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It has been more than 10 years since Satoshi Nakamoto published his famous paper entitled ‘Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system’, which set the foundation of blockchain technology. Accompanied by the price volatility of bitcoins from 2017 to 2018, blockchain has been a hot word on the internet, and particularly hot in China. Blockchain offers a distributed and secure system for data storage and value transactions. Its applications are springing up in multiple fields.The Chinese government is considering these trends with great caution. Initial coin offering has been banned in China since September 2017. By contrast, an official white paper on China''s blockchain technology, which was released in May 2018, said that blockchain technology will be widely applied in the real economy of China within 3 years. In a recent panel discussion held by National Science Review, experts talked about related topics. Their opinions may provide a quick view of the future development of blockchain in China and abroad. Jing Chen Assistant Professor of Computer Science Department, Stony Brook University and Chief Scientist at Algorand LLC, USA Xiaotie Deng Professor of School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University, China Guohua Gan Vice President of Beijing Tai Cloud Technology Corp., China Xiaoyun Wang Professor of Institute of Advanced Study, Tsinghua University, China Zhiming Zheng Professor of School of Mathematics and Systems Science, Beihang University, China Lei Guo (Chair) Professor of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China  相似文献   

The six-membered ring (SMR) is a common structure unit for numerous material systems. These materials include, but are not limited to, the typical two-dimensional materials such as graphene, h-BN, and transition metal dichalcogenides, as well as three-dimensional materials such as beryllium, magnesium, MgB2 and Bi2Se3. Although many of these materials have already become ‘stars’ in materials science and condensed-matter physics, little attention has been paid to the roles of the SMR unit across a wide range of compositions and structures. In this article, we systematically analyze these materials with respect to their very basic SMR structural unit, which has been found to play a deterministic role in the occurrence of many intriguing properties and phenomena, such as Dirac electronic and phononic spectra, superconductivity and topology. As a result, we have defined this group of materials as SMR inorganic materials, opening up a new perspective on materials research and development. With their unique properties, SMR materials deserve wide attention and in-depth investigation from materials design, new physical discoveries to target-wizard applications. It is expected that SMR materials will find niche applications in next-generation information technology, renewable energy, space, etc.  相似文献   

基于科学的创新是指强烈依赖于科学进展、由前沿科学知识推动的产业技术创新,包含了新想法的产生、研究、开发、试制、生产制造和首次商业化的全过程。时至今日,基于科学的创新受到了西方学者的重点关注,他们围绕西方情境进行了大量的理论探讨与实证检验。但由于研究比较分散,研究视角、层次、问题的差异,特别是缺乏系统的文献梳理,导致这一创新范式在国内还没有得到足够的关注和讨论。因此,本文采用系统性文献综述法,对国内外相关文献进行检索,共识别出英文文献258篇、中文文献52篇。基于这些文献,本文全面梳理了国内外基于科学的创新的研究脉络,包括相关概念、特征、过程与模式以及创新范式的演进。同时,本文从创新维和企业维梳理了基于科学的创新知识框架。最后,本文提出了未来潜在的研究方向,以期为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

周炜  蔺楠  张茜 《科研管理》2022,43(1):14-21
    以1980至2020年发表的相关文献为基础,对学术创业的研究内容进行梳理,内容如下:(1)总结了已有研究中常用的学术创业概念和分类;(2)围绕学术创业主体,重点阐述了个体层面学术创业活动的研究成果;(3)对学术创业领域常用的理论及其适用问题进行了诠释;(4)从社会经济和基础科学两个方面介绍了学术创业的影响;(5)提出学术创业的研究展望,即关注数智经济阶段学术创业类型的变化、拓展学术创业研究的理论视角、扩充学术创业的研究主题以及在进一步完善国内学术创业研究体系的同时,深化中国制度背景下学术创业问题的探索,如儒家文化环境中的学术创业动机,不同地区/省份的学术创业差异等。通过对已有研究的梳理,为中国学术创业的研究和发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

The global demand for data storage is currently outpacing the world''s storage capabilities. DNA, the carrier of natural genetic information, offers a stable, resource- and energy-efficient and sustainable data storage solution. In this review, we summarize the fundamental theory, research history, and technical challenges of DNA storage. From a quantitative perspective, we evaluate the prospect of DNA, and organic polymers in general, as a novel class of data storage medium.  相似文献   

顾万建 《学会》2006,(9):58-60
建立健全农村科普网络、加大农民科普投入、激发农民对科技的需求、提高电视、广播等新闻媒体的科普利用率、提高大型科普活动的效果、破除封建迷信、强化“手拉手”的作用等是提高农民科学素养的有效途径。  相似文献   

