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To test the hypothesis that the basic “logic” utilized by individuals in scientific hypothesis testing is the biconditional (if and only if), and that the biconditional is a precondition for the development of formal operations, a sample of 387 students in grades eight, ten, twelve, and college were administered eight reasoning items. Five of the items involved the formal operational schemata of probability, proportions and correlations. Two of the items involved propositions and correlations. Two of the items involved propositional logic. One item involved the biconditional. Percentages of correct responses on most of the items increased with age. A principal-component analysis revealed three factors, two of which were identified as involving operational thought, one of which involved propositional logic. As predicted, the biconditional reasoning item loaded on one of the operational thought factors. A Guttman scale analysis of the items failed to reveal a unidimensional scale, yet the biconditional reasoning item ordered first supporting the hypothesis that it is a precondition for formal operational reasoning. Implications for teaching science students how to test hypotheses are discussed.  相似文献   

“Game” or “test” instructions on either verbal or nonverbal WISC scales were given to 160 third- and sixth-grade children. Ss in one condition were told they were going to take several tests, while Ss in the other condition were told they were going to play several games. Significant differences in performance due to task definition were found only on verbal tasks at the sixth-grade level with test instructions yielding superior performance. Results at the third-grade level failed to replicate previous results which suggested game instructions produce superior performance on nonverbal tasks.  相似文献   

In Memoriam     

There are two major views of cheating. The “general view” states that cheating Is an aspect of general morality. The “specificity hypothesis” considers cheating as a specific type of cultural transgression not related to other forms of transgressions. The purpose of this study was to test the different predictions of the two positions. Thirty male and 60 female Ss between 17 and 30 years of age were given an opportunity to cheat on an exam. Ss then answered a questionnaire which asked questions related to their religions, sexual, drinking and aggressive behavior. Cheating did not correlate with background material, guilt feelings or other transgressive behaviors. The results support a specificity view of cheating.  相似文献   

Clinical interviews were conducted with three elementary school children, who varied in age but not in family or school environment, to determine the extent to which they held naive misconceptions about important biological topics and to determine agewise trends in the development of biological knowledge. Does early biological knowledge acquisition follow a pattern of spontaneous naive theory construction and cognitive conflict or does it follow a pattern of gradual accretion to an initially blank slate? Contrary to findings in the physical sciences, little evidence was found for biological “misconceptions” as knowledge acquisition appeared to more directly follow the gradual accretion hypothesis with the primary source of that knowledge adult authority rather than personal experience. However, “conceptual change teaching” is still advocated due to its ability to provoke students to consider and test alternative conceptions (even if they are not their own) as a means of encouraging the development of important general reasoning patterns utilized in the testing of causal hypotheses.  相似文献   

On repeated occasions, observational learning has proved itself to be an effective instruction method. Experimental studies have shown to be effective for complex tasks such as reading and writing for both teachers and students as models. The problem when interpreting the results of such research is that, in observation tasks, several mental activities play a simultaneous role. In this study we therefore set out to identify the effective elements of observation tasks. We focused on two elements of the observation tasks, both aimed at stimulating monitoring activities: evaluation of the model’s performance and elaboration on this evaluation. We have also distinguished between elaboration on the observed products (the models’ written answers), and elaboration on the observed processes (the models’ verbalisations of their mental activities). The data were subjected to a LISREL analysis. First of all, it was observed that subjects who performed “evaluation” and “productelaboration” better, and “process-elaboration” more often in one lesson, also performed these activities better or more often in the subsequent lesson. Next, we observed an effect of aptitude on the learning activities: pre skill scores influence “evaluation” and “product-elaboration”. The most important finding is that “evaluation” and “product-elaboration” contribute positively to argumentative writing skills. It is discussed that these findings confirm the importance of the monitoring, evaluative and reflective activities when learning complex tasks as writing.  相似文献   

In the 21st century concerns about workplace language and literacy skills, particularly in the service and manufacturing sectors, continue to drive education and testing policy in many OECD countries. Employers tend to adopt deficit assumptions about service workers’ skills, conflating social identities and language and literacy, which can blind employers to the constructive procedures that employees create to meet the demands of work. Research in a Canadian urban hotel reveals unofficial but competent and innovative steps that service workers devise through their insightful knowledge of the local context. Meanwhile, international measures of literacy continue to use questionable “recontextualized” texts that focus on assessing text-based performance, which, in turn, is used to shape tightly defined skill-based approaches to teaching. However, the hotel research among service workers with “low skills” shows deep engagement with tasks, opportunities to work autonomously, and challenging situations appear to be related to employee competence and innovation.  相似文献   

Introduction: Moving house later in life can be a major transition and valued material objects may be important to this process. The present study aimed to develop an explanatory model for the meanings of material objects to older adults in the context of a residential transition.

