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Reviewed by Joseph B. Oxendine, Physical Education Department, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法和实验法相结合,探讨了国外青少年有氧能力测量与评价的发展过程与现状,并应用有氧能力测评指标20m往返跑对上海市城区7-17岁在校学生进行测试,了解上海城区青少年有氧能力成绩现状,通过与国外报道数据的比较研究了解上海城区青少年有氧能力水平的差异,为我国青少年心肺耐力的测评研究提供参考。  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the between-day reliability and usefulness of a fitness testing battery in a group of youth sport athletes. Fifty-nine youth sport athletes (age = 17.3 ± 0.7 years) undertook a fitness testing battery including the isometric mid-thigh pull, counter-movement jump, 5–40 m sprint splits, and the 5–0-5 change of direction test on two occasions separated by 7 days. Usefulness was assessed by comparing the reliability (typical error) to the smallest worthwhile change. The typical error was 5.5% for isometric mid-thigh pull and 3.8% for counter-movement jump. The typical error values were 2.7, 2.5, 2.2, 2.2, and 1.8% for the 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 m sprint splits, and 4.1% (left) and 5.4% (right) for the 5–0-5 tests. The smallest worthwhile change ranged from 1.1 to 6.1%. All tests were identified as having “good” or “acceptable” reliability. The isometric mid-thigh pull and counter-movement jump had “good” usefulness, all other tests had “marginal” usefulness.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine test–retest reliability for the 1-mile, 3/4-mile, and 1/2-mile distance run/walk tests for children in Grades K—4. Fifty-one intact physical education classes were randomly assigned to one of the three distance run conditions. A total of 1,229 (621 boys, 608 girls) complied the test–retests in the fall (October), with 1,050 of these students (543 boys, 507 girls) repeating the tests in the spring (May). Results indicated that the 1-mile run/walk distance, as recommended for young children in most national test batteries, has acceptable intraclass reliability (.83 < R < .90) for both boys and girls in Grades 3 and 4, has minimal (fall) to acceptable (spring) reliability for Grade 2 students (.70 < R < .83), but is not reliable for children in Grades K and 1 (.34 < R < .56). The 1/2 mile was the only distance meeting minimal reliability standards for boys and girls in Grades K and 1 (.73 < R < .82). Results also indicated that reliability estimates remained fairly stable across gender and age groups from the fall to spring testing periods, with the exception of the noticeably improved values for Grade 2 students on the 1-mile run/walk test. Criterion-referenced reliability (P, percent agreement) was also estimated relative to Physical Best and Fitnessgram run/walk standards. Reliability coefficients for all age group standards were acceptable to high (.70 < P < .95), except for Fitnessgram standards for 5-year-old girls on the 1-mile test for both fall and spring and for 6-year-old boys and girls on the 1-mile test administered in the spring.  相似文献   

Purpose: There is currently no standardized testing protocol for assessing clients’ fitness/health within the Australian fitness industry. This study examined the perceptions of the feasibility of using a standardized testing protocol among Australian fitness industry professionals. Method: In 2014, 1,206 registered fitness industry professionals (aged 17–69 years) completed an online survey. Perceived feasibility for using a standardized testing protocol was assessed based on responses to 6 items. Respondents were classified as having a high level of perceived feasibility if they reported all 6 items to be “definitely feasible.” A multivariate logistic regression analysis, adjusting for demographic and fitness industry-related factors (e.g., qualification/years of experience), assessed the likelihood of having a high level of perceived feasibility. Results: Overall, 25.5% (95% CI [23.1%, 28.0%]) of the sample perceived the use of a standardized testing protocol as highly feasible. Items ranked most often as “definitely feasible” were “undertaking training to use the protocol” (55%) and “conducting follow-up testing every 6 to 12 weeks” (52%). After adjustment for the effect of confounding factors, casually employed professionals (OR = 0.63; 95% CI [0.45, 0.90]) and group instructors (OR = 0.58; 95% CI [0.41, 0.82]) were less likely to perceive standardized testing protocols as highly feasible. Conclusions: Among a large sample of Australian fitness industry professionals, slightly more than a quarter perceived using a standardized testing protocol to be highly feasible. Group instructors and casual employees perceived lower feasibility. Further research should determine the barriers to implementing a standardized testing protocol across the fitness industry.  相似文献   

通过对受试者的问卷调查和专家的结构式访谈,结合动机理论,假设了体质测试受试者动机理论模型。根据该理论模型,编制体质测试受试者动机问卷,对北京市2005年国家国民体质监测的成年组(20—69岁)252名受试者进行了问卷调查。调查结果经过项目分析和结构方程模型分析.问卷中6个分量表的内部一致性系数均在0.7以上,假设模型各拟合指标是c2/df=2.203,CF1=0.976,TL1=0.971,RMSEA=0.075,检验的结果表明该问卷具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   


