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Purpose: The theory of planned behavior (TPB) has been criticized for not including interactions between the variables assumed to predict behavior. This study sought to test how TPB variables interact to predict physical activity (PA) in children. Method: Four hundred thirty-eight children (Mage = 8.6 years, SD = 1.6 years) completed a TPB questionnaire and a PA questionnaire at Time 1. The PA measure was repeated 2 months later. Path analyses were performed to test the hypothesized model including interaction terms between TPB variables. Simple slopes analyses were also carried out to examine the statistically significant interaction terms. Results: Path analyses confirmed the classical hypotheses of TPB (R2 for intentions = .39, R2 for PA = .12) and also demonstrated only statistically significant Attitudes × Perceived Behavioral Control and Subjective Norms × Attitudes interactions (R2 change for intentions = .01, p = .009). Simple slopes analyses revealed that the strength of the association between perceived behavioral control and intentions was only statistically significantly higher (t = 2.18, = .05, d = 0.34, 95% CI [0.03, 0.65]) when attitudes were high compared with when attitudes were low. The link between attitudes and intentions was only statistically significant at a low level of subjective norms but not at a high level. Conclusion: The integration of interaction effects between TPB variables did not increase for the variance of PA explained by the model. More research appears to be necessary to explore how the TPB could be augmented to better predict PA in children.  相似文献   

检验计划行为理论预测青少年锻炼行为的稳定性和适用性.1 292名中学生完成了锻炼态度、主观规范、行为控制感、意图以及自陈锻炼问卷的测量.结构方程模型和多组比较方法分析发现,计划行为理论的预测模型得到各样本数据的良好拟合.预测模型的结构型态、因素负荷量、结构系数、结构协方差及结构残差有着跨性别和年级组的测量不变性,但测量残差组间不等值.模式各因素之间路径系数及因素方差解释力也有着跨组相似性,仅部分变量关系存在跨年级的差异.态度和主观规范对意图的直接影响不明显,而行为控制感是影响锻炼意图和行为的主要因素,对此进行了具体分析.该研究表明,基于计划行为理论的锻炼行为模式对青少年群体具有普遍适用性.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide initial validity evidence for measuring multidimensional subjective well-being in a Hispanic sample with the Interpersonal, Community, Occupational, Physical, Psychological, Economic (I COPPE) Scale. Participants were 641 English-speaking adults who self-identified as Hispanic. Bi-factor analyses were used to evaluate (a) the a priori measurement theory for responses to the I COPPE Scale and (b) convergent relationships of the seven I COPPE subjective well-being factors with scores from established comparison instruments. There was evidence that (a) the a priori hypothesized measurement theory for responses to the I COPPE Scale emerged in an exploratory bi-factor analysis and (b) the I COPPE subjective well-being factors exhibited convergent relationships with scores from comparison instruments. Use of the I COPPE Scale to derive multidimensional measures of subjective well-being may be of potential utility to future research in the interdisciplinary study of human movement and in a diversity of populations in which health disparities may exist.  相似文献   

以大学生为研究对象,探究在锻炼自我认同、社会比较和锻炼行为之间可能存在的中介或调节效应。采用被试自我报告形式收集数据,考察两个理论假设:1)锻炼自我认同对社会比较和锻炼行为的中介模型;2)社会比较对锻炼行为和锻炼自我认同的调节模型。研究结果显示:对女性被试,社会比较和锻炼行为的关系部分被锻炼自我认同解释;对男性被试,在预测锻炼自我认同时,社会比较和锻炼行为存在显著的交互作用,也就是说,那些知觉到锻炼投入水平和同辈相当或更低的男性被试,锻炼行为和锻炼自我认同显著相关。  相似文献   


This study investigated whether within-task expertise affects the reported asymmetry in execution time exhibited in reactive and self-initiated movements.


Karate practitioners and no-karate practitioners were compared performing a reverse punch in reaction to an external stimulus or following the intention to produce a response (self-initiated). The task was completed following the presentation of a specific (i.e., life-size image of opponent) or general stimulus and in the presence of click trains or white noise.


Kinematic analyses indicated reactive movement had shorter time to peak velocity and movement time, as well as greater accuracy than self-initiated movement. These differences were independent of participant skill level although peak velocity was higher in the karate practice group than in the no-karate practice group. Reaction time (RT) of skilled participants was facilitated by a specific stimulus. There was no effect on RT or kinematic variables of the different type of auditory cues.


