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体育活动与老年人的抑郁:系统综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
抑郁是老年人一种常见的不良情绪,通过对描述性研究,元分析研究,流行病学研究和实验研究的综述,认为体育活动对减轻老年人的抑郁有积极作用。  相似文献   

体育锻炼与老年人健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参加有规律的体育锻炼能延缓衰老引起的身体机能的下降。耐力运动有助于维持和改善心血管机能,减小心血管危险因素;力量运动能补偿衰老引起的肌肉质量和力量的下降。因此,有规律的体育锻炼能改善老年人机能能力,有助于老年人有一个更加健康、独立的生活方式。  相似文献   

张鹏 《体育科研》2011,32(1):51-56,71
《2008美国体力活动指南》针对体力活动与中老年人功能健康和残障的相关研究进行系统检索及回顾分析,得出3个结论:(1)规律的体力活动能够预防或推迟功能受限和角色受限的发生;(2)规律的体力活动能够促进或维持功能能力和角色能力;(3)规律的体力活动能够降低老年人跌倒及其相关伤害的风险。因此提出,由于老年人参与体力活动最少而发生残障的危险最高,促进老年人的体力活动是一项非常重要的公众健康目标。  相似文献   


Two groups of 23 junior high school boys were tested before and after an eight weeks' progressive resistance training program. The experimental group participated in this program, but the control group took part only in regularly scheduled physical education classes. At the end of the eight weeks, it was found that the experimental group increased their ability to do pull-ups, push-ups, the Harvard Step Test, Dodge run, the Burpee test, and trunk extension and flexion. The control group improved in the Dodge run, the Burpee test, push-ups, and trunk extension. In no case did the improvement of the control group exceed the improvement of the experimental group. The experimental group also increased in anthropometric measurements. Medical examinations indicated that no harmful effects were experienced by either group.  相似文献   

身体活动指“由骨骼肌产生的体能消耗运动”.是保持身体健康、增进社会交往的重要方式和途径。在澳大利亚,虽然有研究调查民族群体身体活动的各个层面,但总体而言.多数研究更侧重于民族群体的同质性,而忽视了其异质性。本研究探讨在新南威尔士州居住的澳籍香港老年华人对身体活动的概念理解及对身体活动的态度。研究使用开放性问卷进行个体深度访谈,受访者22人。研究发现,大多数受访者不清楚“身体活动”这一术语的含义,对他们来说,“身体活动”是一个模糊的、复杂的术语。该群体对身体活动的态度反映了他们在预防性卫生保健方面的文化和健康观念。显然,提升澳籍香港老年华人的身体活动水平.需要一种基于文化特殊性的健康促进策略以解决对身体活动的误解,同时也需要具体的身体活动态度与华人整体性保健观念相匹配。  相似文献   

为了探究社会学因素对厦门市成年人体力活动量的影响,本研究通过分析部分社会学因素与厦门市居民(20岁以上)体力活动量之间的关系.以问卷调查的方式对厦门市成年人进行调查,采用回归分析影响成年人体力活动量因素.研究发现,吸烟和体力活动总量有相关性(95%CI=154.456-670.823,p<0.01);一周参加锻炼的频率...  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to identify correlates of physical activity behavior in a sample of rural, predominantly African American youth. Three hundred sixty-one fifth-grade students from two rural counties in South Carolina (69% African American, median age = 11 years) completed a questionnaire designed to measure beliefs and social influences regarding physical activity, physical activity self-efficacy, perceived physical activity habits of family members and friends, and access to exercise and fitness equipment at home. After school physical activity and television watching were assessed using the Previous Day Physical Activity Recall (PDPAR). Students were classified as physically active according to a moderate physical activity standard: two or more 30-min blocks at an intensity of 3 METs (metabolic equivalents) or greater, and a vigorous physical activity standard: one or more 30-min blocks at an intensity of 6 METs or greater. According to the moderate physical activity standard, 34.9% of students were classified as low-active. Multivariate analysis revealed age, gender, television watching, and exercise equipment at home to be significant correlates of low activity status. According to the vigorous physical activity standard, 32.1% of the students were classified as low-active. Multivariate analysis revealed age, gender, television watching, and self-efficacy with respect to seeking support for physical activity to be significant correlates of low activity status. In summary, gender and the amount of television watching were found to be the most important correlates of physical activity in rural, predominantly African American youth.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to initiate systematic research on dance as a creative and expressive art form. Although the process of expression through movement has concerned dancers and dance teachers for some time, there have been few attempts at a systematic analysis of either the process or the product of dance expression. Dance has generally been considered immeasurable because of its peculiarities as an art form.

While there is little apparent value in quantitative measurement of dance, qualitative measurement appears to have considerable value. It can sharpen the focus on principles of dance composition, contribute toward increased teaching effectiveness, enlarge dance's expressive range, and increase its ability to communicate.

Specifically, this study attempted to determine how effectively modern dance communicates by using a systematic analysis of individual dance compositions. Samples of dance studies with specific intentions were choreographed and filmed. The dances were then viewed and evaluated by a selected and trained jury on (a) their ability to communicate emotional and physical qualities, (b) the type and structure of their composition, and (c) their choreographic and artistic effectiveness.