Historically, a measure of upper body strength and endurance has been included in fitness test batteries that are typically administered in the school setting. Pull-ups, or some modified form of pull-ups, have been the most popular test item used for the measurement of upper body strength and endurance. Despite the widespread usage of pull-ups, the test has often been criticized because of the large number of zero scores and the subsequent loss of discrimination among ability levels (Jackson & Griffin, 1983). The inability to achieve a score is perceived as failure on the part of the student.  相似文献   

采用关联规则数据挖掘法,对上海市某高校教职工体质测试数据进行相关分析,建立体质总评与各单项指标关联规则数据挖掘模型。结果显示:对青年教职工体质影响较大的单项指标为最大摄氧量、舒张压、左手握力、仰卧起坐、体脂率等;对中年教职工影响较大的指标为最大摄氧量、上肢力量、躯干力量等。建议为促进高校教职工的体质健康,应优先考虑发展其心肺机能,改善上肢和躯干力量。  相似文献   

摆臂技术,是100m跑重要的专项技术。摆臂在运动员跑动过程中,不仅起到维持身体平衡的作用,而且还有提高跑速的作用。女子短跑运动员因先天生理因素,在上肢力量水平上与男子相差较远,且可训练性低于男子。通过文献资料法、实验、数理统计法、逻辑分析法,对肇庆职业学校田径队100m专项的16名高中女生进行上肢力量训练实验,结果表明高中女子短跑运动员维持其他训练手段不变,在上肢力量加强训练后,能够有效的提高短跑专项成绩。  相似文献   


Despite the popularity of open-wheel car racing, scientific literature about the physical characteristics of competitive race car drivers is scarce. The purpose of this study was to compare selected fitness parameters of experienced and junior open-wheel race car drivers. The experienced drivers consisted of five Formula One, two GP2 and two Formula 3 drivers, and the nine junior drivers drove in the Formula Master, Koenig, BMW and Renault series. The following fitness parameters were tested: multiple reactions, multiple anticipation, postural stability, isometric upper body strength, isometric leg extension strength, isometric grip strength, cyclic foot speed and jump height. The group differences were calculated using the Mann-Whitney U-test. Because of the multiple testing strategy used, the statistical significance was Bonferroni corrected and set at P < 0.004. Significant differences between the experienced and junior drivers were found only for the jump height parameter (P = 0.002). The experienced drivers tended to perform better in leg strength (P = 0.009), cyclic foot speed (P = 0.024) and grip strength (P = 0.058). None of the other variables differed between the groups. The results suggested that the experienced drivers were significantly more powerful than the junior drivers: they tended to be quicker and stronger (18% to 25%) but without statistical significance. The experienced drivers demonstrated excellent strength and power compared with other high-performance athletes.  相似文献   

利用CYBEX-NormT等速测试系统对我国46名优秀女子足球运动员膝关节屈伸肌群进行等速向心收缩测试与分析,结果提示:(1)提高我国女子足球运动员伸肌的最大力量和快速力量是提高运动能力的关键;(2)为防止腘绳肌的拉伤,应适当提高女足队员的膝关节屈肌的力量;(3)我国女子足球运动员膝关节屈伸肌比率不均衡是导致膝关节损伤的主要原因,力量训练中应加强屈、伸肌力量,尤其是伸肌的力量,以改善屈伸比率的不平衡,防止损伤的发生;(4)我国女子足球运动员存在两腿屈、伸肌力量不平衡现象,在力量训练中,应加强对弱势腿的力量训练,以保证两腿的肌力平衡,防止损伤的发生。  相似文献   

Background: Noteworthy proportions of adolescents – particularly females – report negatively about their experiences regarding fitness and the testing of it during physical education (PE). These accounts often coincide with lower levels of body image, fitness, motivation, and physical activity and higher rates of attrition from optional PE.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to test path relations between body size dissatisfaction (BSD), test anxiety (TA), self-efficacy, and fitness-related outcomes during fitness in PE and to determine whether these differ as a function of gender and level of BSD.

Method: Survey data were collected from 394 9th and 10th-grade students in southern Ontario, Canada. A previously validated BSD measure was used that consisted of a series of nine gender-specific silhouettes ranging from very thin/slender to very large/overweight. Students’ dissatisfaction score involved subtracting self-ratings of their ideal body size from current body size estimates. Fitness indices in PE (FIPE)was the z-score of the sum of self-reported fitness level, fitness grade in PE, and frequency of active exercise at least 30 minutes per day. Self-efficacy and TA were assessed using established scales from the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire.

Data analysis: Multivariate analysis of variance was used to assess group differences whereas gender-specific confirmatory factor and path analyses were used to test the proposed path in which relations between BSD and FIPE were manifest indirectly through TA and self-efficacy.

