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This study investigated the effect of self-reported tolerance of the intensity of exercise on affective responses to, self-efficacy for and intention to repeat low-volume high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE). Thirty-six healthy participants (mean age 21 ± 2 years) were split into high tolerance (HT; n = 19), low tolerance (LT; n = 9), and very low tolerance (VLT; n = 8) of exercise intensity groups. Participants completed 10 × 6 s cycle sprints with 60 s recovery. Affective valence and perceived activation were measured before exercise, after sprints 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 20 min post-HIIE. Intention and self-efficacy were assessed 20 min post-HIIE. Affective valence was significantly lower in VLT vs. LT (P = 0.034, d = 1.01–1.14) and HT (P = 0.018, d = 1.34–1.70). Circumplex profiles showed a negative affective state in VLT only. The VLT group had lower intentions to repeat HIIE once and three times per week than HT (P < 0.001, d = 1.87 and 1.81, respectively) and LT (P = 0.107, d = 0.85; P = 0.295, d = 0.53, respectively). Self-efficacy was not influenced by tolerance. Self-reported tolerance of exercise intensity influences affective responses to and intentions to engage with HIIE.  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate the direct and indirect associations between perceived environmental characteristics and psychosocial factors and physical activity levels in adolescents from Northeast Brazil. The sample was composed of 2,361 adolescents aged 14–19 years (56.6% female). Physical activity was measured using a questionnaire and environmental (perceived environmental characteristics) and psychosocial (self-efficacy, social support from parents and friends for physical activity) factors with previously validated scales. Perceived environmental characteristics were not directly associated with the levels of physical activity, but exhibited significant indirect associations, mediated by self-efficacy in males. Self-efficacy and social support were positively and directly associated with physical activity levels, and part of the associations between social support and physical activity was mediated by self-efficacy. Perception of self-efficacy and social support, important factors associated with physical activity levels in adolescents, should be the target of interventions aimed at increasing physical activity. Favorable environments for physical activity also need to be considered, since they have a positive influence on the self-efficacy of adolescents.  相似文献   

许多冬季项目都具有比较高的损伤风险,如单板滑雪、高山滑雪和自由式滑雪等。如何帮助这些高风险项目的运动员应对运动损伤的挫折和康复治疗的挑战,是备战北京冬奥会面临的重要课题。研究介绍了心理保障团队如何帮助一位中国自由式滑雪空中技巧受伤运动员LGZ应对康复困难并重返国际比赛的心理康复历程。基于中国运动员心理建设系统,为LGZ的心理康复训练制订了三重目标:1)减少运动损伤的心理应激,积极参与康复治疗,尽早回归正常的训练和比赛;2)提高自我控制能力,形成良好的行为习惯,以平稳的心态参加训练和比赛;3)提升文化素养和精神境界,不断完善自我,促进终生发展。从2017年2月—2018年2月,在历时1年的心理训练中,共对其进行了5种心理干预:提供心理支持、实施表象训练、开展心理讲座、制订比赛预案和提供心理咨询;还通过心理测试来监控运动员的心理状态,并采用运动员个人评价、主管教练评价和竞技比赛表现来评估心理训练的效果。在为期1年的心理训练结束时,这名运动员逐渐克服了运动损伤所带来的焦虑,建立了伤后康复的自信,提高了自我控制的能力,并在平昌冬奥会上取得了她个人的最佳成绩,获得了冬奥会奖牌。这一案例提示我们“术道兼修”的心理训练具有一定成效,也带给我们许多反思。  相似文献   


We investigated physical activity and encouragement for activity in a bi-ethnic cohort during recess. Activity and associated interactions of 287 children were recorded at preschool and again 2.2 years later. Children expended nearly twice as much energy at preschool recess than at elementary recess. Activity levels declined as recess time elapsed. At preschool, European-American children engaged in more moderate to vigorous activity than Mexican-Americans. As participants moved to elementary school, teachers' prompts to be active decreased and prompts from peers increased. Boys and girls received similar amounts of activity prompts at preschool, but prompts to boys increased over time. The findings suggest that school environments could be altered to promote healthful physical activity among young children.  相似文献   

本研究对上海女足13名运动员进行半结构式访谈,在运动员了解Choking现象的基础上,让运动员描述比赛Choking的过程,从而探究女足运动员发生比赛Choking的心理机制。从访谈结果来看,运动员发生Choking的主要原因是面对比赛压力时受到各种因素的干扰,导致其注意力不能很好地集中在比赛上,干扰信息导致其技术动作的自动化过程受阻,在压力认知和决策的执行动态过程中,由于受到多元因素的影响最终发生Choking。通过对访谈结果进行归纳分析,共归纳出26个原始数据主题,进一步总结出9个高级主题,在9个高级主题的基础上归纳出3个概括性维度,分别是压力来源、压力下的反应以及压力导致的结果,这3个概括性维度对应了Choking的诱因、Choking的表现和 Choking的结果。由此得出以下结论:女足运动员发生Choking的心理机制是赛前来自各方面的干扰因素引发了运动员比赛时生理和心理上的Choking表现,最终导致技战术发挥失常,女足运动员比赛Choking的现象会在队友之间相互“传染”。  相似文献   

