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This study was designed to examine children's attitudes toward the role of sports in determining social status, as well as the activities in which children prefer to participate. A total of 227 boys and 251 girls in Grades 4, 5, and 6 completed a questionnaire to determine which criteria were most important in determining personal, female, and male popularity. Personal popularity was answered by the girls and boys according to “what would make you well liked by your classmates. “Female and male popularity was determined by asking both girls and boys to decide “what would make (girls, for female subjects, and boys, for male subjects) well liked by your classmates. “A comparison of results from the Buchanan, Blankenbaker, and Cotten (1976) investigation and the present study indicated that, in the last 15 years, appearance has become more important and academic achievement less important in determining personal popularity for girls. For boys, the comparison revealed that sports have become more important and academic achievement less important in determining personal popularity. Boys reported sports to be the most important determinant of personal and male popularity and appearance as the most important determinant of female popularity. Sports and appearance became more important for boys with each higher grade level Girls reported appearance to be the most important determinant of personal, male, and female popularity. For girls, appearance became more important with each higher grade level A comparison of results from the Buchanan et al. (1976) and the present study indicated that the activities in which girls and boys preferred to participate have changed. The importance of “making good grades” has decreased and the importance of “being popular” has increased.  相似文献   


This study examined the factor structure of the Sport Friendship Quality Scale (SFQS; Weiss & Smith, 1999) and compared two models in which (a) self-worth mediated the relationship between physical self/friendship quality and sport commitment and (b) friendship quality and physical self-perceptions directly predicted self-worth and sport commitment. Female team sport participants (N= 227) between the ages of 11 and 14 years completed measures of sport commitment, enjoyment, athletic competence, physical attractiveness, self-worth, and friendship qualities. A confirmatory factor analysis found an inadequate fit for the SFQS, mainly due to problems with the loyalty and intimacy subscale. Separating the loyalty and intimacy factor into two subscales provided an adequate fit. Examination of the two structural models indicated that both models provided an adequate overall fit but that self-worth only weakly predicted sport commitment, suggesting the mediator model was impractical. Friendship quality had a weak relationship with self-worth and sport commitment. Results are discussed in light of issues in measuring sport friendship quality and future directions in this developing field.  相似文献   

试论社会体育的发展与高校社会体育专业的设立   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
采用文献法、调查法等研究方法,从社会体育专业发展的动力系统、社会体育的动态需求及增设社会体育专业的现实条件等,对增设社会体育专业的可行性进行研究。主要结论:社会体育发展需要高校设立社会体育专业培养高等专门人才,具备设立社会体育专业的基本条件的高校应尽可能设立社会体育专业,社会体育专业具有可持续发展性。  相似文献   

政府在促进体育竞赛表演业发展过程中发挥着重要作用,具体包括制定总体规划、直接参与或支持赛事的申办、经济支持等。上海在发展体育竞赛表演业过程中政府优势主要有政府重视、制度健全和社会安全系数高,劣势主要有金牌战略导致对群众喜闻乐见的体育项目重视不够,政府垄断赛事资源,赛事电视转播权开发滞后等。在此基础上,提出了一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

熊文 《体育科研》2016,(1):46-51
从体育社会科学的3个元问题展开讨论,即体育社会科学存在身份不明、地位缺失和品格同化的三重危机。认为:(1)体育社会科学,尤其是其中体育人文科学的“科学”身份还未被认可。其纳入科学范畴可从多个方面因素予以考察,并统一于体育社会科学作为社会科学的分支等方面;(2)当前,体育社会科学的有关语境(对体育、体育科学的界定,体育科学性质及分类)未能反映、揭示或包容体育社会科学及其属性,其很大程度上不能与体育社会科学兼容;(3)体育社会科学内含的价值分析、宏观-抽象学说、经验定性研究、效度和信度问题使得其思维模式、研究范式与体育自然-人体科学存在相异,“规律”的诉求对体育社会科学不具有普适性,而应体现学科、研究差异,且与价值考量保持合理张力。  相似文献   

终身体育是新时期体育发展的指导思想和人类体育需求的体现。分析了学校体育、家庭体育、社会体育对终身体育的影响,讨论了目前这三个方面存在的问题,最后通过学校体育、家庭体育和社会体育这三者之间的关联性,利用各自的优势和资源,提出三者之间相互促进的建议,以便更好的实现协同效应,促进终身体育的发展和落实。  相似文献   