Findings: The hypothetical path fit the data in the overall sample and fit better for females than for males. Females reported a higher BSD and a lower self-efficacy and FIPE than males. BSD was evident in both genders with most females desiring a thinner body compared to boys who had relatively equal proportions wanting to be bigger and thinner. Males wanting to be smaller reported significantly lower self-efficacy and FIPE than males with little BSD or those wanting to be larger. Females desiring a thinner body reported significantly more TA and lower FIPE than females with no BSD.

Conclusion: Body image concerns and elevated levels of anxiety appear to undergird the influence of self-efficacy on FIPE. This is particularly so in females, although both females and males with a BSD are susceptible to lowered fitness motivation and achievement in PE. Suggestions are provided to help physical educators to structure fitness curricula and pedagogy to better minimize this vulnerability. These include catering to the gender-specific needs and preferences for fitness activities during PE including the testing of fitness.  相似文献   


The aim of the study was to examine the sticking region and concomitant neuromuscular activation of the prime movers during six-repetition maximum (RM) bench pressing. We hypothesised that both peak velocities would decrease and that the electromyography (EMG) of the prime movers (deltoid, major pectoralis and triceps) would increase during the pre-sticking and sticking region during the six repetitions due to fatigue. Thirteen resistance-trained males (age 22.8 ± 2.2 years, stature 1.82 ± 0.06 m, body mass 83.4 ± 7.6 kg) performed 6-RM bench presses. Barbell kinematics and EMG activity of pectoralis major, deltoid anterior, and triceps brachii during the pre-, sticking and post-sticking region of each repetition in a 6-RM bench press were analysed. For both the sticking as the post-sticking region, the time increased significantly from the first to the sixth repetition. Vertical barbell height at the start of sticking region was lower, while the height at the end of the sticking region and post-sticking region did not change during the six repetitions. It was concluded that in 6-RM bench pressing performance, the sticking region is a poor mechanical force region due to the unchanged barbell height at the end of the sticking region. Furthermore, when fatigue occurs, the pectoralis and the deltoid muscles are responsible for surpassing the sticking region as indicated by their increased activity during the pre- and sticking region during the six-repetitions bench press.  相似文献   

通过对安徽省不同地、市高校大学生《标准》测试的五项指标成绩进行对比分析,结果发现:我省大学生身体健康水平总体呈正态分布,基本达到了《标准》的要求,但是明显低于2000年全国测试的水平;男生测试成绩稍微优于女生,各个项目得分间存在着一定的差别,这于各测试项目评分标准制定不具有可比性有一定的关系。高年级学生在上肢力量和下肢爆发力方面比低年级身体素质普遍要好,而在心、肺功能和身体形态比例上则没有变化。  相似文献   

重庆高校《国家学生体质健康标准》测试结果分析与研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文运用测试法、文献资料法和数理统计法,采用教育部推荐的测试仪器,按照《国家学生体质健康标准》所确定的测试内容和方法,对重庆高校非体育专业学生体质健康进行了测试与研究。结果表明:重庆市大学生体质健康呈两极分化,身体形态令人担忧,身体素质发展不均衡,整体情况不容乐观。为此提出建议性对策。  相似文献   

全国男子排球联赛参赛运动员体能测试项目设置分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
在对我国男子排球联赛参赛运动员体能测试项目进行理论分析及对参加2002年海埂集训的全体运动员和教练员进行问卷调查基础上,论证取消"800m跑",增加"100m跑",以"9m×10次移动"取代"6m×16次网下穿越移动"的依据,并确定了体能测试2个新项目的成绩标准。  相似文献   

普通高校学生体质健康测试工作主要问题分析与对策   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用文献法、数理统计和专家访谈等研究方法,对近几年普通高校学生体质健康测试工作的重要环节和工作模式做出分析,包括加强高校体质测试中心硬件、软件建设;测试计划的合理安排;根据上报数据对学生体质健康现状进行分析并采取有效措施。最后针对目前普通高校体质测试中面临的主要困难提出应对措施,包括积极引用智能型体质测试仪、合理安排数据上报时间及加强对《标准》的宣传等。  相似文献   

排球运动员身体素质测定的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
收集整理了中日、日本、美国,加拿大、前苏联、荷兰等六国排球运动员身体素质测定项目共106项,合并同类项后成为61项目.排球运动员身体素质分为六大领域,按所属领域把61项目归类后进行比较研究,得出①从俯卧开始20米快跑;②扣球跳;③三级蛙跳④投实心球;⑤平板仰卧起坐;⑥12分钟跑;⑦摸三米线移动;⑧36米移动;⑨深蹲杠铃;⑩立位体前屈,共10项目为各国排球运动员身体质测定的基本项目.  相似文献   

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