This article aims to provide an overview of the current state of research on the relationship between loneliness and physical activity (PA). A systematic literature search was conducted to identify all empirical studies assessing this relationship. A total of 37 studies stemming from 36 publications met the inclusion criteria. Study analyses comprised an individual consideration of each study and a systematic summarization of the studies. The majority of eligible studies focused on adolescent or elderly populations. Direct negative associations between PA and loneliness were found in half of the 24 cross-sectional studies. Of the seven identified longitudinal studies, one found a direct negative influence of PA on loneliness. Four longitudinal studies found evidence for a reverse influence, namely of loneliness on PA. Five intervention studies found PA to reduce loneliness. Two of the cross-sectional studies and one of the intervention studies found social support and social competence to moderate or to mediate the relationship between PA and loneliness. The findings indicate that PA can contribute to a decrease in loneliness. However, studies also indicate that any beneficial effect is dependent upon the quality of relationships present during physical activity. Additionally, loneliness itself might reduce the probability of being physically active.  相似文献   

文科、理工科、体育类大学生社会支持程度调查   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
崔小梅  郑权  吴洁 《体育学刊》2002,9(6):78-79
采用社会支持评定量表计分方法及参考全国10城市同龄常模,对科、理工科、体育类大学生男233人、女234人进行问卷调查与分析,结果显示:社会支持程度女生略高于男生,但没有明显差异;被测大学生的社会支持程度均高于全国10城市同龄常模,男生差异不显,女生差异非常显;科学生社会支持程度高于理工科学生,但低于体育类学生,男生差异非常显,女生差异显。研究表明,体育有利于增进社会支持程度和心理健康水平。  相似文献   

城市妇女参加体育锻炼的社会支持的心理动因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
依据社会支持理论,分析了妇女参加体育锻炼时所寻求社会支持源的结构和功能状况。结果表明:妇女参加体育锻炼寻求的社会支持的结构和功能存在差异,她们主要从家庭、朋友同事和邻里中获得归属感和情感的支持,而从政策、社区中获得的条件和信息支持较少。妇女的个性特征、文化水平及体育锻炼的经验对其社会支持系统产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

从影响锻炼坚持性的因素,提高锻炼坚持性的策略手段和指导方针等方面探讨如何提高人们的锻炼坚持性,从而获取多方面的、持续性的有益心理效应,并对进一步推进全民健身活动提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

患者为中国女子足球队运动员,参加国家队集训期间,右侧膝关节出现不适,膝关节出现功能性障碍,伴随水肿,经专家诊断为右膝前交叉韧带(ACL)断裂,右膝内侧半月板破裂,而后进行了右侧膝关节内侧半月板摘除手术、右侧膝关节前交叉韧带重建手术。运用ISOMED等速肌力测试、身体形态测试、平衡能力、下肢爆发力测试等方法对患者膝关节进行系统评估,并制定针对性的康复体能训练计划。经过5周的康复体能训练,患者肌力、形态、平衡能力及下肢爆发力等指标得到明显提升,为运动员顺利康复,取得良好的比赛成绩打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

对重大赛事主场优势形成过程的质性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用质性研究方法探索重大赛事主场优势的形成过程.以主场比赛成功、主场比赛失败为关键事件,对24名国家队运动员和教练员进行深度访谈,结合运动员日记等资料,通过质性分析软件Nvivo 8.0,运用扎根理论分析方法提炼出主场环境、比赛任务性质、心理领域感、自我表现动机、主场推进策略5个主类别,运用关联式及选择式编码,构建主场优势的形成过程,指出主场优势是在比赛任务性质这一背景下,主场环境因素通过运动员的自我表现动机、心理领域感的中介,采取有效主场推进策略的结果.  相似文献   

中国运动员社会网络及社会支持的理论探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于我国培养运动员的特殊体制和方式,使得我国运动员具有独特的的社会网络结构,也使其社会支持性具有独特性,研究我国运动员群体的社会网络以及了解其社会支持的规律具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。研究参考了大量的国内外研究成果,结合中国实际的现实背景,系统论述了中国运动员的社会网络结构特征;从社会支持的定义、内涵、分类和理论模式几个方面阐述了运动员的社会支持理论;又对我国运动员社会网络下的社会支持进行了说明。  相似文献   

赞助跟随是指在竞争对手(被跟随企业)采取赞助行为后,作为应对,跟随企业采取的相对应的赞助行为。运用实验法,以体育赞助为具体研究背景,针对跟随企业,研究如何运用赞助跟随策略,以较小的赞助投入获取较大的赞助效果,为后发赞助企业和品牌劣势企业等无法短时间获取稀缺赞助资源的企业提供了赞助实践建议。  相似文献   

