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国际直接投资(FDI)已经成为促进东道国经济发展的重要因素,发展中国家纷纷采取各种措施来吸引FDI。双边投资协定(BIT)因其能够为外国投资者提供有约束力的保护而备受外资青睐,近年来越来越多的发展中国家通过签署BIT来吸引FDI,因此BIT在吸引FDI方面的有效性值得研究。基于1993-2004年47个发展中国家的数据,采用面板数据模型分析了双边投资协定对发展中国家吸引FDI的影响,同时还考察了BIT与制度质量、单边投资自由化之间的关系,结果显示BIT有利于发展中国家FDI流入的增长,且与制度质量、单边投资自由化之间存在替代关系。这对我国利用BIT吸引外资和对外投资具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

A sweeping analysis is provided of the problems and challenges inherent in adapting the higher education systems of South East Europe to the Bologna Process. For the countries in question, not yet members of the European Union, educational reform, particularly the reform of higher education along the lines of the Bologna Process, are viewed as crucial steps to be taken on the way to membership. Such matters as course programmes and credits, faculty and student mobility, brain drain, the employment of graduates, quality and competitiveness, use of the NITs in the region, inter-university co-operation, higher education and society, lifelong learning, and the actions of international organizations are discussed. Some suggestions for further progress are given.  相似文献   

In many European countries and in North America, home education is a viable alternative for education at school. Parents who want to home school their child are legally allowed to do so, although some countries impose rather strict conditions. This article concentrates on the way authorities supervise or inspect the quality of home education. A comparison is made of inspection regulations in 14 European countries. Substantial differences were found, regarding among other things the function of inspection, inspection methods and the outcomes. Most countries do not have data on the effectiveness of inspection. It is recommended that governments screen their procedures for the inspection of home education using criteria such as transparency, consistency, and efficiency.  相似文献   

欧美大学的技术转移活动在一定程度上促进了经济和社会的发展,学术知识商业化是这一活动中较为传统的方式,而通常被忽视的另一技术转移方式——学者参与产学合作,从参与程度来看其实也发挥着重要的作用。这一情况的出现主要受学者个人特征、组织环境和制度环境等因素的驱动,它在对学者本人及其组织产生积极影响的同时也不可避免地存在一些消极影响。  相似文献   

In accordance with the education policy which puts human capital at its heart, higher education is expected to produce marketable competent professionals in response to the needs of an expansive knowledge-based economy. In one reading, to support competitive knowledge-based economy, higher education students should graduate as young and fast as possible. The article asks whether it is credible that the young & fast principle as an objective for university education would provide a feasible way of enhancing professional labour force to serve knowledge economies. The analysis of study careers of 17,000 European second cycle university graduates shows that transitions from school to higher education to professional employment vary considerably in the 12 countries. The key finding is that countries with rather slow progression in the initial part of the transition tend to do better in the end, and vice versa. Belgium (Flanders) is the most obvious example of young and fast-graduating students that need a relatively long period after graduation to start their professional careers. In Finland, Austria, and Norway, relatively old and experienced graduates are employed rapidly. The time before professional employment after graduation is short for students who have acquired relevant work experience and acquainted themselves with professional fields. The youngest professionals are found in France where they tend to have access to opportunities for professionally relevant training. However, professional employment cannot be fostered by simply trying to recruit student populations as young as possible, but rather by enriching the labour market relevance of their student careers.  相似文献   

秉承多元一体的理念,欧盟国家的教育通过合作项目和建立高等教育区逐渐走向一体化。欧洲的比较教育开创了世界比较教育研究领域,很早就产生了一批比较教育著名学者,对世界比较教育的发展做出了巨大贡献。欧洲比较教育学会是世界比较教育学会的创建学会之一。当然,欧盟国家的比较教育在发展过程中也遇到了一些问题,但是欧盟目前这样的多元文化的社会,比较教育对于理解不同文化以及逐渐消除种族主义和排外主义可以做出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

In the current context of globalisation it seems inevitable that the international openness of universities would also lead to efforts to attract foreign students. In the case of Spain, this is more necessary, insofar as the drop in population, the existence of other quality educational offerings, and the greater number of public and private universities have made students a target to compete for. Cutbacks in public funds have accentuated this trend. This article analyses the international demand at Spanish universities in order to determine whether there are significant differences because of the level of local competition faced by universities and public or private ownership. The Herfindhal index and analysis of variance are used to this end. Using data from the Statistics on University Students for the 2005‐2006 and 2011‐2012 academic years, we found that the creation of the European Higher Education Area partially affected international demand at Spanish universities. The overall international attractiveness of the Spanish university system improved considerably and universities have assumed an international view, regardless of the competition in their respective areas. Therefore, local competition is no longer a decisive factor to explain the international demand. In contrast, although public or private ownership does not determine the international attractiveness of universities, it does serve to explain their type of international demand.  相似文献   


