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本研究是为了了解计算机和网络对传统高校学生学习生活的影响,以及学生的个人特征和计算机网络经验与这种影响之间的关系。研究采用问卷收集数据,浙江大学650名学生被随机抽样参与研究。研究结果表明,传统高校学生认为计算机和网络对他们学习生活中的许多方面都产生了积极的影响;性别等因素对他们的认识有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

初中生课堂学习效果与学生提问、师生讨论、学生预习复习、学生独立思考解决问题、教师提问的程度有显著相关性,并且各个因素之间也相互关联。男女生课堂学习效果影响因素并无显著差异,而不同年龄学生课堂学习效果影响因素差异显著。因此,在课堂教学中,应注意发挥学生的主体作用,减少性别偏见,注重年龄差异,以提高中学生的课堂学习效果。  相似文献   

本研究随机选取北京市城区的120名学生为研究对象,采用自编的《初中生QQ自我表露动机与行为调查问卷》,探查初中生的网络自我表露动机及表露内容。结果发现:(1)初中生在QQ上的自我表露程度并不高;(2)不同性别、不同兄弟姐妹数、不同家庭常住人口数、父母受教育程度不同以及每次上QQ时长不同的初中生,其QQ自我表露动机没有显著差异;(3)每周上QQ的次数会影响初中生的QQ自我表露动机;(4)不同性别、不同年龄、不同家庭常住人口数的初中生在QQ自我表露主题上存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

通过计算机辅助口语测试和面试的相关性研究,探讨计算机辅助口语测试与面试的可替代性,同时结合问卷调查,了解学生对计算机辅助口语测试的态度、影响口语测试的因素。研究结果表明,计算机辅助口语测试和面试的成绩显著相关,两者具有可替代性;大多数学生认同计算机辅助口语测试这一形式;影响口语测试的主要因素是题目和材料的熟悉程度。  相似文献   

通过在山东英才学院的实证研究,笔者得出结论,计算机辅助语言教学对高职英语阅读教学效果有着积极显著的影响.其原因主要是,一是计算机辅助语言教学激发了学生学习的兴趣;二是计算机辅助语言教学可使学生使用多种思维方式学习,降低了学习难度;三是计算机辅助语言教学可以整合多种教学方法和手段,调动学生的多个感官共同参与.最后,针对实际教学中容易出现的问题,笔者提出了相关的建议.  相似文献   

高校学生网络资源使用状况的实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究的目的是为了了解当代高校学生网络资源的使用现状,及个人差异影响学生上网活动的状况.研究发现,被调查的浙江大学学生(n=596)中80%都拥有个人计算机.大学生平均每天用计算机3.11个小时,上网2.51个小时,上网主要目的是为了学习、交流和娱乐.对列举的十五项网上活动,学生们表示经常参与其中三分之二的活动.但仅一半的学生表示经常登陆与学习有关的网站并经常收看在线节目;四成的学生经常使用与专业相关的网站;绝大部分学生不经常浏览外文网站、与网上老师交流,但知道如何制作网站.此外,性别、年级等因素对大学生网络资源使用状况有着不同程度的影响.  相似文献   

以Weiner的归因理论为指导,采用访谈和问卷调查等方法对浙江省大学生计算机等级考试成败归因进行调查分析。结果显示,大学生的归因方式存在缺陷,他们认为外部因素是影响考试成绩的最主要因素,而忽视对内部因素的归因分析;在计算机等级考试通过率方面,不同性别和不同专业类别因素没有产生影响,但不同考试类别因素有极其显著差异的影响;等级考试失败的学生对下次考试成功的期望值较高,但在调整学习方法和学习策略方面态度消极。  相似文献   

沧州市中学生应激源状况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解沧州市中学生的压力状况及压力的主要来源。为当前的素质教育改革和中学生心理健康教育提供量化的依据和参考。方法:本研究使用浙江大学心理系郑全全教授修订的《中学生应激源量表》,对沧州市不同层次的6所中学的近1000名中学生进行了测查,并对调查结果进行统计分析。结果:(1)不同性别学生的压力源存在显著差异;(2)城乡学生压力源状况差异显著;(3)不同层次学校学生的压力源存在显著差异;(4)不同年级学生的压力源状况存在极显著的差异;(5)父母文化程度对学生的压力源有显著影响。结论:不同性别、不同层次学校、不同年级、市区和城乡的学生心理压力的来源是不同的;学校、教师在教学和管理中应了解学生的压力来源,有的放矢、区别对待。  相似文献   