Results of this study showed that least agreement was reached by the jurors in rating the dances according to structural strength and in identifying their composition type. Realistic vehicles of expression were more easily recognized than were abstract ones. There was substantial agreement on the emotion communicated by each composition. Presence of all the traditional dance elements appears unnecessary for effective communication.  相似文献   

身体锻炼对大学生身体自尊和一般自我效能感的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用文献资料法、数理统计法对大学二年级学生的身体锻炼、身体自尊和一般自我效能感等现状进行分析,旨在探讨身体锻炼对大学生身体自尊和一般自我效能感的影响.结果表明:男大学生与女大学生的身体自尊差异不显著,男生高于女生;锻炼强度对"运动能力"、"身体状况"和"身体素质"维度上的作用比较显著;锻炼时间对"身体自我价值感"和"身体吸引力"维度上的作用比较显著;锻炼强度和锻炼时间的交互作用对身体自尊和一般自我效能感的影响不最著;身体锻炼与一般自我效能感相关性不显著.  相似文献   

通过方便抽样法选取浙江省5所高校704名大学生为研究参与者,采用横向调查设计和结构公式建模方法,检验跨理论模型各结构之间及其与身体活动之间的关系。研究结果表明,自我效能和变化阶段在变化过程与身体活动之间扮演着完全中介角色。该结果与自我效能理论和计划行为理论的预测结果相一致。变化过程可经由3条路径对身体活动产生显著的间接影响,第1条路径为变化过程→自我效能→身体活动,这条路径的中介强度最大,约占总效应的一半;第2条路径为变化过程→自我效能→变化阶段→身体活动,此路径的中介强度为28.3%;第3条路径为变化过程→变化阶段→身体活动,该路径的中介强度为19.7%。这一结果提示跨理论模型各结构之间的关系是相互关联的,共同组成了跨理论的整体模式,基于跨理论模型的干预研究不仅要考虑到模型内部各结构之间的关系,也要将整个模式作为干预的目标,只有这样才可能对跨理论模型干预措施的有效性做出正确判断。  相似文献   

目的:检验学龄前儿童不同簇集特征体力活动与体质健康是否存在剂量-效应关系。方法:不同簇集特征体力活动通过连续7天佩戴加速度传感器进行测量。根据持续时间不同,分为零星中高强度体力活动(MVPA)(2~4 s)、短时持续MVPA(5~9 s)和长时持续MVPA(≥10 s)3类。体质测试包括心肺耐力、肌肉力量和速度灵敏素质。将男、女童不同簇集特征体力活动和体质健康综合得分分别按四分位数进行分类(Q1~Q4组),并定义体质健康得分最高的Q4组为高体质健康水平(HPH)。采用逻辑回归和线性回归探讨不同簇集特征MVPA与HPH间的关系。结果:共265名受试者纳入最后统计分析(男童149名,女童116名;月龄,57.19±5.33月)。男童中,校正混杂因素后,以活动量最少的Q1组为参照,活动量最多的Q4组中零星、短时持续和长时持续MVPA达到HPH的比值比(OR)分别为:11.72(95%CI:2.27,60.53)、7.53(95%CI:1.83,30.90)和8.98(95%CI:1.78,45.39);女童中也得到类似结果,分别为11.85(95%CI:2.33,60.19)、12.34(9...  相似文献   

高校攀岩运动员身体素质相关指标的监测与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献资料法、调查访问法、测量法和数理统计法,建构高校攀岩运动员身体素质评价基本结构模型。研究可知,高校攀岩运动员的身体素质主要受五个因子的控制;身体素质综合评价模型能比较客观、全面地评定出运动员的身体素质训练水平,为今后运动员的运动训练及运动员选材提供科学依据。  相似文献   


Confusion still exists about the relationships between sociodemographics and adult physical activity behavior. In this paper, data from a national sample of 19,110 adults is examined to determine which of the sociodemographic variables are associated with physical activity behavior, their relative importance, and why these associations may exist. Once one controls for multicollinearity among the sociodemographic variables only age, education, and income maintain any substantive correlation. However, the amount of variance explained is small (R 2 adj = 8%). Two causal models are presented to account for the education: physical activity variance. The relationship is believed to be a spurious one in that there is some other third variable(s) which is speculated to affect both schooling and physical activity behavior. Exposure to sports and physical activity in the schools, though, may enhance the skills necessary for many activities providing an argument for a direct effect of education. Understanding this spurious/direct association is important for policy decision making and further research is warranted.  相似文献   

