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What is PE?     
Physical education is a socially constructed activity that forms one component of a wider physical culture that includes sport and health/physical activity . The terms sport and physical education are often used interchangeably in school contexts, where sport and health continue to shape what is understood by the term physical education. This study explores discourses shaping pre-service primary teachers' understandings of the nature and purposes of physical education within an Irish context and the relationship between these understandings. A 10-minute writing task prompted by the question ‘what is physical education?’ was completed by a sample of pre-service teachers (n=544, age range 18–46, 8.8% male) from two colleges of education, prior to the physical education component of their teacher education programme. Content analysis involved an initial text frequency search to create categories which were collapsed into three broad areas of students' understandings of physical education—sport, health and physical education. The research design allowed access to pre-service teachers' understandings of physical education. Participants' understandings reflected their own school experiences and were framed within health and sport ideologies of physical education. Although acknowledged as an important part of school life physical education was perceived as a break from academic subjects where the purpose of learning was to learn sports and activities to stay fit and healthy. While the overwhelmingly positive nature of participants' experiences and the changing discourses around competition and team games are encouraging the dominant discourses of physical education continue to reflect the dominant aspects of wider physical culture in Ireland. The capacity of physical education to move beyond reproducing dominant sport and health ideologies provides a significant challenge to teacher education contexts, to challenge dominant discourses and recreate understandings of physical education for future action.  相似文献   

现代高校体育教育确立了以“快乐体育”和“终身体育”的指导思想,并注重对学生综合能力的培养,高校体育作为高校教育的重要组成部分,是提升学生综合素质能力的主要方式之一。高校体育课程的主要目标是增强体质,增进健康,培养运动兴趣,习惯和运动能力,增强学生自我保健意识。“课内外一体化”教育模式将课堂教学延展到课外,将课内与课外有机结合,是实现“终身体育”思想的有效途径。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查、数理统计等方法,以安徽省城市小学生家庭为调查对象,对小学生家庭体育教育现状进行研究。结果显示,小学生家庭中有23.4%的家庭开展了家庭体育教育,且多数家庭是在"孩子主动要求"下实施的,主要目的是锻炼孩子身体和满足孩子兴趣需求;小学生家庭体育教育项目主要是乒乓球、篮球、跆拳道、羽毛球、足球、游泳和轮滑等项目,时段尽量安排在寒暑假和双休日;没有实施家庭体育教育的最主要原因是家长担心影响孩子的学习。从家庭、学校和社会3个方面为小学生家庭体育教育的健康发展提出建设性参考意见。  相似文献   

随着素质教育的不断推进,国家对青少年未来体育健康问题高度的关注。国务院下发《关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》明确指出,各级中小学利用5年的时间,是全国的中小学学生达到国家体质健康的要求。本文针对甘肃省民勤县中小学学生体质健康存在的问题进行问卷调查和走访,从不同的角度和层次对该县中小学学生体质健康问题存在的因素进行分析,找出影响该县青少年体质健康的瓶颈,并且根据该县中小学学生体质健康水平的实际情况,提出对策。  相似文献   

本研究以通识教育为核心理念,以通识教育理念关注人、人的生活及其发展的视角,从身体健康管理能力与管理行为两个方面为切入点,通过问卷调查与数据分析,对高等院校(非体育类)的体育课程进行教育成效分析,并提出高等学校体育教育在培养学生形成终身体育意识的同时,更重要的应该是传授学生如何通过终身体育的行为获取终身健康的建议。  相似文献   

