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探讨教师因素对体育课中小学和初中学生身体活动水平影响的差异。以上海市284节体育课中小学和初中学生身体活动水平及其任课教师为调查对象,通过测量法、观察法和调查法等分析不同学段体育课中学生身体活动水平、教师教学行为现状及教师因素(包括性别、教龄和教学行为)与体育课中学生身体活动水平的关系。结果显示:小学和初中学生体育课中MVPA时间百分比均未达到50%的课堂时间标准,且两者间无显著差异;小学和初中体育课中教师在教学指导和课堂管理行为上的用时均为最高,小学教师的课堂管理行为和动作示范行为用时显著高于初中教师,而初中教师的教学指导行为和观察行为用时显著高于小学教师;小学和初中体育课中男教师执教班级的MVPA时间百分比均高于女教师,而教龄仅与小学生体育课MVPA时间百分比有显著负相关关系。教师的促进健康行为对小学和初中体育课MVPA时间百分比均有显著正向影响,而观察行为仅对初中生体育课中MVPA时间百分比有显著正向影响。研究表明:教师因素对小学和初中体育课学生身体活动水平影响存在较大差异,今后应针对不同学段学生采取有针对性的干预措施。  相似文献   

Background: According to the classroom ecology paradigm, teachers and students interpret, predict, and respond to each other repeatedly in a reciprocal way. Such a reciprocal relationship is reflected in bidirectional interactions between a teacher's behavior and student (dis)engagement, an issue that has been confirmed in longitudinal studies including measures at different moments in a school year.

Aims: Starting from the perspective of self-determination theory, the aim of the present study was to investigate bidirectional relationships between student (dis)engagement and need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behavior during the first 15?min of a lesson.

Sample &; method: The first three 5-minute intervals of 100 videotaped physical education lessons taught by 100 different teachers (51.9% male, M age?=?37.5?±?10.9 years) were observed and coded for need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behavior, student engagement, and student disengagement. Correlations were calculated to explore relationships between student (dis)engagement and teaching behavior over the first 15?minutes of a PE lesson. Next, path analyses were conducted to analyze 5-to-5?minute interactions between teaching behavior and student (dis)engagement.

Results: Student engagement correlated positively and disengagement correlated negatively with need support, while engagement correlated negatively and disengagement correlated positively with need-thwarting over the first 15?minutes of the lesson. There were few significant relationships between student engagement and teachers’ behavior across and between each of the three 5-minute intervals. Only when teachers provided more need support during the first 5?minutes of the lesson, students were more engaged in the third 5?minutes of the lesson. When students were more disengaged during the first 5?minutes of the lesson, teachers displayed less need support in the following 10?minutes of the lesson. In contrast, student disengagement in the second 5?minutes of the lesson related to more need support in the next 5?minutes. Most of the within-interval relationships between student engagement and teachers’ behaviors were inconsistent, but we did find positive relationships between student disengagement and need-thwarting teaching behaviors in the first and third interval, suggesting a rather direct and momentary within 5-minute intervals interaction between teachers and students.

Conclusions: Findings of the present observational study suggest that, although overall relationships between student (dis)engagement and teachers’ behavior were in the expected directions, the picture might become more complicated when relationships are investigated according to the timing of the lesson, an issue that has remained uncovered in self-reported studies. While student disengagement was related to less need support and more need-thwarting teaching behaviors, more detailed analyses showed that it was particularly student disengagement in the beginning of a lesson that elicited less positive teaching behaviors. When students display disengagement further along in the first 15?minutes of the lesson, teachers seemed to respond in a more need-supportive way to student disengagement. Such findings provide interesting insights to build interventions for teachers around certain critical moments during the lesson, for example when dealing with student disengagement at a specific moment in the lesson.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine whether the ALT–PE system (Version 2) is valid as a process approach to estimate student achievement. Students (N = 60) were randomly selected from a data base that includes pretest and posttest scores for two volleyball skills and seven sessions of videotaped instruction. Videotapes were collected using two cameras with a split-screen generator so most instruction and practice could be seen. ALT–PE data were coded from the videotapes. In addition to normal ALT–PE coding conventions, coders recorded the skill that was the focus of instruction. Combinations of context and learner involvement categories were summed for each skill across the seven class sessions and to form other logical categories (e.g., total motor appropriate intervals). Achievement scores were calculated by posttest on pretest regression for each skill with the residual score used for subsequent analysis. Residual achievement scores were correlated with summed ALT–PE categories. The results indicate for the serve both total motor appropriate and practice–motor appropriate intervals were related to student achievement. For the pass, practice–motor appropriate intervals were related to achievement and the total motor appropriate–achievement correlation failed significance. These results demonstrate the validity of the ALT–PE system as a process measure of achievement can be partially substantiated.  相似文献   


