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This experiment was designed to investigate whether and how decreasing the amount of attentional focus invested in postural control could affect bipedal postural control. Twelve participants were asked to stand upright as immobile as possible on a force platform in one control condition and one cognitive condition. In the latter condition, they performed a short-term digit-span memory task. Decreased center-of-gravity displacements and decreased center-of-foot-pressure displacements minus center-of-gravity displacements were observed in the cognitive condition relative to the control condition. These results suggest that shifting the attentional focus away from postural control by executing a concurrent attention-demanding task could increase postural performance and postural efficiency.  相似文献   

简述了“兴奋灶”建立与动作技能形成关系。  相似文献   


This study investigated compound spatial and temporal measures of interpersonal interactions purported to constrain the emergence of affordances for passing direction in the team sport of futsal. For this purpose, attacker–defender interactions in 37 sequences of play from a futsal competition in which 24 male professional players participated (M=30.04 years, SD=4.10) were filmed and analysed using TACTO software. Relative angle data were used as measures to study coordination tendencies that emerged between players during performance. Results showed that the direction for a pass emerged from relative angles between: (1) the vector from a ball carrier to ball receiver and the vector from the ball carrier to the nearest defender (70°) (p<0.01) and (2) the vector from a ball carrier to ball receiver and the vector from the ball carrier to a ball receiver's nearest defender (31°) (p < 0.01). Furthermore, passing direction was also constrained by temporal information from the emergence of both angles, since the pass was performed to attacker–defender dyads with the highest velocities of these angles (p < 0.05). Results suggested that decisions on selecting the direction of a pass in the team sport of futsal emerged at critical values of these key compound motion measures.  相似文献   


In this study, we examined the effects of relative positioning of attacker–defender dyads to the basket on interpersonal coordination tendencies in basketball. To achieve this aim, four right-hand dominant basketball players performed in a 1 vs. 1 sub-phase, at nine different playing locations relative to the basket (from 0° to 180°, in 20° increments). Performers’ movement displacement trajectories were video-recorded and digitized in 162 trials. Results showed that interpersonal coordination tendencies changed according to the scaling of the relative position of performers to the basket.

Stable in-phase modes of coordination were observed between performers’ longitudinal and lateral displacements (50.47% and 43.02%) on the left side of the court. On the right side of the court, a shift in the dominant mode of coordination was observed to a defender lead-lag of ?30°, both for longitudinal and lateral displacements (30.51% and 32.65%). These results suggest how information about dribbler hand dominance and relative position to the basket may have constrained attacker–defender coordination tendencies in 1 vs. 1 sub-phases of basketball.  相似文献   

论竞技运动攻击性行为形成的社会性因素与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运动攻击性行为的假设模式包括本能理论、驱力理论、社会学习理论等.运动攻击性行为的存在不但违背了"fair play"的公平竞争原则,而且容易引发赛场暴力事件,造成运动者的身体与心理的伤害,影响了竞技运动事业的正常发展.运动攻击性行为形成的社会因素主要涉及到运动员自身、教练员、观众、管理者、运动场地和器材以及特定的社会背景等.运动攻击性行为的控制措施教育、合理的引导以及适当方式的渲泄等等.  相似文献   

剖析了当前高等院校体育教育本科专业实践教学评价及管理体系,根据存在的问题及实践教学的特点和教学目标,制定了“动态评价-分段管理”评价管理模式,并分析这一模式的优势所在。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,对初中和高中篮球运动员心理控制点的差异以及不同训练年限、不同技术等级的篮球运动员心理控制点的差异进行研究.一方面为教练员、体育教师和运动员的归因训练提供了理论依据,一方面开拓了运动员的心理训练范畴.  相似文献   


Rapid, goal-directed elbow flexion movements were examined under interacting conditions of inertial loading and resistance to movement initiation. The resistance ceased when movement began, resulting in quick release movements. Inertial load slowed the movement and lengthened the agonist and antagonist electromyographic (EMG) burst durations. The quick release resulted in larger accelerations but only minimal changes in peak velocity. Most aspects of the triphasic EMG pattern were little affected by the quick release, but the build up of agonist EMG and the corresponding rate of static force development differed markedly between load and quick release conditions. These and other data suggest that the specific pattern of agonist muscle activation is set according to neuromuscular constraints of the antagonist muscle and the expectation of movement dynamics.  相似文献   

