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Participation in youth sport is positively associated with physical fitness and performance. The purpose of the current study was to examine if physical fitness measures during childhood and early adolescence predicted high school sport participation. Participants included youth in the Michigan State University Motor Performance Study. Measures consisted of the endurance shuttle run, Wells sit-and-reach, jump and reach, standing long jump, agility shuttle run and 30-yard dash. Individual, generalized estimating equation models were used to estimate the association between each measure and the odds of participating in high school sport. For both sexes, the endurance shuttle run and agility shuttle run were related to sport participation. For boys only, the long jump and 30-yard dash were also associated with sport participation. Better physical fitness and performance across several dimensions in childhood, including those related to motor skills, enhanced the likelihood of sport participation in high school.  相似文献   

Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between fundamental movement skills (FMS) and markers of health among a cohort of Irish primary school children. Methods: Participants (N = 296, mean age: 7.99 ± 2.02 years) were senior infant (n = 149, mean age: 6.02 ± 0.39 years) and 4th class (n = 147, mean age: 9.97 ± 0.40 years) students from three primary schools in Cork, Ireland. FMS proficiency (TGMD-2) and markers of health (BMI percentile, waist circumference percentile, blood pressure percentiles, resting heart rate, cardiorespiratory fitness, objectively measured physical activity; PA) measurements were recorded. Correlation and hierarchical stepwise multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to investigate the relationship between FMS and markers of health. Results: A small, positive relationship was found between FMS (Gross Motor Quotient; GMQ) and cardiorespiratory fitness with small negative correlations between GMQ and 550 m time SDS among 6-year-olds (r(129) = ?.286, p < .05) and 10-year-olds (r(132) = ?.340, p < .05). A moderate, positive correlation was found between GMQ and light PA (r(71) = .400, p < .05). Small positive correlations were revealed between GMQ and moderate PA (r(71) = .259, p < .05) and between GMQ and total PA (r(71) = .355, p < .05). After adjusting for age, sex, the interaction effect of age and sex, and school attended, FMS explained 15.9% and 24.8% of the variance in 550 m time SDS among 6- and 10-year-olds, respectively, and 6% and 6.5% of the variance in light PA and moderate PA, respectively. After adjusting for age and sex, FMS explained 11.6% of the variance in total PA. Conclusion: A wide range of FMS is important for children’s cardiorespiratory fitness and PA.  相似文献   


With cardiovascular fitness (CVF) as the dependent variable, relationships with habitual level of physical activity, age, gender, and body mass index (BMI) were investigated in a sample of 93 high adiposity and 93 low adiposity children, ages 8 to 13. A physical activity score (PAS) was computed for each child from a 2-day observation period. A physical working capacity index from cycle ergometry (PWC170) was the measure of CVF. Low and high adiposity samples were classified by a median split (42.9 mm) on the sum of three skinfold measures (tricep, suprailiac, subscapula). For the high adiposity sample, PAS, age, BMI, and gender were significant and the overall model was significant (p < .001), accounting for 38 % of variance in PWC170. In the low adiposity sample, gender (p < .04) was significantly related to CVF, but the overall model was not significant (p < .35). PAS, thus, was a significant predictor of CVF among the high adiposity children, but not the low adiposity children. Mechanisms that may account for this difference include greater work for equal activity among the obese, a ceiling effect on CVF among the low adiposity children, or differences in hormonal or metabolic factors mediating the activity-CVF relationship.  相似文献   

目的:基于决策树模型探讨幼儿体质的影响因素及其交互关系。方法:募集学龄前儿童4 621名(36~83月龄)。参照《国民体质测定标准手册(幼儿部分)》进行体质测试与综合评级(合格、不合格);问卷调查幼儿出生信息、育儿方式、静坐与身体活动、膳食营养、睡眠、父母情况6个一级指标下分的59个二级指标变量信息;采用IBM SPSS modeler创建CHAID决策树模型。结果:幼儿体质的重要影响因素排序依次为周末身体活动(PA)、周末静坐行为(SB)、性别、周末中-大强度身体活动(MVPA)、上学日PA、钙、上学日SB。决策树模型显示,根节点变量周末PA">3 h/天"(95.35%)的幼儿体质合格率与"1~3 h/天"(91.43%)、"≤0.5 h/天"(85.43%)相比具有非常显著性差异(P=0.000)。周末PA">3 h/天"的第2、3层叶节点变量分别为周末SB、上学日PA,"1~3 h/天""≤0.5 h/天"的第2层叶节点变量均为性别。其中,"1~3 h/天"的3~5层叶节点变量包括周末与上学日MVPA、上学日SB、钙等。结论:周末PA是影响幼儿体质的最关键因素。幼儿...  相似文献   

应用Q型聚类对学生身体素质的评价分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Q型聚类分析法,对我院14个系95级全体男生的身体素质进行评价分析,目的在于避免长期以来使用经验评价的弊端。以利提高该年级男生的身体素质水平。  相似文献   