Various government policies, strategies and responses in England over the years have highlighted schools and physical education to be instrumental in addressing health and the focus on health has been strengthened within subsequent revisions of the National Curriculum. Whilst this might seem encouraging, concerns have been expressed that such policies and governmental regulation increasingly bear features of a ‘performative culture’ and that these have led to increasingly widespread health surveillance in schools. Linked to this are long-standing concerns over the way in which health is addressed in schools and physical education, as well as over some of the monitoring measures and practices employed within the curriculum. Despite this, little is known about monitoring practices in physical education. This article, therefore, presents findings of a study which aimed to (1) determine the nature, prevalence and purpose of monitoring health, physical activity and physical fitness within the physical education curriculum and (2) establish physical education teachers' views of and approaches to monitoring. The study comprised two phases. The first phase involved a survey completed by Heads of Physical Education in 110 secondary schools from across England, and the second semi-structured interviews with 18 of those from the original sample. The findings revealed monitoring, and in particular fitness monitoring, to be a common feature within the physical education curriculum in many schools. However, a number of issues and limitations associated with monitoring and some of the schools' monitoring practices were identified, and the individualistic nature and performative culture reflected in and reinforced through monitoring were acknowledged as potentially problematic. It was thus suggested that if the findings are typical, then monitoring practice is currently not in a good state of health. The article concludes proposing a way forward for monitoring within physical education in the form of some recommendations for practice.  相似文献   

In the debate over health, one political message has become more and more dominant in western societies over the past decade: Get moving! The logic seems to be that physical activity per se equals better health and that the more physical activity, the better one's health. This logic has, among other things, induced an increased political focus on educational settings and physical education (PE) as a central place for promoting health by increasing physical activity. Today PE is often explicitly identified with health in contemporary school curricula, and this means that PE teachers unavoidably encounter contemporary perceptions of health and physical activity in their professional practice. Taking as its starting point four different teaching resources produced for health education in the Danish Primary School, this article presents four different health cultures and their recommendations for physical activity as a health-promoting practice. The aim is to challenge current perceptions of health and the related recommendations for physical activity in providing a springboard for health communicators and PE teachers to reflect on the health cultures they encounter and maybe to consider how these aligns their own preferred health culture.  相似文献   

张占永 《体育科学》2004,24(5):55-57
采用问卷调查法对河北省县级中学贯彻《学校体育工作条例》和《学校卫生工作条例》的情况进行了深入调查。结果表明:河北省县级中学体育课总体开课率达1OO%,但有26.93%的学校未按要求开齐开足体育课;76.92%的学校学生课外活动时间每周不足3次;50%的学校不开设健康教育课;92.31%的学校没有按要求配备专职卫生技术人员。  相似文献   

The positioning of physical education in the school curriculum continues to reflect external discourses circulating in political and social milieu. As increasing austerity measures influence and restrict educational priorities, we consider that there is an urgent need for physical educationalists to articulate a rationale for an educational contribution which is worthy of investment and which avoids the pitfalls of conceptual ambiguity and/or reliance on narrowly drawn health evidence. We, therefore, write as teacher educators, working within a critical framework, who are concerned by the disconnection between competing visions of physical education, when examined from contemporary sociological and philosophical perspectives. With reference to the policy opportunities available in Scotland, we identify how cultivating salutogenic approaches, where a broad, but nevertheless coherent perspective on health and well-being is advanced could offer enhanced prospects for the centrality of physical education in education and schooling. However, apart from the contribution of Quennerstedt, quite how such approaches can be modelled in curriculum has received little critical attention. We see the potential in applying Tiberius's philosophical and social psychological ideas on developing reflective wisdom and of nurturing in education productive experiences which can help pupils deepen their understanding of the health and well-being decisions they make and of the lives they choose to live. After reviewing the contextual influences on policy, we have begun to consider in embryonic terms the methodological possibilities for teachers as insightful and active curriculum decision makers in years to come. We conclude by summarising the benefits of re-conceptualising experiences in physical education in order to help pupils' make informed decisions which are based on enhanced self-awareness and a perspective on the world that views physical education as an essentially optimistic and good endeavour which is worthy of sustained commitment.  相似文献   


