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任务复杂程度对反馈频率适宜值的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用单维简单和两维复杂电脑追踪任务,探讨任务复杂程度对反馈频率适宜值的影响.96名右利手的在校大学生随机分为简单任务和复杂任务组(每组男、女各24名).两组受试者分别在25%相对频率(提供反馈的练习次数占总练习次数的25%,简称反馈频率,下同)、50%反馈频率、75%反馈频率、100%反馈频率条件下,连续两天练习简单或复杂任务,每天练习36次.第2天练习结束后休息10min,2组受试者进行无反馈保持测试.一天后,再进行无反馈的保持测试.结果显示:(1)练习阶段,两组受试者的操作绩效随反馈频率增加呈提高趋势;(2)50%反馈频率利于简单任务的技能学习,75%反馈频率利于复杂任务的技能学习;(3)任务复杂程度与反馈频率适宜值存在交互作用,与简单任务相比,操作复杂任务时,应增加反馈的频率.以上结果提示:当信息加工负荷较小(如操作任务较简单)时,减少反馈频率利于技能学习;而当信息加工负荷较大(操作任务较复杂)时,频繁反馈利于技能学习.  相似文献   

本文运用文献资料法、实验法等,以哈尔滨体育学院网球专修学生为研究对象进行教具教学实验,并对测试正手击球准确性进行,结果发现,有教具教学的实验组,击球准确性明显高于无教具教学的对照组,且此差距在实验后能持续提高。说明教具的合理使用能为学生练习提供目标和反馈,激发学生练习的积极性,促进学生积极思考,提高学生的学习效率。  相似文献   

录像示范和现场示范对运动技能观察学习的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨录像示范和现场示范对运动技能观察学习的影响.办法:48名受试随机分为练习组、现场示范观察组、录像示范观察组和控制组.采用计算机追踪任务,以RMSE为评价指标,对4组受试分别进行10 min后保持测试、24 h后保持测试和迁移测试.结果显示:在所有测试中,录像示范观察组和现场示范组受试操作绩效没有显著性差异;在10 min后保持测试和24 h后保持测试中,练习组受试操作绩效显著好于其他组受试,现场示范观察组和录像示范观察组受试操作绩效显著好于控制组;在迁移测试中,练习组、录像示范观察组、现场示范观察组受试操作绩效没有显著性差异,但都显著好于控制组.  相似文献   


Research on the benefits of distributed practice for the acquisition and retention of motor skills has a long history. The majority of this research has involved skill acquisition of continuous tasks. However, there is some evidence to suggest that distribution of practice effects are quite different for discrete tasks than for continuous tasks. In the present study, we used a single task, formed discrete and continuous versions of the task, and examined how acquisition and retention were affected by the length of inter-trial interval. The basic task was a movement timing task that involved either one timing estimate per trial (the “discrete” version) or twenty successive estimates per trial (the “continuous” version). Separate groups of subjects learned one version of the task under either distributed (25 s inter-trial intervals) or massed (0.5 s inter-trial intervals) practice conditions. Both massed and distributed retention trials were performed on the same version of the task according to a double transfer design. The results confirmed the apparent disparity: Acquisition and retention were facilitated by distributed practice on the continuous task, but by massed practice on the discrete task. These results were discussed in terms of the role of the inter-trial interval in discrete and continuous tasks.  相似文献   

网球技能学习中类比学习与外显学习协同效应的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用实验法,探讨大学生网球初学者在学习正手击球时类比学习与外显学习的协同效应.受试被随机分为外显学习组、类比学习组、类比与外显学习结合组,以击球准确性、动作评分和动作知识知晓数量为指标,对3组受试进行评价.结果显示:在保持测试中,外显与类比学习结合组的击球准确性和动作评分好于类比学习组和外显学习组;在迁移测试中,外显与类比学习结合组和类比学习组的击球准确性和动作评分好于外显学习组;在知晓动作知识的评价中,类比与外显学习结合组习得的动作知识数量多于类比学习组和外显学习组,而外显学习组多于类比学习组.  相似文献   

The benefits of implicit and explicit motor learning approaches in young adults have been studied extensively, but much less in children. This study investigated the relationship between fundamental motor ability and implicit/explicit learning in children using the errorless learning paradigm. First, the motor ability of 261 children (142 boys, 119 girls) aged 9–12 years (M?=?9.74, SD?=?0.67) was measured. Second, children with motor ability scores in the upper and lower quartile learned a golf-putting skill in either an errorless (implicit) or errorful (explicit) learning condition. Four groups were formed: Errorless High-Ability (n?=?13), Errorless Low-Ability (n?=?11), Errorful High-Ability (n?=?10), and Errorful Low-Ability (n?=?11). Learning consisted of 300 practice trials, while testing included a 50-trial retention test, followed by a 50-trial secondary task transfer test, and another 50-trial retention test. The results showed that for high- and low-ability errorless learners, motor performance was unaffected by the secondary task, as was the case for high-ability errorful learners. Low-ability errorful learners performed worse with a secondary task and were significantly poorer than the corresponding high-ability group. These results suggest that implicit motor learning (errorless) may be beneficial for children with low motor ability. The findings also show a trend that children of high motor ability might benefit from learning explicitly (errorful). Further research is recommended to examine the compatibility of implicit and explicit approaches for children of different abilities.  相似文献   

