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Victorian fiction can provide a valuable source of information about society by virtue of its topicality and realistic techniques, influenced by contemporary journalism. In particular, the novels of Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy throw light on literacy practices, including reading aloud. The higher the literacy levels of the novels’ characters, the less reading aloud is reported; and as literacy becomes more widespread through the 19th century, it is commented on increasingly less. Significantly, when instances of reading aloud are depicted, they fulfil purposes that seem to correspond with recognisable present-day scenarios, in which the power of the spoken word resonates.  相似文献   


This article describes some of the methodology, practice and effect of reading groups run by Prison Reading Groups (PRG), which currently operates in 60 prisons across the UK, and is supported by the charity Give A Book. Groups choose what they want to read together and how they will read it. Reading aloud can aid literacy as well as being a force for collaboration and pleasure. Poetry can thrive in this environment, despite initial wariness, and Shakespeare has found some new and enthusiastic readers.  相似文献   

阅读是语感培养的重要途径,而朗读是一种出声的阅读方式,是阅读教学中最常见的基本训练方式,它是语文教学的一项重点训练项目。语感的性质和语言学习的规律也决定了朗读训练对语感培养的重要性。在现代语文教学中,朗读不但应该是在所有的言语活动中起关键作用而不可缺少的,而且是语感最初形成的基本手段。教师必须明确朗读教学的特点、要求并掌握一定的朗读训练的技巧,及多种朗读训练的方法,在朗读训练中培养学生的语感。  相似文献   

Parents can form a vital link to literacy and later school success by encouraging literacy and language modeling in their daily communication with children. This article describes a study in Head Start classrooms in Florida and North Carolina where teachers used a book lending system and high quality books which they shared with children and families. Strategies for teachers to assist parents in providing support for emergent literacy are given. Ways to help families see the importance of their practices and encourage the use of these ideas as part of their daily routines are shared.  相似文献   

朗诵历来为大众,尤其是为高校大学生所喜爱,但由于朗诵者在朗诵时,搞不清楚朗诵艺术的关键所在,所以,朗诵效果总是不尽如人意,本文拟就这一问题,从理解、感受与再现三个角度谈一下朗诵艺术中关键的三步骤。  相似文献   

朗诵效果的好与坏,取决于有声语言和体态语的运用,许多的人把精力放在了有声语言的运用上,而忽略了体态语其实也是举足轻重的,本文就体态语的运用、技巧及现存的一些问题做一剖析。  相似文献   

诵读是我国语文教学的优良传统,只有发出声,才能掌握书面语符号,才能加速书面语的内化,才能“复活”书面语的生气,熟读成诵,能积淀书面语的语感,提高对语文的敏感性,培养思维的条理性和逻辑性,提高想象力、概括力和口头表达能力,它与朗读的区别在于指向、适用、要求、结果、对象等方面。诵读是一种出声响亮而稍有节奏感、重在熟读、意在积累内化的读书法。  相似文献   

Sam Duncan 《Literacy》2015,49(2):84-90
This paper analyses initial findings of a qualitative pilot study of the reading‐aloud practices of 17 adults in the London Borough of Lewisham. Although the dominant contemporary image of reading is that of a silent activity and within literacy provision it is frequently assumed that reading aloud is not a ‘natural’ ‘real life’ adult practice, anecdote suggests that adults do indeed read aloud, but these practices are overwhelmingly undocumented. This study is the first stage in developing a better understanding of contemporary adult reading‐aloud practices. Semi‐structured interviews were used to ask adults whether, what, where, how and why they read aloud. Initial findings reveal the ubiquitous nature of reading aloud in adult life, across a range of life domains (spiritual life, family life, work and learning) and for different self‐selected purposes (to memorise, to understand, to write and for fellowship). Initial findings reinforce the importance of expanding our definitions and conceptualisations of reading to recognise the diversity and changing nature of real life practices, and suggest implications for our understanding of the role of reading in adult life, for literacy education and for future research.  相似文献   

英语阅读是通向英语学习高级阶段所必经的困惑、彷徨、劳顿之旅。为了除疑解惑,本文本着提供有益的思考和启发,方便学习者借鉴和实践的原则,结合本人在学习以及教学过程中的一些浅略思考,呈现给大家一些有益的建议。  相似文献   

新课改为“诵读”教学提出了新的要求,传统的“诵读”理念与方法应更新。“诵读”教学要与学生的社会生活实践能力紧密联系,进而促进全面素质的提高。  相似文献   

《语文课程标准》中出现了许多阅读概念,例如朗读、默读、精读、略读、理解、欣赏、诵读、背诵、浏览等。其实,它们是不同语境维度下阅读行为的不同表述。本文从阅读途径、阅读水平和阅读目的三个语境维度对这些概念进行了梳理,并在相同的语境维度下对其中部分概念做出了辨析。  相似文献   