王雅欣 《体育科技》2012,33(3):90-94
通过对武汉市城、乡60-69岁老年人体质现状及身体活动调查分析发现:武汉市城镇男、女老年人身高、体重、肺活量都明显高于乡村老年人;城镇女性老年人血压明显高于乡村女性老年人,男、女性老年人握力和选择反应时同样表明城镇明显优于乡村人群。武汉市老年人有30.7%的人还在参加工作,其中乡村老年人有42.9%的人在从事工作,而城镇老年人则远远少于乡村老年人,仅约为14.4%;在闲暇时间显,无论是在散步,还是在体育锻炼的参与上,城镇老年人明显多于乡村老年人;乡村老年人经常做家务劳动的人数明显多于城镇老年人。  相似文献   

受试者进行9周的舞蹈啦啦操锻炼,在训练前和训练后分别对健康体适能的各项评价指标进行测试,结果表明:长期坚持系统的舞蹈啦啦操锻炼,可以改善女大学生的健康状况,能有效提高女大学生的健康体适能水平。  相似文献   

研制儿童青少年体育素养测评体系既是我国学校教育和学校体育改革的现实需要,也是发展我国儿童青少年体育综合测评工具的学理需要。分析我国儿童青少年体育素养测评体系的产生背景、构建应用及未来发展。在前期相关研究的基础上,采用德尔菲法针对儿童青少年体育素养测评体系进行构建,23名国内外专家参与并完成专家咨询,形成以体育意识、体育知识、体育行为、体育技能和体质水平为主要维度的测评体系,并计算各维度和指标的具体权重。构建的测评体系已在上海进行初步应用,其是在新时代体教融合背景下进行学生体育综合素质评价、推进学校体育改革的重要举措。从长远看,儿童青少年体育素养测评体系还需要在测评内容、测评应用、测评实施、测评结果、测评推广方面不断完善。  相似文献   


The promotion of cardiorespiratory fitness through increased physical activity has become a national public health objective for both adults and children. Based on numerous small-scale studies it appears that children are highly fit but the population distribution is unknown due to the lack of rigorous population studies. Very little is known about the extent of children's physical activity; the available evidence does not support the hypothesis that children obtain sufficient activity to explain their generally high levels of fitness. Due to the lack of evidence of substantial carry-over effects of youth fitness to adult health and the likelihood of children's resistance to vigorous fitness routines, there is little reason to recommend an aerobic training focus in physical education. A focus on enjoyable moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) with carry-over value to adulthood is recommended. Physical education is an important vehicle for promoting physical activity by children; it appears, however, that children may obtain little MVPA during physical education class.  相似文献   

文章运用系统论观点对散打体能及其训练系统的结构进行分析。散打体能系统的框架结构包括身体素质、身体形态、身体机能和心理智能4个方面的子系统,而体能训练的运行结构体系主要由基础体能训练、专项体能训练和综合体能训练3个相互联系、相互影响的子系统构成,对基础体能训练、专项体能训练进行分析,以期对体能与体能训练的系统结构有新的认识,从而为体能训练的科学化提供参考。  相似文献   

中国体质研究的进程与发展趋势   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
结合我国古代医学、现代医学、人类学和生物学等学科的理论,采用专家访谈、文献调研等方法,回顾我国体质学的由来、理论基础和发展历程,并重点论述当前我国体质研究的不足以及对未来体质学发展的思考。研究认为,中国"体质"一词最早来源于《黄帝内经》,"形神合一"是我国古代体质观的精华。随着历史的演变和科学文化的发展,体质的概念也在不断地完善和充实。目前公认的观点是,体质是人体的质量,是在遗传性和获得性的基础上表现出来的人体形态结构、生理功能和心理因素等综合的、相对稳定的特征。开始于20世纪70年代末的"中国青少年儿童身体形态、机能和素质的研究"。成熟于"中国国民体质监测系统"的建立。2000年在我国开展了幼儿(3~6岁)、儿童青少年(7~19岁)、成年(20~59岁)和老年(60~69岁)人群的体质监测工作。标志着体质研究已上升为我国体育科学界最为活跃的研究领域之一。我国的体质研究应该尽快提升体质测量与评价的多样性和多层次化,以便科学和便捷地指导国民进行体育健身。  相似文献   

目的 探讨小学儿童体力活动与身体素质、骨密度的关联,为促进小学儿童体质健康干预策略提供理论基础.方法 通过ActiGraph GT3X+型加速度计与CM-200超声骨密度仪分别对扬州市某小学313名六年级学生进行体力活动水平与骨密度的测量,最后对小学儿童身体素质指标进行测试.结果 与结论男孩的MVPA与50m跑、1mi...  相似文献   


The incidence of orthopedic problems was examined in 5, 582 men and women who attended the Cooper Clinic in Dallas, Texas between 1974 and 1982. The effects of age, physical activity, physical fitness, and body mass index (EMI) on the occurrence of these problems were examined using a proportional hazards approach. The expected risk of orthopedic problems per person-year was 0.045 for men and 0.046 for women. For men, physical fitness, BMI, and physical activity were associated with orthopedic problems, while for women, physical activity was the main predictor. Age was not a factor for either gender. The effect of change in physical fitness, physical activity, and BMI was examined in a subset of 2, 325 persons with more than one visit to the clinic. For women, physical activity and a decrease in BMI were associated with orthopedic problems, while for men none of those factors were significant. Again, age was not a factor in either group. The absence of any age effect on the occurrence of problems suggests that with regard to orthopedic problems, moderate amounts of physical activity in generally healthy persons may be recommended without special consideration as to age.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,对攀枝花普通高校新生体质调查及参加体育活动的情况进行了分析与研究,旨在了解攀枝花普通高校新生体质健康状况及参加体育活动的现状,为进一步提高攀枝花普通高校学生体质和健康,促进攀枝花普通高校体育教学改革提供参考依据。  相似文献   