This study analysed the effects of bilateral and non-dominant practice on novice practitioners’ lateral preference for judo skills in a combat context (i.e., randori). Thirty sports sciences students (22 men and 8 women; mean age 19 ± 1 years) with right hand, foot, and counterclockwise rotation preferences were divided into 3 groups: bilateral (BG; n = 8), non-dominant (NDG; n = 11), and control (CG; n = 11). Participants received 8 weeks of training at a rate of 3 days per week. The NDG was trained to perform judo skills exclusive with their non-dominant side, while the BG performed every task symmetrically. Before and after training, participants were recorded during two 3-min randoris to obtain the percentage of their engagement in dominant side actions. Pretest percentages were 73.1 ± 19.9%, 77.8 ± 18.8%, and 68.9 ± 27.2% for BG, NDG, and CG, respectively. Post-test values were 75.0 ± 15.6%, 23.3 ± 27.9%, and 72.2.9 ± 20.4%, respectively. Significant differences were observed between NDG and each of the other groups after the training. Changes from pretest were only significant for NDG (P = 0.003). These results suggest that lateral preference among novice judo practitioners during randori can be modulated by the type of practice.  相似文献   


The effects of grip and forearm position on two tests of upper body muscular endurance were investigated in 109 male subjects 18–21 years of age. Subjects were systematically presented 12 tasks: six pull-up and six straight-arm hang grip and forearm variations. Each of the six tasks for both endurance tests represented a different combination of grip (thumb over bar and thumb under bar) and forearm position (pronated, supinated and semi-pronated). Task results were analyzed utilizing 2 × 3 (grip × forearm) ANOVA with repeated measures on the two factors. Analysis of pull-up data revealed that the semi-pronated and supinated forearm positions were not statistically different from each other, but superior to the pronated condition. Results of straight-arm hang performance revealed a significant difference between grips at the semi-pronated position, with the “thumb under bar” being superior. Results for forearm positions at grips indicated a significant difference for the “thumb under bar,” with the pronated and semi-pronated positions being superior to the supinated position. For forearm positions at “thumb over bar,” the pronated condition was significantly different from the semi-pronated and supinated positions. Thumb position trends and kinesiological mechanical analysis did foster general recommendations for use of the “thumb over bar” for pull-ups and the “thumb under bar” position for the straight-arm hang.  相似文献   


This study was designed to investigate the effects of age and number of demonstrations on both form (strategy employed) and physical performance on a Bachman ladder-balance task. College age (n = 60) and elementary age females (n = 60) were compared under four modeling conditions consisting of no, four, eight, and 12 demonstrations in an Age Group × Demonstration Group (2 × 4) MANOVA. Results indicated that college age students had higher performance and form scores than elementary age students. Only form differentiated the four demonstration groups. Participants receiving 12 demonstrations had higher form scores than the control participants. Form scores were analyzed in a discriminant function analysis to determine which of five form components differentiated the four demonstration groups. Results also revealed that climbing quickly was the component of form that differentiated the groups the most. It was concluded that matching form by the learner may be a more effective measure of modeling effects rather than inferring modeling from performance, especially in the initial stages of learning. In addition, it appears that the number of demonstrations needed to create modeling effects is task specific and dependent on the length of the practice period.  相似文献   


Focusing strategies are known to play a significant role in motor performance, with individuals who use an internal focus on body movement typically showing poorer outcomes than those who focus on features of the external environment. Focus of attention and switching of one's focus are examined in the context of two different complex motor skills along with a factor not previously examined systematically, individual preference. In both experiments, participants were introduced to focusing strategies that might be employed when attempting a sensorimotor task. Explanations of both strategies were given to participants. Specifically, for an internal focus, participants were instructed to concentrate on their body movements, while for an external focus, they were instructed to focus on aspects in the environment. They were then asked which strategy they preferred. Participants then continued either with their preferred focus or were instructed to switch to their non-preferred focus. The advantage that the external focus typically enjoys turns out not to be a simple one and interacts with individual preference and with the “forced-opposite” manipulation. Our results support the growing consensus that encouraging individuals to adopt an internal focusing strategy is counterproductive in complex sensorimotor tasks. They also suggest that individual preferences play a role.  相似文献   

运动技能的内隐学习与分心练习——对应激的抵御   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为抵御应激对运动技能水平发挥的影响 ,研究以轨迹追踪任务为实验范式 ,将 32名被试分 4组在不同条件下进行为期 12 d的练习 ,并比较了各组在两种应激条件下的测试结果。结果显示 :对于复杂的操作任务 ,内隐学习比外显学习更有效。分心练习所获得运动技能较少受高应激的影响  相似文献   