Little is known about children's activity levels during physical education classes and how they relate to the national health objectives for the year 2000 (U.S. Public Health Service, 1991). We systematically observed students' physical activity and associated variables in 293 third-grade physical education lessons in 95 schools in 4 Child and Adolescent Trial for Cardio-vascular Health (CATCH) centers in California, Louisiana, Minnesota, and Texas. The influence of independent variables was assessed simultaneously by analysis of variance. Significant differences among study centers were evidenced for both physical activity and lesson context variables. Additionally, there were differences among variables for lesson location and teacher specialty, but not for teacher gender. Boys were more active than girls, but only during free play opportunities. The findings have widespread implications for educators responsible for developing and implementing health-related physical education programs, as well as for designing and conducting staff development.  相似文献   

根据素质教育的要求 ,分析了体育教育的内涵。提出体育课程改革要从运动技术教育为主的教育转向“健康第一”的教育。  相似文献   

The potential benefits of physical education (PE) are universal for all pupils. However, facilitating such benefits in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) requires careful planning. This paper reports on a small-scale case study at one school in eastern England, exploring physical education through the eyes of children (n = 5), aged 12–16, with autistic spectrum disorders. Photo-elicitation was adopted as the research tool to accord authority to the voices of the pupils, empowering them to share their feelings towards the subject by capturing significant aspects of physical education. The photographs provided prompts for greater exploration during unstructured interviews. Using the concepts of Bourdieu's reflexive sociology, the paper draws attention to how pupil's embodied dispositions interacted with what may be illustrated as the delimited spaces of the physical education field—physical education changing rooms, physical education corridors, the physical education teacher's office and physical education activities in the development of positive and negative positions and practices. The teacher's office was regarded positively as were activities that provided opportunities for engagement with peers. Opportunities to be heroic, such as scoring a goal for their team or being given an official role were important factors as was the opportunity to engage in some team sports. However, pupils' interaction with the changing rooms and physical education corridors were viewed with trepidation, worry and fear. The paper concludes by highlighting that both positive and negative interactions with the spaces of physical education develop forms of social and symbolic capital shaping the physical education experiences for pupils with ASD. Anticipating barriers presented within these integral fields of physical education space can help in preparing a rich and inclusive experience for pupils with ASD. Teachers may be better informed in providing strategies to facilitate communication and social interaction whilst allowing all pupils to engage positively with physical education.  相似文献   

Using Nicholl's (1989) and Dweck's (1999, 2002) theories on ability as conceptual frameworks, this study explored teachers' and students' conceptions of ability in elementary physical education. Participants were 8 physical education specialists from five public schools and 160 students from their second- and fourth-grade classes. Teacher and student interviews and questionnaires were used for data collection. When asked to describe the “best” and “poorest” students in their physical education classes, teachers defined or referenced student status solely in terms of class behavior and effort, such as participation and working hard. In contrast, students primarily used ability-related indicators, such as task mastery and social comparison along with class behavior as criteria of their own ability. Overall, teachers and students had different views of “good” students in elementary physical education. In an era of standards-based learning and accountability in education, teachers may need to focus more on a task-involved climate by taking into account student learning and achievement.  相似文献   

冰雪体育教育人文化探析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
林彬  唐宝盛 《冰雪运动》2010,32(4):67-70
通过对冰雪体育教育人文化涵义的阐述,指出传统的冰雪体育教育在教学目的、内容、方法、评价上存在着诸多非人文化因素,近年来虽然进行了一些改革,但离以人为本、健康第一、素质教育和终身体育的要求还相距甚远。论述了实现冰雪体育教育人文化的途径:着眼于大学生人性的培养、丰富和提升,突出发展大学生的主体性;创设快乐的冰雪体育人文教学环境,激发大学生的学习动机,引导大学生在学习中尽可能地表现出自主性、能动性和创造性;把人文化的教育思想贯彻到教学目标、内容、方法、评价的每一环节,通过冰雪体育教育实现健康体育、快乐体育、个性体育、终身体育和人文体育。  相似文献   

