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The purpose of this study was to investigate the discrepancy between the finding that when two hands make movements to targets of different distances, they have the same movement time (Kelso, Southard & Goodman, 1979a, b) and the finding that they have different movement times (Marteniuk & MacKenzie, 1980). The present experiment shows that when the ratio of the distance traveled by the two hands is 4:1, they do not take the same time. The hand moving the shorter distance lakes less time, although it takes more lime than when moving alone or when moving the same distance as the other hand. This finding is highlighted when individual data are examined. It appears that there is no difference between using homologous or nonhomologous muscle groups.  相似文献   


Rapid, goal-directed elbow flexion movements were examined under interacting conditions of inertial loading and resistance to movement initiation. The resistance ceased when movement began, resulting in quick release movements. Inertial load slowed the movement and lengthened the agonist and antagonist electromyographic (EMG) burst durations. The quick release resulted in larger accelerations but only minimal changes in peak velocity. Most aspects of the triphasic EMG pattern were little affected by the quick release, but the build up of agonist EMG and the corresponding rate of static force development differed markedly between load and quick release conditions. These and other data suggest that the specific pattern of agonist muscle activation is set according to neuromuscular constraints of the antagonist muscle and the expectation of movement dynamics.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between use of the conventional football shoe and the epidemic of knee injuries occurring in organized football. All knee injuries in the Public High School League in 1968 and in the Catholic High School League in 1969, when players in the respective leagues wore the conventional shoe, were documented. During the 1969 and 1970 seasons, all Public League players wore “soccer type” shoes with molded soles containing fourteen ?-inch cleats. All Catholic League players wore similar shoes in 1970. In both leagues, all practices and games were conducted on natural turf. Injuries occurring with the soccer type shoe were documented. Comparison of the two groups demonstrated a marked decrease in both the incidence and severity of knee injuries in both leagues when the players wore the multi-cleated shoe. It is strongly recommended that the conventional football shoe be condemned and that only shoes meeting the following specifications be permitted: (a) synthetic molded sole, (b) minimum of 14 cleats per shoe, (c) minimum cleat tip diameter of ½ inch, (d) maximum cleat length of ? inch.  相似文献   

运用三维图像解析系统,采用三维摄像、三维测力台和表面肌电仪对两组不同级别男子武术套路运动员的仰身平衡和燕式平衡动作进行运动学、动力学和肌电学方面的研究,从生理学和运动生物力学角度分析仰身平衡和燕式平衡的技术特征和力学原理。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how the manipulation of movement duration affects components of fractionated reaction time and presumably motor programming. Twelve subjects, in a simple reaction time paradigm, responded to an auditory signal by executing an elbow flexion movement in the sagittal plane through a range of motion of 100° in 150, 300, 600 and 1200 ms. Results indicated no changes in motor time but small increments in premotor and reaction time through the 600 ms condition. At 1200 ms, reaction time increased faster than premotor time, and this appeared to be predominantly a consequence of an increment in motor time. These data were interpreted to be supportive of the notion that movement duration is related to response complexity and the time required for motor programming.  相似文献   

