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美术欣赏教学要以提高学生对形式的审美感知水平及对形式意味的直觉能力为目的,从而对作品进行多维和有效的审美评价。  相似文献   

Research into teachers' conceptions of teaching can be justified in that deep seated beliefs impact upon the way teachers teach and influence the learning approaches of their students. This study examined conceptions of teaching art, through interviews with 18 secondary school art teachers in Hong Kong. The analysis resulted in a two‐level characterisation of conceptions under broad essentialist and contextualist orientations. There were four subordinate conception categories, namely moral development in art and aesthetic development in art under the essentialist orientation, and intellectual development through art, and expression and therapy through art as sub‐categories of the contextualist orientation. The categories were defined and delimited by six dimensions. The categories were seen as clearly distinguishable but related, though not hierarchically. There was no evidence of the category scheme being culturally specific, as the majority of the teachers held beliefs which were not consistent with the traditional manner of Chinese painting.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been considerable concern among art educators and cultural policy makers to promote art education in Hong Kong. The launch of the new curriculum of a discipline-based character in 1996 generated debate in the art education circle of Hong Kong. There were diverse opinions on the rationale for teaching art. Concern was expressed about the present constraints of art teaching related to teachers' ability and school administration poses another important issue that seems to inhibit further developments. This paper reports part of the findings of a study on art teachers' concepts of teaching. It explores the concepts of about 20 secondary art teachers in Hong Kong. Several categories of teaching are derived from interviews: aesthetic development, moral development, intellectual development, expression and therapy, and intellectual and aesthetic development. A scheme is developed which can be used to analyze teachers' concepts as education in or through art on a continuum from subject to learner centred.  相似文献   

中职美术教育是学生所要接受的重要文化教育活动,但是由于很多地区对中职学校美术教育的性质、目标、规律等缺乏正确认识,往往用美术专业艺术教育的要求来组织面向全体学生的艺术活动,或者仍然按照原来的以技能训练为首要目的方式,没有考虑到学生的学情状况,教学方法不当,对学生的学习兴趣和学习效果产生了不利影响。要改善这种情况,必须从根本上改善教育教学方法,游戏教学法的合理运用对中职学校学生美术学科学习保持长久的兴趣起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   

文章分析了中职数学在职业教育中的重要性,部分中职生对数学不感兴趣,动力不足,针对不同的教学内容,结合当今中职生的认知特征,提出了生活实例、动手操作、课堂游戏、源流教学及动画展示几种教学策略,主要目的是激发学生的兴趣,提高数学课堂效果。  相似文献   

当前的中学美术教学以欣赏为主,是培养学生审美能力,体会美,感悟美,创造美的重要途径.从美学角度看,加强中学生的美感培养,可以使学生面对艺术作品有深刻的审美体验、主动的审美意识、正确的审美评价.由此可见,在中学美术课程中加强学生美感培养具有极其重要的意义.  相似文献   

随着社会进步和新课程标准改革的深入,中职学校美术教学日渐重视学生综合素质的培养,其中美术欣赏教学模式发挥着重要的作用,学校通过美术欣赏模式的引入来潜移默化地提升学生的艺术素养,让学生在欣赏过程中表达自身的审美情怀。基于上述背景,本文简要分析了美术欣赏在中职美术教学中的作用,并探析了相应的运用措施,以期能提高中职学校美术教学的质量。  相似文献   

民族文化传承是当今社会的一个重要课题,而民间美术教育则是民族文化传承的一个重要方面。通过讨论民间美术教育的必要性以及民间美术在学校艺术教育中的构想,总结出民间美术教育在艺术教育中具有重要的意义,它一方面丰富了课堂艺术教学,同时也培养了学生的创造性思维能力,另外还是对甘肃悠久历史文化的传承。  相似文献   

当前中小学艺术课程存在诸多“异化”现象,如课程目标功用化、课程内容空心化、课程实施虚无化等。为避免艺术课程异化,就必须让艺术课程观回归,即要让人们认识到艺术就是艺术,它有其独特的存在价值,这种价值是其它任何课程不能僭越和取代的。从这个角度看,中小学艺术课程应是“无用”的、“美”的、“体验”的课程。同时,为了实践这一回归后的艺术课程观,应采取以下对策:从“成人”的角度认识艺术课程;以“专业”的方式实施艺术课程;从“开放”的体系评价艺术课程。  相似文献   

民族文化传承是当今社会的一个重要课题,而民间美术教育则是民族文化传承的一个重要方面。通过讨论民间美术教育的必要性以及民间美术在学校艺术教育中的构想,总结出民间美术教育在艺术教育中具有重要的意义,它一方面丰富了课堂艺术教学,同时也培养了学生的创造性思维能力,另外还是对甘肃悠久历史文化的传承。  相似文献   

对于中职卫生学校的学生而言,语文课的学习不可或缺,且至关重要,它能够有效增强学生素养。但当前语文课在中职卫生学校一直处于边缘化的位置,究其原因主要是现阶段卫生学校的语文教育从教材到教法都在照搬普高教育模式,无法体现中职卫生学校语文教育的个性化。  相似文献   

论述了从教学实践中总结的中等职业学校会计电算化课程教学中应注意的一些教学方法。强调在财经专业学科教学中,一切活动都是为了实现确定的教学目的,通过各种教学方法应促进教育受众的身心健康的全面和谐发展。  相似文献   

庄园 《成才之路》2020,(3):66-67
文章对混合式教学在中职数学课堂教学结构变革中的运用进行探讨,指出教师要由课堂教学的主宰者转变为主导者,学生要由课堂教学的被动者转变为主动者,教材的利用开发要由单一转变为多元,并利用现代教学媒体营造信息化教学环境,以充分发挥教师的主导作用,突出体现学生的主体地位。  相似文献   

It will be our purpose in this article to develop a few considerations on the way in which the teaching of mathematics and more generally the teaching of science is dealt with in the proposals for reform of the upper secondary school, on the problems arising as a consequence thereof, and on the debate that scientific associations have been carrying out on this matter. Our point of departure will be the prospectus (Appendix 1) which presents the references relevant to mathematics and sciences in the various drafts.  相似文献   

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