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A sample study of biological variation of plasma ferritin in healthy adult males 19–25 years of age (n=6) in the Indian population was determined. Venous blood was collected on 3 non-consecutive days during a 3 week period. Plasma ferritin was measured using enzyme linked immunoassay in an automated immunoassay system. Analytical and Biological variation was calculated. We found a mean biological variation of 21.64%. Thus, our results indicate that biological variation contributed most to the intraindividual variation.  相似文献   

HER-2 is overexpressed in approximately 20–30% of invasive Breast Cancer. ECD of the HER-2 protein is frequently cleaved and released into the circulation, where it can be detected by ELISA in up to 45% of patients with metastatic breast cancer. The objective of our study was to compare the current methods for the detection of HER-2 protein. Tissue HER-2 levels were studied in 100 breast cancer patients by IHC and compared with serum HER-2 levels by ELISA. IHC frequency was 29%. Serum HER-2 ECD was positive in 42% of patients. A statistically significant correlation was observed. HER-2 detected by IHC correlates significantly with serum HER-2 levels detected by ELISA. Thus, ELISA is a reliable and economical tool to assess the HER-2 status in tumors, when breast tissue sample is not available.  相似文献   

The serum PSA is universally accepted as the useful and clinically relevant tumor marker for monitoring therapy and identifying early recurrence in patients of carcinoma prostate throughout the world. However, application of serum PSA is limited to screening for early adenocarcinoma prostate among males above fifty years of age. Serum PSA concentration varies from one population to another in different parts of the world. Many groups of workers have selected 4 ng/ml of serum PSA as upper limit of normal range without giving due consideration for age specific increase in serum PSA. There is no single report available on normal decade wise age specific reference intervals for serum PSA in Indian males. The present study is undertaken to establish age specific reference intervals in healthy Indian males from 20–89 years belonging to subpopulation of Andhra Pradesh from South India. Our results revealed lowest concentration of 95 percentile serum PSA in Indian males compared to other populations globally. Contrary to this, healthy Afro Americans were found to have highest concentration of serum PSA compared to all other populations.  相似文献   

探讨量化评估中国大气污染防治技术推广效果的技术方法和科学依据.基于“压力-状态-响应”(PSR)模型原理,构建包含18个评价指标的中国大气污染防治技术推广效果评价体系,其中压力系统包括社会经济发展、市场需求、大气污染程度、公众健康需求,状态系统包括技术推广水平,响应系统包括国家层面、企业层面、个人层面等;采用层次分析法...  相似文献   

Normal iron levels are required to prevent thrombocytosis by inhibiting thrombopoiesis. Thrombocytosis is usually associated with a mild iron deficiency and is the result of a lack of inhibition of thrombopoiesis. Study participants were 430 iron deficiency anemia (IDA) patients. Ten (10) mL of venous blood were collected for the subjects. Ferritin analysis was done by ELISA method while Hemogram analysis was done by auto-analyzer. Factor V Leiden, PRTG20210A, and MTHFR C677T genotype analysis was performed by PCR–RFLP method. Among the patients, 9 were heterozygous (G>A) and 2 were homozygous (A>A) carrier of FV Leiden; while 20 were heterozygous (C>T) and 3 were homozygous (T>T) for MTHFR polymorphism. None of the patient was identified with PT mutation. Patients with thrombosis gene marker had lower hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin levels, and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration than patients without thrombosis gene marker. Serum ferritin was elevated in subject with the absence of thrombosis gene markers. Our data suggest a high impact of inherited hypercoagulability risk factors in the pathogenesis of IDA and its complications.  相似文献   

Currently available method(s) for assaying pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C), an important intermediate metabolite of ornithine, proline and glutamate metabolic pathways, are cumbersome or not sensitive enough for microanalysis. The present study involving the synthesis of P5C followed by purity check, molecular mass (amu =113.1) determination by mass spectrometry and spectral characterization of P5C-ninhydrin derivative (λ max: 510 nm) confirmed the authenticity of the preparation. Studies on the effect of pH on spectral characteristics of P5C ninhydrin derivative demonstrated a significant change with respect to λ max (620 nm) and several ∼ 12 fold increase in molar extinction coefficient (ε: 1.96 × 105) in alkaline conditions (pH:7.0–8.0) as compared to the reported Molar ε of 1.65 × 104 at max λ 510 nm in ethanolic solution. The modified method, with the improved sensitivity, is adopted for the assay of ornithine amino transferase activity in WBC’s/platelets lysate(s) from human blood.  相似文献   

在对中国产业政策进行评估时,必须考虑到政策的机会成本,从效率的角度进行。以我国A股上市公司为样本,实证检验政府财政补贴对企业营收的影响,发现:(1)政府财政补贴与企业自身研发投入都显著增加了企业的总营业收入;(2)财政补贴给企业带来的营收增长,远低于企业自身研发投入带来的增长,前者只有后者的1/3左右。这意味着,相对于资金的市场化配置,政府财政补贴的效率较低。考虑到产业政策配置资金对社会资金的挤占,我国产业政策的效果有待进一步提高。  相似文献   

《西北林学院学报》 在西部大开发中的作用与实践评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合《西北林学院学报》的办刊体会,回顾与总结了近年来该刊在西部大开发中的实践,并评价了其效果。认为《西北林学院学报》作为林业类有代表性的学术期刊面对西部大开发的良好机遇,应该发挥其传媒优势,继续提高期刊质量,深入科技前沿,促进科技成果转化,以林业学术期刊的自身创新推动西部社会经济发展。  相似文献   