在开放性运动技能项目的比赛中,运动员时刻要对比赛过程中的技战术变化信息进行认知加工。运动员如何从大量的动态变化的比赛信息中,迅速地识别出能预示技战术演变趋势的先兆信息,并依此快速、准确地预判比赛进程,对掌握比赛的主动权、控制比赛进程有着重要意义。运动员对比赛中动态变化信息的识别和处理,均是对不完全信息的认知加工,这种认知加工方式可以省略不必要的加工环节,节省加工时间,提高预判速度。预判的准确性由加工者掌握的先兆信息与技战术演变结果之间的相关性决定,其认知加工策略遵守概率原则,即先兆信息与运动员脑中的技战模板匹配量越大,则预示某种技战术演变趋势出现的概率也。越大.运动员依此做出的预判也越准确。  相似文献   

篮球运动攻守转换的太极模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙世明  孙荣辉 《体育学刊》2002,9(6):118-120
现代篮球运动在不断向高速度、高空优势、高超技巧、激烈对抗发展的同时,攻守转换在篮球战术行动中的作用显得尤为重要。通过中国古代的太极图式来阐述现代篮球运动攻守转换,为现代篮球攻防战术的发展提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

探讨行为意向与体育锻炼之间的作用机制,以及行为计划、应对计划和行动控制在行为意向对青少年体育锻炼影响中的作用。对1 092名青少年实施问卷调查,并运用结构方程模型分析数据。研究结果表明,两种计划和行动控制分别能够进一步提高对体育锻炼的解释力;行动计划、应对计划和行动控制在行为意向与体育锻炼之间起链式中介作用。行为计划、应对计划和行动控制在行为意向转化为体育锻炼过程中各自发挥不同作用,其中行动控制是行为意向转化为体育锻炼的决定性因素。  相似文献   

长拳演练节奏及其变化规律探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、专家访谈法和录像观察法等,对长拳演练节奏的概念进行诠释,探讨了节拍、速度、力度、时间等因素在长拳演练节奏中的表现形式及特征。指出新规则实施后长拳演练节奏的变化规律:单元动作组合型节奏呈逐步下降趋势,多元动作组合型节奏及小段型节奏呈逐步上升趋势。提出:长拳套路技术训练应加强多种形式组合连接,提高演练效果。  相似文献   

关于我国体育服务业产品质量管理及其监管体制问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
刘峰 《体育与科学》2004,25(5):53-57
通过文献资料、访问调查和综合分析等方法在对我国体育服务业概念与内涵、体育服务产品、体育服务业产品质量构成要素、体育服务业产品质量的标准化和体育服务业产品质量管理的理论研究基础上,提出了建立我国体育服务业产品质量监督管理体制的模式,为体育行政部门建立完善的体育服务业产品质量监督管理体制,规范体育市场次序,提高其监督管理水平,提供理论依据。  相似文献   

高师体育公共课既是对体育专业学生进行思想政治教育的主渠道,也是培养体育专业学生教师职业技能的有效课程,但目前公共课教学中存在的随意操作、滞后操作、缺省操作和功利操作等不良方式,影响了课堂教学的质量,因而必须采取有效的策略解决公共课教学的不良操作,以提高体育专业公共教学的绩效。  相似文献   

构建双循环新发展格局是党中央面对世界"百年未有之大变局",基于我国发展阶段、环境、条件变化作出的战略决策,为体育产业高质量发展提供了方向性的引领。运用文献资料、专家访谈等方法,基于双循环新发展格局的研究视角,探究体育用品制造业转型升级的动力机制与推进路径。研究认为:我国体育用品制造业经历了以外循环兴起、外循环主导、零售转型、内循环为主体的4个发展阶段。新发展格局下,体育用品制造业转型升级的动力包括需求侧消费规模扩大与消费结构升级、供给侧生产要素供给与全要素生产率、体育产业政策动力,各动力间相互作用影响构成转型升级动力机制系统,推动体育用品国内大循环供需两端动态平衡,助力国内国际循环形成相互促进的良性发展局面。推进路径:构建需求体系,发挥体育消费需求拉动力;提高供给能力,利用好产业供给驱动力;完善产业政策,强化体育产业政策推动力。  相似文献   

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