目的:检测太极拳蹬腿动作支撑腿和动作腿的协调活动,揭示中枢双重命令下的下肢运动控制的特征.方法:太极拳运动员和初学者各10人,分两组.记录太极蹬腿动作时下肢肌肌电图、双下肢关节的角运动、足底中心压力的移位.每次试验8 s完成,重复5次.统计处理后,做肌电、运动和平衡分析.鲒果:两组间支撑腿的EMG、关节活动和COP位移出现了在形态上和幅度上的差别,但是在动作腿多表现在幅度上的差别.运动员支撑腿的平均EMG都高于初学者,只有股直肌有显著差异;运动员膝和髋关节的平均最大运动角度小于初学者,踝关节的平均最大运动角度稍稍比初学者大,只有髋关节的平均最大运动角度较为显著.运动员动作腿的平均EMG只有股直肌和胫骨前肌显著地高于初学者,而臀中肌显著地低于初学者;所有关节的平均最大运动角度都是运动员的显著大于初学者.平均足底中心压力的侧方和前后方位移都是运动员的显著大于初学者.运动员动作腿的起始运动约250~350ms,滞后于支撑腿起始运动的延迟时间.结论:运动员和初学者都可以用踝-髋策略来调节单腿直立的姿势平衡,但是运动员能够启动一个根据任务需要的前馈控制技术,通过下肢肌的积极活动,预先形成一个对抗蹬腿反作用力干扰的姿势稳定.因此,训练太极拳可以获得这个前馈控制技术.持续降低重心时,初学者的蹬腿和支撑两任务间出现了相互冲突.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of rotation axes during a tennis serve. A motion capture system was used to evaluate the contribution of the potential axes of rotation (minimum inertia axis, shoulder-centre of mass axis and the shoulder-elbow axis) during the four discrete tennis serve phases (loading, cocking, acceleration and follow through). Ten ranked athletes (International Tennis Number 1–3) repeatedly performed a flat service aiming at a target on the other side of the net. The four serve phases are distinct and thus, each movement phase seems to be organised around specific rotation axes. The results showed that the limbs’ rotational axis does not necessarily coincide with the minimum inertia axis across the cocking phase of the tennis serve. Even though individual serving strategies were exposed, all participants showed an effect due to the cocking phase and changed the rotation axis during the task. Taken together, the results showed that despite inter-individual differences, nine out of 10 participants changed the rotation axis towards the minimum inertia and/or the mass axis in an endeavour to maximise external rotation of the shoulder to optimally prepare for the acceleration phase.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of sex and athletic status on reaction latencies and movement time. One hundred subjects, categorized into five groups of 20 subjects each—male athletes (MA), female athletes (FA), male nonathletes (MNA), female nonathletes (FNA), and control group (CG)—were tested over a period of five consecutive days. Several different types of incentives were used to ensure that subjects provided the fastest times possible. Two blocks of 25 trials were administered to each subject on each day. A 2 × 2 × 2 × 5 × 2 mixed factorial analysis of variance was used to test for between-subject differences of group (experimental/control), sex, and athletic status and for within-subject differences of days and blocks. The four dependent variables were reaction time (RT) mean, RT consistency, movement time (MT) mean, and MT consistency. Results did not support the classic finding of male superiority over females in RT/MT or athletes' superiority over nonathletes. Evidence of athletic superiority emerged, but for the first day of practice only. As subjects were allowed extended practice over a 5-day test period in which knowledge of results (KR) and other incentives were provided, differences in the experimental groups disappeared. Sex was the predominant factor in consistency, with males being less variable in RT (p = .02) performance than females. There were no sex differences in MT consistency.  相似文献   

本文采用高速摄影与三维测力同步的方法,对技巧女三膝抛直体后空翻两周下动作进行了定量测试,揭示了该动作的动力学和运动学特征,进而提出了完成该动作的最佳配合技术特点.  相似文献   

目的:探讨青年男子排球运动员强攻扣球技术动作的关键;方法:使用两台高速摄像机和表面肌电仪对7名青年男子排球运动员强攻扣球手臂挥摆动作进行运动学和表面肌电学同步分析;结果:运动员在引臂后拉期主要由三角肌前束和三角肌后束完成,在甩臂击打期和击打作用期,肱三头肌、背阔肌、前臂屈腕的这些主动肌的电活动明显增强,起拮抗作用的肱二头肌和前臂伸腕肌群的电活动也非常强烈,而且,在各个阶段每对主动肌/拮抗肌表现为较好的协调性;背弓角为130.2°±4.7°、挥臂角为113.2°±6.1°、最后出手球速为23.5±0.7 m/s;背弓角,挥臂角与最后出手球速的相关系数r分别为-0.512(P<0.05)和0.484(P<0.05);结论:在强攻扣球手臂挥摆过程中,扣球臂的拮抗肌发挥着重要作用,起跳后挥臂的背弓角和挥臂角是影响最后出手球速的主要因素。  相似文献   

武术套路运动员的心率变化特征及其运动强度与运动时间   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用心率遥测仪对参加全国武术42式综合太极拳比赛的男女运动员的赛前训练和比赛中的心率进行了测定,观测其运动强度及其心率变化的特点,有助于为竞赛套路提供时间与强度方面的最佳选择范围。  相似文献   