The results of this study indicate that asymmetry in execution time of reactive and self-initiated movement holds irrespective of within-task expertise and stimulus specificity. This could have implications for training of sports and/or relearning of tasks that require rapid and accurate movements to intercept/contact a target.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests that social identities may have profound implications for physical activity participation. Real-world examinations of this relationship have, however, been lacking, with research predominantly examining intentions and hypothetical scenarios. To address this shortcoming and further advance understanding in this area, the present study tested relationships between group identification, participation, two exercise-specific outcomes (exercise-specific satisfaction and group cohesion), and a broad health indicator (life satisfaction) among individuals recruited from parkrun. Participants (= 289) completed questionnaires measuring all variables except participants’ parkrun participation, which was objectively assessed. Structural equation modeling demonstrated that group identification was significantly associated with greater participation, exercise-specific satisfaction, group cohesion, and life satisfaction. Findings provide real-world evidence of the health-related benefits associated with forming strong social identities in exercise settings.  相似文献   

目的分析小学生运动自信与锻炼行为之间的关系,探讨主观锻炼体验在二者之间的中介作用,为有效增强体育锻炼意识,改善小学生锻炼行为提供理论依据。方法采用《运动自信量表》《主观锻炼体验量表》对600名四至六年级学生进行问卷调查,并对调查结果进行分析。结果小学生运动自信与其锻炼行为各维度均呈正相关(p<0.01);运动自信与积极幸福感存在显著正相关(p<0.01),与心理烦恼存在显著负相关(p<0.01);运动自信能够显著正向预测锻炼时间(R~2=0.046,p<0.001)、锻炼频率(R~2=0.039,p<0.01)、锻炼强度(R~2=0.028,p<0.01)以及积极幸福感(R~2=0.133,p<0.001),运动自信能够显著负向预测心理烦恼(R~2=0.025,p<0.001);运动自信既可以直接影响锻炼行为,也可以通过主观锻炼体验的中介作用对锻炼行为产生间接影响。结论构建中介效应模型在一定程度上揭示了小学生运动自信影响锻炼行为的作用机制,对于指导小学生参与体育锻炼行为,增强体质,改善健康具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

身体锻炼行为转变的研究源自促进个体健康的研究,身体锻炼行为研究是健康促进研究的一个重要领域。促进身体锻炼行为的研究是这一领域的重要内容。为了解释身体活动行为或者为了说明身体锻炼行为受哪些因素影响,研究人员提出了一些身体锻炼行为的理论模型,个人内部理论是其中重要的理论之一。个人内部理论认为锻炼行为的根源首先主要在于个人的控制,用个体对行为的信念、态度和意向来解释意志控制行为的发生。  相似文献   

有规律的体育锻炼对人们的身心健康具有积极的促进作用,而社会支持是影响锻炼行为的重要相关因素。因此本研究的目的在于编制和检验锻炼社会支持量表。通过结合现有研究文献和质性研究,确立了初测量表,并通过两轮定量研究,应用探索性和验证性因子分析,信度分析以及校标效度检验对该量表进行了标准化的信效度检验。结果表明锻炼社会支持量表由4个因子构成,即情感性支持、信息性支持、工具性支持、同伴性支持,共24个条目。统计分析显示,量表具有良好的结构效度、内部一致性、重测信度和校标效度。锻炼社会支持量表符合我国文化背景,可以作为在中国人群中进行锻炼社会支持测量的工具。  相似文献   


The purposes of this study were to examine the factorial validity of the six-item Intragroup Conflict Scale (ICS) in athletic trainer (AT) and coach populations and to examine measurement invariance by gender and profession. A total of 195 ATs and 615 head or assistant coaches working at secondary schools or National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) institutions completed the ICS. Data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis procedures in LISREL 10 (Student Edition). Results supported the reliability and validity of the two-factor ICS model among ATs and coaches. Strict measurement invariance was observed when comparing male to female AT responses. Strong measurement invariance was observed when comparing male to female coach responses, as well as AT to coach responses. These data not only support the reliability and validity of the ICS for use in AT and coach populations but also support direct comparisons of mean scores across gender or profession.  相似文献   

Most college students do not meet physical activity (PA) guidelines, and ethnic disparities exist. The present study examined the utility of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) in explaining PA intentions and behavior in black and white college students and whether any TPB relationships were moderated by ethnicity. Black (n = 170) and white (n = 180) students completed a baseline TPB questionnaire and PA assessment 2 weeks later. Hierarchical latent variable regression analyses showed that affective attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control (PBC) were significant predictors of intention for both ethnic groups, whereas the PBC-intention relationship was significantly stronger for white students. Intention significantly predicted PA for both ethnic groups. Furthermore, common and ethnic-specific beliefs were identified.  相似文献   

影响体育锻炼行为的社会心理因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对影响体育锻炼行为的社会心理因素的分析,有利于体育锻炼行为的转变,形成体育锻炼的习惯,从而建立终身体育锻炼的意识,促进现代人与社会和谐发展,加快体育社会化进程.  相似文献   