Method: Using grounded theory methodology, 12 participants were interviewed about the meanings and roles of valued material objects following a residential transition. Older adult participants lived in either their own home or a care home.

Results: The model entails two core categories, “threats to identity” and “objects and identity continuity” along with four explanatory concepts, “moving and identity discontinuity”, “connections across time”, “attachments to others”, and “preserving self and ancestors in the memories of the next generation”.

Discussion: Objects were described to have important personal meanings which helped people maintain a sense of identity continuity following residential transition. They were associated with comfort, security and life review processes, which support identity continuity later in life.

Conclusion: Moving house later in life can threaten a person’s sense of self. However, material objects can help maintain a sense of identity continuity through reminiscence and life review processes. Implications for community and residential care moving house transitions are discussed.  相似文献   

They Can Succeed     

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect on sixth-grade pupils' rending abilities when sixth-grade science materials were rewritten to a lower level of readability.

One unit of a sixth-grade science textbook was analysed and rewritten to a “third-grade” level of readability. Four hundred sixth-grade pupils were randomly assigned to the control and experimental groups. The control Ss rend the grade level material while experimental Ss read the rewritten text. Subjects completed a comprehension test after reading each of three assignments.

Using analysis of variance procedures, the mean comprehension scores and reading rates of the experimental group were found to be significantly higher (.05 level) than those of the control group.  相似文献   

“导、学、测、评”课堂教学模式是在广泛吸收国内外众多教学理论和教学模式的基础上创生的。“导、学、测、评”课堂教学模式主要包括创设情境、揭示目标、指导自学、检查点拨、检测反思、拓展提升等六个环节。其中,“学”是基础,“导”是常态,“测”是抓手,“评”是升华。“导、学、测、评”课堂教学模式具有独特的制度保障和深厚的理论基础。  相似文献   

For potential consideration by the Mind, Brain, and Education community, here is a modest but provocative hypothesis regarding the relationships between acquisition of languages, awareness of cultures, and development of ethics in human beings. Starting from the basic idea according to which “a fish does not know what water is,” and using both various literature sources and my personal experience of linguistic/cultural diversity, I postulate, using the mathematical metaphor of the “tesseract,” that mastery of several languages is not only essential to developing cultural awareness but also a key to (partial) access to global awareness. This might open research avenues for colleagues interested in some of these fields, or in all of them; if sound neuroscientific work, possibly combined with quantitative studies, proves the hypothesis right, then we may hope to take one small step toward more tolerance: yet another “giant leap for mankind”? Let us dream—it is not forbidden yet.  相似文献   

The term “educational effectiveness” designates causal models of educational outcomes that may or may not contain school-level variables. The term “school effectiveness models” is used in the more restricted sense of outcome-oriented models that explicitly contain school-level variables. These models are categorized to a context-input-process-output structure, are multi-level, recognize causal chains, and sometimes include feedback loops. In this chapter the advantages of comprehensive vs. partial school effectiveness models are discussed. Furthermore alternative interpretations of the idea that higher-level variables some way facilitate lower-level variables in the production of educational outcomes are given. The debate concerns: (i) additive vs. interactive models, (ii) direct vs. indirect models, (iii) contextual vs. genuine effects, (iv) additive vs. synergetic interpretations, and (v) recursive vs. non-recursive models. In this chapter the results of empirical research are presented to test the first four completing interpretations. The results indicate that the indirect model is the least productive. The synergetic model looks promising, but more simple interactive models account for almost the same percentage of variance in students outcomes. The actual problem might be that the most likely school effectiveness models are indirect, non-recursive, contextual, synergetic, and interactive at the same time. To avoid complexities in future research decompositions are advocated. And therefore it is contended that organizational variables of interest first be examined on their possible alternative interpretation of cross-level facilitation, before formulating the model.  相似文献   

Assessment and outcomes measurement is receiving considerable attention in higher education nationwide. But what are colleges and universities doing and calling assessment? To answer these and other questions, a telephone survey was conducted with a sample of large, research universities. Responses to the survey are presented and discussed in this paper. Results indicated limited university involvement in activities commonly associated with the current assessment “movement,” i.e., measures of added value or student progress and growth. Instead, much of the reported activities are “traditional” testing and evaluation activities such as placement testing and student evaluation of instruction. In sum, assessmentis evaluation at large, research universities.  相似文献   