通过录像统计和文献资料法,对第38届世界体操锦标赛吊环比赛前8名运动员的起评分、比赛成绩、成套动作难度和编排及完成情况进行统计,分析了世界优秀男子吊环运动员成套动作的编排特点和发展趋势。结果表明:在动作难度的使用上主要以D组以上高难度的摆动到静止力量动作与4个以上由静止到静止用力性动作的直接连接来获得加分;成套动作的连接编排趋于加长;成套动作的难度和完成质量尚有提高的空间。  相似文献   

本文对疫情防控期幼儿居家亲子体育活动存在问题进行调查分析,提出幼儿“MLS循环运动”理念,将此理念应用到幼儿居家亲子体育活动内容的构建当中,提供了操作技能领域(Manipulation)、移动技能领域(Locomotion)、稳定技能领域(Stability)内容设计思路和示例,旨在促进疫情防控期居家亲子体育活动有效开展,为推进亲子体育活动创新、改革和发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

This essay stems from the 35th annual C. H. McCloy Research Lecture at the 2015 SHAPE America National Convention &; Expo in Seattle, WA. The lecture series has 2 main aims. First, it provides an annual forum for a contemporary scholar to delve deeply into her/his work and to share that work with her/his peers. Second, it is an enduring tribute to the pioneering work and influential career of Charles Henry McCloy (March 30, 1886–September 18, 1959), research professor emeritus at the University of Iowa. This essay is composed of 6 sections: a prologue, a biography of McCloy, my autobiography, the fundamental premises and overarching aims of my work, a summary of my research contributions aimed at promoting inclusive physical activity, and an epilogue. The entire article is built around the construct of maps, mechanics, detours, and traveling companions. Paradigm shifts and insights are unraveled as the work unfolds and becomes increasingly integrated. Rarely does a scholar have the chance to provide a narrative of this nature, and it is hoped that this essay will inspire others to discover their own scholarly pathways and to contextualize and reflect on their contributions for the greater good of the field of kinesiology and society.  相似文献   

运用影片拍摄及解析的方法对成绩在 6.30 m以上的 6名中国优秀女子运动员摆动腿在助跑最后一步和起跳过程中的运动学特征进行分析。研究表明,在助跑最后一步蹬伸阶段优秀女跳远运动员摆动腿髋的水平速度与水平速度增加值呈高度正相关;着板时,摆动腿摆动角速度与起跳脚水平速度呈高度负相关;起跳过程的缓冲阶段中,摆动腿的摆动使身体重心高度呈上升趋势,同时垂直速度持续升高,占腾起垂直分速度值的53.1%。  相似文献   

运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、数理统计、录像观察和逻辑分析等方法,对参加2009年第11届全运会男子排球比赛前8名队伍中的16名副攻运动员,在比赛中的专项移动、助跑、起跳等活动形式所表现出素质特征进行研究,目的是为中国男子排球培养高水平副攻运动员提供科学合理、有针对性和效率性的素质训练参数和理论依据。研究结果表明:1)我国男排高水平副攻运动员在各队中身材最高,与世界高水平副攻运动员身高相比差距不大(相差3.09 cm),但体重与世界男排副攻运动员相比差距较大(相差9.15 kg);2)副攻运动员在比赛中,一攻时运用1步助跑次数最多,2步助跑次之,3步助跑最少。运用单脚起跳少,3步助跑次数少是助跑的主要特征;3)比赛中防守反击后撤、扣球助跑步数中,表现出后撤和助跑的1步步数大于2步步数(第5局除外),没有3步助跑的主要特征;4)拦网移动特征是向两侧移动多,主要在场地内侧移动并位起跳拦网。移动时表现出采取先转体,面向进攻方向,与扣球时的助跑起跳动作相似的移动、起跳特征;5)副攻运动员在比赛中主要起跳特征是,拦网起跳次数最多,扣球起跳次之,发球起跳次数最少;6)副攻运动员发跳飘和跳发球时表现出均采用两步助跑加起跳的特...  相似文献   

本文对体操运动员比赛中情绪变化特征以及体操运动员动作稳定性的心理调控方法进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法,对湖北省第5届少数民族传统体育运动会系统工程特点和控制原则进行了探索,旨在为民运会这一民族传统体育赛事的继续举办及其它体育赛事的组织提供参考。  相似文献   

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