This study focused on the differences between experienced and inexperienced physical education teachers' approaches to planning, low inference indicators of teaching behavior during instruction, and global variables from the Beginning Teacher Evaluation Study. It was found experienced teachers asked many more questions before they began planning than did inexperienced teachers. Experienced teachers' plans reflected a concern about contingencies that might arise during instruction, whereas inexperienced teachers' plans did not. Interaction analysis and codings of student engagement showed marked differences between experienced and inexperienced teachers. Judging the qualities of experienced and inexperienced teachers also showed important differences. These sources of data are interrelated and give a vivid picture of how experienced and inexperienced teachers differ in accomplishment of instruction. The findings are discussed in terms of what they may mean for teacher development programs.  相似文献   

This study focused on the differences between experienced and inexperienced physical education teachers' approaches to planning, low inference indicators of teaching behavior during instruction, and global variables from the Beginning Teacher Evaluation Study. It was found experienced teachers asked many more questions before they began planning than did inexperienced teachers. Experienced teachers' plans reflected a concern about contingencies that might arise during instruction, whereas inexperienced teachers' plans did not. Interaction analysis and codings of student engagement showed marked differences between experienced and inexperienced teachers. Judging the qualities of experienced and inexperienced teachers also showed important differences. These sources of data are interrelated and give a vivid picture of how experienced and inexperienced teachers differ in accomplishment of instruction. The findings are discussed in terms of what they may mean for teacher development programs.  相似文献   

There is little research on students' engagement in physical activity in middle school physical education (PE). We observed student activity, lesson context, and teacher behavior in 430 PE lessons taught by 126 teachers in 24 schools. Variables were analyzed by mixed-model nested analyses of covariance. Boys were more active than girls overall and during skill drills, game play, and free play. Student activity varied by lesson context, with fitness activities producing the most activity. Class size was negatively associated with student activity. Daily PE contributed a weekly total of 25 min of vigorous activity and 83 min of moderate-to-vigorous activity--much less than national objectives. Results suggest that numerous opportunities exist for increasing student physical activity during middle school PE.  相似文献   

为探索影响大学生体育锻炼坚持的体育教学因素,研究先通过53名本科生开放式问卷调查,提出假设和设计体育教学因素量表;然后,结合《锻炼坚持量表》对2 072名本科生进行调查研究。验证性因子分析和多元回归分析结果表明:(1)影响锻炼坚持的5个教学因素:教师评价、内容实用、兴趣契合、知识技能、认知体验,5个因素对学生体育课结束后的体育锻炼行为有深远的影响。(2)体育课程的教师得到学生认可度越高,越有利于学生坚持体育锻炼。(3)体育课程的教学内容实用性越强,与学生兴趣契合度越高,越有利于学生坚持体育锻炼。(4)在体育课堂上学到体育知识和技能、体验到锻炼的好处,有利于培养学生坚持体育锻炼的行为。  相似文献   

以终身体育理论为基础,采用文献法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法,就高中体育选修课对学生的终身体育意识是否有影响进行了研究。通过对2008级高中学生进行为期三年的理论与实践的教学研究,结果显示:选修课对学生更好地掌握运动技能,培养运动爱好和特长,养成独立健身的能力,促进终身体育意识的形成具有良好推动作用。并对选修教学的落实、体育教师的综合素质及教学手段和方法的采用等方面提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