在计划行为理论(TPB)的基础上,引入身体活动习惯行为与执行意向,构建扩展TPB(METPB)模型,检验该模型对9~19岁青少年群体的中高强度身体活动(MVPA)的适用性,探讨该模型对小学、初中及高中阶段青少年MVPA影响的差异。结果显示:假设模型的拟合度可以接受,纳入习惯行为与执行意向后,METPB显著地提高了其对身体活动行为的解释力。态度和感知行为控制对MVPA行为意向有显著性影响,解释了31.4%的行为意向方差;行为意向和习惯行为对MVPA行为有显著性影响,解释了18.7%的行为方差;执行意向加强了行为意向朝实际行为的转换。METPB模型对于不同学习阶段青少年MVPA意向及行为的影响有显著性差异。其中:主观规范对小学生与初中生MVPA意向产生了显著性影响,而对高中生的MVPA意向并无显著性影响;感知行为控制对3个阶段学生的MVPA意向产生的影响随着学习阶段的上升不断增强。建议:在对于青少年身体活动的干预中,政府、家庭、学校应重视培养学生对于身体活动参与的正确态度,提高其参与身体活动的意愿,培养其参与身体活动的行为习惯,且在对青少年身体活动干预时考虑学习阶段的差异。  相似文献   

对体质健康与锻炼行为研究领域的文献进行了回顾,在此基础上,主要介绍了体质健康与锻炼行为研究的测量方法、研究方向的新拓展.同时,对这些研究进行了评述,并对该领域的研究不足及未来研究发展进行了阐述.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the psychometrics properties of the Emotional Intelligence Scale and assess the measurement invariance across elite (n = 367), amateur (n = 629), and non-athletes (n = 550). In total, 1,546 participants from various sports completed the emotional intelligence scale. Several competing models were compared through exploratory structural equation modeling. The analyses were performed on the whole sample before subsequent invariance testing between athletic groups. The internal consistency of the scale was tested through Omega for the total scale and relevant subscales, which indicated largely unacceptable levels of stability. Results failed to support the purported unidimensional or four-factor models proposed in the literature. However, a six-factor model provided the best fit to the data. Nonetheless, there was no evidence for weak or strong invariance suggesting that the scale may not be appropriate for use within athletic samples.  相似文献   

采用"总体幸福感量表"、"PARS-3体育活动等级量表",对565名职业女性进行调查。结果表明:保持良好锻炼习惯的职业女性较少。职业女性锻炼水平越高,主观幸福感水平越高,主观幸福感水平在锻炼频率、锻炼时间有特定的规律,而在运动强度上无特定规律。在锻炼频率、锻炼时间和运动强度对主观幸福感的影响作用中,锻炼频率、锻炼时间是决定性因素。  相似文献   

Sport and exercise psychology researchers rely on the Passion Scale to assess levels of harmonious and obsessive passion for many different types of activities (Vallerand, 2010). However, this practice assumes that items from the Passion Scale are interpreted with the same meaning across all activity types. Using exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), we tested this assumption by examining the invariance of scores from the Passion Scale across groups of recreational athletes/exercisers (N = 562), competitive athletes (N = 438), and sports fans (N = 256). We found that the ESEM analysis fit the data better than the more common independent clusters confirmatory factor analysis (ICM-CFA) approach and yielded lower correlations between harmonious and obsessive passion factors. Using ESEM, we found evidence of configural, weak, and partial strong invariance across the three groups. Evidence of partial strong invariance provides tentative support for comparing levels of harmonious and obsessive passion across activities.  相似文献   

激励青少年参与和坚持体育锻炼是非常重要的,规律的体育锻炼有助于青少年身心健康和社会适应。通过对323名青少年有氧体适能的测量,采用体育锻炼动机量表和体育锻炼等级量表进行抽样调查,运用相关分析、回归分析和结构方程模型探讨体育锻炼动机、行为和有氧体适能的关系,试图构建促进青少年有氧体适能和体育锻炼行为的路径模型。结果表明:1)体育锻炼动机能正向预测体育锻炼行为和有氧体适能;体育锻炼行为能正向预测有氧体适能;2)体育锻炼动机各维度对体育锻炼行和有氧体适能预测的地位不一,均表现出愉快维度、能力维度、关联维度等内部动机比健康维度、外貌维度等外部动机更具有预测能力;3)结构方程模型拟合结果支持体育锻炼行为的部分中介作用。这提示我们,家庭、社区和学校应积极创造有利于激发青少年体育锻炼动机的环境,以外部动机为抓手,合理利用各种策略,注重外部动机向内部动机的转化,最终促进青少年体育锻炼和身心健康。  相似文献   

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