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The purpose of this study was to develop a step test with a personalized step rate and step height to predict cardiorespiratory fitness in 80 college-aged males and females using the self-reported perceived functional ability scale and data collected during the step test. Multiple linear regression analysis yielded a model (R = 0.90, SEE = 3.43 mL·kg?1·min?1) that included gender, body mass, perceived functional ability, step rate, and recovery heart rate. Based on the standardized β-weights, gender explained the largest proportion of variance in VO2max values followed by perceived functional ability. The cross validation predicted residual sum of squares statistics show minimal shrinkage (RPRESS = 0.88, SEEPRESS = 3.57 mL·kg?1·min?1) in the accuracy of the regression model. This study provides a model to predict VO2max from non-exercise data and data collected during an individualized multistage step test that is accurate, time-efficient, and easy to administer.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop an age-generalized regression model to predict maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) based on a maximal treadmill graded exercise test (GXT; George, 1996) George, J. D. 1996. Alternative approach to maximal exercise testing and VO2max prediction in college students. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 67: 452457. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. Participants (N?=?100), ages 18–65 years, reached a maximal level of exertion (mean?±?standard deviation [SD]; maximal heart rate [HRmax]?=?185.2?±?12.4 beats per minute (bpm); maximal respiratory exchange ratio [RERmax]?=?1.18?±?0.05; maximal rating of perceived exertion (RPEmax)?=?19.1?±?0.7) during the GXT to assess VO2max (mean?±?SD; 40.24?±?9.11 mL·kg?1·min?1). Multiple linear regression generated the following prediction equation (R?=?.94, standard error of estimate [SEE]?=?3.18 mL·kg?1·min?1, %SEE?=?7.9): VO2max (mL·kg?1·min?1)?=?13.160?+?(3.314 × gender; females?=?0, males?=?1) ? (.131 × age) ? (.334 × body mass index (BMI))?+?(5.177 × treadmill speed; mph)?+?(1.315 × treadmill grade; %). Cross validation using predicted residual sum of squares (PRESS) statistics revealed minimal shrinkage (Rp ?=?.93 and SEE p ?=?3.40 mL·kg?1·min?1); consequently, this model should provide acceptable accuracy when it is applied to independent samples of comparable adults. Standardized β-weights indicate that treadmill speed (.583) was the most effective at predicting VO2max followed by treadmill grade (.356), age (?.197), gender (.183), and BMI (?.148). This study provides a relatively accurate regression model to predict VO2max in relatively fit men and women, ages 18–65 years, based on maximal exercise (treadmill speed and grade), biometric (BMI), and demographic (age and gender) data.  相似文献   


Numerous epidemiological investigations have shown that low physical fitness and low physical activity are related to the incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD). Most studies, however, have not examined both variables concurrently to determine which has the strongest association with CAD risk. The purpose of the investigation was to cross-sectionally examine the relationships among physical fitness, physical activity, and risk factors for CAD. Male law enforcement officers (N = 412) from the City of Austin, Texas, were subjects for this study. Physical fitness, physical activity, and risk factors for CAD were assessed through health screenings and from data collected as part of an annual physical fitness assessment. Multivariate analysis of covariance revealed that physical fitness, but not physical activity, was related to several single CAD risk factors. Percent body fat, smoking habits, and Type A behavior score were negatively related to physical fitness level, and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was positively related to physical fitness level. Univariate analysis of variance found both physical fitness and physical activity to be significantly related to a composite CAD risk score. Low physical fitness and low physical activity were associated with a high CAD risk score. These data suggest that physical activity must be sufficient to influence physical fitness before statistically significant risk-reducing benefits on single CAD risk factors are obtained, although minimal engagement in weekly vigorous activity provides a significant benefit for the composite CAD risk score. It is plausible, however, that physical fitness is a stronger measure than physical activity and optimally characterizes the relationship among physical activity and CAD risk factors.  相似文献   