The major aim of the present study is to assess college students’ attitudes, perceptions, emotional reactions and affective dispositions with respect to various critical dimensions of course achievement testing and assessment, including: “papers” vs. “exams”, “essay” vs. “multiple choice” type formats, “open book” vs. “closed book” exams, “free choice” among items vs. “no free choice” among items, and “oral” vs. “written” modes of test administration. A further aim is to delineate the construction, properties, and potential classroom uses and applications of a selected sample of examinee feedback inventories designed to gauge students’ test attitudes and dispositions. The use of each examinee feedback inventory is demonstrated and exemplified in the context of an empirical study. This paper discusses the assumptions underlying the use of feedback systems in college achievement evaluation; their importance for assessing the face validity of classroom tests; some possible future applications of feedback inventories for research and applied purposes in college; and some guidelines for future research. A mapping sentence specifying the universe of content of test attitude and examinee feedback research is suggested as a heuristic device for guiding future research.  相似文献   

Much of the material provided in science courses consists of sample solutions to problems. This study is concerned with how such structured material is understood, what is earmarked for storage, what remains stored and how useful this is for later ability to recreate the problem solution. Understanding was assumed to be the result of a cognitive process in which information about the material understood is stored in memory. Twelve S's were required to “think aloud” as they understood three problem solutions: the solution of the Missionaries and Cannibals problem, a geometry proof, and a plan for another geometry proof. Each solution was presented step by step as requested by S. Immediately after he had understood the solution S was asked to recall the “outstanding points.” A week later he was asked to repeat the recall and to reproduce the solution. A hand coding of the “thinking aloud” protocol was analysed by a computer programme. Patterns detected by the programme suggest that the understanding process of an S has some consistency for different tasks. An analysis of the recalls of outstanding points showed that the kinds of points best retained were the context of the problems and subproblems within the solution. In the Missionaries and Cannibals task subproblems were positions reached. S's who recalled positions rather than moves reproduced the solution faster. In the geometry tasks the subproblems were steps with two or more premises. S's who recalled more of these reproduced the solution faster. In the geometry proof these S's had more adequately processed these steps when they were attempting to understand the solution. The importance of the S's method for deciding when he understands is suggested.  相似文献   

本研究主要通过有声思维的方法探索阅读任务中词汇附带习得的注意过程,以及时间压力和语境识别对附带习得的影响。结果发现:(1)注意过程包括“理解障碍–生词的语境意义”、“理解障碍消除–生词的用法”、“生词复现–生词的语境意义”和“生词复现–生词的用法”等四类,且阅读理解障碍是促发学习者对生词进行注意的重要原因;(2)注意过程对词汇附带习得有较明显的促进作用,但注意过程的类别差异对附带习得的影响不大;(3)时间压力的主效应以及时间压力和语境识别的交互作用不显著,但语境识别的影响非常显著,即语境线索越接近注意过程中的语言输入,学习者对生词意义的再认就越容易。  相似文献   

This article draws on findings from a national review of the evaluation of access and equity initiatives across Australian higher education to argue that utilising responsive mixed methods focused on the values of participants enables crucial understanding of what matters to the people involved. Based on the evidence collected, a “what matters” conceptual guide is provided to assist with programme design and evaluation. The approach enables identification of the multiple complex variables involved in generating programme outcomes that matter to the groups they are intended for. Provision and evaluation processes must be iteratively connected so that they are responsive to changing contexts and needs over time. Key concepts from critical realism and complexity theory are applied to highlight that context, complexity, and temporality are critical elements to incorporate into approaches to provision-evaluation. The “what matters” guide is designed to enable programmes that are accessible, engaging, and valuable to all participants.  相似文献   

This article deals with a theory-based investigation of the diagnostic problem-solving process in professional contexts. To begin with, a theory of the diagnostic problem-solving process was developed drawing on findings from different professional contexts. The theory distinguishes between four sub-processes of the diagnostic problem-solving process and includes several hypotheses. According to the theory, the quality of the sub-processes “representing information” and “testing hypotheses” causally influences the diagnostic problem-solving success. Additionally, the theory suggests that the influence of “testing hypotheses” on the problem-solving success is higher than the influence of “representing information”. Moreover, the theory assumes that the influence of the quality of “representing information” on the success is mediated by the quality of “testing hypotheses”. These hypotheses were examined in the context of car mechatronics using diagnostic problems of the car sector, a computer-based assessment and a sample of car mechatronic apprentices (N = 339). To operationalize the sub-processes’ quality, observable critical behavior was theoretically identified and extracted from computer-generated log-files. The empirical results were largely in line with the hypotheses and indicated a (very) first corroboration of the theory in the context of car mechatronics. The theory could be helpful to investigate and teach diagnostic problem solving in different professional contexts. Further studies, however, should scrutinize whether the theory applies to other studies and professional contexts.  相似文献   


The hypothesis that a motive to avoid success (M-s) exists in high-achieving 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade girls was investigated. Eighty-five black and white Ss responded to verbal TAT-like stimuli. Scores, treated by chi square, supported the hypothesis that the M-s is prevalent in high-achieving girls and is positively correlated with increasing grade level. However, the M-s was not found to be correlated with race.  相似文献   

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