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有待拓展的体育学方法论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
体育学的学科分类是个问题,很长时间体育学是不独立的,一直置于教育学门下,直到20世纪80年代后期,体育学才从教育学中独立出来,作为一级学科,归于人文社会科学.为此,旧有的体育方法论有必要拓展,本文提出,作为研究人的运动行为的体育学应确立“质“的研究方法,建立新的体育学方法论的科学“范式“.  相似文献   

质的研究方法源于人文社会科学范式,是在自然情境下对研究事物进行深入细致考察的方法学。通过资料收集、分析、信效度检验等方法从概念、理论基础、研究策略等层面对质的研究方法学进行全面概述;使其对于学校体育研究的作用和意义、研究现状和应注意的局限性进行分析阐述,并对质的研究方法应用于我国学校体育研究提出建议。  相似文献   

社会、个人的体育需求如何抉择,要考虑需求的满足、合理性与需求的调节、压缩或凝聚。社会与个人对学校体育的需求大致规定着学校体育的功能范围,需求的实现则最终有赖于学校体育系统自身的运作。  相似文献   

就终身体育产生的背景、终身体育的主要特征,以及终身体育对发展社会的实践意义作了一些理论论述,其目的是为了指导人们对现代生活方式作出一种全新的追求,并建立科学、文明、健康的生活方式。  相似文献   

社会转型期我国高等体育院校素质教育的文化透视   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苏明理 《体育科学》2007,27(1):90-94
素质教育是我国社会转型时期教育改革与发展的核心理念,素质教育的实施必须建立在对其整体性和实践性认识的基础之上。研究认为,针对我国高等体育院校学科和专业性质的特殊性,以及自身历史和文化积淀的不足,体育院校素质教育应定位于“学”与“术”的辩证统一,即在“术”的提高的同时加强“学”的支撑,以改变体育院校人文教育与专业技能的失衡状态,为我国社会主义现代化建设提供高素质的体育专业人才。  相似文献   

由于未来社会对人类健康的需要,保证了学校体育的可持续发展,因此,从未来学校体育的整体战略考虑,应以身心健康发展为前提,根据学校体育的重要性和历史责任,提高思想认识,从实际需要出发,改革教学内容,培养学生的终身体育意识,为他们参加社会体育打下基础。  相似文献   

促进学校体育能够进行远程教育的方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立在网络基础上的学校体育远程教学是最经济实用的方式,远程教学应该体现教师和学生双主体特点,要能够进行互动式交流;学校体育教学课件和资料、学校体育资源库和学校体育远程教学网站三者互相关联,前两项是基础。以网络为基础的学校体育远程教育资料要方便阅读、方便下载、方便观赏;在学校体育远程教育建设时应该做到理念清晰、工作流程设计合理、技术应用合理,符合学校体育教学的规律。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the attitudes, knowledge, and activity behaviors of college graduates who completed a lecture-laboratory (concepts) course in physical education during their undergraduate study. Serving as controls were college graduates of the same university who transferred to the university and who received credit for a traditional rather than a concepts course. Both groups were compared to college graduates who “quizzed out” of the concepts course rather than enrolling in the class. Subjects were randomly selected from the 1977 and 1979 graduating classes. All those selected as subjects received a questionnaire containing an attitude test, a knowledge lest, and an activity checklist. Fifty-nine percent of the 300 questionnaires were returned. Multivariate analyses indicated that the concepts groups possessed attitude-knowledge-activity profiles which differed from those of either of the other groups. Though differences were not uniform for the two years studied, knowledge was consistently the greatest contributor to differences between transfer and concepts groups. Univariate and combined year analyses indicated that, though less consistent than the knowledge differences, attitude and activity differences among groups also existed. In general, the results suggested that a college level conceptual physical education class can have positive long term effects.  相似文献   

This study extended Schilling's (2001) study by investigating program commitment among a larger (N = 12), older (M = 16.7 years), and more experienced (M = 5.96 years) sample of participants in the Project Effort Youth Leader Corps. Individual interviews elicited a greater number and specificity of themes. Program-related barriers included logistics, structure, and relationships, and personal-related barriers included perceived alternatives, personal characteristics, and “real-life” responsibilities. Similar to Schilling's (2001) earlier study, antecedents grouped under program environment, program structure, relationships, and personal characteristics. Participants also described outcomes in terms of behavior and emotional involvement but reported more themes related to leadership. Results are discussed in terms of consistencies and changes over time and implications for program development, expansion, and evaluation.  相似文献   

以体育教育传播这一研究话题作为逻辑起点,通过对传播学与体育教育传播学的简要概述,描述传播学视野下的体育教育传播,并从传播学层面阐述了体育教育传播媒体由单一媒体传播到多媒体传播的发展历程,从而解决了体育教育手段滞后的现状,提高了教学质量,促进学生用较少时间掌握并完成学习任务,同时最大限度的获得了体育知识与信息,使体育教育更加丰实。  相似文献   