Cognitive interviewing (CI) provides a method of systematically collecting validity evidence of response processes for questionnaire items. CI involves a range of techniques for prompting individuals to verbalise their responses to items. One such technique is concurrent verbalisation, as developed in Think Aloud Protocol (TAP). This article investigates the value of the technique for validating questionnaire items administered to young people in international surveys. To date, the literature on TAP has focused on allaying concerns about reactivity – whether response processes are affected by thinking aloud. This article investigates another concern, namely the completeness of concurrent verbalisations – the extent to which respondents verbalise their response processes. An independent, exploratory validation of the PISA assessment of student self-efficacy in mathematics by a small international team of researchers using CI with concurrent verbalisation in four education systems (England, Estonia, Hong Kong, and the Netherlands) provided the basis for this investigation. The researchers found that students generally thought aloud in response to each of the items, thereby providing validity evidence of responses processes varying within and between the education systems, but that practical steps could be taken to increase the completeness of concurrent verbalisations in future validations.  相似文献   

该文采用实证方法研究了教师的意群朗读对EFL学生的影响,说明教师的朗读示范有助于培养学生意群阅读的习惯,促进其阅读自动化。  相似文献   

通过对阅读的认知过程和已有阅读模式的分析,指出产生阅读能力差异的三个内部原因:信息处理自动化程度不同,内容图式和形式图式不同以及符号辨认速度和图式整合效率不同。教师应根据学生情况分析其阅读能力低下原因,进行有目的教学。  相似文献   

本文探讨了英语应用能力考试中阅读能力的提高的方法和策略。首先,要打下扎实的阅读理解基础。阅读基础是阅读的起码要求,不具备基础阅读就无法进行。其次,要掌握正确的阅读方法。考生可根据文章的难易程度和自己对文章的理解程度采取不同的阅读方法。再次,在阅读过程中运用一些技巧,可提高速度和正确率,促进英语综合能力的全面发展。  相似文献   

目前,阅读是大学英语教学的重点和切入点,能够很好地促进学习者掌握语言知识.在很大程度上,阅读能为听、说、写、译水平的提高起有力的促进作用.要想提高阅读水平就必须掌握阅读技巧,因此,我们应在加大阅读教学力度的同时,利用较好的方法培养学生的阅读技能,以提高整体阅读水平,为今后的学习工作打下坚实的基础.  相似文献   

大学英语快速阅读教学探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学英语快速阅读是获取各种知识和信息的一种重要途径.然而,大学英语教学却忽视了快速阅读教学,致使学生的不良阅读习惯得不到及时纠正.如何培养快速阅读能力,如何合理使用快速阅读教材是本文探讨的问题.  相似文献   

语言模因论是近几年应用语言学的一个新的研究方向,它提出语言的习得主要来自于模仿,语言模因通过复制和传播丰富了人们的语言和思维,也促进了写作能力的提高。阅读作为模因形成的主要因素在英语写作中意义重大,为了使阅读充分发挥其在写作中的作用,本文探讨了阅读材料的选择以及阅读后的写作训练方案,旨在对大学英语写作教学有所启示。  相似文献   

The lexical quality hypothesis assumes that skilled readers rely on high quality lexical representations that afford autonomous lexical retrieval and reduce the need to rely on top-down context. This experiment investigated this hypothesis by comparing the performance of adults classified on reading comprehension and spelling performance. ‘Lexical experts’, defined by above average performance on both measures, were compared with individuals who are good readers/poor spellers, poor readers/good spellers, or poor on both measures. Sentences finishing with a homograph (e.g., She danced all night at the ball) were followed by a probe word and participants had to decide whether it had occurred in the sentence. Critical probe words were related to either the sentence-congruous or the sentence-incongruous meaning of the homograph (e.g., waltz vs. throw). Lexical experts showed less interference from related probes than the other groups. When the sentences were presented at fast rates, poorer spellers showed interference for sentence-congruous but not sentence-incongruous probes. However, at slower presentation rates, all groups showed equivalent interference for both types of probes. The results support the lexical quality hypothesis by showing that high quality lexical representations, indexed by better spelling, are associated with reduced reliance on sentence context.
Sally AndrewsEmail:

As the first step in a longitudinal investigation ofSwedish beginning readers' reading behaviour, thisstudy investigated the role of different linguisticlevels in beginning readers' oral reading. The 30participating beginning readers were all able to reada short running text without help. Recordings of theiroral readings of unfamiliar texts were video-recorded,transcribed and analysed as to linguistic consequencesof reading errors, and tendency to correct errors withdifferent linguistic consequences. The results revealthat the readers are sensitive to all of thelinguistic levels analysed: the majority of readingerrors lead to acceptable linguistic consequences,regardless of what linguistic level is analysed;moreover linguistically unacceptable errors weresignificantly more frequently corrected thanlinguistically acceptable errors, independent of thelinguistic level affected by the error.  相似文献   

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