The Neighborhood Physical Activity Questionnaire allows to assess physical activity within and outside the neighborhood. Study objectives were to examine the criterion-related validity and health/functioning associations of Neighborhood Physical Activity Questionnaire-derived physical activity in German older adults. A total of 107 adults aged ≥60 years completed the Neighborhood Physical Activity Questionnaire and Short Form 12 Health Survey. A subsample of 58 participants wore piezoelectric pedometers for 7 consecutive days. Rank correlation coefficients (ρ) along with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were computed for the criterion-related validity and health/functioning associations of single Neighborhood Physical Activity Questionnaire modules and total physical activity. Criterion-related validity was moderate (ρ ≤ .60) for total physical activity, total walking, and neighborhood walking, but low (ρ ≤ .40) for walking outside the neighborhood. Health/functioning associations were moderate for recreation walking and low for total physical activity, total walking, and walking within as well as outside the neighborhood. The study provides low-to-moderate validity evidence of Neighborhood Physical Activity Questionnaire-derived physical activity in older adults.  相似文献   

体力活动与健康的剂量—效应关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行规律性的体力活动有利于提高健康效益、降低疾病风险,大量的研究证实了体力活动与健康之间存在着剂量-效应关系.从体力活动概念,历史演变过程,体力活动量的各单因素(量、强度、频率、时间)等方面概述了体力活动与健康之间的剂量-效应关系.通过历史回顾厘清了体力活动中“剂量”这一概念由“体力活动总量→业余时间运动量→运动量单因素”的演化过程,对建立在剂量-效应理论基础上的运动推荐量的发展做了详细的论述,并深入探讨了运动量、强度、频率、持续时间各单因素与健康之间可能存在的剂量-效应关系曲线模型特征.  相似文献   


The high prevalence of insufficient physical activity (PA) among adolescents is an important public health issue. Studying reasons for disliking PA might help researchers better understand its underlying mechanisms, yet this psychological construct has been understudied. This study established the psychometric properties of the German language version of the Girls' Disinclination for Physical Activity Scale (G-DAS-Ger). Data were collected on a sample of 257 adolescent girls in Austria (mean age: 13.0 ± 0.7 years) using the G-DAS-Ger and the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale. One week after the first assessment, the questionnaires were re-administered to 78 girls. Between two administrations, PA of 215 girls was monitored for seven consecutive days using the ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometers. Confirmatory factor analysis of G-DAS-Ger showed good fit for a three-factor model (χ2/df = 2.025; Bollen–Stine (B-S) p = 0.159; root mean square error of approximation = 0.063; standardised root mean square residual = 0.054; comparative fit index = 0.950). Cronbach's alphas for G-DAS-Ger factors/subscales ranged 0.64–0.76. The test–retest reliability assessed by Spearman's rank correlation ranged 0.62–0.75. Only one subscale correlated significantly with vigorous-intensity PA (Spearman's rho = ?0.16) and none with moderate-to-vigorous-intensity PA, which indicated poor predictive validity of the G-DAS-Ger. Correlations between G-DAS-Ger subscales and enjoyment of PA ranged from ?0.29 to ?0.41, indicating satisfactory convergent validity. The G-DAS-Ger may be used in its present form to assess disinclination for PA among adolescent girls in German-speaking countries. However, our results put into question the stability of the originally proposed factor structure of the questionnaire and its predictive validity among German-speaking adolescent girls. Methodological refinements to the G-DAS-Ger may be required to improve its psychometric properties in this population.  相似文献   

郑樊慧  安燕  尹峻 《体育科研》2011,32(1):57-65
《2008美国体力活动指南》对体力活动与心理健康间的关系进行了综述。该综述指出.体力活动对某些心理疾痛具有防治作用。定期进行中等到大强度的体力活动可以有效地预防抑郁症和老年痴呆症的发生,及因老龄化引起的认知功能的下降;另外,还可以减轻焦虑症状、改善睡眠质量、降低疲劳感、减少痛苦感和提升幸福感。并且,该综述对体力活动影响心理健康的机制进行了论述,指出了目前的研究中存在的不足,并预测了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

王雅欣 《体育科技》2012,33(3):90-94
通过对武汉市城、乡60-69岁老年人体质现状及身体活动调查分析发现:武汉市城镇男、女老年人身高、体重、肺活量都明显高于乡村老年人;城镇女性老年人血压明显高于乡村女性老年人,男、女性老年人握力和选择反应时同样表明城镇明显优于乡村人群。武汉市老年人有30.7%的人还在参加工作,其中乡村老年人有42.9%的人在从事工作,而城镇老年人则远远少于乡村老年人,仅约为14.4%;在闲暇时间显,无论是在散步,还是在体育锻炼的参与上,城镇老年人明显多于乡村老年人;乡村老年人经常做家务劳动的人数明显多于城镇老年人。  相似文献   

体育活动对大学生身体自我描述的影响研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
运用特尔菲法、模糊数学法和因子分析对中小学体育与健康课程中实践教材进行优化与评价。结果表明:(1)在优化与评价过程中,各运动项目对学习领域目标直接贡献程度(D值)与各运动项目对学习领域目标全部贡献程度(T值)是筛选教学内容的有效指标,其数值的变化影响着某一运动项目的摈弃或保留;(2)现行课程中的球类、体操、武术等对课程总目标的贡献与支持较好;游泳、田径等对课程目标的贡献偏低,说明它们在课程中发挥的作用还有待提高;(3)对某个项目中的教学素材进行筛选时,可结合因子分析的结果,优化与整合其内容体系。  相似文献   

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