观察和练习比例、任务复杂程度对运动技能学习的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实验法,探讨不同的观察学习和身体练习比例及任务复杂程度对追踪任务技能学习的影响.将受试分为简单任务学习组和复杂任务学习组,然后再根据比例将受试随机分为25%观察学习+75%身体练习组、50%观察学习+50%身体练习组及75%观察学习+25%身体练习组,进行为期3 d的计算机追踪任务学习.结果显示:对复杂任务学习而言,50%观察学习+50%身体练习比例的学习效果较好;对于简单任务学习而言,3种观察学习和身体练习比例的学习效果相同.  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this work is focused on the study of the effect that feedback has on competence valuation, perceived competence, autonomous motivation, vitality, and performance in a throwing task. Method: Thirty-five college students (26 men and 9 women), without previous experience in the task, participated in this study. The students were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions (positive, negative, and lack of feedback). Results: The results of this study point out that only those who received positive feedback before the handball throwing task, in contrast to those who received negative feedback or did not receive any feedback, showed increased levels of competence valuation (p < .05, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.30), perceived competence (p < .001, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.77), and autonomous motivation (p < .05, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.48). This group also presented higher levels of perceived competence (p < .001, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.84) and subjective vitality (p < .001, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.80) than the group who received negative feedback after the throwing task. Those who received positive feedback also showed a higher throwing speed at the end of task than those who received negative feedback (p < 0.001, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.71) or than those who did not receive any feedback (p < .05, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.56). Conclusions: Competence valuation, perceived competence, autonomous motivation, subjective vitality, and throwing speed were favorably influenced by positive feedback. These results have important implications for the training style applied by coaches.  相似文献   


The developmental nature of reaction time (RT) and anticipation timing (AT) performance, as well as the relationship between them, was investigated using 15 male and 15 female subjects at each of five age levels—7, 9, 11, 13, and 20 yrs. Each subject was given 40 trials for both RT and AT performance with task order counterbalanced. Results indicated that as age increased RT decreased, with males having more rapid RT than females. The two younger age groups differed from the three older groups on AT performance. RT was significantly correlated with AT (|CE| measure) for the 7, 9, and 11 yr old males but not in any other age by gender condition. Apparently neither young males nor young females have a good motor plan in memory to control AT performance. However, the more rapid RT (and thus better response initiation) of the males allows better AT performance at the younger ages. Beginning about 10–11 yrs of age, better motor plans are developed in children's memory system, leading to less reliance on rapid RT for good AT performance, and thus the correlation between RT and AT performance is not present.  相似文献   

In table tennis the follow-through action after a shot is an important part of skill execution. In this experiment, we aimed to extend literature around the contextual interference effect by investigating whether the way the follow-through is organised in practice affects learning of the backhand shot in table tennis. Thirty unskilled participants were allocated to blocked-variable practice, random-variable practice or a control-constant group and aimed backhand shots towards a target following ball projection from a machine. Each group completed these shots in a pre-test, a training phase with follow-through manipulations, a post-test, and a retention test. The random-variable group improved their shot accuracy from pre-test to post-test and from pre-test to retention test (both P < 0.01, d = 1.03), whereas neither the blocked-variable nor the control-constant group displayed any change in shot accuracy. Practising the follow-through in a random-variable fashion enhanced learning of the preceding shot compared with blocked-variable practice or no follow-through instructions. The benefits of learning motor skills under conditions of high contextual interference also apply to how follow-through actions are organised. The findings are valuable to coaches and suggest that instructions related to the follow-through action should be considered as well as the primary skill itself.  相似文献   

项群归类组合教学的研究与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探索运动技能迁移规律,优化教学过程,经过2年的教学实验研究发现,将动作结构上、素质上、教学上具有共同要求的运动项目归为一类,作为一个整体进行组合教学,有利于学生形成清晰的动作表象,促进运动技能的形成和掌握。  相似文献   


Purpose: This study aimed to examine the effect of gradual self-control of task difficulty and feedback on accuracy and movement pattern of the golf putting sport skill. Method: Sixty students were quasi-randomly assigned to four groups under a varying combination of the two factors of task difficulty control (self-controlled or yoked) and feedback control (self-controlled or yoked). The participants in the two groups (dual-factor gradual self-control and self-controlled task difficulty group) that granted control over task difficulty in the acquisition phase were told they could choose any of the pre-set distances from the target. All groups were given 100% feedback in the first half of the acquisition phase, but the participants in the two groups (dual-factor gradual self-control group and self-controlled feedback) that could control their feedback were told that in the second half of the acquisition phase they would be able to ask for feedback when needed. The practice schedule of each member of the dual-factor gradual self-control group was used as a basis to plan the practice of predetermined distances and feedback presentation to the corresponding participants in the yoked conditions. Results: ANOVA with repeated measures showed that the practice method involving gradual self-control of two factors had a positive impact on accuracy and movement pattern of golf putting in the retention and transfer tests compared to other methods (ps < .05). Conclusion: The advantages of self-control practice presumably come from better adjustment of challenge points by the learner in the course of the practice.  相似文献   

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