山西省老年人体质及体育锻炼现状调查   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过对山西省城乡老年人体质现状和体育锻炼情况进行调查发现:山西省老年人参加体育锻炼的人数明显高于全国,锻炼的目是为增进健康,山西省城市老年人的形态、机能、体能指标多数都高于乡村老年人,且均具有显著性或非常显著性差异。这一结果与山西省城市与乡村之间在生存环境、经济状况、生活水平以及健康意识等方面的差别有重要关系。  相似文献   

宁波市大学生体质监测及参加体育活动状况的调研   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过运用体质监测、问卷调查、文献资料调研和数理统计等方法 ,对当前宁波市大学生的体质状况及参加体育活动情况进行调研分析。结果表明 :宁波市大学生身体形态、机能、素质指标均与全国同龄学生存在着一定的差异 ;宁波市大学生不同程度地参加体育活动 ,活动的时段以清晨为主 ,他们在选择活动项目、形式、场所时带有明显的性别特征 ,他们参加体育活动的动机不是单一的 ,而是多层次的 ,运动场所的不足和运动器材的短缺是影响他们参加体育活动的主要因素。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a valid and reliable tool for use in assessing motor skills in preschool children in field-based settings. The development of the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol included evidence of its reliability and validity for use in field-based environments as part of large epidemiological studies. Following pilot work, 297 children (3–5 years old) from 22 preschools were tested using the final version of the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol and the Test of Gross Motor Development (2nd Edition). Reliability of the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol and interobserver reliability were determined using intraclass correlation procedures (intraclass correlation coefficients; ANOVA). Concurrent validity was assessed using Pearson correlation coefficients to compare the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol to the original Test of Gross Motor Development (2nd Edition). Results indicated that test reliability, interobserver reliability, and validity coefficients were all high, generally above R/r = .90. Significant age differences were found. Outcomes indicate that the Children's Activity and Movement in Preschool Study Motor Skills Protocol is an appropriate tool for assessing motor development of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children in field-based settings that are consistent with large-scale trials.  相似文献   

目的:通过对2010年四川省国民体质监测幼儿人群数据的系统分析,并与2005年监测结果进行比较,探讨四川省幼儿的体质现状及变化趋势,为全民健身发展提供参考依据。方法:以2010年四川省国民体质监测幼儿研究人群,选取形态、机能、素质指标等作为分析指标,对不同性别、不同年龄段等人群体质状况进行分析,并与2005年监测结果进行分析比较。结果与结论:四川省幼儿体质合格率达86.1%,总体呈现性别无差异、城镇明显优于乡村的趋势,综合评价状况属于中上水平;比较2005年监测结果,其总体合格率下降1.3%。四川省幼儿身体形态指标呈现出随年龄增大而增加的变化趋势,城镇大于乡村,男性大于女性。幼儿身体指数指标表现为城镇幼儿的身体充实度大于乡村幼儿。四川省幼儿素质指标呈现出随年龄增长而提高的变化趋势,男性在力量、速度、弹跳力、协调与平衡能力方面好于女性,女性的柔韧性好于男性。城镇幼儿的柔韧、速度、弹跳力、力量、协调能力与乡村幼儿无差异,而平衡能力低于乡村幼儿。与2005年监测结果对比10m折返跑略有下降。  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze tracking and stability of motor coordination in children from age 6 years to ages 9 and 13 years. Method: Data were from the Copenhagen School Child Intervention Study. Motor coordination (MC) was measured using the körperkoordinationstest für Kinder (KTK) test. The crude performance score on every item was converted into a standardized “score” based on the original German reference study, which was used to generate a total standardized motor coordination (MQ) score. The MQ scores, which represented children's level of gross MC, were classified as low (MQ score < 85), normal (MQ score = 85–115), or high (MQ score>115). Pearson correlation was used to calculate the tracking coefficients of each KTK element and MQ score, and weighted kappa was used to analyze maintenance in MC classification groups. Mixed-effects logistic regression analyses were performed to examine the odds of remaining in the low MC group over time based on body mass index (BMI), weight, and height tertiles. Results: Tracking coefficients among the MQ score and each KTK element at different ages were moderate (r>.35). Children in the highest BMI and weight tertiles had a 5.44 and 5.15 times greater chance to be in the lower MC classification group during the 7-year follow-up, respectively, in comparison with children in their lowest tertiles. Conclusion: MC tracked moderately through childhood to early adolescence. Because heavier children had a greater chance to be in the lower MC group at older ages, intervention may be useful at earlier ages for those with lower MC and disadvantageous weight status.  相似文献   

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