目的:了解系统评价/Meta分析在中医药科研中的应用情况,为后期研究提供参考;方法:计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库2015年前收录的中医药系统评价/Meta分析文献,按照设定的排除标准确定纳入文献,采用文献计量学方法对年代分布、来源期刊、发表机构、核心作者、合作发文、基金资助、研究内容进行统计分析;结果:共纳入文献1735篇,最早的文献起始于1997年,文献来源于302个期刊,第一作者分布在515个机构,涉及境内30个省(市、自治区)和美国、丹麦、香港、澳门,有21位作者发表论文达到10篇以上,论文的合著率为93.0%、合作度为3.76,有30.4%的论文得到了基金资助,干预手段为药物干预(69.6%)、非药物干预(24.9%)和联合干预(5.5%),文献涉及的病种按ICD-10分类共19个大类;结论:近年来系统评价/Meta分析在中医药科研中的应用取得快速的发展,论文数量显著增长、核心期刊占比较高、发表机构分布广泛、研究团队逐步形成、基金课题较为关注、应用领域不断扩展,但是研究开展的地区分布并不平衡、研究质量也存在较大差异,后期应该加强相关方法学研究,正确使用和合理解读系统评价/Meta分析,努力提高研究的质量。  相似文献   

Lymphocyte subset estimations by flow cytometry in population-based studies require transportation of samples from the field site to the laboratory. As samples arrive late in the day they have to wait overnight before being processed. The effect of two possible approaches, sample storage for 24 h before staining and immediate staining with analysis after 24 h and 48 h were evaluated. Two sets of experiments were performed with EDTA (ethylenediamine tetra-acetate) anticoagulated peripheral blood. In the first experiment, after collection, each sample was divided into two portions. One portion was stained at the time of blood collection and the other 24 h later after keeping it at room temperature (38–45°C). In the second experiment, blood samples were stained within 1–2 h. Each sample was analyzed immediately upon completion of staining process and subsequently after 24 h and 48 h of storage at 4°C. Results suggest that blood collected in EDTA can be processed using whole blood lysis method, after storage at room temperature (38–45°C) for 24 h with some but not significant alteration in T-cell subsets. Storage at 4°C after staining for 24 h results in a lesser and insignificant loss of cells or alteration of T-cell subsets and may be the method of choice.  相似文献   

Given the paucity of studies conducted to know the effect of suddenness and earlier onset of endocrinological changes associated with hysterectomy, on the serum and urinary levels of calcium, magnesium and phosphate the present study was conducted to compare the levels of calcium, magnesium and phosphate in serum and urine of hysterectomised and natural menopausal south Indian women. This is a cross-sectional observational study. The study included three groups of 30 healthy premenopausal, 30 early surgical menopausal and 30 natural post menopausal women. Women suffering from any endocrine disease were excluded. Analysis was performed in serum and urine sample. The levels of calcium, magnesium and phosphate in serum and calcium/creatinine, magnesium/creatinine and phosphate/creatinine ratio were estimated in urine by spectrophotometric method. Hysterectomised women (serum calcium: 8.7 ± 0.09 mg/dl; urine calcium/creatinine: 0.16 ± 0.02) have significantly low serum calcium (p < 0.001) and high urinary calcium/creatinine (p = 0.002) ratio and post menopausal women (serum magnesium: 2.1 ± 0.03; serum phosphate: 4.4 ± 0.16; urinary calcium/creatinine: 0.17 ± 0.02; urinary magnesium/creatinine: 0.09 ± 0.01) have significantly high serum magnesium (p = 0.016), serum phosphate (p = 0.043) and high urinary calcium/creatinine (p = 0.002), magnesium/creatinine ratio (p = 0.025) compared to healthy pre menopausal women. Post menopausal women (serum calcium: 9.1 ± 0.08) have significantly high serum calcium and phosphate compared to hysterectomised women (serum phosphate: 3.93 ± 0.11). Hysterectomised women have significantly low serum calcium, oestrogen and high urinary calcium/creatinine ratio compared to healthy premenopausal women and low serum calcium and low serum phosphate compared to natural postmenopausal women. Natural postmenopausal women had low serum oestrogen and high serum magnesium, serum phosphate, urinary calcium creatinine ratio and urinary magnesium creatinine ratio compared to healthy premenopausal women.  相似文献   

“课程思政”是当前高校教育的发展方向,在管理学课程的试点教育中,采用嵌入性教学模式进行“课程思政”教育,实现了专业课与思想政治教育融合的教学目标。但从长期发展来看,专业课程思政教育仍需加强学校的顶层引领,不断优化思政教育的教学队伍建设,并根据学校办学定位,对教学设计、教学目标以及教学内容进行适当的设计与修改,尤为重要的是要构建以学生、督导、领导为评价主体的内闭环评价体系以及以社会企业为主体的外闭环评价体系。  相似文献   

This article outlines the evolution of international scientific production in Spain over the last 25 years, a period characterised by steady growth in research production. The following stages in this process are identified in accordance with some of the factors that predominated at different times. From 1974 to 1982 production increased due to causes endogenous to the scientific system itself, as scientists brought their work into line with the patterns which characterised research in other industrialised countries. From 1982 to 1991 the prioritisation of R&D by government administrative bodies represented a constant stimulus, implemented through a set of legal measures, investments and the creation of posts for new researchers. From 1989 to the present the creation of the Comisión Nacional de Evaluación de la Actividad Investigadora (National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity, CNEAI) and the research incentive system have provided a further stimulus, which has led to the maintenance of, and an increase in, the rate of research production in spite of the net decrease in the monetary value of research grants awarded during the last period analysed. Other special characteristics of Spanish research, such as its dependence on the public sector and its essentially academic nature, are discussed.  相似文献   

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