影响大学生心理健康的社会因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从社会文化背景、民族心理特征的负面效应以及医学模式的先天不足等不同视角,分析影响我国大学生心理健康的深层原因。直接原因是社会刺激源的不断增强,而决定大学生个人应激能力的心理素质却相对较弱。根据我国高校心理健康教育的现状和多年的实践经验,提出了高校应为每一位学生提供个人化的关注与教育,促进学生整体上积极的改变与健康的成长。  相似文献   


High physical fitness in childhood and adolescence is positively associated with favourable health-related outcomes. Our aim was to examine the relationship between relatives’ (father, mother, brother, sister, and best friend) physical activity engagement and encouragement on adolescents’ physical fitness. Adolescents were part of the HELENA study, a multi-centre study conducted in 10 cities from nine European countries in 2006–2008. Participants were 3288 adolescents (48% boys, 52% girls) aged 12.5–17.5 years with valid data on at least one of the three fitness variables studied: muscular strength (standing long jump), speed/agility (4×10 m shuttle run), and cardiorespiratory fitness (20 m shuttle run). The adolescents reported their relatives’ physical activity engagement and encouragement. Analysis of covariance showed that relatives’ physical activity engagement (father, mother, brother, and best friend) was positively related to cardiorespiratory fitness (P < 0.05); and mother's and sisters’ physical activity engagement were positively associated with higher muscular strength in adolescents (P < 0.05). Furthermore, father's physical activity encouragement was positively linked to physical fitness (all fitness components) in adolescents (P < 0.05). Interventions aimed at improving physical fitness in young people might be more successful when family members, particularly mothers and fathers, are encouraged to engage in physical activity and support adolescents’ physical activity.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,大学生心理压力越来越受到社会的关注。选取342名体育专业大学生作为测试对象,选用领悟社会支持量表、简易应对方式问卷和体育专业大学生压力测评量表进行测量,使用结构方程模型分析心理压力、应对策略、社会支持间的关系及作用机制,构建体育专业大学生领悟社会支持、应对策略及心理压力之间的结构方程模型。最终的理想模型为GFI、AGFI、NFI、IFI、TLI、CFI均大于0.90,χ2/df小于3,RMSEA小于0.80。研究结果还显示:消极应对策略与心理压力呈显著正相关;家庭支持、其他支持与心理压力呈显著负相关;积极应对策略与社会支持呈显著正相关;应对策略在领悟社会支持与心理压力间起到了部分中介作用。因此,应该培养体育专业大学生的社会交往和领悟社会支持的能力,培养他们采用积极的应对策略,进而缓解心理压力。  相似文献   

运动员在训练和比赛过程中遭遇的伤病风险属职业风险范畴,虽属个人风险,但具有社会性,运动员伤病风险应纳入社会保险保障范围。肇因于运动员"伤与病"的纠缠,运动员伤病风险的社会法规制路径一直摇摆不定。随着运动员职业化改革的推进,运动员伤病风险与工伤保险的同构性以及与医疗保险的异质性共同昭示了运动员伤病风险的工伤保险保障路径。社会法规制效果的彰显需要通过运动员伤病风险保障的理念更新、规范创制和制度协调共同推进。  相似文献   

运动员在训练和比赛过程中遭遇的伤病风险属职业风险范畴,虽属个人风险,但具有社会性,运动员伤病风险应纳入社会保险保障范围。肇因于运动员"伤与病"的纠缠,运动员伤病风险的社会法规制路径一直摇摆不定。随着运动员职业化改革的推进,运动员伤病风险与工伤保险的同构性以及与医疗保险的异质性共同昭示了运动员伤病风险的工伤保险保障路径。社会法规制效果的彰显需要通过运动员伤病风险保障的理念更新、规范创制和制度协调共同推进。  相似文献   

The objective of this review was to determine the direction and strength of the prospective relationship between social support and PA among healthy adults. A systematic review was conducted; including studies up until December 2015, in the following databases: Ovid MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO, SPORTDiscus, and Scopus. Published English and French written studies were included if the reported study used a longitudinal design; examined the relationship between social support and PA over at least two intervals; and assessed a sample of healthy adults between 18–65 years of age. Two reviewers independently extracted study information and independently assessed the risk of bias in each study. The initial search yielded a total of 2892 citations, and 20 studies were included in the review. Follow-up period ranged from 2 weeks to 10 years. Irrespective of the type and source of support, the strength and direction of the association between social support and PA was inconsistent across studies, with effect sizes ranging from small to large and from negative to positive. Based on meta-analysis, there was a small positive association between support for PA from friends and future PA. Researchers are encouraged to continue to conduct longitudinal studies to better understand the relationship between social support and PA.  相似文献   

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