This study investigated the timing of the trigger pull in relation to the cardiac cycle during air rifle shooting. Electrocardiogram) was recorded from 20 male nonelite rifle shooters in two separate testing sessions. The testing was conducted at an indoor shooting range using an optoelectronic shooting system. Each participant fired a shot in the standing position at a distance of 10 m from the target. The results showed that compared to random triggering, the shooters fired more often during the phase of 10–50% of the R wave-to-R wave (R-R) interval and less often during the phase of 50–90%. With regard to performance accuracy, the participants exhibited average or above average performance, when the shot occurred in the beginning (0–50%) and in the end (70–99%) of the R-R interval. The less optimal range for the triggering was located within the 50–70% phase of the R-R interval. The length of R-R interval (i.e., heart rate) did not affect the relation of shot placement within the cardiac cycle to the accuracy of shooting performance. The present results extend previous findings by showing that in air rifle shooting the optimum firing time within the cardiac cycle may be located in the systolic phase. It is argued that the systole-diastole dichotomy is not a sufficiently accurate way to investigate the effects of shot placement in the cardiac cycle. Further research is needed to examine the extent to which the relationship between the timing of triggering within the cardiac cycle and shooting performance depends a shooter's skill level.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to compare fitness levels of children participating in a movement education (ME) program to Illinois fitness norms (control group). The AAHPERD Health-Related Fitness test was administered to children ages 7 through 12 during May in each of the three years, 1980–83. The skinfold measures showed that the ME children had more skinfold thickness regardless of age and gender. Scores for sit-ups and sit and reach over the three years for ME children showed that the 9- and 11-year-old ME males had more abdominal strength and 11- and 12-year-old ME females, less flexibility. Times in the mile run indicated that ME children were slower than the control group. Reference scores at the 50th and 25th percentile on the Illinois norm tables were located for each fitness measurement. These references were then used to determine the percentage of ME children who fell at or above the 50th percentile and at or below the 25th percentile. Data indicated that ME children need remediation in cardiovascular activity and reduction in subcutaneous fat.  相似文献   

Non-exercise equations developed from self-reported physical activity can estimate maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) as well as sub-maximal exercise testing. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire is the most widely used and validated self-report measure of physical activity. This study aimed to develop and test a VO2max estimation equation derived from the International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Short Form. College-aged males and females (n = 80) completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Short Form and performed a maximal exercise test. The estimation equation was created with multivariate regression in a gender-balanced subsample of participants, equally representing five levels of fitness (n = 50) and validated in the remaining participants (n = 30). The resulting equation explained 43% of the variance in measured VO2max (standard error of estimate = 5.45 ml·kg–1·min–1). Estimated VO2max for 87% of individuals fell within acceptable limits of error observed with sub-maximal exercise testing (20% error). The International Physical Activity Questionnaire–Short Form can be used to successfully estimate VO2max as well as sub-maximal exercise tests. Development of other population-specific estimation equations is warranted.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been growing interest in high-intensity interval training (HIT) as a strategy to improve health. In this pilot study, we examined the feasibility of a 4-week low-volume HIT and its effects on cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), blood pressure (BP) and enjoyment in overweight and obese youth. Twelve adolescents (body mass index (BMI): 34.8 ± 3.9 kg · m?2, 14.9 ± 1.5 years) participated in 12 sessions of HIT (10 × 60 s cycling bouts eliciting ~90% maximal heart rate, interspersed with 90 s recovery, 30 min/session, 3 sessions/week) over ~4 weeks. All the participants completed the study and exercise attendance averaged 92%. Despite no changes in body weight and total fat, HIT resulted in significant (P < 0.01) increases in CRF (pre: 20.1 versus post: 22.2 ml · kg?1 · min?1) and exercise time (pre: 425 versus post: 509 s) during peak oxygen uptake test, and a reduction in resting systolic BP (pre: 115.8 versus post: 107.6 mmHg). The majority of study participants (83%) enjoyed HIT and more than half of the participants (58%) reported that HIT is a more enjoyable form of exercise compared to other types of exercises. Low-volume HIT is a useful strategy to promote exercise participation and improve cardiovascular health in overweight and obese youth.  相似文献   

针对Dotan对《与青少年有氧能力相关的10个问题》的点评和后续讨论而得的《儿童有氧运动能力可训练性及相关问题》一文进行反馈,对Dotan提出的“现有的最大耗氧量数据的有效性”“儿童有限的有氧运动可训练性——是事实还是虚构?”“缺乏长期、纵向训练研究”“没有对儿童成年人的训练进行直接比较”“对儿童们声称的可训练性较低的合理解释”“训练质量”“其他可能的影响”“缺乏VO2稳定期”“肺部VO2动力学(pVO2)”“未来研究”几方面问题进行逐一解答,以强调《与青少年有氧能力相关的10个问题》(下简称《10个问题》)一文的讨论重点为青少年有氧适能的发展,而非儿童—成人差异。以成年人为研究对象的部分相关文献并未收录入《10个问题》中,因此Dotan的许多评论对于《10个问题》一文属于次要意见,需要在此特定背景下加以考虑。  相似文献   