大学生体育消费行为决定因素的定量分析——以湖北为例   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
段鹏  肖德  赵汉华 《体育科学》2007,27(5):36-40
对学生的体育消费行为进行分类,通过问卷调查的形式,采用统计、计量分析方法,深入分析每类体育消费行为的决定因素及与决定因素之间的定量关系。结果显示,除体育运动的兴趣爱好等主观因素外,学生年生活费用水平、课程压力大小、性别是影响学生体育实物消费的主要客观因素;学生年生活费用水平、性别是影响学生体育信息消费的主要客观因素;学生来源是影响学生体育劳务消费的主要客观因素。这对更深刻地认识体育消费行为、预测高校学生体育消费支出有重要意义。  相似文献   

Sport as a drama     
Argument of this text is that: to develop aesthetics of sport, we should not begin with aesthetics as philosophy of art but with aesthetics of everyday life; to start with aesthetics of sport, we should not begin with beautiful of ‘pure aesthetics’ but with the dramatic; to analyze the dramatic in sport, we should not open the analysis with analogy between theater and sport, but with sport as a sort of performance; to get at the meaning of sport as a drama, we have to discuss different meanings ‘drama’ has in theory and everyday communication; to map the dramatic in sport as performance, we have to discuss some features of sport which determine its dramatics first, and its potential as spectacle later. To proceed with the argument, we have to take into account contemporary state of aesthetics, recent development of aesthetics of everyday life, and theory of performance, together with Bernard Suits’ definition of game, Gadamer’s idea of play, and Lévy-Strauss’ account on conjunctive and disjunctive ritual.  相似文献   

专业化的运动心理咨询师在有效的运动心理咨询过程中起着决定性作用。从心理咨询本身的内涵及运动心理咨 询的特点出发,深入探讨运动心理咨询中咨询者的角色定位,进而对运动心理咨询师应具备的专业能力与个人素质进行 全面的分析与认识十分有价值。此外还应该对运动心理咨询实践中应该注意的问题给予高度重视。这时运动心理咨询者 的个人成长及运动心理咨询实践具有重大的启发意义。  相似文献   

An emerging area of research has focused on understanding how the group dynamics of a sport team influence positive youth development (PYD). The identities that youth form through their membership in sport teams (i.e., social identities) have been found to influence teammate behavior and team performance. Yet, minimal work exists on social identity and PYD in youth sport. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between social identity and PYD in sport. Method: Youth engaged in recreational sport (= 219; Mage = 11.61 years, SD = 1.39 years) completed measures of social identity and PYD in sport. The social identity measure assessed 3 dimensions including ingroup ties (IGT; perceptions of similarity, bonding, belongingness), cognitive centrality (importance of being a team member), and ingroup affect (IGA; feelings associated with group membership). A regression analysis was performed separately for 4 PYD outcomes (personal and social skills, goal setting, initiative, negative experiences) with the 3 dimensions of social identity entered as predictors. Results: Regression analyses revealed that IGT and IGA were positively associated with personal and social skills (R2 Adj. = .29). Further, IGT predicted initiative (R2 Adj. = .16), whereas IGA was positively associated with goal setting (R2 Adj. = .17) and negatively associated with negative experiences (R2 Adj. = .08). Conclusion: The findings extend previous research highlighting the benefits of social identity on teammate behavior and team performance and demonstrate how social identity may contribute to PYD through sport.  相似文献   

This paper attempted to integrate the developmental literature on attachment theory with the achievement goal and peer-relationship literature that has been central to sport and physical activity research in recent decades. Attachment theory, achievement goal models, and sport peer-relationship frameworks are briefly reviewed and the conceptual links between the theories are explored. It is contended that attachment theory offers conceptually useful avenues of research related to the constructs of achievement goals, perceived motivational climate, and experiences of peer relationships in sport-related contexts. A brief discussion regarding potential caveats related to measurement of mental representations of attachment in social and social-cognitive research is also forwarded.  相似文献   

社会体育发展中的利益审视   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在市场经济中就社会体育而言 ,它以国家利益形式还是以企业集体利益形式来满足是有差别的 ,在强调劳动者的个人利益同样是改革深化之基本要求的今天 ,当国家利益形式无法充分满足社会体育需求的条件下 ,以企业集体利益来满足社会体育需要将会发挥出越来越重要的作用 ,并将成为城市化体育生活方式中社会体育发展的重要经济形式。同时 ,以个人利益即基层体协、街道体协等形式办体育活动 ,并以此作为社会体育发展的 1种重要补充经济形式也将会发挥出积极的作用  相似文献   

