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A communication aid? A complex version of a teaching machine? A means of developing basic cognitive skills? Three possibilities are suggested by a researcher, Dr Jim Howe head of the Department of Artificial Intelligence, Edinburgh University  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to explore the tensions that erupted between the two authors during the final stages of their engagement with the practical argument process. These tensions arose when the 'researcher' constructed a representation of 'the teacher's' reality. In this paper, the researcher shares her representation and the teacher responds to her analysis. The teacher's response to the researcher's representation of her and her teaching suggests tensions arose between the teacher and the researcher over how the researcher constructed the teacher's practical argument. As the teacher and the researchers, we analyze our experiences with the practical argument process and our collaborative relationship. The result is an enlarged view of the place of story and practical argument within research collaborations. In addition, we learned the necessity of continuing dialog between researcher and teacher through the writing of the project. This ensures that, regardless of the research method, both collaborators are heard and their tales are told in the public representation.  相似文献   

动量守恒定律在高考中是很重要的考点,所以为了系统的学习这部分知识,笔者在课堂教学中安排一节动量守恒定律的应用——碰撞专题课,作为动量守恒定律课的延续,具体内容如下,仅供读者参考。  相似文献   

作为质性研究发展的新趋向,行动研究所提倡的"合作"、"反思"、"变革"等理念越来越多地渗入至当 代的民族志研究中.例如,批判民族志(Critical Ethnography)结合了批判理论和建构主义的认识论,认为研究者不应局限于客观地观察和记录被研究者的生活,还应充分反思自己在建构知识的过程中所扮演的角色,并充分"赋权"被研究者.基于平等的对话,被研究者才能够成为思考和行动的主体;研究所获得的知识才能在最大程度上摆脱意识形态的扭曲.在这篇论文中,作者主要回顾自己在一项突出行动性的民族志研究中的经验.通过反身性思考,本文揭示了研究关系的多重性、复杂性和敏感性,尤其是跨越"虚拟"与"真实"的伦理"雷区".文章主要探讨两大问题:第一,在具体的社会情境中,研究关系是如何逐步建立起来的?第二,整个研究过程遭遇了哪些伦理危机?最佳解决途径是什么?作者对这些问题的讨论为今后的行动研究提供了一些与社会情境紧密相联的"经验性智慧".这些经验可以帮助行动研究逐渐适应我国的具体国情,真正调动其广大一线教师的参与积极性.  相似文献   

半个多世纪以来,我国中学阶段人文社会学科始终秉承历史和地理学科分设的传统。其系统的知识体系、严谨的课程内容对于培养各个领域的建设人才功不可没。然而,随着当代社会、经济、文化等诸多领域的迅猛发展,人文社会学科教育被赋予了更丰富的内涵。单纯的、分门别类的人文知识的传递愈来愈不能满足时代对未来建设者提出的要求。  相似文献   

近年来,到北京十一学校考察交流的高中校长、老师都可以获赠一本书:《不为高考赢得高考——99级高中实验班课程改革实验纪实》。这是1999年至2002年十一学校进行的一项综合性的教育教学改革实验的真实记录。  相似文献   

This paper focuses upon open and distance learning initial teacher education in both primary and secondary sectors and explores the ways in which mentors challenge PGCE students in their professional thinking and classroom practice. It draws upon ethnographic research on mentors and student teachers during one presentation of the course. The data are based on observations of mentors working with students on final student placement, conversations with specialist subject mentor trainers as well as questionnaire and other source material. An analysis of how mentors articulate their knowledge base; the dialogue between mentor and student and the challenge of moving from novice to expert for the student teacher are all considered. Our conclusions have implications for all ITT and will also be a source of valuable practical help for student teachers and mentors.  相似文献   


With the new developments in the International Council for Educational Media much deep thinking has been taking place to consider the way forward for the organization. The article consists of the carefully considered views of the vice‐president of the Council, and, as stated at the end, he will welcome views on his thinking.  相似文献   

新疆意识形态领域面临的新挑战与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆意识形态工作关系新疆经济社会发展和人民福祸,关系社会文化安全和国家意识形态安全。新时期新疆意识形态领域面临西方反华势力对新疆实施舆论战、心理战和法律战,周边国家"三股势力"对新疆进行思想渗透和策反,境内外"东突"恐怖分裂势力对新疆意识形态领域进行渗透和占领、多元文化相互激荡出现各种谬论冲击马克思主义的指导地位等挑战。新疆必须以科学发展观为指导,加快经济社会发展,坚持不懈地进行意识形态领域反分裂斗争教育,加强基层党组织和政权建设,加强与国际社会的协调与合作,确保马克思主义在新疆意识形态领域的指导地位。  相似文献   

A large literature establishes the benefits of discussions for stimulating student engagement and critical thinking skills. However, we know considerably less about the differential effects of various discussion environments on student learning. In this study, we assess student perceptions concerning the benefits of discussions in an upper-level political science class. We compare how students evaluated discussions in the whole-class environment, in small face-to-face discussion groups, and in online discussion groups. Overall, according to student surveys, small discussion groups elicited the highest student satisfaction and scored highest in critical thinking skills, while online discussions provided the best forum to express thoughts. While they did not favor all-class discussions, students reported that this format, too, provided benefits.  相似文献   

游戏目的:1.加深孩子对坚韧品格的理解。2.全家坚韧品格的塑造和日常生活的实践。3.增进亲子感情,促进家庭和谐。  相似文献   

【文章大意】“母亲”两个字包含着无尽的含义,伟大无私、任劳任怨……五月的母亲节是感恩的时刻,一声我爱你,一枝康乃馨,母亲失去光彩的脸颊就会重绽灿烂的笑容。本文选白《心灵鸡汤》中关于母爱的一篇文章,文中讲到成为母亲意味着无尽的牺牲,再也不能按照惯例做出决定j原视为无比重要的生命和生活都将随着孩子的诞生而变得不那么宝贵。为了救自己的孩子,母亲愿意献出自己的生命。但是“你永远不会后悔”成为母亲。这正是母爱的真谛所在,无声如水,却又沁人心田。  相似文献   

This article presents a way of approaching introductory design education that expands student creativity through building on research related to the impact of cognitive development and metacognitive thinking. The strategy presented emphasises the importance of encouraging divergent thinking and understanding how students perceive knowledge. The goal is to create a learning environment that acknowledges where students are in their thinking and provides a structure that promotes both cognitive and creative growth.  相似文献   

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