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王莉 《天津教育》2022,(3):173-175
科学是历史长河中璀璨的珍珠,是探索和发展的结果,是推进人类社会进步的必要环节.科学的发展给人们的生活带来了便捷和进步,让人们的生活和工作更加舒适,科学的思想和文化需要对青少年进行传递,在一代一代的传承中不断突破.在教育行业中,科学作为一门科目,需要教师对其进行有效的开展,根据学习的内容来综合拓展学生各方面的能力,让学生...  相似文献   

说起儿童科普读物,每个人都能联想到《十万个为什么》,这套丛书引导一代又一代儿童热爱科学、认识世界。但时至今日,这套丛书中却未有关于人类心理发展知识的独立单册。随着时代的发展进步和人民生活水平的不断提高,人们越来越关注心理健康的重要性。  相似文献   

王莉 《天津教育》2022,(7):173-175
<正>科学是历史长河中璀璨的珍珠,是探索和发展的结果,是推进人类社会进步的必要环节。科学的发展给人们的生活带来了便捷和进步,让人们的生活和工作更加舒适,科学的思想和文化需要对青少年进行传递,在一代一代的传承中不断突破。在教育行业中,科学作为一门科目,需要教师对其进行有效的开展,根据学习的内容来综合拓展学生各方面的能力,  相似文献   

<正> 毛泽东教育思想是毛泽东思想科学体系的一个重要组成部分,是马克思主义教育原理同我国教育实际相结合的产物。半个多世纪以来,在毛泽东教育思想指引下,我国教育事业不断向前发展,取得了巨大的成就,培养了一代又一代革命和建设事业的接班人。  相似文献   

江泽民同志关于“三个代表”的重要论述要求我们不断提高工人、农民、知识分子和其他劳动群众以及全体人民的思想道德素质和科学文化素质,不断提高他们的劳动技能和创造才能,充分发挥他们的积极性、主动性和创造性,培养一代又一代有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的公民。而建设一支师德高尚、业务精湛、结构优化、富有创新活力又能参与国际竞争的教师队伍,是我们上海教育部  相似文献   

新型计算机与相关技术的研发和应用,是二十一世纪科技领域的重大创新,必将推进全球经济社会高速发展,实现人类发展史上的重大突破.科学在发展,人类在进步,历史上的新生事物都要经过一个从无到有的艰难历程,随着一代又一代科学家们的不断努力,未来的计算机一定会是更加方便人们的工作、学习、生活的好伴侣.  相似文献   

在最近召开的全国宣传思想工作会议上,江泽民总书记作了重要讲话。他强调指出,我们的宣传思想工作,要以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人,不断培养和造就一代又一代有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的社会主义新人,在建设有中国特  相似文献   

江泽民总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立80周年大会上指出:“要努力提高全民族的思想道德素质和科学文化素质,实现人们思想和精神生活的全面发展。”“发展社会主义文化的根本任务,是培养一代又一代有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律的公民。”坚持面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来,按照民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化的要求,促进全民族思想道德素质和科学文化素质的不断提高,为我国经济发展和社会进步提供精神动力和智力支持,  相似文献   

马克思主义中国化是一个长期的历史发展过程。在这一历史过程中,马克思主义中国化的道路开辟及其不断发展,始终是中国共产党人结合中国革命和建设实际不断探讨的重大问题。建党90年来,中国共产党人坚持以反映时代特征和实践要求的科学理论指导实践,并根据实践的新鲜经验不断推进理论创新,一代又一代地把马克思主义中国化事业推向前进。深入研究建党90年来马克思主义中国化的历史进程,总结概括基本经验,形成规律性的认识,对于坚持和发展马克思主义,并进一步推进马克思主义中国化具有极其重大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

1.提高思想认识,积极承担指导家庭教育的责任。 学校必须强化对家庭教育的指导,向家长传授科学的家庭教育知识,澄清其在家庭教育中的模糊认识,帮助他们树立正确的家庭教育观,掌握科学的家庭教育方法,提高家长科学教育子女的能力。指导家庭教育,还可以不断提高家长的素质,抓一代,促两代,促进和谐家庭和和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   


Using data from the 2006 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), we explored nine aspects of science engagement (science self-efficacy, science self-concept, enjoyment of science, general interest in learning science, instrumental motivation for science, future-oriented science motivation, general value of science, personal value of science, and science-related activities) as outcomes and predictors of science achievement. Based on results from multilevel modelling with 4456 students nested within 132 schools, we found that all aspects of science engagement were statistically significantly and positively related to science achievement, and nearly all showed medium or large effect sizes. Each aspect was positively associated with one of the (four) practices (strategies) of science teaching. Focus on applications or models was positively related to the most aspects of science engagement (science self-concept, enjoyment of science, instrumental motivation for science, general value of science, and personal value of science). Hands-on activities were positively related to additional aspects of science engagement (science self-efficacy and general interest in learning science) and also showed a positive relationship with science achievement.  相似文献   

我国科学教育发展历史虽然已历经百年,但至今仍存在不少问题。要在新时期解决科学教育中的诸多问题,必须厘清科学教育中的几个关系性问题:第一,科学与科学教育之间的关系,科学与科学教育分属两个范畴但又相互关联;第二,科学方法与科学教育方法之关系,科学方法是科学研究者做科学之方法,科学教育方法则是指导学生学习科学之方法;第三,科学知识与科学素养之关系,科学素养是科学教育追求之目标,科学知识是其不可或缺的重要内容;第四,科学教育与技术教育之间的关系,随着科学与技术之间相互作用的增强,科学与技术在教育中逐渐走向融合,但现时期科学教育与技术教育仍具有不同的内涵。  相似文献   