职业体育改制中的政府角色定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以足球为代表的一批我国竞技体育项目已着手进行了职业化改革。随着职业体育改革的不断深入,各种矛盾纷纷暴露了出来,球迷、媒体、理论界都对职业足球的诸多现象提出质疑,最突出的表现为:球员收入高,成绩上不去;俱乐部不顾产出的投入;黑哨、假球;法制不健全等。在职业改革之初,产权不清晰是造成上述现象的核心。但近年来,产权制度改革已初现成效,甲A俱乐部基本上实行了民营化,产权不清造成的矛盾已基本解决。那么,造成这些矛盾的主要问题是什么就值得深入探讨了。北京大学的姚洋、支兆华先生在分析部分地区的乡镇企业改制问…  相似文献   

通过分析国家治理现代化的制度化、法治化要求,指出法治体育在推进体育治理现代化中居于主导地位.认为:体育治理现代化要以建设宪法法律至上、划定各类主体边界、公民享有体育权利、协调均衡且规范有序的法治体育为目标;通过依法落实国家部署、将体育纳入法治轨道、构建体育法治秩序等途径推进体育治理现代化;法治体育能为推进体育治理现代化提供法治环境、排解矛盾纠纷、树立法治思维等.  相似文献   


Purpose: The purposes of the present study were to (a) compare context-specific conceptions of friendship quality in youth sport and music, and (b) determine how friendship quality is related to motivational beliefs in sport and music. Method: Adolescents (N = 366; Mage = 12.9, SD = 1.0) who were involved in both organized sport and music completed measures of domain-specific friendship quality, perceived competence, enjoyment, anxiety, and motivational orientation. Results: For purpose one, a repeated-measures MANOVA revealed that (a) boys and girls rated their best sport friends higher in self-esteem enhancement and supportiveness than their best music friends, (b) boys rated their best sport friends higher in loyalty and intimacy, things in common, companionship and pleasant play, and conflict resolution than their best music friends, (c) girls rated positive friendship quality dimensions higher than boys, and (d) there were no domain or gender differences in friendship conflict. For purpose two, structural equation modeling revealed that (a) for sport, positive friendship quality dimensions were directly associated with perceived competence and indirectly associated with enjoyment, anxiety, and motivational orientation, and (b) for music, positive friendship quality and friendship conflict were related to competence motivation variables. Conclusion: Collectively, findings indicate domain differences in friendship quality and the relationship between friendship quality and motivational outcomes in sport and music. Despite some domain differences, findings demonstrate the significance of friendship quality for adolescents involved in sport and music.  相似文献   

体育舞蹈少年儿童后备人才的培养是一项艰巨复杂的系统工程,必须遵循科学合理的训练原则,有针对性、有选择、有目的、有计划、有步骤地进行长期系统的训练。针对少儿身心发育特点,结合体育舞蹈项目特征,从专项形体和技术训练、表演意识训练、表演技术训练、竞赛心理训练四方面综合探讨了少儿体育舞蹈的科学训练方法,以期为我国体育舞蹈后备人才的培养提供参考依据。  相似文献   

构建社会体育专业(本科)的课程体系   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
研究认为社会体育专业课程体系应以中国教育发展纲要为指导,以社会需要为前提,以市场为导向,以体育学、社会学、公共管理主干学科为支撑,基础课、专业课、选修课有机联系,发挥整体最优育人功能等。  相似文献   


The primary purpose of this study was to determine if role expectations for participation in 12 selected sport activities existed based on the age (20, 40, 60, or 80 years old) and/or gender of the referent person. A secondary purpose was to determine if the sex role orientation of the respondent influenced the assignment of these age related and/or gender related stereotypes to participation in sport. Female undergraduate nursing students (N = 93) were administered an Activity Appropriateness Scale developed by the investigators and Bem's Sex-Role Inventory (1974). The results indicated that age related expectancies accounted for almost 40% of the variance in subject's responses to the appropriateness of participating in these selected sports and was a more potent stereotype than responses based on sex role appropriateness. Furthermore, sex role orientation × age of the referent person interactions indicated that masculine subjects viewed sports participation as most appropriate, particularly as the age of the referent person increased from 60 to 80 years. The evidence suggests that research be directed toward examining and accounting for the phenomenon of ageism in sport.  相似文献   

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