This paper explores gendered student learning in physical education (PE) viewed as a situated emerging process involving a triadic relationship between teacher, student(s) and forms of knowledge that are socioculturally bounded. It concerns gymnastic teaching and learning in Tunisia. It was conducted against the background of the Joint Action Studies in Didactics (JASD). Three Tunisian PE teachers having different expertise and experience and 12 male and female students with contrasted skill levels were observed within a gymnastics unit. Based on the video record of the lessons and on teachers' interviews, the findings stress the personal, institutional and cultural dimensions that shape the observed PE practices with special attention to the gendered content taught and learned. The use of the JASD framework highlights the intertwined processes during classroom interactions that influence the co-construction of gendered learning. It makes visible the interplay between the teacher's practical epistemology and the students' gender positioning and its consequence on inequalities in terms of students' learning and the maintenance of gender order in the gym.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from a recent large-scale survey of Physical Education (PE) teachers’ perceptions of teaching dance and compares them to results of a study completed 10 years previously [MacLean, J. (2007). A longitudinal study to ascertain the factors that impact on the confidence of undergraduate physical education student teachers to teach dance in Scottish schools. European Physical Education Review, 13(1), 99–116]. The current position of dance is examined in light of the introduction of Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) in 2010, a national initiative in Scottish schools that provides a unified flexible curricular framework for children aged 3–18. Dance remains part of the PE curriculum but also for the first time in Scotland occupies an additional position within the Expressive Arts (EA). Teachers are positioned as agents of change tasked with greater autonomy, flexibility and responsibility in curriculum design. The inclusion of dance in both PE and EA provides potential for teachers to design curricula that excludes dance from the PE curriculum or alternatively use the opportunity to increase dance provision. Currently, little is known about the impact CfE has on the provision and position of dance or the factors that impinge on teachers’ decisions regarding the inclusion of dance in the curriculum. To further such understanding, 85 secondary school PE teachers responded to a questionnaire concerning dance opportunities within the current school context. In addition, the original participants from MacLean (2007) research were re-interviewed to identify and explore the factors that enable teachers to achieve agency when teaching dance. The results indicated that collaborative planning, united goals and collective action had enabled teachers to significantly increase dance provision in schools. Teacher attention had shifted from concerns about individual capacity to a focus on the level of social, cultural and material support in providing valuable educational experiences in dance for all pupils.  相似文献   

教师教学行为与教学效果密切相关,有效地规范和监控教学行为,能提高教学效果,使课堂师生互动更加充分。通过对南京市10所高校200名体育教师(公体)和800名学生进行了问卷调查,从"教师课前准备、实施教学、课后教学总结"等全面了解体育教师的教学行为,指出了高校体育教师教学行为与师资建设存在问题,为提高体育教师施教能力、加强对体育教师继续教育和培训、改进教学行为提供依据。  相似文献   

“阳光体育”语境下高校公共体育课改革的思考   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
运用文献资料、专家访谈等方法,对我国高校公共体育课教学现状中存在的问题进行研究,研究结果表明存在以下问题:现阶段大学公体课实施目的和目标在契合度上不够合理、高校公体课实施配套设施和师资力量搭配不尽合理、公体课程教学内容和教材缺乏时代性和实用性、教学组织模式和教学方法相对单一、滞后等。进而提出在目标定位上,高校理应把公体教育纳入整个大学生人才培养体系中;在学习内容上,紧扣时尚体育激发学生主动锻炼;在组织形式上,尝试以俱乐部和社团制体育课引导学生自主锻炼;在教育手段上,运用现代科技激发学生学习体育热情;在环境营造上,形成"学校、社区、家庭"三位一体,将体育成为学生生活的组成部分等对策。  相似文献   

Background: A student’s choice to engage in a learning task is highly related to the student’s environmental stimuli and his or her perception of interest. From this perspective, the construct of situational interest (SI) has been used to interpret students’ motivation in task engagement. SI is assumed to be transitory, environmentally activated, and context specific. It has been conceptualized as a multidimensional construct with five dimensions: instant enjoyment, exploration intention, attention demand, novelty, and challenge. Few prior studies have compared SI between girls and boys in physical education (PE) contexts, and these studies have offered contrasting findings. They were conducted in coeducational (coed) or single-sex contexts and used learning tasks centred on a variety of outcomes: technical or tactical skills, creativity and cultural understanding.

Purpose: In the context of the debate on single-sex and coed classes in PE, this study aimed to estimate the effects of single-sex and coed PE classes on students’ situational interest (SI) within learning tasks centred on technical skills. The researchers decided to study learning tasks centred on the development of students’ technical skills, since these tasks are often used by teachers in PE.

Participants: The sample consisted of 177 Swiss secondary school students, aged 11–17 years (M?=?14.07, SD?=?1.41, 96 boys, 81 girls).

Data collection: The students completed the French 15-item SI Scale after practising a technical learning task in single-sex and coed PE contexts. The researchers chose five physical activities (i.e. athletics, basketball, dance, gymnastics, and volleyball), which are commonly taught in the state of Vaud (Switzerland) and provide a balance between masculine and feminine activities.

Data analysis: A two-way repeated-measures MANOVA was performed to examine the main and interaction effects of student sex and class sex composition on the five SI dimensions.

Findings: The results showed a main effect of class sex composition on student SI but no main effect of student sex and no interaction effect of student sex and class sex composition. More precisely, the scores for three SI dimensions (i.e. instant enjoyment, exploration intention, and attention demand) were higher in the coed context than in the single-sex context.