虚拟团队研究:回顾、分析和展望   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
本文采用质的研究方法对国内近年来出现的虚拟团队研究进行检索、编码和分析,从研究设计和方法、研究主题和内容的角度对国内的虚拟团队研究进行了回顾,并比较了国内和国外虚拟团队研究上的差异,最后指出了未来国内虚拟团队研究的努力方向。  相似文献   

Science has greatly contributed to the advancement of technology and to the innovation of production processes and their applications. Cleaning products have become indispensable in today’s world, as personal and environmental hygiene is important to all societies worldwide. Such products are used in the home, in most work environments and in the industrial sectors. Most of the detergents on the market are synthesised from petrochemical products. However, the interest in reducing the use of products harmful to human health and the environment has led to the search for detergents formulated with natural, biodegradable surfactant components of biological (plant or microbiological) origin or chemically synthesised from natural raw materials usually referred to as green surfactants. This review addresses the different types, properties, and uses of surfactants, with a focus on green surfactants, and describes the current scenario as well as the projections for the future market economy related to the production of the different types of green surfactants marketed in the world.How to cite: Farias CBB, Almeida FCG, Silva IA, et al. Production of green surfactants: Market prospects. Electron J Biotechnol 2021;51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2021.02.002  相似文献   

The paper explores the role of imagined geographies in the shaping of new technologies. I argue that the role of place in future-oriented visions of technoscience is a neglected topic in studies of the social shaping of technology. The paper proposes an approach that combines the sociology of expectations with the geography of science. It focuses on the interplay between envisaged and current geographies to highlight the recursive dynamics of place and imagination. To illustrate this approach, the paper discusses the example of biopharming, the production of biopharmaceuticals using genetically modified crops. I argue that expectations for biopharming bear the imprint of place, or rather of the places in which they are imagined, as well as those they imagine, and ultimately those they produce. I use this example to suggest how social studies of science and technology can usefully investigate the spaces, places and scales of technological development.  相似文献   

From the publication of seminal works in the 1990s until now, a great deal of theoretical proposals and empirical evidence has been published on intellectual capital (IC) and the firm. Nevertheless, several problems remain as important impediments to the advancement and consolidation of an ‘Intellectual Capital-based View of the Firm’. Most of these issues have to do with the conceptualization and typology of IC, its measurement, and the limitations of the most common statistical methods. This article highlights the most important of these issues as well as some possible directions for future development.  相似文献   

中国非常规油气勘探开发进展与前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界非常规油气资源丰富,勘查开发利用强度日益加大,正逐步成为常规油气的重要补充,在能源供应中所占比重日益增加,甚至开始影响全球地缘政治和经济格局。中国非常规油气资源潜力巨大,勘查开发已陆续起步,储量和产量增长较为明显,但总体上仍处于初级阶段,资源接续不足,勘探开发面临诸多难题。促进非常规油气的跨越式发展,基础地质调查与研究、科技攻关、政策引导等诸多方面需进一步加强。本文以煤层气、页岩气、油页岩、油砂、天然气水合物等重要非常规油气为研究对象,在系统分析世界及中国非常规油气勘探开发最新进展的基础上,深刻剖析中国非常规油气勘探开发过程中面临的问题,建议在今后工作中,国家要高度重视非常规油气勘探开发,不断加强非常规油气的调查评价和科技攻关,进一步开放勘查开发市场,进一步完善扶持鼓励政策,重视勘探开发过程中的环境保护工作,提高非常规油气对国内能源保障能力、优化能源结构、促进生态环境建设的贡献。  相似文献   

<正>The intense tectonic activities and complex geomorphology have made the Tibetan Plateau the highly potential area of mountain hazards,including glacial lake outburst,torrential loods,debris lows,landslides,and avalanches,especially caused by the coupling of avalanches,glacier movement,snow melting,and extreme precipitation  相似文献   

Sustainability transitions: An emerging field of research and its prospects   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Sustainability oriented innovation and technology studies have received increasing attention over the past 10-15 years. In particular, a new field dealing with “sustainability transitions” has gained ground and reached an output of 60-100 academic papers per year. In this article, we aim to identify the intellectual contours of this emerging field by conducting a review of basic conceptual frameworks, together with bibliographical analysis of 540 journal articles in the field. It is against this background that we position the six papers assembled in a special section in Research Policy. These papers pave the way for new conceptual developments and serve as stepping-stones in the maturation of sustainability transition studies, by linking with the scholarly literatures of management studies, sociology, policy studies, economic geography, and modeling.  相似文献   