钱学森以马克思主义哲学为指导,提出了"现代科学技术体系"和"开放复杂巨系统的理论与方法",成为科学技术发展史上重大的理论创新。从横向上,钱学森将现代科学技术的认识过程分为工程技术、技术科学和基础科学三个层次,科学技术认识的基础是前科学;从纵向上,他从"科学是随着矛盾的产生而发展"的观点出发,对科学技术的发展状况进行了总结,提出了系统科学、思维科学、人体科学等新学科。还将文学艺术、军事科学技术、行为科学技术、地理科学技术、建筑科学技术等纳入到科学技术体系之中。  相似文献   

This study considers the relationship between science, science teaching and the philosophy of science perceiving these three cultural phenomena as a semantic triad. This approach presents science teaching as being a form of a scientific reflection. The relationship of science teaching to the philosophy of science is advocated to be essential, revealing the conceptual meaning of science in the science curriculum and thus removing the semantic degeneracy taking place when the philosophy of science is ignored in science education. The study points at the bricolage as well as magic nature of the science curriculum preserving as long as science teaching preserves semantic degeneracy. Different types of meaning of Schwab’s commonplaces were recognized. The study challenges the common view of the relationship between science, science teaching and pedagogy and suggests effective representation of individual knowledge of science educators.  相似文献   

作为中国现代科学事业体制化建设的先驱,任鸿隽一生致力于科学的宣传组织工作。他的科学观是一个内涵丰富、见解深远、结构完整的理论体系,其基本框架包含了科学本体论、科学方法论、科学精神论和科学功用论。研究任鸿隽的科学观,是解读这位科学事业家的思想与科学活动的基石,也是了解那个时代的科学思潮的重要思想航标。  相似文献   

Scientific literacy and attitudes toward science play an important role in human daily lives. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether first‐year pre‐service teachers in colleges in Taiwan have a satisfactory level of scientific literacy. The domains of scientific literacy selected in this study include: (1) science content; (2) the interaction between science, technology and society (STS); (3) the nature of science; and (4) attitudes toward science. In this study, the instruments used were Chinese translations of the Test of Basic Scientific Literacy (TBSL) and the Test of Science‐related Attitudes. Elementary education majors (n = 141) and science education majors (n = 138) from four teachers’ colleges responded to these instruments. The statistical results from the tests revealed that, in general, the basic scientific literacy of first‐year pre‐service teachers was at a satisfactory level. Of the six scales covered in this study, the pre‐service teachers displayed the highest literacy in health science, STS, and life science. Literacy in the areas of the nature of science and earth science was rated lowest. The results also showed that science education majors scored significantly higher in physical science, life science, nature of science, science content, and the TBSL than elementary science majors. Males performed better than females in earth science, life science, science content, and the TBSL. Next, elementary education majors responded with more “don’t know” responses than science education majors. In general, the pre‐service teachers were moderately positive in terms of attitudes toward science while science education majors had more positive attitudes toward science. There was no significant difference in attitudes between genders. Previous experience in science indicated more positive attitudes toward science. The results from stepwise regression revealed that STS, the nature of science, and attitudes toward science could explain 50.6% and 60.2% variance in science content in elementary education and science education majors, respectively. For science education majors, the first three scales—the nature of science, health science and physical science—determined basic scientific literacy. However, for elementary education majors, the top three factors were physical science, life science and the nature of science. Based on these results, several strategies for developing the professional abilities of science teachers have been recommended for inclusion in pre‐service programs.  相似文献   

Scientific literacy is one of the primary purposes of science education which briefly focuses on using and interpreting scientific explanations, understanding science within its culture. However, science curricula emphasize science with its cognitive aspects and underestimate affective and aesthetic aspects of science. Science education needs to cover beauty of science for students to cross borders between their own culture and culture of science and to achieve the aim of scientific literacy. Relating aesthetic aspects of science with content of science and paving the way for aesthetic experiences through artworks may enrich science education. The purposes of this study are to discuss the need of integrating aesthetic aspects of science in science instruction and to propose examples and pedagogical suggestions to promote aesthetic experiences into the science education. Artworks are selected to present socio-cultural aspects of science to demonstrate the culture of science, their stories are explained, and pedagogical suggestions are proposed. Advantages and difficulties of using artworks in science instruction are discussed as a result of the study.  相似文献   

国外关于科学本质教学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
促进学生对科学本质的理解已成为科学教育的根本目标之一.科学本质阐明了科学所具有的基本特征,是人们对科学本质属性的正确认识.本文对国外关于科学本质的内涵、科学本质的教学内容与学习范畴、融入科学史的科学本质教学、科学探究及科学本质教学的研究等作了概述.  相似文献   

借鉴教学系统理论,建立新的、对科学课程教学实践具有指导意义的科学课程教学系统论。科学课程教学系统应该由科学课程教学目标、科学课程教师、学生、科学课程教学内容、科学课程教学方法和手段、科学课程教学资源、科学课程教学评价与反馈等七要素组成。  相似文献   

倪娟  李广洲 《教育学报》2006,2(1):54-61
通过追溯中西文化演变,分析传统“理性”文化之别,阐述我国传统文化对理科教育的负面影响;回顾近代理科教育的社会文化演变过程,结合理科“文化”舞台分析当前基础教育理科课程改革中出现的问题。理科的人文化传统教学造成了以非理性方式记忆“科学”,使理科教育目标背离了科学的本质诉求。针对传统文化中精确、求真、独立性和批判性等理性思维不足的缺陷,提出理科课程改革中建立符合科学理性特点的理科教材观、知识价值观、学生的科学观、教师科学教学观、教师观、评价观等的具体办法,给予“理解科学”的课程改革目标的实现以诸多启示。  相似文献   

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