A model intended to explain students' decisions to withdraw from their degree courses in the Business Studies Department of a 'new' university was developed and tested. It emerged that financial hardship exerted a powerful influence on the stay/quit decision and significantly moderated the impacts on the decision to leave of: (i) academic performance, and (ii) the student's level of commitment to his/her programme. Individual self-esteem played a crucial role in encouraging or discouraging withdrawal when a person experienced low grades or substantial financial problems. The determinants of academic performance, student motivation, satisfaction and commitment were explored.  相似文献   

当代欧美发达国家高等教育的运行机制 ,不是单一的市场机制 ,而是由政府、市场、高校三个部分组成的一种“混合”机制。国家通过拨款和立法等手段对高校实行宏观调控 ,市场则通过教育生产要素和产品的供求关系制约着高校的发展 ,高校在内部教学和行政事务上享有较充分的自主或自治权。各组成部分相互激励、相互协调、相互制约、形成合力 ,推动着高等教育事业的改革和发展。本文着重分析当代欧美若干发达国家高等教育运行中高校、政府、市场的性质、作用与特点 ,希冀借鉴其高等教育运行机制转换的经验教训 ,促进我国高等教育体制改革。  一…  相似文献   

欧洲大学科研评价与拨款的相关度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文依据大学科研评价结果与拨款的相关程度把欧洲各国大学科研评价分为四种模型,分别探讨每种类型的评价结果与拨款的关系。在此基础上,对我国大学科研拨款机制的完善提出建议。  相似文献   

In this study, structural equation modeling is applied to examine the determinants of students' satisfaction and their perceived learning outcomes in the context of university online courses. Independent variables included in the study are course structure, instructor feedback, self‐motivation, learning style, interaction, and instructor facilitation as potential determinants of online learning. A total of 397 valid unduplicated responses from students who have completed at least one online course at a university in the Midwest were used to examine the structural model. The results indicated that all of the antecedent variables significantly affect students' satisfaction. Of the six antecedent variables hypothesized to affect the perceived learning outcomes, only instructor feedback and learning style are significant. The structural model results also reveal that user satisfaction is a significant predictor of learning outcomes. The findings suggest online education can be a superior mode of instruction if it is targeted to learners with specific learning styles (visual and read/write learning styles) and with timely, meaningful instructor feedback of various types.  相似文献   

高等教育大众化是当今任何发展中国家在日益激烈的国际竞争中提升国家竞争力,取得主动的必要条件。文章分析比较了发达国家在推行教育民主化历程中的经验教训,提出,发展中国家应放开政策,鼓励民办高等教育,同时发展开放式的远程教育,藉此两翼实现高等教育大众化的起飞。  相似文献   

高等教育支出责任划分涉及政府间分担的高等教育公共支出比例及其承担的高等教育分项支出项目。依据财政联邦主义理论和公共产品层次性理论,分析了政府间高等教育支出责任划分的原则要求。以瑞士、比利时、德国、西班牙四国为例,介绍了分权化国家政府间高等教育支出责任划分的基本情况,分析了高等教育管理体制、政府财力配置、历史文化传统对高等教育支出责任划分的影响,总结出分权化国家政府间高等教育支出责任划分的五个基本特点。借鉴国外经验,结合我国的实际情况,提出了优化和完善我国高等教育支出责任划分的若干建议。  相似文献   

城市居民的政治参与及其影响因素的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
当前居民的政治参与程度较低,但是意见表达政治参与的程度强于利益表达政治参与;性别、年龄、文化程度对于居民的意见表达政治参与和利益表达政治参与均具有较大影响;工作满意度、家庭满意度以及个人满意度均对意见表达政治参与具有正向影响,家庭满意度对于利益表达政治参与具有正向影响,而工作满意度和个人满意度却对其不具有显著影响。在当前提高居民的政治参与的程度,需要提高居民的整体文化水平以及加强城市建设与完善社会保障制度的建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the factors that influence the reputation or prestige of universities. We first develop a model of university behaviour which indicates how the decisions made by university officials would be chosen in order to maximize their respective reputations. In doing so, we assume that reputation is enhanced by the quality of students produced, the caliber of research and the service provided to the community in terms of the provision of publicly funded education services. We argue that the relative weights placed on these intermediate outputs may vary by university type as well as the means of producing them. Using the results of the reputational survey – a ranking of the institution in terms of reputation – conducted as part of the Canadian magazine Maclean’s overall ranking exercise, we then estimate an Error Correction—Ordered Probit Model of the rankings of Canadian universities to determine the factors that influence the change in reputation or “prestige” of the university as viewed by the external community. We find evidence that the change in reputation of a university is based on what might be considered the appropriate “signals” that one might use in estimating the respective quality of the institution given the respective differences in mission.  相似文献   

在利益相关者治理理论、"多元价值"教育评价思想以及博洛尼亚进程的影响下,英、法、德、意等欧洲国家纷纷出台了有关学生参与高等教育质量保障的政策。通过对学生参与质量保障的权利给予立法保障,吸纳学生参与高等教育管理机构和各级质量保障机构,以及充分发挥学生组织的作用等政策措施,欧洲国家在质量保障中实现学生的全面、充分参与。  相似文献   

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