Conclusions: This study encourages teachers to propose coed PE classes to enhance students’ motivation and engagement when practising learning tasks centred on technical skills. This study offers supplementary evidence of the teacher’s role in promoting student SI. Beyond accounting for students’ dispositional factors (e.g. sex), PE teachers can significantly impact students’ SI in technical learning tasks through instructional choices.  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查、数理统计和逻辑分析法,对黑龙江省10所高校在校大学生对体育课的态度进行调查分析,结果表明:高校体育仍然存在着一些片面强调增强学生体质的观念,忽视了高校体育的心理功能因此走入“体育即育体”的狭路;城市来源的大学生对体育课态度、认知、情感高于来自农村的大学生,而行为意向却低于来自农村的大学生。影响黑龙江省普通高校学生体育课态度的主要教学因素是:学生体育基础差,学校体育场地设施不健全,教师教学方法单一、教学内容枯燥、无法满足学生的兴趣,师生之间交流不足、尚未创造良好的体育教学气氛。旨在探索其影响因素以期对未来大学体育课的教学形式、内容改革提供参考。  相似文献   

师生关系对体育教学影响的调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
就中学体育教学中师生关系的现状,对莆田市8所中学1000名学生和50名体育教师进行调查研究。结果表 明体育教学中师生关系总体评价较好,师生关系是影响学生体育课的兴趣和积极性的重要原因,在影响师生关系因素 和体育教师的角色期望上体育教师和学生存在显著差异,更新教师的教育观念是改善师生关系的关键。  相似文献   

作为武术教师必须加强自身职业修养和提高教学能力。身教和言教是教师在施教过程中必不可少的两个方面,武术教师要加强这两方面的修养,树立良好的教学形象。提高教学能力,要具备雄厚的业务实力,包括专业知识和娴熟的技术,合理正确的讲解示范能力,良好的组织能力,准确的纠错能力,灵活应变能力,善作总结能力等,这是提高体育院校武术课教学质量的关键,对高校体育院校推进素质教育意义显见。  相似文献   

The importance of the Physical Education (PE) teacher’s body, particularly for teaching PE, has been highlighted in literature. PE teachers are expected to be clear role models to students through their acts, behaviours and bodies. However, their strong embodied subjectivities, particularly those related to their teaching practices, may be problematised. This paper explores the ways in which a group of 15 pre-service PE teachers from a Spanish university constructed perspectives about the body and health in relation to their professional practices. Body journals were used to collect data, which were analysed using a Deleuze-Guattarian approach. The findings reveal the significant emphasis participants placed on their own bodies while teaching PE and the pressure they felt to conform to certain expectations of their professional roles. In response, we propose critical reflection on the content of Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) programmes and incorporation of alternative pedagogical approaches to alleviate the heavy reliance on pre-service teachers’ bodies.  相似文献   

谢玉波  霍焰 《精武》2013,(21):9-10,12
教师发展已成为教师教育改革的重点方向,反映了当代教育的重要规律。用专业化的视角来审视我国体育教师教育改革,本身是一个对体育教师教育历史的扬弃和对先进的同类经验借鉴的过程。教师专业化发展是我国教师教育改革的一个重要取向,因此,建立合理的体育教师专业化培养体系是对于高等院校的教学改革将起到重要的作用。本文就普通高校体育教师专业化培养体系构建进行研究,提出教师专业化的培养体系应该包括预期职业社会化、继续职业社会化两个阶段;职前培养、入职培养和在职培养三个时期,同时,对高校体育教师的专业化成长过程提出了反思。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,对1360名初中毕业生进行了体育教师教学行为的问卷调查与研究,得出教师的教学行为的7个主要因子,并通过频数分布分析和卡方检验,结果显示:学生喜欢体育课的感觉依次为“可以充分活动”、“能体验到运动乐趣”和“课的内容丰富”。学生不喜欢体育课的感觉依次为“内容没趣味”、“不能充分活动”和“形式单调”等。  相似文献   

就现代化教学体系而言,教学目的不仅要能够提高学生的道德文化修养,还要提高学生的身体素质水平,所以冬季体育教学是当前教学体系的重要组成部分。任课体育教师的素质、学生的学习态度、体育器材、教学方法是影响冬季体育教学质量的主要因素,评价导向规律、内外规律、成长差异与个别差异、动作技能规律等是冬季体育教学应遵循主要规律,是提高冬季体育教学质量的基础。创新教学法、情绪体验教学、开发课程资源等是提高体育教学质量的主要途径。  相似文献   

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