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孙兵 《图书馆学刊》2009,31(11):86-88
知识组织是信息组织发展到一定阶段的产物,知识组织工具是其在实践中的具体应用形式。目前主要的知识组织工具有分类表、叙词表和知识本体等。对这三种工具近年来在知识组织领域中的研究情况进行分析。并从多个角度对三者进行比较,最后探讨了知识组织工具未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

《英文超级科技词表》是一个包含4层结构的知识组织系统,范畴体系为其顶层结构,起到类聚概念和表达词表宏观知识结构的作用。以工程技术为例,研究基于DDC构建《英文超级科技词表》范畴体系的方法。首先分析DDC类目体系的结构特征,针对DDC类目层级过深、重要学科类目得不到突出显示的问题提出重构类目导航体系的方法。然后对工程技术相关类目进行深入分析,参考《中国图书馆分类法》、EI分类表进行学科类目重组,提取工程技术基本学科24个,并确定各学科的基本构成类目。最后提出对各学科细分类目进行梳理的原则。  相似文献   

文章论述了科学专业图书馆和大众图书馆两种不同类型图书馆建设的不同任务和方向,应根据其特点加以分类指导,实事求是地处理好在文献资源建设和读者服务领域的问题,从而在文献资源整体保障和为大众服务等方面发挥更大的功能。  相似文献   

英国图书馆宣布建立一个多国联盟以管理日益增长的全球科学在线门户(worldwidescience:http://worldwidescience.org)。来自38个国家的代表于6月12日在韩国汉城签署了worldwidescience联盟协议以提供一个能够检索来自多个国家的多种科技资源的门户。  相似文献   

自闭症儿童被称为“星星的孩子”,他们及其背后心碎的家庭虽然人群庞大,却鲜为人知.社会很少把关注的目光投向他们,很少有人会把“自闭症”跟残疾联系起来.基于此,笔者提出在政府提供更好的政策及平台的同时,组织民间及各种社会力量,利用图书馆资源,为自闭症儿童建立图书馆的设想.  相似文献   

论文分析了县市图书馆和乡镇图书馆的发展现状,提出通过建立乡镇分馆的模式,使乡镇图书馆共享市馆资源,进而达到缩小差异,消除数字化鸿沟,促进区域图书馆事业快速、协调发展的目的.  相似文献   

通过对国家图书馆、上海图书馆、CRLNet、CALIS有关"市"和"市辖区"文献的分类标引情况的调查,得到数据显示,省会(首府)城市、地级市和中央直辖市所属市辖区文献的分类标引比较准确一致;而县级市和其他市辖区文献的分类标引,则出现了多种结果并存的混乱现象。针对此,本文就作者个人的理解,对县级市和其他市辖区的涵义和定位,进行了合理解释。并在此基础上,提出了具体改进举措,以确保分类标引时的准确和一致。  相似文献   

生物标本资源作为典型的自然科技资源,其成果和经验对促进整个自然科技资源的有效利用和开发都有 着较好的参考和借鉴作用。依托中国数字植物标本馆(CVH)的发展历程和现状,就标本数据资源管理、共享和应用3 个方面进行了深入说明,总结了项目运行中取得成果和遇到的问题,并针对相关问题进行了讨论,提出了建议方案, 为下一步的平台建设提供参考。  相似文献   

WebJunction作为图书馆员在线学习的先驱者,已经与佛罗里达州立图书馆档案馆合作,启动了一个新的WebJunction一佛罗里达站。佛罗里达州内的图书馆员现在可以通过网络链接社区以个人的形式免费获取课程资源,同时还可以利用该站点不断提升个人的技能,帮助该州的图书馆员满足当前的用户需求。  相似文献   

本文提出了一个面向关联数据的语义数字图书馆资源描述与组织框架,该框架具有四个层次:元数据层、本体层、关联数据层和应用层,其核心是RDF语义元数据的构建与关联。以图书、情报与档案学领域的数据为例对该框架进行了实现,实现的重点是在本体层和关联数据层,包括相关本体的设计、普通元数据到语义元数据的自动转换、不同数据集间RDF语义链接的建立、关联数据的发布等。  相似文献   