A statewide program assessment was established to make positive change in physical education school programs in South Carolina. Reform efforts depend both on balancing accountability for change and teacher support for change (Odden &Anderson, 1986). The purpose of the study was to determine teacher perceptions of the South Carolina Physical Education Assessment Program and its effects across six related themes including: changes in teaching and learning, changes in curriculum and instruction, teacher awareness of the assessment program, teacher support for the program, work place conditions, and the advocacy role of the program. It was also the purpose of this study to determine if the survey responses were in any way related to teacher and school variables. The overall results of the study indicated positive change and support for the assessment program, supporting the viability of the standards, assessment, and accountability reform effort to positively impact physical education programs.  相似文献   

人本主义教育理念对体育教学的影响和思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国学校体育教育要体现人本主义教育理念,必须理清以下几方面的问题:人本主义在体育教育中的提出及含义;人本主义教育理念与素质教育理念在体育教育中的相互呼应;人本主义教育理念对体育课程改革的影响;  相似文献   

武军 《西安体育学院学报》2007,24(5):109-111,124
目前高校体育教学研究活动极为活跃,但也存在一些必须正视的问题。在了解高校体育教学研究现状的基础上,根据体育教学研究的实际需要,就高校体育教学研究中开展"质的研究"的意义及应用作一初步探讨,以开阔体育教学科研方法论的视野。  相似文献   

Purpose: Scholarship is essential for the growth and development of the physical education field. Over time, scholarship expectations have changed, forcing faculty members to alter time spent for research, teaching, and service. Social-cognitive career theory (SCCT) presents a model for understanding performance and persistence in an occupational environment. The interconnected aspects of SCCT have different emphasis related to self-efficacy, outcome expectations, or personal goals pursuit. This study explored physical education teacher education (PETE) faculty members’ continuing engagement in scholarly activity through SCCT. Method: Data collection included interviews with 9 senior PETE faculty members who met the criteria for “productive scholars over time.” Curriculum vitae were collected to verify productivity. Results: Data analysis revealed guidepost themes that included collaborating, finding balance, defining a research process, and maintaining a strong work ethic. Roadblocks encountered included other obligations and lack of support for research. Conclusions: Participants demonstrated strong self-efficacy; held high, positive expectations for success; and set very specific, clear, and deliberate goals. Participant behavior was moderated by their personal attributes (capacity to build relationships, set goals, and maintain interest and passion) and was tempered by the environments in which they worked. Fostering similar behaviors has the potential to guide future and current PETE faculty members in creating supportive and encouraging atmospheres for sustained productivity. The lack of literature relating to this topic warrants the need for more research exploring the influential factors and benefits gained from sustained scholarly productivity over time for PETE faculty members.  相似文献   

社会体育可持续发展与学校体育发展之原则   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
运用文献资料、归类比较、逻辑分析法,阐述社会体育可持续发展与学校体育之关系,分析影响学校体育自身发展的诸多因素,如体育观念陈旧、教学内容繁杂而脱离实际、教学效果不佳等,提出发展学校体育的原则:终身体育;持续性、系统性;技术性与知识性相结合;先进性、时代性以及社会性、协调性等。  相似文献   

张一文 《体育科技》2005,26(3):8-10
社区群众体育的蓬勃开展引起企业的青睐,许多企业纷纷出资赞助开展社区群众体育比赛,使社区群众体育比赛能顺利地开展,同时通过社区群众体育比赛使企业进一步扩大影响,他们相互利用、相互依赖,互利互惠地有机结合在一起,向良性方向发展。  相似文献   

体育教师参与体育课程实施的影响因素及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料、逻辑论证等研究方法,对体育教师参与体育课程实施情况进行探讨。认为:体育教师参与体育课程实施具有双向共赢性,影响体育教师参与体育课程实施的因素主要包括体育教师文化程度、素质、课程设计,学校行政资源、课程文本的可行性等。提出:应重视体育教师参与课程实施的主体地位.赋予体育教师参与课程决策的权利;培育体育教师参与课程实施的合作文化,提升其参与课程实施的综合素质;建立校长领导体育课程实施的责任制度,确保体育教师参与课程实施的资源供给;制定体育教师参与课程设计的保障措施,强化其参与课程实施的主体意识;构建体育教师对话学科专家的互动平台,完善其参与课程实施的培训机制等。  相似文献   

近年来体育教学理论虽不断丰富,但主要停留在数量的增长上,"内卷化"问题较为凸显,这不仅阻滞了体育教学理论的良性发展,而且会使体育教学理论陷入"实践乏力"的生存危机。体育教学理论发展之所以会遭遇"内卷化"问题,一方面与其外引式研究范式和规模扩张发展阶段有关,另一方面与其研究方法单一且使用不当有关。为走出"内卷化"困境,今后要围绕体育教学基本问题展开立体化研究,增强体育教学研究方法的科学性和多样性,提升体育教学研究各方的协同力度和合作品质。  相似文献   

运用综合集成法、献资料法和专家调查法,按照事先确定的查找范围和途径,并经汇总、整理、分类及筛选,从中获得研究所需的献资料和数据。经过对相关献资料及问卷调查结果的分析研究,得到一个比较全面、客观的评价结果,基本了解了西北地区体育市场现状及基本态度和看法。  相似文献   

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