主导逻辑作为企业内部主导的一般管理逻辑,是指导企业制定相关战略决策、采取行动以快速响应外部动态复杂的市场环境的先导模块,对组织的战略决策、战略部署及战略执行具有指导作用而备受学界关注。本文以1986-2020年间与研究主题相关的211篇中外文文献为研究对象,在可视化分析的基础上归纳并整理现有研究成果,总结出主导逻辑的发展进程、概念内涵、形成机制、特性及类型划分等内容,并从与主导逻辑相关的企业竞争优势、价值创造及服务创新等热点议题对已有研究进行系统梳理,构建了主导逻辑理论知识框架。本文较为系统全面的梳理了主导逻辑理论现有研究,同时期望能够引起我国学者的关注,进一步探寻组织内部多元主导逻辑共存的内在机制,完善相关理论体系;补充服务主导逻辑对消费者影响的相关研究,丰富多类型主导逻辑的认知及作用机理;期望学界产出更多以具有我国国情特色的管理实践现象为研究土壤的高质量研究,从而为实践界在动态复杂的外部环境中构建主导逻辑提升组织竞争能力提供丰富的理论借鉴。  相似文献   

数字化转型研究:演化和未来展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与数字化转型相关的研究议题已经逐渐融入创新、创业等诸多领域,并成为当前重要的研究方向之一。针对目前该领域缺乏系统性回顾的研究现状,本文通过对数字化转型领域经济和管理类文献的系统梳理,聚焦数字化转型研究发展和应用场景演变的整个过程,围绕数字技术对社会发展的影响,探究数字化转型研究的演进过程。研究基于重要文献的具体研究内容及数字技术与社会发展的融合程度,采用定量与定性相结合的方式,从三个阶段解析数字化转型研究的演化过程,系统性归纳了数字化转型研究发展的过程及主要应用场景,探索性地提出了推动数字化转型研究不断演进的三个因素。研究结果表明:(1) 数字技术应用给传统产业发展带来新的挑战,促使产业层面创新理论和实践的转型,推动学术界持续聚焦数字技术创新及其应用情景方向上研究的不断深化;(2)在数字经济时代,数字技术通过创造新产品、新服务和新业态重构产业的商业模式及战略,推动与数字化转型活动相关的价值获取及创造方式等研究议题的持续展开;(3)数字创新成为产业数字化的重要基础,数字创业成为数字产业化的重要支撑及数字创新价值创造的重要实践,推动学术界对以“数字”为基础研究的不断涌现。在此基础之上,本文还对数字化转型的未来研究方向进行了解析。研究内容对该领域的理论研究发展和产业实践创新提供了知识增量。  相似文献   

Large animals (non-human primates, livestock and dogs) are playing important roles in biomedical research, and large livestock animals serve as important sources of meat and milk. The recently developed programmable DNA nucleases have revolutionized the generation of gene-modified large animals that are used for biological and biomedical research. In this review, we briefly introduce the recent advances in nuclease-meditated gene editing tools, and we outline these editing tools’ applications in human disease modeling, regenerative medicine and agriculture. Additionally, we provide perspectives regarding the challenges and prospects of the new genome editing technology.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on the location and regional effects of science and technology (S&T) in the context of developed economies. Two processes associated with the creation of new products, agglomeration and spin-off, act to attract further innovative activity in those regions. Other regions, where R&D and related activities do not take place, are unlikely to be the locations of new-product production, and instead will tend to specialize in the production of standardized products. Both corporate and government R&D rely on pools of technical labor for technological and new-product activities; these pools of mobile workers are most attracted to large urban areas. In only some of these areas, however, does the spin-off process result in the generation of new technology-based firms. The availability of local venture capital appears to be the principal influence on this variation. Government policy regarding science and technology has impacts on regions by contributing to the agglomeration of R&D. Government policy also often fails to recognize that S&T policy and industrial policy have regional effects that may be long-term in nature and most detrimental to those regions whose economies are least competitive. Finally, some priorities for future research on innovation in a regional setting are identified.  相似文献   

 社会工程是关于社会事物再造和社会结构设计的理论与方法。工程活动的本质是创造一种新的社会存在,作为工程活动核心环节的工程决策是对工程活动涉及的要素、关系和规律进行设计、权衡和选择的过程。工程决策有社会决策和技术决策始终交织在一起,共同影响工程的决策过程和结果。从工程决策的过程和结果看,工程决策更主要的方面是社会决策,其本质是非线性的社会工程决策。  相似文献   

韩启德 《学会》2003,(11):22-23
现代医学未来前景的展望对现代医学的展望 ,未来是更美好呢 ,还是会有更大的问题呢 ?一般我们都乐观地认为明天会更好。但明天究竟会怎样呢 ?我们能否具体展望一下2 1世纪的医学发展呢 ?我的观点是 ,实际上我们无法具体预言明天会出现什么新的东西。在 1899年的时候 ,也有人预测 2 0世纪医学发展的前景。但没有人想到会有化学药品 ,更没想到我们会有基因工程。 1987年时 ,一家大医药公司组织二十多位知名医学家预测医学的发展前景。他们预测到 2 0 0 0年时 ,①艾滋病、麻疹将被消灭 ;②癌症的治愈率提高到 2 / 3;③多数状况下冠脉搭桥术将被…  相似文献   

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