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如同权力的行使无处不在又难以捕捉一样,权力的悬置同样是一个与之相伴相生又轻而易举被忽略的现象。  相似文献   

文章认为 ,在学校场域中 ,权力常常与知识结盟并演变为一些细枝末节的权力技术 ,由此造成学生主体性的自我控制、自我否定以及主体被监管与被建构的诸多现象 ,导致学生弱势群体的产生。但与此同时 ,在学校场域各种复杂多元的位置关系转换中 ,权力的控制并非都有效 ,权力控制下的期待往往会以“悬置”告终 ,并引发师生之间强势群体与弱势群体的互变。作者以其独特的社会学视角指出 ,教育过程中对某些权力或权力技术的误解误用 ,是导致教育无效的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

马维娜 《学科教育》2004,(1):1-7,18
文章认为,在学校场域中,权力常常与知识结盟并演变为一些细枝末节的权力技术,由此造成学生主体性的自我控制、自我否定以及主体被监管与被建构的诸多现象,导致学生弱势群体的产生。但与此同时,在学校场域各种复杂多元的位置关系转换中,权力的控制并非都有效,权力控制下的期待往往会以“悬置”告终,并引发师生之间强势群体与弱势群体的互变。作者以其独特的社会学视角指出,教育过程中对某些权力或权力技术的误解误用,是导致教育无效的一个重要原因。  相似文献   

与传统权力理论将权力分析置于统治者与被统治者的二元框架中不同,福柯认为权力是一种复杂的机制,并需要知识的支撑以合理合法地掩盖其暴力本性。生命权力是福柯关于西方现代权力机制分析的重要内容。基于一种关于人口活动"自然性"的生物知识,生命权力以人口的普遍利益为名,一方面全面渗透进人口的生活,另一方面合法地压制人口中的少数群体。将人口问题置于权力机制分析的理论框架中,避免由生物学思维模式产生的政治暴力,是福柯权力理论之于当代政治实践的价值所在。  相似文献   

中小学校长权力的运用既要避免以往领导体制下的统的过死,党政不分,无人负责,效率低下的诟病,又要防止校长权力一放就乱,过于集中,无法约束的弊端,就应该把校长置于权力伦理规范和外在制度的双重约束之下。  相似文献   

六月法会也称奉旨道场,是五台山藏传佛教中一个极为重要的宗教仪式。本文对五台山藏传佛教六月法会的仪式及其所使用的“音声”进行音乐民族志的记录与研究,并将学术立场尽量置于“局内”与“局外”的“双视角”范畴,以此窥探五台山藏传佛教仪式音乐的全貌及特点。  相似文献   

大学必须有怎样的办学自主权   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为什么在长达30年的高等教育改革中,即使以法律形式保障的大学的自主权迟迟不能落到实处?本文认为从组织的权力逻辑看,权力可划分为根本权力、基本权力、衍生权力与让渡权力四个层次。大学作为学术文化机构存在的组织,其根本权力应该是学术权力。要根本解决大学自主权的悬置,只能从大学组织的基本权力层面切入,分析和解决校长选择权、学生选择权、自主理财权、教员聘任权问题。大学自主权的实现必须有强有力的约束机制,既包括对政府权力的约束,也包括对大学自身权力的约束。大学章程的契约化、政府对大学校长资格的终审权、大学自主招生权力和大学自主理财权力约束体系的健全,是落实大学自主权必不可少的内容。  相似文献   

权力必须置于有效监督之下。以民制权,即人民群众对权力的制约,是一种自下而上的社会监督。实现以民制权,必须构建起一系列社会监督的有效机制,包括:整体协调机制、权威支持机制、舆论性民意表达机制等。  相似文献   

大学学术权力与行政权力的失衡是目前我国大学发展面临的一个严重瓶颈.本文针对大学行政权力凌置于学术权力之上、行政泛化、学术官僚化的情况,在简要分析学术权力与行政权力存在的逻辑基础后,结合学术权力与行政权力的最突出的问题,探讨从行政管理人员专业化、行政权力法制化、学术权力制度化三方面的改革来协调学术权力与行政权力的不平衡状态,以摆正学术权力和行政权力的各自应有的地位.  相似文献   

对于新诗形式的探讨与研究,几乎是自有新诗以来就一直存在的一个话题。可是80年来新诗变化发展的历史,却一直把这一话题悬置于难以把捉的境地。当“内容决定形式”的权威与权力话语作为一种指令被贯彻执行时,一切的所谓“注重形式”宣告其实都成了一句空话。既然内容已经“决定”了形式,那么,形式自然只有“为内容服务”的义务,又何从谈到“以完美的形式表现……”呢?  相似文献   

在对教育生活实践的关注中 ,人们常常会忽略一些重要的教育现象 ,这些现象看似与教学本身有所游离 ,但实则却关系密切。甚至 ,对这些教育现象的关注 ,可能导致对某些教育理念与教育行为的颠覆。文章以其独特的社会学视角 ,试图关注与阐释的是 ,学生在开始置于学校场域的“此时此刻”,场域以及场域中的人如何借助分班技术、学号编码、仪式活动以及办公室与教室的双重领域打造入“场”规则 ,并且在这种打造中如何制造出诸多弱势群体的问题  相似文献   

教育是人类文明的产物,教育水平是国家兴衰的标志。我国现在基本上普及了九年义务教育。但现实中依然有大量适龄儿童失学辍学,这一状况引起了各界的普遍关注。但我国近几年人们对贫困生救助问题的关注更多的是集中在大学贫困生救助上,对义务教育阶段贫困生问题的普遍性和严峻性没有充分的认识。文章从义务教育的性质和意义、教育公平、义务教育阶段贫困生救助增进社会整体利益的最大化采探讨我国义务教育阶段的贫困生救助问题。  相似文献   