This study was designed to develop a single-stage submaximal treadmill jogging (TMJ) test to predict VO2max in fit adults. Participants (N?=?400; men?=?250 and women?=?150), ages 18 to 40 years, successfully completed a maximal graded exercise test (GXT) at 1 of 3 laboratories to determine VO2max. The TMJ test was completed during the first 2 stages of the GXT. Following 3 min of walking (Stage 1), participants achieved a steady-state heart rate (HR) while exercising at a comfortable self-selected submaximal jogging speed at level grade (Stage 2). Gender, age, body mass, steady-state HR, and jogging speed (mph) were included as independent variables in the following multiple linear regression model to predict VO2max (R?=?0.91, standard error of estimate [SEE]?=?2.52 mL?·?kg?1?·?min?1): VO2max (mL?·?kg?1?·?min?1)?=?58.687?+?(7.520 × Gender; 0?=?woman and 1?=?man)?+?(4.334 × mph) ? (0.211 × kg) ? (0.148 × HR) ? (0.107 × Age). Based on the predicted residual sum of squares (PRESS) statistics (RPRESS?=?0.91, SEE PRESS?=?2.54 mL?·?kg?1?·?min?1) and small total error (TE; 2.50 mL?·?kg?1?·?min?1; 5.3% of VO2max) and constant error (CE; ?0.008 mL?·?kg?1?·?min?1) terms, this new prediction equation displays minimal shrinkage. It should also demonstrate similar accuracy when it is applied to other samples that include participants of comparable age, body mass, and aerobic fitness level. This simple TMJ test and its corresponding regression model provides a relatively safe, convenient, and accurate way to predict VO2max in fit adults, ages 18 to 40 years.  相似文献   

揭示武汉男子职业足球运动员有氧能力现状及对不同水平足球运动员有氧能力差异性的研讨,旨在为科学评定我国足球运动员专项有氧能力训练方法的实用价值及我国职业足球运动员有氧能力的现状水平提供理论参考依据.以湖北武汉职业足球俱乐部一队(2004年度中国甲级职业联赛冠军已晋升为中国超级职业联赛球队)的18名球员为研究对象,采用递增负荷跑台运动方式,测定反映最大有氧能力的相关生理指标.武汉男子职业足球运动员递增强度运动时有氧能力的测定及分析比较.武汉男子职业足球运动员递增负荷运动时测定的反映有氧能力的生理指标数值低于大量文献报道的国内、外优秀球员水平.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate (CHO) availability during endurance exercise seems to attenuate exercise-induced perturbations of cellular homeostasis and might consequently diminish the stimulus for training adaptation. Therefore, a negative effect of CHO intake on endurance training efficacy seems plausible. This study aimed to test the influence of carbohydrate intake on the efficacy of an endurance training program on previously untrained healthy adults. A randomized cross-over trial (8-week wash-out period) was conducted in 23 men and women with two 8-week training periods (with vs. without intake of 50g glucose before each training bout). Training intervention consisted of 4x45 min running/walking sessions/week at 70% of heart rate reserve. Exhaustive, ramp-shaped exercise tests with gas exchange measurements were conducted before and after each training period. Outcome measures were maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) and ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VT). VO2max and VT increased after training regardless of CHO intake (VO2max: Non-CHO 2.6 ± 3.0 ml*min?1*kg?1 p = 0.004; CHO 1.4 ± 2.5 ml*min?1*kg?1 p = 0.049; VT: Non-CHO 4.2 ± 4.2 ml*min?1*kg?1 p < 0.001; CHO 3.0 ± 4.2 ml*min?1*kg?1 p = 0.003). The 95% confidence interval (CI) for the difference between conditions was between +0.1 and +2.1 ml*min?1*kg?1 for VO2max and between ?1.2 and +3.1 for VT. It is concluded that carbohydrate intake could potentially impair the efficacy of an endurance training program.  相似文献   