对南通大学一年级新生进行问卷调查,得出隐性知识在计算机公共课的学习中存在七个维度,分别是愿望效益、组织交流、成就感、既往经验、自主拓展、课程价值与目标、实验探究。计算机水平主观感受程度不同的学生在这七个维度上均存在非常明显的差异,不同性别、不同学科、不同生源地和不同知识起点的学生在计算机公共课隐性知识的各维度存在不同程度的差异。论文针对分析结果给出培养和挖掘大学生计算机隐性知识的教学建议。  相似文献   

本文对教师的合作学习观进行了调查和分析,研究发现教师的年龄不同,对合作学习的态度、实施合作学习的原因、以及对合作学习主体的认识是不同的;培训过的教师与没有培训过的教师在对学生合作时基本要素的看法上面,存在显著差异:教师的合作学习观念在性别、教龄、学历方面不存在显著差异,在此基础上提出相应的建议.  相似文献   

This study examined how message-response exchanges produced in the interactions between active learners only, reflective learners only, active-reflective learners and reflective-active learners affected how often active versus reflective learners posted rebuttals to arguments and challenges across four types of exchanges that believed to promote critical discourse (argument–challenge, challenge–counterchallenge, challenge–explain, challenge–evidence) in computer-supported collaborative argumentation (CSCA). This study found that the exchanges between reflective learners produced 44% more responses than in the exchanges between active learners ( ES  = +0.17). The reflective–reflective exchanges produced 47% more responses than the active–reflective exchanges ( ES  = +0.18). These results suggest that groups with reflective learners only are likely to produce more critical discourse than groups with active learners only, and the ratio of active–reflective learners within a group can potentially influence overall group performance. These findings illustrate how specific traits of the learner can affect discourse processes in CSCA and provide insights into process-oriented strategies and tools for structuring dialogue and promoting critical inquiry in online discussions.  相似文献   

In this study we examined response patterns in exchanges between males and females and their effects on gender participation in five online debates. Students classified messages into arguments, evidence, critiques, and elaborations while posting messages to the debates to facilitate argumentation and the sequential analysis of message-response sequences. The findings revealed no differences in number of critiques posted in response to arguments because females were just as likely as males to critique messages from both males and females, and because females responded to males with critiques at a higher than expected frequency. Posthoc analysis revealed strong indications that females posted fewer rebuttals to the critiques of females than males, and males posted more rebuttals to the critiques of females than females. The methods used in this study illustrate a process-oriented approach to explain and predict gender differences in participation and serve as a framework for future research on gender participation, group interaction, and strategies for facilitating collaborative argumentation and problem solving.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of pre‐structuring discussion threads on group performance in computer‐supported collaborative argumentation where students labeled their messages as arguments, challenges, supporting evidence, and explanations on a threaded discussion board. In the pre‐structured group students were required to post supporting and opposing arguments to designated and separate discussion threads. In the control group no discussion threads were designated for posting supporting and opposing arguments. The mean number of challenges elicited per argument was 64% greater with pre‐structured threads (ES = +.47). No significant differences were found in the mean number of counter‐challenges, supporting evidence, and explanations posted in reply to challenges. The findings suggest that prestructured discussion threads can increase the frequency of argument→challenge exchanges needed to initiate critical discourse.  相似文献   

Given that grammatical and spelling errors have been found to influence perceived competence and credibility in written communication, this study examined how a student’s grammar and spelling errors affect how other students respond to the student’s postings in four online debates hosted in asynchronous threaded discussions. Message-response exchanges were sequentially analyzed to identify patterns in students’ replies to arguments and challenges with counter-challenges, explanations, and evidentiary support posted by students that exhibited low versus high number of grammatical and spelling errors. Although no causal inferences can be drawn from this study, the findings nevertheless suggests that: (a) arguments posted by high-error students are more likely to be challenged than arguments posted by low-error students; (b) exchanges between high-error students can amplify the effects of grammar/spelling errors; and (c) higher levels of argumentation can be achieved by placing students into groups that are heterogeneous in writing skills in general. The findings and methods used in this study lay the groundwork for further research on strategies for managing individual differences in students’ grammar and spelling (and other student behaviors in general) and increasing the level of critical discourse in online discussions.  相似文献   

