教育公平。  相似文献   

在工业化、城镇化的冲击下,我国农村职业教育“离农”倾向较为严重,出现了一定程度的价值取向异化问题,由此导致农村职业教育忽视农村本土人才培养,职业教育的地域性和职业性日渐丧失。在乡村振兴背景下,我国农村职业教育价值取向应该予以重塑,将服务“三农”作为办学目标,将促进“农业强、农村美、农民富”作为办学价值取向。为实现价值取向重塑,农村职业教育需要从管理体制、经费保障体系、服务辐射范围、人才培养体系等方面进行改革,确保价值取向重塑得以实现。  相似文献   

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