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Although taste memory has been extensively studied within the context of long-delay taste aversion learning, little attention has been devoted to taste memory within more traditional memory designs, for example, simple delayed discriminations. This was examined in the present experiment. Specifically, following taste discrimination training during which responding was reinforced following exposure to only one of two tastes, delays were imposed between sampling of the initial taste and the opportunity to respond. On the average, subjects were able to perform the simple delayed taste discrimination with an accuracy of 80% or better at a delay of 45 sec. Discrimination performance returned to chance at an average delay of 58 sec. Taste memory within the simple delayed discrimination paradigm is discussed and compared with other assessments of short-term memory in the rat and other species.  相似文献   

南音千百年不断变化发展的流传与传承反映了不同时代、社会历史文化背景下人们审美价值取向、审美观的变化与发展.清末民初至今南音唱腔从以男性唱腔为主到以女性唱腔的转变、现今革新性唱腔与传统性唱腔的并存反映了不同历史条件下社会审美的时代性差异.  相似文献   

以《化学教学》、《化学教育》、《化学世界》、《大学化学》4种化学教育核心期刊为研究对象,对有关绿色化学教育文献进行统计,从计量学角度出发,对文献数量、内容、作者单位、作者所在区域、核心作者以及作者合作情况等方面进行统计分析和评价,试图为我国绿色化学教育研究提供某一角度的参考。  相似文献   

四项基本原则是中国革命和建设事业长期以来实践经验的总结 ,而五四时期马克思主义在中国的广泛传播是其形成的历史渊源。追溯和探讨二者的必然联系 ,对于深入认识马克思主义中国化的重要性和增强坚持四项基本原则的自觉性 ,具有重要的现实意义  相似文献   

Acceptance of and expressed preference for varying levels of salt (NaCl) were assessed among children 3-6 years of age. 20 children received 0, 0.17, and 0.34 M NaCl in aqueous solution, and 20 received these same NaCl concentrations in a soup broth. In both groups, children were asked to ingest as much as they wanted to each stimulus during brief, sequential presentations and to indicate which stimulus they preferred in a series of paired-comparison presentations. A striking, context-specific reaction to the taste of salt was observed on both measures. Children in this age group strongly rejected even the moderate level of salt in water relative to unsalted water. In contrast, the most highly salted soup was well accepted and preferred to either unsalted or moderately salted soup by the majority of children.  相似文献   

科学的进步和社会实践的发展 ,要求课堂教学应坚持创新教育。在教学中 ,应落实好平等自由的原则、以学生为主的原则、理论联系实际的原则 ,开放性的原则 ,唯有坚持落实好这些原则 ,才能充分发挥好课堂教学的特有功能和作用 ,推动创新人才的培养。  相似文献   

想象是一种富有创造性的思想活动,培养学生的想象能力应从五方面入手;要勤于观察、积极体验、善于记忆;要以强烈的感情为动力;要发展学生的联想能力;要培养学生再造性想象的能力;要培养学生创造性想象的能力。  相似文献   

In recent years, a considerable amount of research on nonverbal behavior has focused on identifying facial cues of various emotions. This study attempted to examine the effects of training individuals to accurately label facial affects of happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust, and neutral. The treatment period extended over three, one-hour group presentations based on Ekman and Friesen's (1975) model of training individuals to accurately label emotions from facial expressions. The posttest demonstrated that the experimental group significantly improved its ability to accurately label facial affect following the training program.  相似文献   

论《啼笑因缘》的多重趣味组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
趣味是文学作品吸引读者的内因之一。《啼笑因缘》综合了情节、认知、时事、审美等多重德味,并在对情节趣味有所偏重的前提下,对各种趣味加以抑制与淡化处理,从而形成一种葱绿配桃红似的参差对照之美。  相似文献   

Thirsty rats were allowed to choose between a striped arm of a T-maze that contained water and a black arm that contained a saccharin solution. After each exposure to the saccharin solution, half of the animals received a lithium chloride injection 1 min later and half received the same injection 30 min later. Comparable saline injections at these same delays were given after each exposure to the striped, water, arm. The results from saccharin aversion, spatial aversion, and instrumental learning tests generally supported the hypothesis that delayed reinforcement has a substantially greater negative impact on the acquisition of an instrumental response than it has on affective conditioning.  相似文献   

城市化是解决农民增收问题的根本出路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农民收入低是“三农”问题的核心。在造成我国农民增收难的多种因素中,城市化滞后是最主要的原因,要从根本上解决农民增收难的问题,就要加快城市化进程。城市化使得更多的农民进入城市,进而可以使农民从以下途径增加收入:能够节约大量土地,使农业适度规模经营,提高农业劳动生产率;能够拉动对农产品的有效需求,刺激农产品价格;能够加快第三产业的发展,扩大就业,为农民增加收入拓展更广阔的空间。  相似文献   

图1减数分裂示意图DD12减数分裂1D2D图2减数分裂示意图2d2减数分裂1dd1d图3减数分裂示意图图4减数分裂示意图12D2减数分裂1dDdD12减数分裂21基因分离定律和自由组合定律的实质是遗传基本规律的教学重点,同时又是学生学习的难点。由于这部分内容难以用模型或实验来演示,所以笔者  相似文献   

探讨有关若干类型一阶微分方程的解法,促进教学,启迪学生思维。  相似文献   

关于微分方程组求解问题,是很困难和很复杂的事。但是,如果抓住它的一些特点和正确运用所学知识,就能比较容易解决。本文给出求解微分方程组的三种方法——消元法、矩阵的特征值特征向量法、拉普拉斯变换法。  相似文献   

美国多元文化教育由最初的单一种族课程阶段发展到现在的多元文化教育制度化阶段。通过了一系列旨在保护少数族群权利的法规。在课程的改革中,充分考虑所有学生独特的族群特征。在教学方法的改革中,采取了多种方法进行教学。在幼儿教育的改革中,将多元文化的教育因子融入到学习环境中。文章试图从美国多元文化教育理论及实践经验出发,结合新疆基础教育的实际情况,为新疆基础教育的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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