In asynchronous threaded discussions, messages posted near the end of the week provide less time for students to critically examine and respond to ideas presented in the messages than messages posted early in the week. This study examined how the day in which messages are posted (early, midweek and weekend) in computer-supported collaborative argumentation affect the number of responses elicited by arguments and challenges, and how its effects differ across the four types of exchanges (argument–challenge, challenge–counterchallenge, challenge–explain, challenge–evidence) that serve as indicators of critical discourse. This study found that the day of posting had a significant effect on the number of responses elicited per message, with the greatest to smallest effect on argument–challenge, challenge–counterchallenge, challenge–explain and challenge–evidence exchanges respectively. These findings highlight some of the limitations of asynchronous discussions, and suggest alternative ways to implement and design discussion environments to promote higher levels of critical discourse.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of conversational language (e.g., asking questions, inviting replies, acknowledgments, referencing others by name, closing signatures, ‘I agree, but’, greetings, etc.) on the frequency and types of responses posted in reply to given types of messages (e.g., argument, evidence, critique, explanation), and how the resulting response patterns support and inhibit collaborative argumentation in asynchronous online discussions. Using event sequence analysis to analyze message-response exchanges in eight online group debates, this study found that (a) arguments elicited 41% more challenges when presented with more conversational language (effect size .32), (b) challenges with more conversational language elicited three to eight times more explanations (effect size .12 to .31), and (c) the number of supporting evidence elicited by challenges was not significantly different from challenges that used more versus less conversational language. Overall, these and other findings from exploratory post-hoc tests show that conversational language can help to produce patterns of interaction that foster high levels of critical discourse, and that some forms of conversational language are more effective in eliciting responses than others.  相似文献   

The differences between US (Ohio) gifted and talented high school students and South Korean gifted and talented high school students on the Overexcitabilities Questionnaire II (OEQ II) were investigated. The OEQ II was administered to 227 Ohio identified gifted and talented high school students (M = 88, F = 139) and to 341 high school students from four specialized high schools (one for science, one for foreign language, and two for the arts) in Seoul, Korea (M = 117; F = 224). Multiple analysis of variance by gender and country revealed that Korean males and females scored higher in psychomotor OE and that US males and females scored higher in imaginational OE. No differences were found in intellectual OE, emotional OE, or sensual OE.  相似文献   

While research has found that males tend to commit more academically dishonest acts than females, we know little about what accounts for the gender differential or whether the same factors can explain academic dishonesty for males and females. This study assesses how internal controls, i.e., self‐control, shame, embarrassment, and moral beliefs, account for the relationship between gender and cheating behavior. Using a sample of students from a southern university in the United States, this study explores three questions. First, do internal controls vary across males and females? Second, can internal controls account for gender differences in test cheating? Third, do internal controls differentially or similarly predict test cheating for males and females? Results show that (a) gender differences among several internal controls as well as cheating behavior, (b) internal controls reduce the gender gap but cannot completely explain why gender differences exist in cheating, and (c) two internal controls, self‐control and moral beliefs, differentially predict male and female test cheating. We discuss limitations of our findings and how research can expand the investigation of gender differences and explanations for engaging in academically dishonest acts.  相似文献   

Cross-cultural studies can shed new light on theories of gender differences in cognition. In the present study, Chinese students were given items from the math subtest of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) that have been found to produce the largest gender differences in American students. The authors describe how four different explanations of gender differences make different predictions regarding the possible size of the gender difference in Chinese students. Consistent with the Differential Coursework view but contrary to the predictions of several other views, the results revealed no difference in performance on the SAT items between Chinese males and females.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if there are gender differences among elementary school‐aged students in regard to the inferences they generate during reading. Fourth‐grade students (130 females; 126 males) completed think‐aloud tasks while reading one practice and one experimental narrative text. Females generated a larger number and a greater proportion of reinstatement inferences than did males (Cohen's d = .34, p = .01; Cohen's d = .26, p = .04, respectively). In contrast, there was no evidence for gender differences in other types of think‐aloud responses. These findings suggest that males and females differ in their use of cognitive processes that underlie reading comprehension, particularly with respect to the likelihood of retrieval of information from episodic memory.  相似文献   

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