根据大学社会体育专业学生的综合素质现状、就业需要以及社会体育专业学生培养目标和方向的要求,在高校社会体育专业设置中国古代养生史课程,有重要的史学价值及文化价值,对于促进学生掌握正确的养生方法,培养科学的养生观,更好地指导全民健身运动起着重要的作用,从而为构建社会主义和谐社会作出贡献。  相似文献   

随着体育与健康课程改革的不断深入,体育教师必须转变教学技能,以应对体育与健康课程的需要。本文分析了体育与健康课程中体育教师教学技能转变的原因,进而探讨了体育教师必须增补的教学技能和原有教学技能必要的更新。  相似文献   

健康教育与学校体育教育模式改革的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校体育立“素质教育”、树“健康第一”的指导思想是新时期学校体育发展的必然走向。但学校体育其健康教育还停留于形式上,还没有完全从原有的模式跳出来。学校体育改革就是要我们去做一种与以往不同、但能达到以增进健康为主要目的的体育活动。从大众体育健康的角度,忽视或不要去刻意追求过去哪种生理“波峰”的传统模式。  相似文献   

徐英超是"体质教育思想"的首创者,这一思想在我国学校体育发展史中具有重要的地位。运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,通过不同的视角深度剖析徐英超体质教育思想,旨在呈现徐英超体质教育思想的形成动因与内在逻辑,并挖掘体质教育思想对当前学校体育的启示。研究认为徐英超体质教育思想的成因在于反思体育的概念,内在逻辑包含3个方面:体育教学的视点应从技术传习回归身体教育,实证调研是揭示与掌握体质变化规律的关键,良好的心态与生活方式是促进体质健康的外部保障。徐英超体质教育思想的当代启示:正视增强体质与技术教学之关系;参考体测结果调整体育教学方向;建构面向生活的体育健康教育观。  相似文献   

Sport, health and physical education (SHPE) researchers have increasingly embraced the salutogenic model of health devised by Aaron Antonvosky, to re-understand and problematise the relation between movement, physical activity or physical education on one hand, and health on the other. However, contemporary research employing Antonovsky's theories has almost exclusively focused on the sense of coherence scale. In so doing, we suggest salutogenic researchers have missed opportunities to explore the sociological aspects of Antonovsky's work. In responding to this challenge, we demonstrate the generative possibilities posed by social theory for those seeking to inform and design salutogenically oriented SHPE programmes for children and young people. As such, we first review Antonovsky's theory of salutogenesis to highlight the sociocultural aspects of his model. We then draw on these sociocultural underpinnings to propose additional, alternative approaches to salutogenic research in SHPE, according to the theoretical and methodological tools devised by Michel Foucault [1990. The use of pleasure: The history of sexuality (Vol. 2, R. Hurley, Trans.). New York: Vintage Books]. In conclusion, we propose a schedule of research questions to inspire qualitative endeavours that move beyond privileged biomedical perspectives, to investigate health in terms of how individuals live a good life. In short, we contend that such investigations are best achieved when researchers approach ‘health by stealth’.  相似文献   


The promotion of cardiorespiratory fitness through increased physical activity has become a national public health objective for both adults and children. Based on numerous small-scale studies it appears that children are highly fit but the population distribution is unknown due to the lack of rigorous population studies. Very little is known about the extent of children's physical activity; the available evidence does not support the hypothesis that children obtain sufficient activity to explain their generally high levels of fitness. Due to the lack of evidence of substantial carry-over effects of youth fitness to adult health and the likelihood of children's resistance to vigorous fitness routines, there is little reason to recommend an aerobic training focus in physical education. A focus on enjoyable moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) with carry-over value to adulthood is recommended. Physical education is an important vehicle for promoting physical activity by children; it appears, however, that children may obtain little MVPA during physical education class.  相似文献   

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