We examined the effects of concomitant increases in crank rate and power output on incremental arm crank ergometry. Ten healthy males undertook three incremental upper body exercise tests to volitional exhaustion. The first test determined peak minute power. The subsequent tests involved arm cranking at an initial workload of 40% peak minute power with further increases of 10% peak minute power every 2 min. One involved a constant crank rate of 70 rev · min?1, the other an initial crank rate of 50 rev · min?1 increasing by 10 rev · min?1 every 2 min. Fingertip capillary blood samples were analysed for blood lactate at rest and exhaustion. Local (working muscles) and cardiorespiratory ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded at the end of each exercise stage. Heart rate and expired gas were monitored continuously. No differences were observed in peak physiological responses or peak minute power achieved during either protocol. Blood lactate concentration tended to be greater for the constant crank rate protocol (P = 0.06). Test duration was shorter for the increasing than for the constant crank rate protocol. The relationship between local RPE and heart rate differed between tests. The results of this study show that increasing cadence during incremental arm crank ergometry provides a valid assessment of peak responses over a shorter duration but alters the heart rate–local RPE relationship.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of individuals with a cervical spinal cord injury to achieve and sustain a cardiorespiratory training intensity during wheelchair rugby. Nine wheelchair rugby players completed a continuous peak exercise test on a SciFit Pro I arm ergometer with stage increases each minute to determine peak heart rate and power output. Approximately one week after peak exercise testing, heart rate was recorded (every 5 s) during three regularly scheduled rugby training sessions. Data were analysed to determine the number of continuous minutes that participants spent above 70% of heart rate reserve under various rugby training activities. The percent of time spent at or above 70% heart rate reserve varied across participants and conditions. Continuous pushing was the least variable training condition among participants with the sample averaging greater than 73% of time above the target heart rate. Scrimmage training was highly variable across participants with a range of 0% to 98% of time above the criterion. Results of this study indicate that wheelchair rugby training enables some participants to reach a training intensity associated with improved cardiorespiratory fitness, and that the type (or kind) of training activity dictates the extent to which individuals sustain such a threshold.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the student process behavior differences resulting from divergent lesson planning patterns within an Experimental Teaching Unit (ETU). Two teachers were asked to plan for and implement a 20 minute ETU on three occasions using different groups of fourth grade students (N = 65). The ETU task, a combination hockey/golf novel skill, was explained to the teachers, as were their identical teaching space and equipment allocations. The two teachers planned and implemented contrasting lessons for this same teaching goal. The purpose of this study was to determine the student process behavior differences that resulted from the two divergent planning strategies. The Flow of Teacher Organizational Patterns (FOTOP) system was used to verify that the teachers consistently and faithfully implemented their intended plans. Student process behavior was analyzed with the Academic Learning Time–Physical Education (ALT–PE) observational system. The data indicate that the students' process behaviors under each teacher were very similar at the main ALT–PE system levels. However, each teaching pattern resulted in markedly different student process behavior in the system subcategories. The students of Teacher 1 had significantly more management, skill practice, not engaged-waiting and motor engagement, and ALT–PE. The students of Teacher 2 had significantly more general waiting, knowledge focus, not engaged-interim, and cognitive engagement.  相似文献   


This study was a staff experiment carried out in 1953 as a follow-up to several preliminary experiments by graduate students at the University of Illinois, School of Physical Education. The studies were carried out in the Physical Fitness Research Laboratory. The preliminary studies as well as the staff experiment of 1953 and the reversal experiment of 1954 all showed some advantage for supplementary feedings of wheat germ oil (WGO) administered during or immediately following physical conditioning periods of conditioning exercises and swimming in an indoor pool with water temperature 74°-76° F. The subjects were adult men, 26–60 years of age, mainly sedentary, volunteers from the nonphysical education staff.

The WGO capsules (20 capsules per day, 3 minims each, and each containing 175 mg. of WGO and 0.44 mg. of mixed tocopherol) were fed for eight weeks in connection with the progressive physical training experiment. Two groups of eight men each were matched in treadmill-running time, the brachial pulse wave and age. Two other inactive control groups of 5 men each were tested at the beginning (T1) and at the end (T2) of the eight week period. The group results show significant advantage for the experimental subjects who took WGO over those who did not in both performance (willpower dominated) tests and in naive (non-willpower) tests.

The physiological advantage is shown in terms of running endurance in “all-out” treadmill runs, T-wave of the ECG (CRiv-vlead), lower systolic blood pressure, the Schneider Index and the Illinois total body reaction-time test in response to light, sound, and combined signals. Individual differences in response are shown and some of the factors which cause such variations are identified.  相似文献   


Eight college swimmers were tested on a swimming ergometer to investigate the effects of body position on land and immersion in the water on the heart rate recovery after swimming exercise. The subjects swam at a predetermined work load for 5 min. and then assumed one of the four conditions for recovery (erect and supine on the deck, motionless and swimming in the water). Heart rates were recorded for the 3 min. of recovery. After the allowance for recovery, the subject was timed for a 200-yd. swim. No statistically significant differences were noted when comparing the recovery heart rates for the four conditions. The same was found true when comparing the 200-yd. swim times. It was noted that the swim was felt to be harder when recovery was completed in an erect or supine position than after light exercise in the water.  相似文献   

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