As librarians confront the Information Age, it is imperative that they remain aware of the issues that affect the profession. Traditional library skills are no longer adequate for maintaining a competitive edge in the field. Post-graduate education in digital libraries offers information professionals an opportunity to broaden their knowledge of the new technologies utilized in libraries, as well as the issues generated by their use. This article surveys current educational opportunities with regard to digital libraries.  相似文献   


This article describes a library's implementation of digital resources for research, teaching, and learning at a higher education institution in Portugal. A school specializing in education and teacher education established strategic performance areas related to digital resources for the fulfillment of its mission, which included some functions of the academic library. The library implemented a discovery system, and the school invested in a wider range of resources, including e-books, both acquired and institutionally published. The library's training programs were also revised to promote the new system and electronic resources. This case study describes how an academic library in Portugal responded to institutional needs, illustrating how libraries everywhere must connect to the larger vision and demonstrate value through technologies, integrating digital and print resources to provide access built around users' needs.  相似文献   

Self-directed learning (SDL) has become a significant concept adopted by higher education institutions. In this context, academic libraries become an essential entity as they create these better learning environments. Therefore the present study aims to explore students’ perspective towards the usefulness of library resources for their learning approach, identify undergraduate satisfaction with library resources and services and their competency with some of the information literacy skills, and finally to investigate how academic libraries could support SDL in higher education.  相似文献   

起跑点(Starting Point: Teaching Entry Level Geoscience)和教育进行时(Pedagogy in Action)这两个数字图书馆都是由卡尔顿大学(Carleton College)的科学教育中心(SERC)开发的项目。它们作为SERC教育学图书馆的门户,旨在为地球科学教育工作者提供高质量的教学方法和相关的教学经验,同时通过鼓励教学者上传相关的教学案例,反映自己的教学方法和教学活动,并探索新的教学方法,为教育工作者提供教学方面的资源。这两个数字图书馆存在着紧密的联系。文章从该馆建设、馆藏组织、技术特征、界面设计、服务特点等方面分别对这两个数字图书馆进行了评述,并给出了作者的评价与建议。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查的方式,对国内图书馆和出版社进行抽样调查,以了解国内数字资源保存现状、馆社双方合作意愿等情况,并根据馆社合作保存的潜在问题,提出相应的对策.  相似文献   

利用已有的知识组织系统和语料库等既有资源构建相关领域词系统,能够减少劳动量和难度,通过种子 词以及词汇社区检测技术来利用已有的新能源汽车词系统,经频率分析和聚类技术来发现新的代表性词条的方法,快 速构建了电动汽车领域词系统,并初步证明其可行性。  相似文献   


Academic libraries are desirable work locations for undergraduate students and graduate library science interns alike. However, using undergraduate and graduate library science students only to perform task-oriented work within a traditional, hierarchical supervisory structure does not provide the maximum benefit to the student or the library, as it removes opportunities for students learning from each other. Our model proposes to create a team-based framework that engages students around a project and makes uses of myriad centers of expertise in the library. We employed this framework around the Douglass Alumnae Oral History Project, which provided opportunities for students to build their skills in digital projects, communication, teamwork, and community building.  相似文献   


Ethnocentrism affects perception and choices, and scholars, teachers, and students may not see or seek the “global” in our “global information revolution,” especially in such vast monolingual social spaces as the United States and the Anglophone world. Russia illuminates how unfortunate this state of affairs is because perceptions of Russia are so negative; whereas online information and open access there are so plentiful. Elibrary.ru offers free, full-text access to Russia’s periodical scholarship in all disciplines. Postnauka.ru is a lecture platform for Russian academics that rivals TED Talks in scale and production quality. Kul’tura is a federal television channel devoted entirely to education. Academic talk shows constitute part of the programming there and elsewhere. High-quality and reliable online tools such as these can enhance “Western” scholars’ and educators’ resource repertoires.  相似文献   


This article describes multiple experiments in text mining at Northern Illinois University that were undertaken to improve the efficiency and accuracy of cataloging. It focuses narrowly on subject analysis of dime novels, a format of inexpensive fiction that was popular in the United States between 1860 and 1915. NIU holds more than 55,000 dime novels in its collections, which it is in the process of comprehensively digitizing. Classification, keyword extraction, named-entity recognition, clustering, and topic modeling are discussed as means of assigning subject headings to improve their discoverability by researchers and to increase the productivity of digitization workflows.  相似文献   

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