学校是学生接受教育的主要场所。学校教育对学生的影响是多方面的,它不仅限于显性层面的知识传递,还包括各种隐性层面的影响,即学校教育的隐性力量。所谓隐性力量,就是指学生在学校的教育和生活中,通过交往、体验而潜移默化获得的非预期的作用和影响。学校教育中的隐性力量主要体现在知识、情感、行为三个方面。在知识方面,知识具有控制力和再生产力;在情感方面,情感具有信号传递、感染、驱动以及控制的力量;在行为方面,教师行为对学生具有复杂力,学生群体行为具有同化力,教育制度具有规训力。  相似文献   

This study examines the interface between ethnicity and nationality in a nationalized educational site – the annual school trip – that took place in a Jewish high school in Israel that serves underprivileged ethnic groups. Based on ethnographic field work, I analyze how the Ashkenazi (central-eastern European origin) hegemonic national culture that is embedded in the field trip is worked out by the Mizrahi (Asian and north African origin) students, in light of their ethnic background and the ethnic Ashkenazi/Mizrahi division that characterizes the Israeli society. Although both groups share the same national sentiment, the analysis exposes the different ways the pedagogical practices used by the trip represented the national hegemonic culture and the ways it has been contested and reshaped along ethnic lines while reflecting the existing ethnic borders that the pupils were trying to widen.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,研究网络对中学生成长的影响,分析网络对中学生成长的利弊.针对中学生上网的弊端,对社会、学校、家长提出中学生上网管理的措施,以利于中学生健康成长。  相似文献   

School improvement initiatives are needed to better meet the needs of underprivileged students, to reduce underachievement and to break a continuing cycle of disadvantage. This article describes part of a school improvement initiative in New Zealand that provided additional funding for school nurse and social worker services in nine secondary schools with the most disadvantaged students in New Zealand. It describes the nature and delivery of services provided by the social workers in these schools. In addition, the article reports changes over time in staff and student views about school climate including a comparison with non-participating schools of similar socioeconomic status. The findings indicated that school climate is a useful intermediate measure of the effectiveness of school improvement initiatives. There were significant improvements in staff views about school climate over time, with staff views about school climate becoming more favourable on scales measuring Improvements in the Last 12 Months and Support for Ethnic Diversity compared to eight non-participating schools. Student views were more favourable on scales measuring Satisfaction with School, Support for Achievement and Support for Ethnic Diversity, compared to the non-participating schools.  相似文献   

Accessing children’s feelings and attitudes towards mathematics is a challenging proposition since methods for data collection may be fraught in terms of bias and power relations. This article explores a method of collecting information from young students about their attitudes towards mathematics using iPads, and a video diary technique not dissimilar to the ‘Big Brother’ room, with which many children are familiar. We describe the development of the tool and process when implemented in a primary school setting. We allude to both the enabling prospects of the technique as well as some of the limitations we found when implementing the method. We then discuss the implications of the largely negative attitudes and emotions that the students recorded and suggest that these negative attitudes are well formed by the end of the early years of schooling.  相似文献   

We have developed a wet lab DNA microarray simulation as part of a complete DNA microarray module for high school students. The wet lab simulation has been field tested with high school students in Illinois and Maryland as well as in workshops with high school teachers from across the nation. Instead of using DNA, our simulation is based on pH indicators, which offer many ideal teaching characteristics. The simulation requires no specialized equipment, is very inexpensive, is very reliable, and takes very little preparation time. Student and teacher assessment data indicate the simulation is popular with both groups, and students show significant learning gains. We include many resources with this publication, including all prelab introductory materials (e.g., a paper microarray activity), the student handouts, teachers notes, and pre- and postassessment tools. We did not test the simulation on other student populations, but based on teacher feedback, the simulation also may fit well in community college and in introductory and nonmajors' college biology curricula.  相似文献   

本文以一个初中女生因考试失意而吃零食排压的个案为切入点,通过对受访者的口感体验描述的分析,导出其身体现象的动力机制与意识结构的基本成分。中小学生在学校吃零食,对于现行的教学秩序是一个挑战。为此,许多学校出台了围绕零食的各种微观制度,主要是针对学生的口感的管制。各种管制方案对于学生的身体及其功能的假设是:身心二元化与身体对象化。学生为了享用或限制口感,不断地在制度约束、味觉欲望与学业形象之间权衡,并依据各自的口感诉求做出是否吃零食、吃何种类型的零食、何时何地吃零食的不同抉择。学生个体在学校生活中的口感史片断,可视为探究深层教育体制和宏观教育环境的细微切口与重要视角。  相似文献   

This article discusses the way in which social identities structure the learning processes of students in two subjects in the Dutch secondary school curriculum—Care and Technology. It analyses interviews with 23 students and their teachers with a view to explaining the disappointing results in these subjects in terms of breaking through gender and class‐related preferences and learning outcomes. The subjects Care and Technology refer to social practices with which groups of students identify in different ways. On the other hand, students also appear to make active use of these subjects in their identity development. The authors argue for explicitly combining the notion that learning is peripheral participation in social practices with analyses of the power relationships that structure those practices. Also, the question should be addressed of how the relative autonomy of the school can be used for organizing learning experiences in such a way that the constraints of social position and identity are reduced, and the restrictive character of social identities is challenged.  相似文献   

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